Voting is open
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Capone
Last edited:
Thought over it some more, and I think we need to relace Quintus with Capone for the Columbia mission.

Yes, Quintus is good at infiltration and is a Light detector to boot, but he needs to be watched at all times just in case when we don't have Ayam or Arabella to keep him honest. That makes his infiltration skills a lot less useful than initially imagined.

Capone meanwhile, ought to be very useful when it comes time to dealing with the local Distortion since he's noted to potentially be able to talk them down. Not only that, but it ought to cause less friction in the team since Wympe won't have the best opinion of Quintus, while Capone was there during her rescue. He also has EGO and I think talking to other distortions just might be what he needs to further develop it.

[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Capone
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Yourself.
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Arabella
-[X] Gavial
-[X] Phantom
-[X] Provence
-[X] Elysium
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Saria
-[X] Capone
-[X] Texas
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Beats
-[X] Wympe
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Capone
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Capone
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Capone
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Capone
You people really want to put Saria and Silence on the same team?
Saria and Silence aren't on speaking terms, but they're not so hostile to one another that Silence is going to fight Saria over it.

With Sieg's charisma around, he should be able to at least get the two to mostly cooperate for the sake of the mission. We want Saria for her deep connections to Rhine Labs and Columbia's tech industry in order to find Mr. H who's been dealing with Rhine Labs, and we want Silence around since she was part of the experiment with Memento who we also want to track down. Both are essential.
I thought Memento was heading right towards us.
As in already near us at Rhodes Island, not somewhere in Columbia.
It's been a while so I can't remember if that was a thing. I remember him breaking out, but whether he's on the way to Rhodes is something I can't remember.

Even if he is on the way however, having Silence near Sieg should helpfully clear any misconceptions they have of one another since Silence and Memento may not have gotten on the right foot, what with her being a participant in the experiments on him.
The Abbot-Commander

Meursault Identity

Max HP: 218 [Stagger Thresholds: 197, 80]
Weak to Pierce, Strong against Blunt
Defense Level: 420
Base Speed: 4-6

  • 3x Preparations for a Pilgrimage
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 4
    • Coins: 2x +4
    • Offense Level: 38
    • Gain an Oblation of St. Stalactite if the Skill is discarded (Up to 7)
    • On Use: If Oblations are above 2, Coin Power +1. If Oblations are below 2, gain an Oblation.
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 2 Tremor. Take 2 damage.
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 2 Tremor Count. Take 2 damage.
  • 2x Pilgrim's Progress
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 4x +1
    • Offense Level: 38
    • Gain two Oblations of St. Stalactite if the Skill is discarded (Up to 7)
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots
    • On Use: Coin Power + 1 for every 2 Oblations
    • [Coin I] Inflict 3 Tremor, then take 3 damage.
    • [Coin II] Inflict 3 Tremor, then take 3 damage.
    • [Coin III] Inflict 3 Tremor, then take 3 damage.
    • [Coin IV]: Inflict 3 Tremor and heal HP equal to 30% of damage dealt (Includes damage inflicted by Passive)
  • 1x St. Stalactite's Saison
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 5
    • Coins: 3x +3
    • Offense Level: 40
    • Gain three Oblations of St. Stalactite if the Skill is discarded (Up to 7)
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots. Coin Power +1 for every 3 Oblations.
    • [Coin III] Inflict Tremor and Tremor Count equal to half of current Oblations (rounded down). If Oblations are equal to 7, add a fourth coin.
    • [Coin IV] Tremor Burst. If Tremor Count on enemy is equal or higher then twice the current Oblation value, add a fifth coin.
    • [Coin V] Tremor Burst. Take damage equal to total amount of Tremor on enemy (cannot reduce HP below 1). If this would cross a Stagger Threshold, remove it instead.
Guard Skill:
  • The Saint's Serenade
    • Base: 15
    • Coins: 1x +10
    • Offense Level: 38
    • On Use: Discard the Skill of the lowest rank in all of this unit's Skill Slots. Heal HP equal to [Total Amount of Ranks Between Discarded Skills x (4 + Oblations)].
Combat Skill: Halocline
  • 3x Gluttony (Owned)
  • Upon Bursting Tremor on a Staggered enemy for the first time, deal additional Pride damage equal to [Tremor x Tremor Count x Oblations)/7]. Upon further Tremor Bursts or upon Tremor Bursting an enemy with no Stagger Bars remaining, deal [Tremor x (Tremor Count + Oblations)/7] Pride damage instead.
Support Skill: Lachrymose Chartreuse
  • 4x Gloom (Res.)
  • All allies heal 15 HP and 10 SP, but receive 4 Defense Level Down for this turn.
The Princess of the Tomb-Colonies

