You are Rhaenyra Targaryen, eldest child of King Viserys Targaryen, the first of his name. After the tragic death of your mother and newborn brother, and the disgrace of your uncle Daemon, your father has seen fit to name you Princess of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne. Declaring to the whole Realm that one day you will be it's ruling queen, a first for the Seven Kingdoms. Even now you can see many lords are skeptical and may oppose you rule in time. Can you navigate the treacherous path that lay before you, avoid your canonical fate and become the first true Dragon Queen of Westeros.
You stand in the throne room, the many blades of the Iron throne flanking you as you stare into a hall filled with almost every lord of note in the Seven Kingdoms, from Hightowers to Starks, Greyjoys to Royces. A cascade of various colors and banners stretches out before before your eyes. All gathered to swear fealty to the King's new heir, to swear feality to you, Rhaenyra Targaryen. A few months ago this would have seemed impossible, you were your father's only living child yes and a skill dragon rider in your own right but you were a girl and to many the pervious king, the one had made your father, Viserys, his heir and successor, had made it clear a woman was not allowed to sit the Iron Throne in her own right. And your father had never shown much interest in having you as his heir, keeping his brother Daemon as heir as he tried desperately to have a son. But a great many things had changed in those months.
Your mother was dead, along with the brother you could have had. Your uncle disgraced himself in the night following their passing, leading to Daemon storming out of the city on dragonback in a dark fury as your father revealed to you the secrets of your family line. Before then you had another title, a nickname really, one given to you by your father. You were-
Nickname (Origins)
[] The Realm's Delight (Canon)
Before today you were viewed largely as King Visery's beautiful daughter, one of the fairest princesses the Realm had known in some time, but of course you were so much more than that. You were charming, when you wanted to be, quick witted, and a skilled dragon rider. For the past few years you have wanted nothing more than to ride your Dragon Syrax and eat cakes with your best friend Alicent Hightower. Had your parents given you a brother that lived you likely would have ended up as his consort, but that was not to be. Despite the nickname and naming you heir, your relationship with your father has been awkward and tense for a few years now. He had always so wanted a son and you were little more than his cupbearer much of the time. You were much closer with your uncle, Daemon often giving you gifts when he returned from his many adventures. Though with you taking Daemon's place as heir to the Iron Throne, both relationships may soon change drastically. As you look out at the lords before you see some uncertainty among the crowd but nothing of particular note. You sense that there are more than a few objections to the idea of a woman being heir but none particularly focused on you personally for the moment
Your Relationship with your Father is: Complicated
Your Relationship with Alicent is: Strong
Your Relationship with Daemon is: Decent
Your Dragon is: Typical for its age, well behaved by dragon standards.
Gain Traits: Beautiful, Kind
[] The Scholar
You have been buried in books since probably before you could walk. Were you man you probably would have already forged a few links at the Citadel. You've met more than one Maester who you outmatched in smarts and knowledge, that much was for sure. You loved reading the histories of Nymeria's ten thousand ships and your ancestor's conquest with Alicent Hightower but your real passions lay in exploring the mysteries of old Valyria with your father. The two of you had spent many a moon pouring over the ancient texts, translating them and making the plans for the stonemasons. You can say with fair confidence that a solid third of your father's grand model of Valyria's capital city exists thanks to your efforts. You are well learned many subjects, froms the histories of the great houses of westeros, to the many facets of stewardship, and the kingdom's complicated trade relationship with the various cities of Westeros. Your father believes you are well prepared for the burden he has placed on you, he has in fact expressed his deepest regrets over not realizing he had a suitable heir already. But as you look around you see doubts in the faces of the lords swearing fealty to you. You are a bookish girl, little known to the Realm at large, barely ever seen at court. They see you as weak, perhaps even weaker than the average woman would be in your position. You know your uncle Daemon will not react well to be replaced by you. He once called you "Vaegon with tits"' after the Old King's barely remembered youngest son, and has remarked on more than one occasion how boring he finds you. Despite this, you are not without support, many in court understand that you are a bright young woman who's brilliant mind is full of wonderful and quite ambitious ideas.
Your Relationship with your Father is: Excellent
Your Relationship with Alicent is: Strong
Your Relationship with Daemon is: Poor
Your Dragon is: Small for it's Age and Timid
Gain Traits: Scholar, Reserved.
