Lex Mechanica

[X] Plan: We have sought and we shall find
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] 1: Continue the war on the Dren homeworld and investigate the mysterious properties of the strange land and it's species, increase the privileges of the Dren tribes that sided with us willingly
- [X] 2: Begin mass infrastructure works aimed at improving the lives of the masses above all else, including mass rail lines and elevators connecting different sections of the world
- [X] 3: Begin production of amenities for the menials and chaff on a greater scale
- [X] 4: Construct factories for mass production of the TIE and begin it
- [X] 5: Give local mechanicus members near total freedom for experiments with enemy Dren and darklands material without restrictions on "innovative" or "potentially heretical" actions. Mantian a supply of both of course
- [X] Outreach: Attempt to ingratiate our faction with the visiting tech marines, if possible see if they can publicly appear with one of our members or give a positive statement
You forgot the coalition thing again. I'd suggest Bearers of the Beacon, Adeptus Sustainus, and the All-Skitarii Party.
People voting more or less.

In the end this is a quest.

Fair enough...

I guess I was just annoyed at the prospect a fringe party organization having the power to do something on that scale without much limitation besides disapproval of their peers. One minor group has the power to greatly sabotage a plan of the greater whole fairly easily under that way of thinking. Almost if not is game breaking.

If something like that happened in this universe then they'd be declared traitors and we all know what happens to traitors of the imperium!
One minor group has the power to greatly sabotage a plan of the greater whole fairly easily under that way of thinking. Almost if not is game breaking.

Welcome to politics.

Early on I actually wanted to make system more orderly and ensure that certain action will require majority vote of political parties.

But no one cared.

@Magus Explorator , is there any way for a party in government to block an outreach action like this, such as by outlawing it?

You sure you want to open this Pandora Box? Once opened, it can't be closed.
Welcome to politics.

Early on I actually wanted to make system more orderly and ensure that certain action will require majority vote of political parties.

But no one cared.

You sure you want to open this Pandora Box? Once opened, it can't be closed.
I mean... you're the one opening it? I'm not saying to outlaw your party, I'm saying to make a law declaring that the STCs we get from our machine can only be given out by majority vote.

If the winning party puts in as one of their actions yes, tho even if not I'll roll for it ( to see if there's no astro path problem, then more to see if they find it interesting)
And just to check, if the party doesn't get three votes, then that's the other way that the outreach action could just not happen?
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I mean... you're the one opening it? I'm not saying to outlaw your party, I'm saying to make a law declaring that the STCs we get from our machine can only be given out by majority vote.

That's not how you worded your question.

You asked about blocking and outlawing people actions. Rather then limiting them, by requiring majority vote.
That's not how you worded your question.

You asked about blocking and outlawing people actions. Rather then limiting them, by requiring majority vote.
I mean, yes. If it requires a majority to pass, that means it can't be an outreach action anymore, it'd have to be a law plank from your party. It would be effectively outlawed as an outreach action, since outreach actions are definitionally done in the minority.

Nope, tho other people outreach can screw your over
I think you misunderstood my question?

I was asking, say, if the party trying to do this action fails to get 3 votes, then it just doesn't form and thus the outreach doesn't happen, correct? Or could the outreach somehow happen even if the party doesn't form?
Also it's fucking unjust that radicals can do whatever they want, but when I do something "diffrent" people are crying that I can't do that.
[X] Plan: We have sought and we shall find
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] Coalition: Yes: radicals, people who will stop our classified tech from being sent to mats. No: traditionalists, people trying to send our classified tech to Mars
- [X] 1: Continue the war on the Dren homeworld and investigate the mysterious properties of the strange land and it's species, increase the privileges of the Dren tribes that sided with us willingly
- [X] 2: Begin mass infrastructure works aimed at improving the lives of the masses above all else, including mass rail lines and elevators connecting different sections of the world
- [X] 3: Begin production of amenities for the menials and chaff on a greater scale
- [X] 4: Construct factories for mass production of the TIE and begin it
- [X] 5: Give local mechanicus members near total freedom for experiments with enemy Dren and darklands material without restrictions on "innovative" or "potentially heretical" actions. Mantian a supply of both of course
- [X] Outreach: Attempt to ingratiate our faction with the visiting tech marines, if possible see if they can publicly appear with one of our members or give a positive statement
How I'm screwing everyone over?
You shouldnt hand over advantages the forge world needs to be successful to Mars. We arent an explorator mission, we are a colony, we have lives. Heaven is high, and Mars is far away. We need to depend on ourselves, not sacrifice everything for the benefit of a world who doesnt even realize we exist.

