Radana resisted the urge to massage her temples at the fact the design team was deadlocked, disappointingly for a good reason that made it difficult to simply overrule. It seemed that while all were in agreement that a specialized aircraft was what House Iris needed, the nature of said focus was highly disputed. Half the room wanted an interceptor around winning the fight in the air, while the other insisted that a general all purpose aircraft that would be of more use everywhere.
Eventually, she held up her hand to forestall another bubbling round of roundabout arguments, taking charge as the moderator of the discussion. There were some fearful looks when she stood up to address the room, so she tactfully began with reassurance. "You all prove yourselves worthy during this discussion, but I fear that while my lady is very ambitious,"
Ambitious in the sense she wants to find a way to be lazy all day, "We have the resources to move only one project ahead to completion at the moment. Seeing how time-sensitive the nature of this request is, then I will simply have it be whoever can build, prototype, and refine their product first."
This earned a round of side-eye looks and slightly uneasy glances. Radana closed her eyes and reflected that this might not necessarily be the best or safest way to resolve the issue. It was entirely possible that corporate espionage or forced overtime might tilt the scales either project's odds. But she had little choice and besides, there was once critical thing: her best friend likely already had spies infesting these companies. If they pulled something dirty or abusive, the Solar Princess could more than easily notice and flag it for later review.
Though it meant more work for the perpetually complaining royalty as well. The Camelia Knight let out a very undignified snort at that, not caring about the slightly shocked looks from the suits.
Serves her right for doing this to me again.
(Construct Post (Camp Barracks): 39 +17 (Kat) +1 (Wealth) = 57)
Progress: 5/3. Completed!
Camp Barracks have been built in Gawain. Wealth -2, Influence -2, Military +2
The vehicle salesman swallowed at the sight of the military lawyers examining the contract he laid out. After a quiet exchange with one another, they nodded and pushed the paper back to the dealership owner. "Acceptable." One of them gruffly told the relieved dealer and rose up from the chair. "Barely. We will be back if we hear you've changed the interest rates."
"Though if you keep your word, expect more than a few to come your way from word of mouth," The other lawyer mentioned with a nod. "The military does pay well after all."
"O-of course. I wouldn't want to take advantage of our brave soldiers!"
(Design Aircraft (Hellkitty): 59 +7 (Radana) +1 (Wealth) = 67)
(Design Aircraft (Witchfire): 99 + 7 (Radana) +1 (Wealth) = 107)
Progress: 4/6. In Progress.
You let out a low whistle while reading through the report, slowly shaking your head in a mix of disbelief and awe. "Wow. I have to admit, I was a bit suspect about the rate they were going through test pilots, but they actually did it."
"It's still in the testing phase, and hardly the most effective of outfits compared to our Guardian suits," Radana mentioned while bringing over a pot of tea. "It's also only working with this specific cockpit model at the moment with in-house software as well. They aren't sharing, despite the petitions of the other team."
You shrugged and dropped the report on your desk to pick up a filled cup. "They've earned the right to sit on those laurels for now, but I wouldn't count their rivals out yet. I'll leave it to you to decide if both sides deserve a fair shake at things. After all," You couldn't help and gave her a wide teasing grin, "You are the Marquise of Guns- ack!"
"Oh my," Radana flatly drawled at your choked coughing. "I think I may have forgotten to let the tea cool before serving. How clumsy of me."
"Curse this scorching yet delectable beverage!" At least she had a bottle of cold water to help cool your tongue down afterwards.
(Recruit Regiment (1st Andernian Guards): 28 +14 (Violet) +1 (Wealth) = 43)
Progress: 4/7. In Progress.
The door slammed open and the lights violently flicked on, inciting a round of exhausted groans from the slumbering recruits. Some even had the gall to protest, begging for sleep after a long day of physical training. The Drill Sergeant wasn't having any of it.
"You think the enemy's going to give you a chance for a good night's sleep?! No, they're going to slit your throats, and you won't hear a damn thing with all your snoring!" They hollered, grabbing and shaking the bedframes to force the boots to roll off. "I'm not having you sleep through a night raid, so get used to it! Up, in your gear, now! Go assemble and get ready in five minutes! And so help me, if any of you are missing equipment when I check, that's a smoking for all of you. So get moving and cover each other!"
Five minutes later, the red-eyed recruits were assembled. Ten minutes later, they nearly collapsed when their punishment push-ups were finally over. Fifteen minutes later, they were already back in their bunks, some of them weeping and others wondering if they would last another week like this.
Thirty minutes later, the lights came on again and the screams resumed. Sleep didn't come easy that night for the future soldiers of House Iris.
(Send Spies (House Iris Separatists): 4 +14 (Dorothea) +1 (Wealth) = 19)
Progress: 1/1. Completed!
Results: 89 -10 (Easy Operation) +20 (Spider's Web) = 99. Silenced Success.
The buggy was left behind and the operative carefully climbed up the small hill of black stones, taking care to not kick any rocks loose. Having the sound of a bouncing pebble draw attention to them now and ruin the operation now would be a disaster, especially after all the effort put into uncovering the Solar Princess' itinerary. Even then, it was a hassle to covertly 'borrow' an off-road vehicle to follow the small transport craft out beyond the city.
But it was all worth it now, as the spy inched forward on their belly and drew out a small electric scanner, one with a handy zoom function. It also happened to have a record and broadcast trigger, though they didn't know about it, especially as it was an aftermarket modification by their own boss. It meant that when the device was activated and the lens focused on what was being seen in the distance, the information was already being broadcast all the way to Andernia IV.
So that was how two daughters of the Late Solar King were looking at the grounded ruins of a colony ship with matching contemplative expressions.
- I'll still roll to see if the Hellkitty will catch up, but Witchfire smacked it out of the park for research and development. If it wins, it wins.
- You discovered your sister's plans early, so you have a slight wiggle room. Though not by much.