[] Visenya Reborn
You came out of the womb fighting, it is said, a fitting start for what you have become. You are strong and tall, not just for a woman your age but even compared to men of your age as well. More than one person has compared you to Visenya Targaryen, one of Aegon the Conqueror's sister-wives and fierce warrior in her own right. All your life you've wanted to be like her, a warrior, perhaps even a knight. Naturally such things were considered impossible for women and any chance at being trained was refused to you. So you started getting into fights with boys your age. After being found by the Kingsguard with blooded knuckles or a broken nose on far too many occasions, your father gave in and hired a Master-at-arms to train you, declaring that if you were going to keep getting into fights you should at least learn to do it properly. You took quite well to training, quickly developing skill with the sword and with a lance, much to the frustration of your father, and your friend Alicent. The exceptional treatment you have gotten clearly does not sit well with the more proper Hightower lady and the two of you don't speak that much these days, though you have noticed that when you train in the yards she is almost always watching you, often quite intently. At first your uncle encouraged your interests but as you grew older, and more brash and bold, he grew distant, you sense he feels threatened by you to some extent. As you stand before the gathered lords, dressed in armor instead of silks, you see a wide variety of expressions staring back at you. From the Starks, Strongs and Baratheons you see curiosity, perhaps even approval. A respect for strength despite its origins. From others you see confusion, revulsion, contempt, even scorn. They hide it as best they can but you see it all the same, to many of these lords you're a freak, a misbegotten thing your father has given too much indulgence. You will prove them wrong in time, of that you are certain.
Your Relationship with your Father is: Complicated
Your Relationship with Alicent is: Very Complicated
Your Relationship with Daemon is: Wary
Your Dragon is: Large for it's age and eager for battle.
Gain Traits: Strong, Defiant
As you look at the crowd, at the men who would one day be your bannermen and call you Queen. You think to future and your dreams and plans for it. You would be queen, that was certain, no matter who challenged you, are there would be challengers of that you had little doubt, but there was more to your goals then just being Queen.
Goals (up to three. Not counting the mandatory one). These are your goals for the years to come, what you seek to accomplish now that you are heir to the Iron Throne, these goals will shape much of the actions you may take on an average turn. Success with a goal brings with it many rewards, while failures and setbacks may have consequences for you, mentally as well as physically.
[X] To become Queen (Mandatory)
While you may have hesitation about your role as heir, as you see the crowd standing before know you know you will never waiver, your father made you heir and one day you will sit the Iron Throne, no matter who gets in your way.
[] To become a Knight (Visenya Reborn only)
While you maybe a warrior now, you seek to be something more, something no woman has ever become, a knight. You want to be annointed by a septon and swear your vows as another warrior puts his sword upon your shoulder, you want to knock men off their horses with your lance. To be a knight would be the ultimate validation of your training, proof that you are not simply tough for a women as so many claim, but you are a warrior in your own right who should be respected and feared.
[] To build a New Valyria (The Scholar only)
The more you studied the ancient texts the more you realized how much was lost with the doom. The Freehold was monstrous, that you cannot deny, but the magics and sciences they had were almost beyond belief. Much of that is lost, but perhaps not quite as much as people think. You have uncovered much in you studies of the ancient texts, more than just records of what was. Fragmented passages provide hints at how they constructed their cities, how they were able to use magic so easily. Westeros will never be Valyria but you're convinced you can use some of the Freehold's secrets to make the Seven Kingdoms so much more than they are.
[] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax (The Realm's Delight only)
Alicent has been your friend for as long as you can remember and you have been passionate about dragon riding since your dragon, Syrax, was large enough to carry you. Syrax is nearly big enough to carry two people without discomfort for any involved. And yet Alicent refuses to even consider going for a ride. Not of fear of Syrax, rather she fears she will look improper. That absurdity is preventing your friend from sharring in one of your greatest passions. You can fix this, you know you can. With some work you're certain you can convince Alicent to take at least one ride with you.