Also they might come and take the Pandora device from us.

Also it's fucking unjust that radicals can do whatever they want, but when I do something "diffrent" people are crying that I can't do that.
I mean your side of the aisle tried to form a cordone sanitaire so my sympathy for your side is very low. Sharing the tie fighter design might invite scrutiny from Mars, and will give away an important advantage on which we depend.
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Also it's fucking unjust that radicals can do whatever they want, but when I do something "diffrent" people are crying that I can't do that.
I mean, feel free to the usual subversion and saying how great you are, but I don't think the radicals have done any outreach actions that are particularly unfair. If you feel they have, please name them. I'd be totally fine with trying to send the plans if they were a plank proper, because then that'd mean you'd have a majority behind you.
I mean, feel free to the usual subversion and saying how great you are, but I don't think the radicals have done any outreach actions that are particularly unfair.

I'm not great, I'm awful person with low empathy, can't form friendships and who finds joy in violence.

And radicals don't need outreach action, when they recive majority of votes every turn.
I'm not great, I'm awful person with low empathy, can't form friendships and who finds joy in violence.

And radicals don't need outreach action, when they recive majority of votes every turn.
I mean... I more meant the standard outreach action, I wasn't talking about you, I meant the party. I meant how the Seekers spent some time doing outreach actions like preaching to the menials, that kind of stuff. And they don't really, it's just that the Adeptus Sustainus are willing to coalition with them and the orthodox parties are more split at the moment.
Seekers also don't care about consequences and it seems to work for them, so what the hell let's follow the example.

I'd rather be selfish pRick and achive at least something rather then stand by side and just exist.
[X] Plan: Expanding more stuff
-[X] Party Name: Holy Machine Faction
-[X] Coalition: Name: Glory of the Omnissiah Goals: Build up our Forge world to create wonders
--[X] Invited to Join:Illuminated Mechanicus, Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy, Cogs of Justice
--[X] Not: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Begin construction of the new Holy TIE Fighter, with a few weapons packages for other missions, energy based only(avaible space issues). Its speed could make it a good scout for the battles on the moon and exported as a PDF fighter.
-[X] 2: Begin construction of a new factorium to increase the Saturnite supply. We are the only producers and now have weapons, initial orders, and space industry in place, it is important we have a good supply ready.
-[X] 3: Expand the space dock so more manufacturing can be done and the mining we do in space can also be processed there.
-[X] 4: Establish a second Forge City on Sidonia.
-[X] 5: Begin consolidating a series of ledgers to take an accounting of the Forgeworld's production, such that any deficits or drops in production can be preempted before the forge runs into critical shortages of materials.
-[X] Outreach: Continue expanding the Faction's new base. Hollowed out asteroids from the mining can be used as a cheap way to expand quickly. Focusing on dockyards and refineries for our future.
[x] Plan: Expanding Pandora
- [x] Party Name: Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus
- [x] Represents: Logi, Chaff
- [x] Coalition: Yes: Holy Machine, Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Warriors of the Machine God. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah.
- [x] 1: Expand forges to supply the nascent starship construction industry.
- [x] 2: Integrate Saturnite industrial tooling.
- [x] 3: Build dedicated Saturnite ammo factories for export purposes.
- [x] 4: Mandate the creation of a forge complex dedicated to the production of the Twin Ion Engine.
- [x] 5: Test stacking of Twin Ion Engines for use on larger vessels.
- [x] Outreach: Research repurposing the Advanced Auspex Unit from the TIE/LN starfighter for use in a ground vehicle.