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[X] Ignore them and do something else
-[X] What?: this area is full of thing and being you have never seen before,smell them ,like them ,touch them,in two word :be curious
[X] Ignore them and do something else
-[X] What?: this area is full of thing and being you have never seen before,smell them ,like them ,touch them,in two word :be curious
[X] Ignore them and do something else
-[X] What?: this area is full of thing and being you have never seen before,smell them ,like them ,touch them,in two word :be curious
[X] Ignore them and do something else
-[X] What?: this area is full of thing and being you have never seen before,smell them ,like them ,touch them,in two word :be curious

Licking things is important, especially when you are a mutant monster in a science lab full of potentially hazardous substances.
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Scheduled vote count started by Vault166 on Mar 30, 2024 at 12:51 AM, finished with 16 posts and 15 votes.
Dinosaur Unbuckled
For what seemed to be a small eternity you stared at the two younger? two legs waiting for them do to, well just about anything really.

Sadly they refused to be even mildly interesting, instead they just tried to stop moving all together. Which was actually pretty interesting if only because you were confused as to why? Freezing in front of a threat was just stupid after all, and you were most certainly a threat.

However while that was interesting, it wasn't enough to capture your attention for very long at all. Especially since you had to crane your neck in order to see them, and caused the binding to rub against your sail in a way that was, very, irritating. So after a moment longer to ensure the two legs wouldn't be doing anything interesting the second after you looked away, you relaxed your muscles. Allowing your head to press gently back onto the table.

As you did so, the strap you had just slipped your head out from underneath caught your attention. It was a thin strip of material wither several small holes, that smelling like old hide and was held together by a strange silver thing.

The shine it gave off was just enough to draw your interest, and your curiosity.

Why was this strange piece of silver there? Wouldn't it restrain you better if it held you with one solid piece? The ideas popped through your head like tiny Morada's jumping out of bushes, and they had to be satisfied.

So you examined it, tapping it with an easily freed claw, tested it with your teeth, and by pure accident slipped the silver piece in just the right way that caused the strip of material to slip free.

It stunned you when you saw it, because it became apparent that it was meant to do that. It was meant to be undone! This required more study!

Craning your neck around you found another silver buckle, attached to a strip of the same smelly material wrapped around your middle. You were only just barely able to see it out of the corner of your eye. Several Minutes of trying to undo this buckle left you stumped. You simply couldn't bend in a way that would allow you to undo it.

Then lightning struck as you paused mid motion. Only, it was worth a try wasn't it?

So your starter to squirm and writhe, and as luck would have it you began to slide forward. Soon Enough you had wormed your way forward just enough to used you claws to pull yourself out from under not only the bindings, but off the table as well. Pride burst in your chest at you absolute brilliance, before you returned to the buckle.

It was only minutes later that you had figure out how to undo this one, however this time it was on purpose! You even did it again on the last strap that had been around your flank, just because you could.

Satisfaction chittering through your scales you glanced around the room.

Dino Do what?
[ ] Continue to look around the room (Azula will satisfy her uncontrollable curiosity.)
[ ] Leave room
[ ] The Young Two legs left, try and fine them
-[ ] Scent them out
-[ ] Just Wander around trying to find them
[ ] Unconscious Human, Do something with him
-[ ] Poke him
-[ ] Sniff
-[ ] See If He Tastes Good
-[ ] Write in
[ ] Go take a nap
[ ] Write In

Turns Until Alarm Goes Off: 3
Once alarm goes off Security will be after you.
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[X] Continue look around the room (Azula will satisfy her uncontrollable curiosity.)

boring two legs...we will study them AFTER we are finished with the room.
[X] Continue look around the room (Azula will satisfy her uncontrollable curiosity.)

Yay! New stuff to see!

[X] Unconscious Human, Do something with him
-[X] Try to wake him up

Also good!
[X] Continue look around the room (Azula will satisfy her uncontrollable curiosity.)

Nothing to see here, just a curiosity animal. No reason to suspect higher intelligence.
[X] Unconscious Human, Do something with him
-[X] Lick his face and nudge him to try and wake him up.
[X] Unconscious Human, Do something with him
-[X] Lick his face and nudge him to try and wake him up.

What could go wrong :whistle:
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