[] To have an Adventure
You are Ten and Four years of age, your father is in his prime. It will in all likelyhood be many decades before you sit the Iron Throne. Time enough for you to live, to do something you've never done before, something drastic and bold, something unsuited for a common princess but something not entirely unreasonable for an to the throne to do. You aren't sure what yet, fight pirates in the Stepstones, explore Essos, fly Syrax east as far as you dare, but it will come to you in time.
[] To find Love
Your parents loved each other deeply, the void left by your mother's death was proof enough of that. While the end result terrifies you, you cannot deny you want something similar to what your parents had. You want to love someone so deeply that leaves a mark on your very soul and for them love you as much in turn. It doesn't have to be your husband, it need not even be a man. You're not really sure what you're looking for, perhaps it is someone you already know, or a complete stranger. All you know is they must be out there somewhere.
[] To sit on the Small Council
You are heir to the Iron Throne, and your father's cup bearer. While the latter gives you a great position to listen in on the dealings of the small council it provides little in the way of power, or even respect. If you are going to one day sit the Iron Throne, you need to be more than just a cupbearer, you need a seat on this council, to have a voice in the Iron Throne's affairs. This will give you the practice you need to prepare for your own rule and it will help establish your presence in politics to the lords of Westeros.
[] To Conquer
Aegon built a lot in a short time but you can't help but feel the work is unfinished. Dorne stands defiant of your family's dragons, their knees still unbent. And what of the Stepstones, for how long has such vital shipping lanes been allowed to remain a haven for pirates? The realm has known peace for decades but to what end? The Iron Throne belongs to the last dragon riders left in the known world, it's high time your family put them to use again.
[] To be the Greatest
Aegon forged the Realm and Jaehaerys brought it stablilty but you could be be better than either of them. You will show the lords of the Realm that not only can a woman rule in her own right, they could rise to greatness if given the chance. The road to glory will not be easy or safe, but you are confident you can master it if given time. By the time you're gone they won't speak of any of the kings who came before, they will only speak of you.
[] Write-in (Subject to QM approval)
QM's Note: So a couple of notes, this will generally follow the canon of House of the Dragon save for maybe a few changes. Generally assume that everything save Rhaenyra herself, followed show canon up to the end of episode 1. Also this quest is going to have some mechanics, which I will get into soon, but some of it is background stuff, but the focus here is much more on narrative, I want the readers to be more focused on creating an interesting story then turning Rhaenyra into some canal-building Goblin. Also if anyone would be willing to collabrate with me on this quest or beta read at least I would greatly appericate it. While I have a solid idea of what I want from this quest, it's been a very long time since I've even tried to do a quest so I am nervous.
Princess of Dragonstone, Heir to the Iron Throne, Ser
Visenya Reborn, The Dragon Knight
3,500 Gold Dragons, Shadowcat Cloak
44 out of 100
These are here largely as a general assement of Rhaenyra's skills and as a means of tracking progress. While the focus here is more on narrative over mechanics, with dice rolls only being occasionally used when the situation calls for it, it is important to keep Rhaenyra's general skills in mind when attempting an actions. You will not have much success trying spy craft against Daemon for example if Rhaenyra's skills at intigue are mediocre at best.
You are nothing short of a prodigy with the blade, there are knights a decade older than you who will never approach your skill. A combination of intense training and natural talent have made one of the greatest fighters of your age.
You're read enough history to understand the very basics of warfare but that's it. Tactics and strategy are largely unknown to you at the moment. You're a fighter, not a leader.
As a Princess and future heir to the throne you've had a basic education in matters of trade and coin but little beyond that. You know enough to spot an obvious scam and keep up with most of what the Master of Coin says but most expect you to leave matters of money to those better trained in the matter.
Before you were even heir there was the expectation you would one day run your husband's household and hold court while he was away. Thus You have been given a fairly decent education in running a household or large projects, though there is still much you can learn.
You've been given the basics of training in Leadership and you have begun to show the realm just what kind of leader you can be, though you still have a long ways to go.
You have a decent grasp on the basics of diplomacy and you can be quite charming when you want to be. There's still much room for improvement of course.
So far your training in subterfuge has begun and ended with figuring out how to sneak out of your quarters and get into fights with the stableboys when you were younger. Cloak and shadows have little place in your fathers court and you had little chance or desire to learn.
