Department of Starship Design (Trek-ish)

I've got a Pathfinder game in about 2 minutes. I'll be back in a couple hours to cover my thoughts. That said the suggestion of going down to 4 gun batteries to get more locations to cover feels like a good one. Making sure you have guns that an bear on any target is very important for PD weapons.
If we do two in every slot that's 72 total beams ignoring the secondary hulls

78 with secondary hulls

Edit how much run time and power can we afford to spend on this? That's what's gonna dictate our battery size and count.
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Do we have an idea on how many projectors are needed for a 99% kill rate on an incoming torpedo?

The entire idea of these weapons is intercepting projectiles, so we dont need a shitton beyond countering an incoming salvo.

No way in hell these guns havent been tested against our own torpedoes in live fire tests, we should have data. Whatever number of weapons we need to reliably intercept our own, I'd say a 50% to 80% increase will reliably cover us against a foe with markedly better torpedoes.
If we do two in every slot that's 72 total beams ignoring the secondary hulls

78 with secondary hulls

Edit how much run time and power can we afford to spend on this? That's what's gonna dictate our battery size and count.
No. We absolutely can't. 35-45 is probably the range we should be looking at. Here's some tentative layouts, I don't think we should go below 4 because that means we're spending more and 36 spaces is a significant part of our remaining space that we probably don't need to spend.

[] Plan Easy 8s
-[] 2 5 gun T1 Batteries at E4
-[] 2 5 gun T1 Batteries at D1
-[] 2 5 gun T1 Battery at B2, 2 5 gun T1 Battery at B2

[] Plan 9 to 5
-[] 3 5 gun T1 Batteries split between radials
-[] 1 5 gun T1 Battery at F4
-[] 1 5 gun T1 battery at C1
-[] 2 5 gun T1 Battery at A1, 2 5 gun T1 Battery at A2

[] Plan 7 is lucky
-[] 3 5 gun T1 Batteries split between radials
-[] 1 5 gun T1 Battery at 5
-[] 1 5 gun T1 Battery at F4
-[] 1 5 gun T1 battery at C1
-[] 2 5 gun T1 Battery at B2

[X] Plan 4 times the fun
-[X] 3 4 gun T1 Batteries split between radials
-[X] 1 4 gun T1 Battery at F4
-[X] 1 4 gun T1 battery at C1
-[X] 2 4 gun T1 Battery at A1, 2 4 gun T1 Battery at A2

9-5 is what I'd consider the upper end of a reasonable PD grid, but Easy 8s has grown on me and we could very easily do a 9-4 that's nearly the cheapest option in terms of space. To better explain what these plans mean; 9-5 is the 3 radials, 2 on each broadside for coverage 1 fore and aft each; Easy 8s is 2 fore, aft, port, and starboard; 7 is 3 radials, 1 each broadside for and aft (the radials should partially cover forward and broadsides); 4 times is literally just 9-5 using 4 gun batteries to save around ~28 spaces worth of runtime and power.

I don't think the Lucky 7s is worth much consideration compared to 4 times the fun- the latter has better placement, costs maybe ~12% more MI, and takes up almost exactly as much space. Easy 8s would probably use the Radials to mount a few aux sensors- we'll want a few even if we can't fit the scientific suite to justify all 10.

Do we have an idea on how many projectors are needed for a 99% kill rate on an incoming torpedo?

The entire idea of these weapons is intercepting projectiles, so we dont need a shitton beyond countering an incoming salvo.

No way in hell these guns havent been tested against our own torpedoes in live fire tests, we should have data. Whatever number of weapons we need to reliably intercept our own, I'd say a 50% to 80% increase will reliably cover us against a foe with markedly better torpedoes.
I think people are getting too hung up on PD as an absolute defense. There's still evasion, and our hull can definitely take a few hits. I imagine a lot of the role of PD is going to be forcing proximity bursts rather than contact detonations in terms of abstractions, because mechanically- it's almost no different than adding to shields.

PD is not like the real world where it must be an absolute defense because any missile is a kill- it's just a layer to be stacked on top of shields, hull, and evasion to reduce the rate of incoming damage.

