You banish the sleepy feeling clouding your mind to the best of your ability, as you try to focus on just what was going on around you.
The two legs on the far right side of the room continue to mutter their garbled speech at each other. Scratching away at their own board's with strange yellow twigs. That seemed oddly familiar for a moment, scratching, Boards, yellow twig?
Why did that seem so very familiar, even being trapped like this brought a feeling like it happened before. You barely note the tap of the two legs feet as it walks through the odd slide-y opening on the far left of the room. Some part of you note that it even starts talking to the other two legs in a stern fashion.
You on the other hand tear what little attention you were paying to the two legs, as you closed your eyes and tried to figure out just what was causing the strange sense of confusing similarity. There was an itch in the far back of your mind, so you did your best too drag into the forefront of your mind.
Then suddenly it snaps to the forefront of your mind, you looking down from on top of your odd silvery boundary upon a two leg laying on it's back. Your sister on the ground playing with a similar yellow twig as the two legs, and two other two legs looking down in confusion on the wierd human on her back.
Then you remember what you had done, your vocal cords twitching in vague remembrance as you recalled some of the sounds the two legs had made.
Before your could thin any deeper on them your are snapped from your mind as something touched your tail. You don't react outwardly at least, inwardly you could a roil of irritation, anger, and a slight hint of fear. before you banish them all as a curiosity erupts from the deepest part of your being, rumbling just beneath your scales.
Whats happening? Why are they touching you? Don't they know touch a thing with sharp teeth is stupid if you haven't killed it first? Countless things bouncing around your mind as you open your eyes. Curiosity, the thing that had run wildly inside from the moment you were born practically igniting a light behind your deep cobalt eyes.
The two leg had his back to you, with his right hand resting on the belt strapped above your flank. Garbled words of the two leg, said with a vicious intonation as it seemed to berate the two other two legs. Perhaps it was an elder? Perhaps the other Two legs were still growing in some way?
You wanted to know more!
A single strap restrained your head, but it was quiet easy to just pull your head back and slip it out in order to get a better look. The Younger two legs wore had the strange objects all two legs had wrapped around them. A white sheet like thing over various other colored things. One of them had long yellow hair, and a blue thing under it's white sheet, it's eyes a color similar to grass.
The other had short brown hair, a strange metal frame sitting on it's face covering it's eyes, and was wearing a bright yellow thing under it's white sheet. For a moment you had to pause as you noticed it's face was a darker color than any you two leg you had seen before. But then you were drawn back to the other young two leg as it's face began to change shade, fading far paler color.
You didn't know two legs could do that, and you were even more confused when the second of the younger pair shakily moved its hand in a gesture you didn't understand.
The older two leg slowly removed it's hand from your flank, turning around in a manner that you made question if it's legs had suffered some form of injury. It's hair was black and it two had the strange metal frames on it's face, it's white sheet was closed, and it's eyes were not only incredibly wide, but you could only just make out a slight blue tinge around disks of black.
Hmm, this was familiar too! You had been in this exact situation with the strange two leg that had fallen on it's back! You tilted your head as you thought, well if it worked once.
You garbled a set of sounds at the two leg, the unfamiliar action hurting your throat before you paused waiting to see what would happen. Shortly after a meaty thudding sound echoed in the room, your eyes having followed the two leg as it fell on it's back.
A irritated chirp left your mouth, you had hoped this one would do something new. Before you realized the two younger two Legs were still present. Interest sharp in your mind, as you affixed your eyes on the strangely motionless pair.
Azula Says: Sheep Fucking Donkey Herder, It's super effective.
Dino Do What?
[ ] Escape
[ ] Stay
Conscious two legs
[ ] Bark more sounds at them to see what happens.
[ ] Try and sniff them.
[ ] Just Stare at them till they do something interesting.
[ ] Ignore them and do something else
-[ ] What?
Bet you weren't expecting that.