You have honed your mind almost as well as you have honed you blade. While there are many subjects that you know little of, your grasp of the histories, both recent and Valyrian, is arguably better than many maesters.
Dragon Riding
You are a skilled Dragon Rider, but you lack any true combat experince, though a fair amount of practice does somewhat make up for that.
Dragon Bond
You and Syrax are very close, you understand her before she even makes a noise, when you talk to her you are certain she is listening, and when you are hurt you swear sometimes she shares your pain. In flight you are not rider and dragon, but two souls operating in unison.
You know little of magic besides some of it's history. Recently though, you've begun to have dreams that are far more real than anything you've ever experinced before.
Traits are defining aspects of Rhaenyra as a character. These are largely reflective of her personalty and character, if she's kind or cruel, reclusive or adventerous, with a few special cases such as Scholar and Strong. Traits shape a lot of the narrative. A brave and defiant Rhaenyra is probably going to have quite different interactions with Otto Hightower most of the time compared to a more reserved and even tempered Rhaenyra. certain options are open only to certain traits. Taking options that go against Rhaenyra's traits can cause Stress, for traits such as Strong and Scholarly, long term neglect of Rhaenyra's physical or mental training can cause Stress instead as she finds herself losing things she has come to prize highly about herself. Pivot moments, repeated behavior and other things can cause Rhaenyra to gain Traits, have them modified or lose them.
If you were a man you would probably have already claimed Ser Harwin Strong's title of strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms. You cut a striking figure, tall, solidly built, with muscles like a maiden's dream as they like to say. Though in your experince you have more than a fair few boys and men starring at you along with the women when you train, some just to gawk and mock you of course, but your strength has won you your share of admirers. Your strength is remarkable for your age, practically unheard of for a woman. With proper training you could become one of the deadliest fighters in the Seven Kingdoms. While luck or the gods made this strength relatively easy for you to acquire, it is something that needs constant work to maintain. If you don't train enough your skills with the sword may start to fade, and your hard earned muscles will begin to disappear.
Many men call you stubborn, but that's not true. You can be quite agreeable when you want to be, it's just when the men in your life try to confine you to a life of pretty dresses and act as a broodmare for some lord you were forced to marry to better your family's position. You are a Targaryen, you can command dragons and their blood flows through your viens, why should you be expected to behave like some common noble woman? You do not take kindly to being told you can't do something because of your gender and you make it known, sometimes loudly. More often then not you do what you see as best no matter what anyone says, even if it may cost you politically.
Your grandfather and grandmother loved each other deeply and passionately, as did your mother and father. While both relationships ended tragically, that love has left an impression on you. Whatever your feelings on having children, you believe love is a vital part of life. You want more than a husband who does his duty, or a night of passion with someone you care little for, you want love, you want romance. You want men to compete for your hand, you want women to offer you the favors as you compete in a tourney. While you're aware the romances in the stories, are just that, stories. You want some of that in your life. The person you fall in love with doesn't need to be the person you marry, but the thought of being trapped in a loveless marriage without anyone to find solace in leaves you terrified. And you know if you ever do fall in love, you would be hard pressed to even consider putting them aside, no matter the complications that may arise.
While not a natural scholar you have developed both a talent and passion for your studies. What some would dismiss as the tedious work of maesters, you have come to find quite enjoyable and even relaxing at times. Hours spent by candlelight almost buried by various texts and ancient tomes is a fine way to send an evening in your opinion. You have a kind of diligence in your studies, able to carefully sift through piles of seemingly useless or half ruined texts to find the information you need. What would take the average lord, those who can read at least, months to uncover you can uncover in greater detail in a matter of weeks.
Nothing worth having comes easy. Your birthright may have made you heir to the Iron Throne, but it's hard work that sharpened your mind, gave your sword arm and made you a knight. And it is hard work that will actually put you on your father's throne. You don't leave things have finished, you are willing to work at a task for hours on end, even until the night, to ensure it's done. When you train at something you put your heart and soul into it, loathe to put aside until you are satisfied with your progress. A prince might be able to rest easy in your position, but that is a luxury you cannot afford, and in truth it's one your grown a distinct distaste for. After all, hours spent lounging around doing nothing could be better spent practicing with your sword, studying the histories, or working on a poem for a fair maiden.