Edit: It's surprisingly more relevant than I had considered but we can also consider ourselves to effectively have a single extra T1 worth of point defense from the T2s at almost all angles.
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That's why I edited in the how much power/runtime can we afford to spend question.

My thinking was find our budget for PD, calc how many emitters that allows us then pick how many locations we want to divide those emitters between.
I can only reference Jalinth's baseline- and I don't fully agree with that- but the gist of it is at 50 T1s we should have 13 spaces left after power and runtime and a relatively comprehensive set of what all else we need. We can optimize that, and probably get close to 30 space before things get insanely critical but we also have other pending expenses. The 6 fore torpedo launchers I'm advocating would be 27 spaces for instance and we'll want at least 12 spaces for workshops. For every 5 T1s less than the baseline we add ~15 space to our remaining space budget. Hence why I'm leaning towards the 4 is fun plan- after we consider the T2s no facing has less than effectively 5 T1s and the broadsides would have effectively 9 before you consider the radials which would partially cover the broadsides and fore as well as potentially up and down. Aft is theoretically the weak link there, but we just mounted a pair of aft batteries that make that the second most dangerous place for a hostile ship to be and it's far and away the least vulnerable facing when we drop cloak and our shields aren't yet up- because why would we drop cloak with our ass hanging out?

~36 T1s lets us get ~28 more spaces combined with the 30 spaces I think we might be able to wrangle that's 58 spaces. Enough for 6 fore torpedo launchers, enough for a better science suite and keeping all ten aux sensors we planned on, enough for a large+normal workshop, or maybe extra medical facilities. We were told at 390kt the Guardian should fill an additional non-combat niche if at all possible, and I'm not sure the baseline Jalinth provided goes far enough. The best niches I think we might be able to fill are the best possible sensor suite we can manage, and maybe a role as something of a hospital ship for all the colonies it will presumably be garrisoning.
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after we consider the T2s no facing has less than effectively 5 T1s and the broadsides would have effectively 9 before you consider the radials which would partially cover the broadsides and fore as well as potentially up and down.

While it's good to have PD coverage everywhere, it seems to me to be most important to have it fore and aft; we've got fixed forward guns, and torpedoes are going to be particularly relevant weapons during pursuit, in either role.
I'm no Jalinth but I'm going try to present a list of my own to provide further context. Thanks for all the work you put in already. We should have about ~159 space to work with assuming 36 T1s and 6 torpedo launchers.
4Small Science Lab12
2Aux Sensors12
1Matter Printer224
3Large Cargo Bay36
2Small Cargo Bay4
1Heavy Workshop15
1Standard Workshop 6
1Medium Transporter Bay8
1Small Transporter Bay4
1Large Medical Bay18
1Medium Medical Bay8
2Small Medical Bay4
1Crew Lounge8

The idea here is to try and double down on medical facilities, in the event the Guardian is responding to an attack, or needs to provide medical support to a colony before it's established it's own. We have the Iron Roads as the industrial workhorse to support a colony, this can cover the other infrastructure a colony is normally lacking. Besides, if Starfleet Design quest taught me anything, it's that hospital ships sell. Keeping as many aux sensors as we can is probably worth it with the increased science from the workshops and if there's abstract benefits for a ship having exceptional sensors as implied by the Furious Wind, but even with my goalpost shifting this is a fairly tight list.

This list is not remotely final, I'm eager to consider anyone's thoughts.


While it's good to have PD coverage everywhere, it seems to me to be most important to have it fore and aft; we've got fixed forward guns, and torpedoes are going to be particularly relevant weapons during pursuit, in either role.
I can agree with fore given our prow batteries, but also because the time where PD is most relevant is when we're uncloaking and shields are down. And in such a scenario, we're almost always going to be facing the enemy head on without them in our sides or rear. Thankfully the radials are going to be great for covering that initial uncloaking where we're we've got our enemies where we want them and our hull is most vulnerable.
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This list is not remotely final, I'm eager to consider anyone's thoughts.
Mostly I'm looking at the Matter Printer and wondering if we really need that on a ship that's theoretically there for system defense.

The Iron Road design carries a Matter Printer, so it's not like colonies won't already have access to those. Are we getting significant mid-combat benefits from the extra Engineering?