Don Quixote Identity

Max HP: 157 [Stagger Thresholds: 139, 67]
Weak to Pierce, Strong against Slash
Base Speed: 4-8
Defense Level: 40

  • 3x Bold, Daring, Brazen
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 4
    • Coins: 2x +4
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: Gain 3 Haste next turn. At 10+ Speed, reuse the second coin.
    • [Coin I]: Gain 2 Damage Up next turn.
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 1 Bind next turn.
  • 2x Bandaged Swordmaster
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 2x +4
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: Gain 2 Haste next turn. At 10+ Speed, reuse the second coin.
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 3 Bind next turn
    • [Coin II]: Gain 3 Defense Power Up next turn
  • 1x Rending Lance
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: N/A
    • Coins: 3x +3
    • Offense Level: 40
    • This skill's Base Power is equal to Speed. Gain +1 Coin Power for every 3 Speed advantage you have over the enemy (Max. 6)
    • On Use: Gain 5 Haste next turn.
    • [Coin III]: Deal +10% damage for every 1 Speed advantage you have over the enemy (Max. +200%) Inflict 2 Bind next turn, then gain Haste next turn equal to current Bind on enemy.
Evade Skill:
  • Legendary Duelist
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 1x +10
    • Offense Level: 39
    • On Evade: Gain 2 Haste next turn (Max. 8)
Combat Skill: Fair Play
  • 2x Lust (Owned)
  • On Clash Win, gain 1 Haste next turn. On Clash Lose, gain 1 Bind next turn.
Passive Skill: Elder Continental
  • HP cannot go below 1 until this passive is triggered. At the start of the turn, if HP is 1, un-stagger self and heal all HP. Afterwards, disable this passive for the rest of the Encounter.
Support Skill: Bloodsport
  • 4x Pride (Res.)
  • All allies heal 5 SP and gain 1 Haste next turn.
Black Ribbon Duelist

Yi Sang Identity

Max HP: 168 [Stagger Thresholds: 112, 66]
Weak to Slash, Strong against Pierce
Defense Level: 42
Base Speed: 4-8

  • 3x Fearsome Duelist
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 13
    • Coins: 1x -7
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: Gain 4 Poise and lose 7 SP
    • [Coin I]: Gain 1 Poise Count
  • 2x So Be It
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 14
    • Coins: 2x -5
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Clash Win: Gain 4 Poise and lose SP equal to twice the amount of Poise on self [Max. 15]
    • [Coin I]: Gain 3 Poise Count
  • 1x A Bringer of Death
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 20
    • Coins: 2x -7
    • Offense Level: 43
    • On Use: Gain Offense Level Up and Damage Up for every 2 Poise on self (Up to 5), then lose SP equal to twice the amount of Poise on self [Max 20].
    • [Coin II (On Crit)]: Deal 10% extra Critical Damage for each Poise Count on self [Up to +100%]
Evade Skill:
  • 1x Hard-Earned Lesson
    • Damage: Slash
    • Base: 10
    • Coins: 1x +6
    • Offense Level: 39
    • On Evade: Gain 1 Poise and heal 5 SP
Combat Skill: Red-Honeyed Memories
  • 3x Gloom (Owned)
  • Deals more Critical Damage as SP is lost (up to +100% at -45 SP).
Support Skill: The Royal Fencing Instructor
  • 4x Pride (Res.)
  • An ally with the highest Poise Count deals 30% additional damage on a Critical Hit.
Waterlogged Drownie

Sinclair Identity

Max HP: 146 [Stagger Thresholds: 110]
Weak to Pierce, Strong against Blunt
Base Speed: 3-7

  • 3x Song of the Deep
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 5
    • Coins: 3x + 2
    • Offense Level: 38
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 2 Sinking Count
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 2 Sinking Count
  • 2x Effluvia
    • Damage: Blunt
    • Base: 7
    • Coins: 1x +8
    • Offense Level: 38
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 5 Sinking
  • 1x Keelgrasper
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 4
    • Coins: 4x +3
    • Offense Level: 40
    • On Use: If the enemy's SP is negative or they have over 7 Sinking Count, Coin Power +1
    • [Coin Í]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
    • [Coin III]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
    • [Coin IV]: Inflict 1 Sinking Count
Counter Skill:
  • Cold Touch
    • Damage: Pierce
    • Base: 6
    • Coins: 2x +3
    • [Coin I]: Inflict 3 Sinking
    • [Coin II]: Inflict 3 Sinking
Combat Skill: Come Home To Us
  • 4x Gloom (Res.)
  • Inflict [Gloom Res/2] Sinking Count to all enemies, rounded up.
Support Skill: Rubbery Lumps
  • 5x Gloom (Owned)
  • The ally with the highest HP inflicts +1 Sinking Count.