Goals things Rhaenyra wants to achieve, from things as simple as finding someone to love to as grand as conquering Dorne. The main thing goals do is help define what options Rhaenyra has on the average turn. After all, A Rhaenyra who's not a warrior and has no desire to become a knight would have little use for training in the yard or competing in a tourney as a mystery knight. Completing a quest will usually have some matter of benefits. Failing a Quest on the other hand is a lot harder as it means not only as Rhaenyra failed in an effort, she's in a situation where her goal is no longer physically possible or for some reason she has given up on it all together. This naturally will lead to a great deal of Stress.
To Become Queen
While you may have hesitation about your role as heir, as you see the crowd standing before know you know you will never waiver, your father made you heir and one day you will sit the Iron Throne, no matter who gets in your way.
To Become A Knight
While you maybe a warrior now, you seek to be something more, something no woman has ever become, a knight. You want to be annointed by a septon and swear your vows as another warrior puts his sword upon your shoulder, you want to knock men off their horses with your lance. To be a knight would be the ultimate validation of your training, proof that you are not simply tough for a women as so many claim, but you are a warrior in your own right who should be respected and feared.
To Find Love
Your parents loved each other deeply, the void left by your mother's death was proof enough of that. While the end result terrifies you, you cannot deny you want something similar to what your parents had. You want to love someone so deeply that leaves a mark on your very soul and for them love you as much in turn. It doesn't have to be your husband, it need not even be a man. You're not really sure what you're looking for, perhaps it is someone you already know, or a complete stranger. All you know is they must be out there somewhere.
To sit on the Small Council
You are heir to the Iron Throne, and your father's cup bearer. While the latter gives you a great position to listen in on the dealings of the small council it provides little in the way of power, or even respect. If you are going to one day sit the Iron Throne, you need to be more than just a cupbearer, you need a seat on this council, to have a voice in the Iron Throne's affairs. This will give you the practice you need to prepare for your own rule and it will help establish your presence in politics to the lords of Westeros.
Master a Skill
Few things are better than seeing your hard work pay off. Part of you will always strive towards perfection even if realistically it is impossible. You want to master a skill, and be acknowledged for it. Be it a master of the blade, a poet without peer, or a law-giver greater than even Lord Strong. The specific talent or skill does not matter, just so long as you master whatever you apply yourself to. No matter what it will take considerable time and effort, but the same was true of most things worth doing in life.
Relationships of Note
King Viserys Targaryen
Warm But Frustrated
Your father, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, the man who made you heir to the Iron Throne.
Health Status: Beginning to Decline
Queen Johanna Targaryen née Westerling
Your father's second wife and Queen Consort.
Princess Helaena Targaryen
Johanna's Eldest Daughter and Your Half-Sister
Princess Aelora Targaryen
Johanna's Daughter and Your Half-Sister. Possibly the subject of some very odd dreams as well
Prince Daemon Targaryen
"The Rogue Prince", your uncle and your father's younger brother. He had been heir before you.
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
"The Queen Who Never Was", Your Cousin and one time contender for the Iron Throne. Spouse of Lord Corlys.
Lady Alicent Hightower
Getting Serious
Daughter of the hand of the king and your oldest friend by far. Your Lady.
Your bounded Dragon. She has yellow scales and green eyes. A Medium sized dragon but it is growing larger
Prince Qoren Nymerios Martell
The Ruling Prince of Dorne
Ser Otto Hightower
Hand of the King to your father.
Ser Gwayne Hightower
Hesistant Ally
Alicent's eldest brother.
Knight-Commander Harrold Westerling
Kingsguard, your former sworn shield, now Knight-Commander of the Kingsguard
Ser Raylon Tarly
Near Unquestioning Loyalty
Kingsguard, your new sworn shield.
Lord Lyman Beesbury
Master of Coin on the Small Council
Lord Lyonel Strong
Master of Laws on the Small Council
Lord Corlys Velyarion
"The Sea Snake" Now Former Master of Ships on the Small Council, Lord of Driftmark, Husband of Rhaenys Targaryen "The Queen Who Never Was".
Lady Jeyne Arryn
Ruling Lady of the Vale, your cousin on your late mother's side.
