Voting is open
[X] Option Two

Might as well use the material you already have on hand.

So what happened to Nubby?
Seems like nubby has contracted a form of cordyceps, the fungus that is most known for making ants into zombies.
So, nubby is probably as dead as the smell indicates.
Kind of a shame if that's the case, I liked nubby with their gusto. If that's what actually happened better to put them out of their misery.

No matter what happened, it is clear that what little mental faculties Nubby had have likely been eradicated. My guess is due to the conflicting instincts & DNA/Genomic Sequences, there was some sort of immune system civil war in her cerebral/grey matter.

Obviously were gonna choose the option with the highest chance of saving Morada. That's what this whole thing has been about! If we don't save her the quest is pointless. Saving our stupid lazy sister has always been the paramount goal of the quest. All for the cause of Morada! We must save our sister!

I agree. If Morada's going to be as dedicated to us as she is, then I'll damn well ensure that we reciprocate!

And the first prototype falls.


You will be remembered by us)

Aye, as a right troublemaker at that!

We shall dance in Nubbys honor ~°○▪︎•

And what, pray tell, shall be our tune?
[X] Option Two

Might as well use the material you already have on hand.

No matter what happened, it is clear that what little mental faculties Nubby had have likely been eradicated. My guess is due to the conflicting instincts & DNA/Genomic Sequences, there was some sort of immune system civil war in her cerebral/grey matter.

I agree. If Morada's going to be as dedicated to us as she is, then I'll damn well ensure that we reciprocate!

Aye, as a right troublemaker at that!

And what, pray tell, shall be our tune?
I was working in the lab, late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my Dino from his den, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise
He did the Dino mash
(The Dino mash) It was a prehistoric smash
(He did the mash) It caught on in a flash
(He did the mash) He did the Dino mash

And that's about how far my creativity and time I have atm.
Vote closed
Super close vote, guys, I really didn't expect us to pull through at the end there, the other two options had some strong leads at points, but I really think this was the best option we could've chose.

(if it's not obvious, this is a joke)
I don't know that Rawr vote had some real strong support behind it.

Anyway I'll get to work on the post.
Interlude: The Outer View
Henry, well he was a mess.

He hadn't had the time to take a shower in more two weeks days in the middle of a tropical island, he knew he wasn't exactly a pleasant sight at the moment. Then again, he was fairly sure non of the others present had been doing any better.

It had been seven and a half months since the tampering had been discovered. Seven months of constant work trying to uncover the culprit, with no result at all. Sure there were suspects, but all of them either had alibi's or were cleared in some other way. It had been only a month back that they actually found some evidence other then the actual tampering.

It was a single half second long clip that had almost been missed, of a single figure unidentified figure leaving the gestation lab.

Who was the figure? No one knew. Why had they done it? No one knew.

What purpose did it serve to make a creature who would live out it's entire life in a state of constant agony?

No. One. Knew.

It was only now at seven months were he and the rest of the Site B personnel allowed to return to semi-normal operation, with offsite researchers and other member of In-Gen having managed their actual projects in the meantime. More than one of his colleagues were facing an inquisition from their spouses after seven months of radio silence.

He'd spend the last two days since being moved back to regular operating parameters watching the surveillance footage of the time he'd missed. Looking over the various reports as he watched them.

They were beyond his expectations.

Azula Showed so much more than he could have ever expected of her. Perhaps he should be angered, his pride far more than briused by the tampering of what was suppose to be a masterpiece. His Masterpiece.

Perhaps he was even, but every time he watched Azula curl around her sister protectively, as she studied a fish for hours matching it's scales, as she climbed a fence and of all things, started cursing her heart out.

It brought to mind something he'd heard as a child, he couldn't even remember who said it to him but it seemed to bounce around in his head every time he saw Azula.

"Some times a mans greatest work, start with his greatest mistake."

He shook the thought from his mind as he turned back to the TV, a simple device with an attached VCR, and started extracting the tape with a practiced movement while he reached for the next one with his other hand. The dim light of his office barely enough to read the label on it as he squinted his eyes to see it clearer.

"AlloTops/SpinoRex Incident, See Report No.48299"

Henry Could feel warning bells go off in his head as read the label. Why would Sara -the Allotops he reminded himself- have been anywere near Azula and Morada? Especially after they had been moved to seperate encloseures?

He had a very bad feeling about this, as he pushed the tape into the VCR, and dug into the acompanying box for the right file.

What did Azula do to Sara/Nubby?

[] Killed Her (she invaded your territory)

[] Mercy Killed (She was already dead, her body just kept moving)

[] Left Her (She's no threat)

[] Left Her (She's not interesting)

[] Write in (What do?)

(Vote will Start/Open At 12:00 Tomorrow)
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[X] Mercy Killed (She was already dead, her body just kept moving)

a gentle death, or as gentle as a carnivore can do.

honestly i keep getting ideas for enhancements to Azula...especially with recent evidence of what spinosaur's could look well as the actual T-rex. If anything the movies undersold the T-rex, especially with their capabilities...that and scary as fuck of what they could do since a actual rex would be stealthy as heck. Add in the ability to communicate across vast well as bone-crushing bite force? Yikes...
Voting is open