And on a ship that we really want winning initiative in any fights that break out, more Aux Sensors seems better. We can't keep our civilian population cloaked, after all, and we went for a smaller number of cruisers over a larger number of frigates, so extra time to make intercepts in seems critical.
[X] Plan 4 times the fun
I like this plan. Tho, @Karugus did you maybe mean 4 guns for that last battery?

-[] 2 4 gun T1 Battery at A1, 2 5 gun T1 Battery at A2


I'm no Jalinth but I'm going try to present a list of my own to provide further context.
This looks really good. If we need to cut it down, I'd axe a small lab and/or med medbay first.

I might want to cut one anyways, to make space for more aux sensors.


Mostly I'm looking at the Matter Printer and wondering if we really need that on a ship that's theoretically there for system defense.

There has been a lot of arguing over this, recently. My opinion is that it's pretty critical to ship survivability, if we want the ability to fight anywhere outside the home system.
I'm reading that as "expensive luxury for a system defense boat," then.

Yeah, but these things aren't system defense boats. We were told that a ship this size would be expected to have significant secondary systems. We also shouldn't expect any colonies we set up in the future to have a dock capable of servicing a ship of this size.

[] Plan Fours Fore and Three More
-[] 3 4 gun T1 Batteries split between radials
-[] 1 3 gun T1 Battery at F4
-[] 1 3 gun T1 battery at C1
-[] 2 3 gun T1 Battery at A1
-[] 2 3 gun T1 Battery at A2

This is 30 T1s total with 4 gun batteries in the most important positions. This should be enough point defense, most factions don't make heavy use of torpedoes or armed shuttles. We were recommended to not go over 4 to a battery so I think we can go a bit under that in most places and end up with good enough point defense.
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Yeah, I'd support a Matter Printer on the Guardian, for the simple reason that for the immediately foreseeable future the Guardian will be our only class of heavy combat vessel. While we hope it spends its days as a home defense ship, it is better to be prepared for the possibility that it needs to be sent on the attack, as our only example of a captialweight warship. And the Matter Printer is just plain useful anyway. We can sacrifice a bit of point defenses to fit one in.
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[X] Plan 4 times the fun

Seems sensible. Easy 8s ain't bad either.
In just a single orbital plane, you could have thousands of Trek style 'drydocks'
I'm picturing a solar-system-scale Kessler cascade, now. It's not a happy picture XD

Luckily, we have a really clear species-wide tendency to build deep rather than wide. Thousands of drydocks strung out like pearls are far less likely than thousands of drydocks cut into the sides of a single g.d. artificial moon
Besides, if Starfleet Design quest taught me anything, it's that hospital ships sell.
Ain't that the fuckin truth.
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Mostly I'm looking at the Matter Printer and wondering if we really need that on a ship that's theoretically there for system defense.

The Iron Road design carries a Matter Printer, so it's not like colonies won't already have access to those. Are we getting significant mid-combat benefits from the extra Engineering?

And on a ship that we really want winning initiative in any fights that break out, more Aux Sensors seems better. We can't keep our civilian population cloaked, after all, and we went for a smaller number of cruisers over a larger number of frigates, so extra time to make intercepts in seems critical.
The matter printer has value in repairs if it's away from a colony. I personally think we're almost never going to be fighting anywhere that's not right on top of a colony. And certainly not before this thing gets refit with secondary computers- but it's important for a lot of people and it does provide useful engineering and repair capabilities. Besides, as others have kinda articulated- at this price and displacement we're obligated to show off some of the secondary benefits it brings besides pure combat- there's value in the optics of this thing being able to fight relatively away from easy repair, and even if the SU is far from expansionistic/imperialistic- it probably also doesn't want to fight a war over it's homes after the last major conflict that preceded it which killed billions.

As for the aux sensor... we know they have abstract benefits that aren't modeled just by the tactical score and the science given it's one of the reasons the Furious Wind was kept in service, but I'm hesitant to overvalue them and try and strictly identify what those abstract bonuses are without certainty. Are base sensors are explicitly some of the best we can make, so I don't want to assume we'd get much better detection from aux sensors, or as a hypothetical- if they help us penetrate cloaks or something.

I like this plan. Tho, @Karugus did you maybe mean 4 guns for that last battery?
Yes. Let me fix it.
This looks really good. If we need to cut it down, I'd axe a small lab and/or med medbay first.