Some random Limbus identities I thought of while writing the next chapter of my other quest.

oooh, FL

for the record, max 12 on a 2 coin skill 1 for a 000 is high- them reaching a consistent 11 is a new thing. Meursault can slide because -2 basically makes it an 11 or 10 in a clash anyway, but don is +0.

meursault is... odd. An ID I would have to use to get a handle on. Worth noting that "discard a skill of lowest rank in all skill slots" means *among* all- you're only discarding one skill, no matter what. That said he still gets 33 hp off of an s3 with 7 oblations, which is pretty solid with a base value guard of 15+10.
his offense level being -2 hurts but his base values seem high enough for him to clash anyway.

given don's conditonals, she seems really good if you just slap 2 skill slots on her and call it a day. You'll need to try to get under 10 speed with her, meaning starting turn 3 her values are ~16-18-25.
Speaking of, that s3 base value thing is great, but it should probably not have three scaling coins on top of it. double s1 into 6 speed versus an enemy with 4 speed (roughly average) is 3C [12]+5, or a max of 27; one more speed puts her at 30. It's pretty rare for skills to go that high without a downside, and she doesnt really... have one. It could be argued her taking a slot counts, but between all her skills rolling high and her revive, shes probably better than any given 6th unit.

(why the base 16 evade, actually?)

oh speaking of the revive. she has +0 defense, an evade, and no condition on the revive. I get its there for flavor reasons, but it seems slapped on for such a powerful ability that even kimsault- who wants to take hits - doesnt get anything near as good.

no real notes on yi sang. This just seems like a genuinely good and balanced minus coin ID. Seems pretty fun, too. though perhaps a third poise ID on him is a bit excessive.

Sinclair is interesting because his clashing is just awful. 11-15-12~16 is on par for a 00...that has +5 offense level over him, meaning his effective clashing is closer to 9-13-10~14, which is actively terrible.

However, it's also notable that debuff IDs - especially 00 ones - clash poorly, and his sinking application is incredible. I would bring this guy anyway even with his rolls simply because he would make applying it so much easier. Very nice passives as well, I think theyre quite well designed.

It's been a while so I can't remember if that was a thing. I remember him breaking out, but whether he's on the way to Rhodes is something I can't remember.
last chapter stated he was on a collision course for RI.
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[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats

-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine

-[X] Phantom

[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself.
-[X] Wympe

-[X] Nicole
-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence

-[X] Capone
[X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom

[X] Columbia
-[X] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole

-[X] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Quintus
First time voting, hope this works out, oop!

Also, now that Sieg mentioned it, if even just in the vote, I want to touch his Tail now, even if it's the last thing that I do+ >:3

[x] [X] Siracusa
-[X] Leader: Beats
-[X] Linette
-[X] Mlynar
-[X] Lappland
-[X] Blemishine
-[X] Phantom
[X] Columbia
- [x] Leader: Yourself
-[X] Wympe
-[X] Nicole
- [x] Saria
-[X] Silence
-[X] Quintus
Silence is on bad terms with Saria, and a bit redundant. Maybe swap her out for someone else?

We don't have a dedicated inflitration specialist for Columbia. Nicole is stealthy but that usually comes with a smoke cloud. Good for a fight but not necessarily for spying. Maybe Quintus? Ah, but working with Wympe would be awkward.

Maybe swap Phantom to Columbia and send Quintus to Siracusa? This way both teams have a stealth specialist and someone Light-sensitive.

Alternatively Blacksteel to Columbia. As a mercenary company they meet a lot of people and went to a lot of places. Probably have a few ears around. Their connections could open new avenues of approach.

With Carmen being buddies with War Crimes Grandpa, does that mean she's gonna tell on us no matter who we bring to Columbia? Are Light-sensitive people more noticeable for them?

Is Crownslayer still in Siracusa? Carmen left her but she should still be Light-sensitive.
Silence is on bad terms with Saria, and a bit redundant. Maybe swap her out for someone else?
While them being on bad terms is going to be something we'll have to manage, we really do want Silence around with Saria.

Sure, Saria's left the company and is trying to keep Rhine Labs from doing more harm, but she's also still loyal to them in her own way in that she cleans up after their messes but doesn't whistleblow their wrongdoings to the public. That would potentially mean she might hide some things from Sieg, which is where Silence can come in since she's a lot more willing to harm Rhine Labs if it means saving someone's life.

