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  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

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[] Write-in: Share them with the Twins and Oriacarius: Oriacarius is a man adapt to suspect information with a series of contingencies and the Hydra are capable of finding tangible proof not to mention this could unit the Hydra and besides, Three Heads is better than One or Two.

It is yes, but as mentioned do beware the consequences of spreading this information.
I would rather tell them of the info than not but we could have them swore an oath to be mindful of it. While nothing is true everything is permitted for the twins, we need to be able to have them trust us to speak truth as we know it. Trust but verify.
I feel It might be better to take a position on the civil war other then we aren't participating, going to kill demons.

If we do that then whoever wins will just think that we were very poor allies to have and didn't help much.

If we want to stay neutral it might be best to declare that more specifically. That we are dismayed by and don't approve of the Emperors current policies and actions but we also feel that primarchs fighting primarchs is a absolutely horrible thing to happen for everyone.

We feel there must be a better way to resolve things and wish to set ourselves to the side as a neutral party to facilitate communication and problem solving for everyone and prevent as much internal conflict in the Imperium as we can... while we kill demons.

...or something to that effect.
I feel It might be better to take a position on the civil war other then we aren't participating, going to kill demons.

If we do that then whoever wins will just think that we were very poor allies to have and didn't help much.

If we want to stay neutral it might be best to declare that more specifically. That we are dismayed by and don't approve of the Emperors current policies and actions but we also feel that primarchs fighting primarchs is a absolutely horrible thing to happen for everyone.

We feel there must be a better way to resolve things and wish to set ourselves to the side as a neutral party to facilitate communication and problem solving for everyone and prevent as much internal conflict in the Imperium as we can... while we kill demons.

...or something to that effect.
We aren't incapable of changing our stance later. If the Emperor does something really fucked up or we find evidence of something that makes for a really good rallying point against him, we can shift our gears. But Kesar's actual usefulness in a civil war is very limited. Remember how Epsilon-354 destroyed us? That's not far off from trying to siege, say, a major Fortress World that Emps kept his eye on. Over 60,000 Space Marines, Kesar, his flagship, and 2 (later 3) Heroes and what was the end result? A humiliating defeat. Put the Wardens up against Daemons and they'll do well. Anything else and they suck total ass. So there's not much being missed out on for the rebels as far as I can tell.
While we aren't awful at fighting Orks and the like, it should be remembered that we are, for better or worse, hyper-specialized toward fighting daemons. I want us to leverage the benefits of this so people don't focus on that potential disadvantage. Above all else, we are the defacto masters of fighting daemons save for the Emperor's own on Terra, and we aren't being allowed to do a job that no one else wants or can do to our skill level, and we want to do it.

Whether you think us madmen or not, this gives our names, mission, and mandate power.
total neutrality is a bad idea,the civil war isnt gonna last forever,and for whoever wins,a total neutral legion would esentially be a wild card legion,a military force non aligned to them that still holds a vital duty for their survival (demon hunting)
thats something that must be disarmed,re-educated and re-integrated

some form of militar neutrality but diplomatic support should be enough

"we agree with the rebels in many issues,we still consider the war a waste of lifes and still have a important duty that doesnt allow us to get involved"

esentially a "strong worded letter"

even just superficial token support of the rebels might lend them more legitimacy and support
[X] Plan In for a Penny, In for a Pound V.1 + twins

If we don't tell the Twins their rift could only exaceberated and this is the best oppertunity we have to tell them both, we may never get a chance like this after secession.
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We took chances of convincing Magnus to shares the finding on Angron. So, I would want us to do the same for the twins. For good or for ills, they are in positions to find last minutes info that might save or break in a clutch.
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total neutrality is a bad idea,the civil war isnt gonna last forever,and for whoever wins,a total neutral legion would esentially be a wild card legion,a military force non aligned to them that still holds a vital duty for their survival (demon hunting)
thats something that must be disarmed,re-educated and re-integrated
If you're referring to Emps? Maybe. If you're referring to the rebels? No, they know how to play the game, and they know Kesar is also trying his best to prepare without setting things off early. Some like Mortarion may disagree and want full blown military action ASAP, but the likes of Konrad, Vulkan, and especially Corvus and Roboute aren't going to consider Kesar an enemy or a threat just because he's not publicly declaring for them. Secession itself is plenty of evidence in their favor.

Besides, Kesar expressed public sympathies for the reformists before.
We took chances of convincing Magnus to shares the finding. So, I would want us to do the same for the twins. For good or for ills, they are in positions to find last minutes info that might save or break in a clutch.
What findings? The thing with Emps' mass replacement scheme? Magnus doesn't know that, we learned it as a direct favor from Cegorach.
And we don't tell them keeping this a secret from them could make a rift between Kesar and them.
If they find out. The Twins have been operating under this logic for decades now, even with Kesar. Turnabout is fair play, especially with the risks involved.
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What findings? The thing with Emps' mass replacement scheme? Magnus doesn't know that, we learned it as a direct favor from Cegorach
Oh I am actually referring to Magnus sharing Angron circumstances with our camp with Morty and Horus even if we get the chance of getting mind wiped. I know BjgE scheme is way bigger than that but the twins deserved to know what BjgE is up to.
If they find out. The Twins have been operating under this logic for decades now, even with Kesar. Turnabout is fair play, especially with the risks involved.

But after Sucession we may never get the time to tell the Twins and if we don't by then they will continue to split further as things get worse and worse and we already are gonna force them in choosing side with Kesar sucessiding and would demand answers when they meet Kesar right after we announced our sucession and not to mention the more they are kept in the dark the more likely Mal and Big E would take advantage of their ignorance to do their dirty work.
Oh I am actually referring to Magnus sharing Angron circumstances with our camp with Morty and Horus even if we get the chance of getting mind wiped. I know BjgE scheme is way bigger than that but the twins deserved to know what BjgE is up to.
The difference is that Horus, Morty, and Kesar were all ostensibly on Magnus' side. The Twins may be Kesar's friends, but they're not his allies here. If Magnus told the truth, it wasn't going to lead to Mortarion trying to murder Ahriman. If we tell the truth, it could very well lead to Omegon killing Magnus or Corvus
But after Sucession we may never get the time to tell the Twins and if we don't by then they will continue to split further as things get worse and worse and we already are gonna force them in choosing side with Kesar sucessiding and would demand answers when they meet Kesar right after we announced our sucession and not to mention the more they are kept in the dark the more likely Mal and Big E would take advantage of their ignorance to do their dirty work.
Or they don't. Consider: telling them leads to their split becoming completely irreversible, with Omegon believing that Kesar has been deceived and that the entire rebel cause is a puppet of the Eldar while Alpharius believes Kesar and would oppose Omegon's attempts to put down reformist elements in human space. Or both go "Oh shit, the Eldar got to you too" and suddenly Alpharius jumps right on back to the loyalist side because he prefers Emps over alien manipulators. Whereas if they are not told, then Omegon could be convinced in another way.

If the Twins were willing to keep Kesar informed then maybe this would be a problem. But they don't. Kesar has 0 clue what the Hell they've been doing for decades now. They have no right to this information which we have been told explicitly can have disastrous ramifications if shared, and which we have no evidence for at all except for the good word of an alien prophet and his alien trickster god co-worker.
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