I might want to cut one anyways, to make space for more aux sensors.
Keep in mind my list still left 6 spaces empty in case of something I missed or if we wanted to use more aux sensors. We may or may not be able to fit all 10, but I think we can certainly fit 7 or 8.

If we really want to fit all the aux sensors and maybe a bit more science to exploit the multipliers we'd be stacking (1.5 from aux sensors, 1.1 and 1.05 from the workshops, and 1.1 and 1.05 from the teleporter bays) we could save a bit more than 25 spaces if we planned on only powering 6 out of the 8 T2 batteries at a time. That would allow for one full broadside and the aft T2s to fire at the same time. Or aft+ventral/dorsal fire or a broadside+ventral/dorsal fire. I figure people are going to be skeptical of it, but worst case it would be corrected once the Guardian gets proper computers, or by turning off a single radial's guns. We can fit a fair bit more mission capability into this thing if we're willing to accept some slight tactical inflexibility- it'd still have full PD on all facing and full weapon capabilities on 3 facings at a time.
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[X] Plan Fours Fore and Three More
-[X] 3 4 gun T1 Batteries split between radials
-[X] 1 3 gun T1 Battery at F4
-[X] 1 3 gun T1 battery at C1
-[X] 2 3 gun T1 Battery at A1
-[X] 2 3 gun T1 Battery at A2
I think people are getting too hung up on PD as an absolute defense. There's still evasion, and our hull can definitely take a few hits. I imagine a lot of the role of PD is going to be forcing proximity bursts rather than contact detonations in terms of abstractions, because mechanically- it's almost no different than adding to shields.
I am under no illusions about the PD being an absolute defense. I look at it as a threat type limited non-ablative defense. The protection shields provide is limited, shields don't regenerate in combat time without technology much farther up the tech tree. In theory as long as they keep shooting projectiles at us the PD mounts are going to be reducing the damage that the shields need to eat. The survivability onion is used for a reason.

Also I am unclear on how exactly the mechanics for space battles work. The level of detail implied by Mechanis' comments at various points suggest to me that the stats we see are summaries, but more detailed ones are used to resolve things. I can't say that for sure, but I lean that way fairly strongly.

I can only reference Jalinth's baseline- and I don't fully agree with that-
To be fair I don't fully agree with the baseline, and even stated I missed some key stuff in it. I was just running a fever at that point, as I later realized, and wanted to get some illustrative numbers out in the hopes someone else could take it farther.
I'm no Jalinth but I'm going try to present a list of my own to provide further context. Thanks for all the work you put in already. We should have about ~159 space to work with assuming 36 T1s and 6 torpedo launchers.
Which you have done here, thank you for that. Your list of items looks reasonable, and since the exact details aren't what is being voted on I'm not going to look too closely tonight. Among other things tonight was the final boss fight of book 2 of the adventure path, then had me doing all the work in selling loot (a task made easier by my tracking everything on a spread sheet (Yes, I used a spread sheet. I can tell you are surprised)), then going through the massive lists of magic items in Pathfinder to better equip my single class fighter who is also the parties healer and trap disarmer.

If I hadn't been busy I'd have made more arguments about going for a more full PD plan. But I didn't, there seems to be momentum and I'm bloody out of energy. The current plan in the lead looks like it will be fine (if less then I was aiming for) and it is more then my initial drafts were before we found out that we didn't have the MI budget limitations I had extrapolated.

[X] Plan 4 times the fun

I'm reading that as "expensive luxury for a system defense boat," then.
This ship is in no way a system defense boat. That would have been the smaller option that we rejected. This is a ship is meant to be able to conduct longer range operations. If we run into someone hostile, if we need to take some kind of offensive action, then this ship class is going to be the one doing it. Given that it has been stated that it can use a normal dockyard instead of the super large ones for a Star Seeker they are going to be more numerous as well. I have every reason to believe that some of them are going to end up doing things like survey work in systems close to home. Just because they 2-3 Star Seekers are not going to be able to do everything, and the Iron Roads are not suitable for the mission.
It's also probably going to be an escort for Iron Roads, so additional manufacture and sustainment capability won't exactly be wasted. There's always something that needs making in a new colony.