One way or the other, Saria still believes in her shared dream with Control and the original Directors even if she does butt heads with them.
We don't have a dedicated inflitration specialist for Columbia. Nicole is stealthy but that usually comes with a smoke cloud. Good for a fight but not necessarily for spying. Maybe Quintus? Ah, but working with Wympe would be awkward.

Maybe swap Phantom to Columbia and send Quintus to Siracusa? This way both teams have a stealth specialist and someone Light-sensitive.
Nicole's our stealth specialist. Sure, the smell of smoke gives her away to people like Sieg, but the vast majority of people aren't on his level. She'll do fine as our infiltrator.

As for Quintus, we really need to deploy him with either Arabella or Ayam to keep him honest, but there isn't much space for them on either the Columbia or Siracusa teams.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Feb 25, 2024 at 8:13 PM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Beats
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mlynar
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Blemishine
    -[X] Phantom
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself
    -[X] Wympe
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Quintus
    [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Beats
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mlynar
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Blemishine
    -[X] Phantom
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself
    -[X] Wympe
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Quintus
Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Feb 25, 2024 at 8:13 PM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Beats
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mlynar
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Blemishine
    -[X] Phantom
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself
    -[X] Wympe
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Quintus
    [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Beats
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mlynar
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Blemishine
    -[X] Phantom
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself
    -[X] Wympe
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Quintus
Ahhh that doesn't look right.
Adhoc vote count started by LucidProp on Feb 26, 2024 at 6:35 AM, finished with 41 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Beats
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mlynar
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Blemishine
    -[X] Phantom
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself.
    -[X] Wympe
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Capone
    [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Beats
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mlynar
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Blemishine
    -[X] Phantom
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself.
    -[X] Wympe
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Quintus
    [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Yourself.
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Arabella
    -[X] Gavial
    -[X] Phantom
    -[X] Provence
    -[X] Elysium
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Saria
    -[X] Capone
    -[X] Texas
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Beats
    -[X] Wympe
    [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Elysium
    -[X] Ceobe
    -[X] Phantom
    -[X] Ayam
    -[X] Quintus
    -[X] Lappland
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself.
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Beats
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] X
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself.
    -[X] Capone
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Blacksteel
    -[X] X
    [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Elysium
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mylnar
    -[X] Ayam
    -[X] Quintus
    -[X] Lappland
    [X] Siracusa
    -[X] Leader: Beats
    -[X] Linette
    -[X] Mlynar
    -[X] Lappland
    -[X] Blemishine
    -[X] Phantom
    [X] Columbia
    -[X] Leader: Yourself.
    -[X] Wympe
    -[X] Nicole
    -[X] Saria
    -[X] Silence
    -[X] Quintus
Sarasa, the Concentrate- 6* Executor Specialist

Sarasa, the Concentrate- 6* Executor Specialist

Tags: Crowd-Control, DPS, Support

"...well, we're getting closer and closer to the end. I can feel it. But you can be sure I can stick by you for a little longer, Doctor."

Operator Sarasa the Concentrate, more himself then ever.

He remains stalwart, but now he moves towards a new world.

Faction: The City
Traits: Significantly reduced Redeployment Time
822 (Elite 0, Level 1)
1059 (Elite 0, Level 50)
1350 (Elite 1, Level 80)
1647 (Elite 2, MAX Level)

223 (Elite 0, Level 1)
331 (Elite 0, Level 50)
460 (Elite 1, Level 80)
588 (Elite 2, MAX Level)
+90 (Trust Bonus)

123 (Elite 0, Level 1)
191 (Elite 0, Level 50)
257 (Elite 1, Level 80)
308 (Elite 2, MAX Level)

RES - 0

DP Cost:
10 (Elite 0, Level 1)
10 (Elite 0, Level 50)
12 (Elite 1, Level 80)
12 (Elite 2, MAX Level)

Block: 1
Attack Interval: 0.93 sec
Redeployment Time: 18 Seconds

[X][ ]
DP Cost -1
ATK +22
Redeployment Time -2
Improves Second Talent
DP Cost -1
Stalwart Will (Unlocked at E0)
After receiving fatal damage, continuously prevents HP from falling below 1 for up to 10 seconds. This ability can only be activated once per deployment.

Stalwart Will (Unlocked at E2)
After receiving fatal damage, continuously prevents HP from falling below 1 for up to 15 seconds. This ability can only be activated once per deployment. If an ally in the four surrounding tiles receives fatal damage, grant this ability to them (does not count as an expenditure, can be done once per deployment as well).

