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Scheduled vote count started by Vault166 on Mar 15, 2024 at 3:30 AM, finished with 38 posts and 33 votes.
Sorry about not posting earlier, but I kinda fell asleep. Like full on keyboard smashed at my desk sleep, so sorry about that. Anyway I now have to figure out how to write a dinosaur mourning another dinosaur that it mercy Killed.
Sorry about not posting earlier, but I kinda fell asleep. Like full on keyboard smashed at my desk sleep, so sorry about that. Anyway I now have to figure out how to write a dinosaur mourning another dinosaur that it mercy Killed.
Azula could be morning the loss of what Sara could have been. Not the fact that she died. More mourning the loss of potential than mourning the loss of life.
Hollow Colors
The days after seem hollow.

The sun is just bright, the flowers just as vibrant, and the fish just as happy.

But they all feel empty, superficial. Like skin that refused to shed. You aren't sure when it happened, right after you ended the fleshy puppet? When you went to sleep, staying awake far longer than usual. An itchy uncertain feeling bubbling beneath your scales, like something might attack at any second.

You had to stay awake, to make sure Morada would be there, would be safe.

Wouldn't die without death, wouldn't fade without loosing color, wouldn't shift into a thing that wasn't Morada anymore.

It feel like the sun has faded hundreds of times since your claw cut into Nubby's skull, even though scarcely a day has passed by.

Morada had been able to pick up on the change in your behavior, concern evident in every shift of her scales. She had even taken to waking you in the morning trying to roll you out of the den like you had done to her in the past.

Something needed to change, needed to shift back into place.

Somehow that had lead to this, you standing quietly in a clearing, Nothing but a few trees and the absence that anything had happened here at all. Along with a feeling that you needed to do, something? Anything ? Scratching beneath you scales like an ocean of churning, irritating sand.

But what?

Dino Do what?
[] Do Something, anything.
-[] Cry, Scream, Shriek
-[] Gather flowers
-[] Gather sticks
-[] Curl in a ball
-[] Break the Tree
-[] Let your scales shift
-[] Write in
[X] Gather items to make a memorial for Nubby
-[X] Get your sister to help you for the memorial
-[X] Make sure those items are not poisonous or dangerous for our sis
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[X] get your sister to help you gather sticks, then shriek Nubby's name, allow your scales to shift and then finish what Nubby started, break that tree!

Edit: changed flowers for sticks because I just remembered that Morada almost died from flowers, let's not get close to those damn things again
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[X] Gather items to make a memorial for Nubby
-[X] Get your sister to help you for the memorial
-[X] Make sure those items are not poisonous or dangerous for our sis
Say @Vault166 what would John Hammond think of us when he hears that we speak human and when we finally speak in perfect sentences how will the humans think of us
I think I already mentioned this but, you will never talk in 'perfect' sentences, understandable yes, but not perfect. Mostly because you have a dino mouth that just isn't capable of talking without making at least some words incomprehensible.

It also depends on what human your talking about. Wu would probably start drinking, but wouldn't have much of a reaction otherwise. John would have you shot, because while he isn't a completely vile human being in this he's still not exactly a shining beacon of morality.

As for just discovering you can mimic human speech he already found out, and well there is a reason the Island was turning into a temporary Alcatraz for almost nearly seven months. Needless to say he isn't particularly happy, but he hasn't reached the needed level of Paranoia to have you euthanized yet. Shouldn't reach that level in the prologue unless you pull out all the stops in trying to convince the researchers your a sentient being.
[X] Do Something, anything.
-[X] Cry, Scream, Shriek
-[X] Curl in a ball
-[X] Let your scales shift
-[X] Collect pebbles.
[X] Do Something, anything.
-[X] Gather flowers
-[X] Gather sticks
-[X] Let your scales shift
[X] Gather items to make a memorial for Nubby
-[X] Get your sister to help you for the memorial
-[X] Make sure those items are not poisonous or dangerous for our sis
[X] Gather items to make a memorial for Nubby
-[X] Get your sister to help you for the memorial
-[X] Make sure those items are not poisonous or dangerous for our sis
[X] Gather items to make a memorial for Nubby
-[X] Get your sister to help you for the memorial
-[X] Make sure those items are not poisonous or dangerous for our sis
It also depends on what human your talking about. Wu would probably start drinking, but wouldn't have much of a reaction otherwise. John would have you shot, because while he isn't a completely vile human being in this he's still not exactly a shining beacon of morality.

As for just discovering you can mimic human speech he already found out, and well there is a reason the Island was turning into a temporary Alcatraz for almost nearly seven months. Needless to say he isn't particularly happy, but he hasn't reached the needed level of Paranoia to have you euthanized yet. Shouldn't reach that level in the prologue unless you pull out all the stops in trying to convince the researchers your a sentient being.

In other words, we're better off playing dumb.
[X] Gather items to make a memorial for Nubby
-[X] Get your sister to help you for the memorial
-[X] Make sure those items are not poisonous or dangerous for our sis
[X] Gather items to make a memorial for Nubby
-[X] Get your sister to help you for the memorial
-[X] Make sure those items are not poisonous or dangerous for our sis
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