Lady Rhea Royce
Heir to Runestone, former wife of Daemon Targaryen
Alys Rivers
A Servant at Harrenhal
Jessamyn Redfort
Lady Jeyne Arryn's Handmaiden and Lover
Isembard Arryn
Hesitant Ally
Heir to the Cadet Branch of House Arryn in Gulltown. Something of a business partner to Rhaenyra
Canon Avoided
The canonical events of the Dance of Dragons and the years that came before it are no longer possible. Rhaenyra has weaved a new fate for the whole Realm.
First Sparks
You Have Begun a Romantic Relationship.
The Knight and the Lady
You have begun a Knightly Romance with Alicent Hightower.
An Enemy Within
You have earned the hatred of a noble house of note in Westeros.
This area will likely expand over the course of the thread. I should note there is some behind the scenes stats involved as well but those are largely kept hidden, don't worry about them. You will generally have a good idea how Rhaenyra's skills or strength compare to a challenge.
Traits are defining aspects of Rhaenyra as a character. These are largely reflective of her personalty and character, if she's kind or cruel, reclusive or adventerous, with a few special cases such as Scholar and Strong. Traits shape a lot of the narrative. A brave and defiant Rhaenyra is probably going to have quite different interactions with Otto Hightower most of the time compared to a more reserved and even tempered Rhaenyra. certain options are open only to certain traits. Taking options that go against Rhaenyra's traits can cause Stress, for traits such as Strong and Scholarly, long term neglect of Rhaenyra's physical or mental training can cause Stress instead as she finds herself losing things she has come to prize highly about herself. Pivot moments, repeated behavior and other things can cause Rhaenyra to gain Traits, have them modified or lose them.
Stress is exactly what it sounds like, Rhaenyra's stress level. Rhaenyra can gain stress from various things, failures, going against her Traits in a particularly notable manner, such as an Honorable Rhaenyra being forced to do something abhorrent or a Diligent one not able to complete a task to her satisfication. It can also be caused by failures, setbacks, general events (The death of her mother and newborn brother for example has caused Rhaenyra some stress for example). Stress can be Reduced by having Rhaenyra do less in a turn (unless Rhaenyra is Diligent or another trait that focuses a lot one work), spending time with loved ones or by having her do something she enjoys. Stress is on a scale of 1-100 points, if we hit a 100, Rhaenyra will likely either have an emotional event that is unlikely to help her and or gain a negative Trait. If you've played Crusader Kings III you get the jist of it, it's basically that.
Goals things Rhaenyra wants to achieve, from things as simple as finding someone to love to as grand as conquering Dorne. The main thing goals do is help define what options Rhaenyra has on the average turn. After all, A Rhaenyra who's not a warrior and has no desire to become a knight would have little use for training in the yard or competing in a tourney as a mystery knight. Completing a quest will usually have some matter of benefits. Failing a Quest on the other hand is a lot harder as it means not only as Rhaenyra failed in an effort, she's in a situation where her goal is no longer physically possible or for some reason she has given up on it all together. This naturally will lead to a great deal of Stress
Another key part of this quest is Rhaenyra's relationship with others. Do they love her, fear her, hate her, think of her as weak? These all effect no only the options we have when we interact with them, but can change their overall behavior towards Rhaenyra. If Rhaenyra somehow wins the unwavering loyalty of Otto Hightower for example , he won't plot against her like in Canon. Also Alicent, Viserys, Daemon and others have some unique relationships statuses with Rhaenyra compared to other figures.
[] Plan Roads, Canal and Gunpowder Time
-[] The Scholar
-[] To build a New Valyria
-[] To sit on the Small Council
-[] To be the Greatest
[X] Plan Roads, Canal and Gunpowder Time v2
-[X] The Scholar
-[X] To build a New Valyria
-[X] To sit on the Small Council
-[X] Write-in: Learn Alchemy
This is how we'll turn Westeros into an actual Kingdom instead of the feudal patchwork we have now! (May or may not actually have canals, I just added that in the plan name for the meme.)
[] Plan Roads, Canal and Gunpowder Time
-[] The Scholar
-[] To build a New Valyria
-[] To sit on the Small Council
-[] To be the Greatest
This is how we'll turn Westeros into an actual Kingdom instead of the feudal patchwork we have now! (May or may not actually have canals, I just added that in the plan name for the meme.)