Unifier (Unlocked at E2)
When this unit deploys within the four tiles surrounding an ally under 50% HP or an ally with a status effect, purge the status effects and heal the afflicted unit by 300 HP.

Potential Effect: Increases HP gain by 50.
Their Shield (Passive) (10-15 seconds)

For the skill duration, Sarasa and all allies in the surrounding 8 tiles regenerate 1%-4% Max. HP every second, gain Block +1, ATK +10-30%, DEF 100-300, RES +10-30 and 1 Shield (Blocks 1 instance of damage per layer.).

When the skill ends, if any Shield was broken, regenerate it.

Each Mastery Rank increases heal by 0.5%, and each buff by 5%, 50 and 5, respectively. At Mastery 3, Block is further increased by 1.

The Dreaming Current (Passive)

Rushes forward until the nearest obstacle (as in, unpassable block) is reached or this unit would leave the stage, hitting all enemies (including Aerial units) in the path for 200-500% ATK and leaving a Trail. Allies inside the Trail regenerate 30-60 HP and gain 1 SP every second, while enemies inside the Trail are slowed. The Trail lasts for 10-15 seconds. Afterwards, return to original position.

(Much like Kirin R Yato, Sarasa travels at a speed of 8 tiles/sec and is invulnerable and immune to all Negative Statuses and debuffs while The Dreaming Current is in effect.)

Each Mastery Rank increases Trail duration by 1, heal by 5, and increases damage by 50%.

The Steel Determination (Passive) (5 seconds)

ASPD +70-100, ATK +30-60%. All allies within 1-2 tiles of distance receive the ASPD benefit as well.

Each Mastery rank increases ASPD buff by 10 and ATK buff by 10%. Mastery 3 increases valid distance by 1.
Operator Module: (EXE-X) Eerily Accurate, If Ammateurish, Sketches of Terran Cartography

Unlock Conditions:
  • Have at least 100% trust with Sarasa the Concentrate
  • Raise Sarasa the Concentrate to at least Elite 2 Level 40
  • Complete Sarasa the Concentrate Module Missions
Module Missions:
  • Deploy this unit 20 times.
  • During C/D-9, deal over 50.000 damage to The Eternal Persistence over a period of 5 seconds.
New trait: Refunds a large portion of the current DP Cost when retreated (80%).
Shining, Blazing (Unlocked at E0)
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, increases Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.1 per hour, plus 0.02 for every [The City] Operator in the base.

Cognition (Unlocked at E0)
When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, for each negative effect currently active (or that should be active normally) in the base, Factory/Trading Post productivity +1%
Sarasa the Concentrate's Token (The Wellspring)
A small notebook filled with sketches of baffling, surreal beasts, and the abnormal tales that accompany them. The margins are all filled with many curious notes and disbelieving annotations.

My intention with this was *mostly* having a guy designed to come in and plug any hole in your defense.
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its a defensive/supportive FRD thats actually usable in current age!

its also, befitting sieghart, busted as hell

first talent is extremely funny. 15s revive on an 18s cooldown. paradigmatic who. given the wording i assume this works multiple times per unit as long as sieg is redeployed each time? even if its once per that ally's deployment funny.
second talent not funny but very useful. fuck freeze fuck stun etc. honestly I just want this ingame now

s1, aka, "what if heidi buff was well designed"? at m3 this is... 5.5% hp/s, 45% attack, +450 def, +45 res, ultimate "emergency, big enemy wave" skill. if you have two blockers with 3 and 1 block you go from 4 to 13 block, also big defensive bonuses, pairs well with the zombie as well, very little will leak while this is up.

s2, the ultimate support skill, if im correct and the trail lasts even if sieg is retreated this is 15-3 uptime/downtime or ~18-0 at m3. nearly permanent slow and doubled sp recovery, even without the heal and damage this is godlike laneholding support

s3, funny meme buff skill, this is what you bring for TfN, gives huge offensive buffs, and dont forget the revive, you get to make the boss feel like how you do when fighting something strong.

rating: would bring this guy to my is4 runs

Sarasa, the Concentrate- 6* Executor Specialist

Tags: Crowd-Control, DPS, Support

"...well, we're getting closer and closer to the end. I can feel it. But you can be sure I can stick by you for a little longer, Doctor."

Operator Sarasa the Concentrate, more himself then ever.

He remains stalwart, but now he moves towards a new world.

The trend of overpowered FRD Alter units continues with Sieg, just instead of "deploy this to delete your enemies", you get a "deploy this to make your allies semi-immortal". Supporters, eat your heart out.

Pair Siegalter with Eyjalter and you get full on immortality. Almost nothing will get through. Wonder what his dialogues would be.
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