The big drawback of going Scholar is that we'll probably have to fight Daemon at some point, and many lords would rather back the macho warrior man than a scholarly, "heretical" woman. I'd still like to go scholar, but it will be really tough. I think staying friends with Alicent and her kids (we could try and marry her firstborn son) is key.
The big drawback of going Scholar is that we'll probably have to fight Daemon at some point, and many lords would rather back the macho warrior man than a scholarly, "heretical" woman. I'd still like to go scholar, but it will be really tough. I think staying friends with Alicent and her kids (we could try and marry her firstborn son) is key.
Conflict with Daemon in most routes (Even to some extent Realm's delight) is more possible then you might realize, the man is quite chaotic and dangerous. Conflict can be avoided in all routes depending on how you handle things.
I should note it is entirely possible to avoid Alicent marrying Viserys. And since we're following show canon the age gulf between Rhaenyra and any half-siblings is going to be vast.
[X] Duty & Delight
-[X] The Realm's Delight (Canon)
-[X] To become Queen (Mandatory)
-[X] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax (The Realm's Delight only)
-[X] To sit on the Small Council
-[X] To find Love
[X] Duty & Delight
-[X] The Realm's Delight (Canon)
-[X] To become Queen (Mandatory)
-[X] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax (The Realm's Delight only)
-[X] To sit on the Small Council
-[X] To find Love
The way I see it there are three main ways to assure we, as Rhaenyra, sit on the throne:
1) Make sure Viserys never marries Alicent, and then marry Daemon
2) Still have Viserys marry Alicent, and then marry her firstborn son
3) Win a war for the throne
Whatever we do it seems likely there'll be considerable opposition to us claiming the throne. Therefore we'll likely have to either win a war for it, or marry the closest male claimant, meaning Daemon if Viserys never has a son and Viserys' oldest son if he does.
Consequently, since the quest's main goal seems to be to make it so Rhaenyra successfully obtains the throne, IMO our build in character generation should be built according to at least one of those three routes: One that'll help us marry Daemon, one that'll help us marry Viserys' oldest son, or one that will make us as good as possible at waging war, a route which should also require Visenya Reborn.
The way I see it there are three main ways to assure we, as Rhaenyra, sit on the throne:
1) Make sure Viserys never marries Alicent, and then marry Daemon 2) Still have Viserys marry Alicent, and then marry her firstborn son
3) Win a war for the throne
I think regardless if scholar or warrior, we'll be better off if we know how to lead. The Small Council aim makes sense to me.
And some sort of conflict will break out if we want to become Queen Regnant. The Scholar malus to reputation could be problematic. Visenya Reborn is much better in that regard - but even with a martial Rhaenyra we shouldn't take the Conquer aim, as that could obligate us to foreign adventures (like Daemon's taking of the Stepstones...) when we don't need it.
[x] Aegon with Tits
-[X] Visenya Reborn
-[X] To become a Knight (Visenya Reborn only)
-[X] To sit on the Small Council
-[X] To be the Greatest
It just seems very likely there'll be a war if we'll try to inherit by force of our own claim alone. Though maybe it'll be more destructive or less then the one in canon depending on how our actions affect things. In that regard the likeliest way to avoid one seems to be to unite our claim with that of the closest male claimant, that being Daemon if Viserys never remarries and Viserys' son if Viserys foes remarry.
For that matter marrying the oldest son with the oldest daughter to unite their claims had been what the Targs would do in general all the way to the Great Council that preceded the Dance.
The Lords of Dragonstone before the Conquest would typically wed the oldest son and oldest daughter, Aegon was considered to have a duty to marry his older sister, Visenya, Aenys wed his oldest son and oldest daughter together, and Jaehaerys wanted to marry his oldest daughter and son together before the former died of fever.
[X] Duty & Delight
-[X] The Realm's Delight (Canon)
-[X] To become Queen (Mandatory)
-[X] To convince Alicent to ride on Syrax (The Realm's Delight only)
-[X] To sit on the Small Council
-[X] To find Love
[X] Plan Blades and Ambitions
-[X] Visenya Reborn
-[X] To have an Adventure
-[X] To Conquer
-[X] To be the Greatest