You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.
[X]Monsters and Men roam the Earth: It was a simple mission, check in on a listening post in Scotland and get out, you did not however expect to deal with a giant hound monster from mythology...took about three days to hit it with enough silver and salt to kill it. So yes...Magic is real and traditional methods work. (+10 to dealing with magical beings)

I am sick and tired of HYDRA.
[x] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.
[x] Apparently, shapeshifting aliens are real, go figure: What was originally a simple bust of an undercover agent's hidden broadcast station in NYC, it turned out to be an alien relay system for a species of aliens called Skrulls that have the ability to change shape. It was a pain to capture, interrogate and kill the alien, making him spill the beans at what little you knew now about what is out there. (+10 to dealing with aliens)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.
[X]Monsters and Men roam the Earth: It was a simple mission, check in on a listening post in Scotland and get out, you did not however expect to deal with a giant hound monster from mythology...took about three days to hit it with enough silver and salt to kill it. So yes...Magic is real and traditional methods work. (+10 to dealing with magical beings)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

[X] Apparently, shapeshifting aliens are real, go figure: What was originally a simple bust of an undercover agent's hidden broadcast station in NYC, it turned out to be an alien relay system for a species of aliens called Skrulls that have the ability to change shape. It was a pain to capture, interrogate and kill the alien, making him spill the beans at what little you knew now about what is out there. (+10 to dealing with aliens)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

[x] Apparently, shapeshifting aliens are real, go figure: What was originally a simple bust of an undercover agent's hidden broadcast station in NYC, it turned out to be an alien relay system for a species of aliens called Skrulls that have the ability to change shape. It was a pain to capture, interrogate and kill the alien, making him spill the beans at what little you knew now about what is out there. (+10 to dealing with aliens)

Going with Jr. Cause he is best option and with the alien option cause I want to get a shapeshifting alien as a body double like in canon in the future.
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With only 6 million we need superheroes that are easy to find, don't need training, and aren't a beaurocratic nightmare to deal with.

These are the types that are proclaiming outloud I'm a superhero.

So my question is, are superheroes already out there or are they just starting to show up now? With some exceptions like Captain America?
These are the types that are proclaiming outloud I'm a superhero.
Yeah but their quality is… questionable at best given that well, some of them are starting out.

Your probably going to have an easier time getting heroes from other areas of the Marvel catalogue like GI Joe and such..
Because Custom start means all marvel comics stuff.
So my question is, are superheroes already out there or are they just starting to show up now?
The "Heroic Age" hasn't really started yet, like the fantastic four and spider man hasn't hit the scene yet.

Going off the rough canon, X Men 1 should be like one of the first BIG events to happen publicly , probably.
I find it funny that in Comics, Superheroes are probably cheaper than agents, the problem with them is they're going to be free agents with their own motivations, which you can only call on so often.
Really, if it's all up to time. We should be prioritizing a Base of operations. We need some place for the agents to be stationed, likely in the U.S. somewhere that's important due to a continuous event of some sort. Which means New York City, would be best, probably New Jersey due to its location and not being in the city proper. Still New York is a central hub so it makes sense to be near there for our first base.

With a base, preferably an old base that's been unused or else we'll have to spend money to create it.

We can then look for Agents that we can recruit which aren't likely to be the best, unless we poach from other branches. So we can gain more information so we can actually start.
Really, if it's all up to time. We should be prioritizing a Base of operations. We need some place for the agents to be stationed, likely in the U.S. somewhere that's important due to a continuous event of some sort. Which means New York City, would be best, probably New Jersey due to its location and not being in the city proper. Still New York is a central hub so it makes sense to be near there for our first base.

With a base, preferably an old base that's been unused or else we'll have to spend money to create it.

We can then look for Agents that we can recruit which aren't likely to be the best, unless we poach from other branches. So we can gain more information so we can actually start.

If you want a central base, you want upstate New York over the City. Traffic is a thing, you know? A NYC office makes sense, eventually, though
[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)

[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.

Because Samuel L. Jackson held it down. (Though did Nick Fury Sr. get the supersoldier serum in this quest continuity?
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.
[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.
[X]So...There are things that are...more than man: You encountered that THING in the field in LA, twice as strong as a man, twice as fast, and more, it took everything you had to take down such a foe. (+10 to dealing with natural enhanced)
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Scheduled vote count started by Cyberphilosipher on Jan 22, 2024 at 11:46 AM, finished with 31 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.
    [X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
    [X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.
    [X]Monsters and Men roam the Earth: It was a simple mission, check in on a listening post in Scotland and get out, you did not however expect to deal with a giant hound monster from mythology...took about three days to hit it with enough silver and salt to kill it. So yes...Magic is real and traditional methods work. (+10 to dealing with magical beings)
    [x] Apparently, shapeshifting aliens are real, go figure: What was originally a simple bust of an undercover agent's hidden broadcast station in NYC, it turned out to be an alien relay system for a species of aliens called Skrulls that have the ability to change shape. It was a pain to capture, interrogate and kill the alien, making him spill the beans at what little you knew now about what is out there. (+10 to dealing with aliens)
    [X]So...There are things that are...more than man: You encountered that THING in the field in LA, twice as strong as a man, twice as fast, and more, it took everything you had to take down such a foe. (+10 to dealing with natural enhanced)
Alright Gang, Here are our Hapless Agents and Director, Enjoy.

Nick Fury Jr.
Age: 42 (Born July 1st 1958)

Martial: D20 => 16+10+3=29 (While you were never the warfighter your father was, you still did spend nearly two decades with the US Army Rangers, and you were a part of Operation Urgent Fury, several advisory roles in Central America, and Operation Just Cause and all the Desert Storm work, and you've been in your fair share of operations off the books)

Diplomacy: D20 => 7+3+5=15 (Looking back, despite your abilities, you believe being intimidating is the best form of diplomacy, as does your conditional kindness witch is dare you say precious)

Intrigue: D20 => 20+15+3=38 (You've been in the Spy game for nearly a decade, dare you shall say it, you're good at it; One of the best in the business .)

Stewardship: D20 => 9+3+5=17 (Management of people and material has always been skill you've developed)

Learning: D20 => 8+3+5+2=18 (You understand and can deal with a lot, but super science and RnD, only the basics. Though enhanced Humans via tech, you understand that mess...intimately.)


"Founder of SHEILD"- Nick Fury is the Director and Founder of SHEILD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. This gives Fury a sizable and well-funded organization to operate. (When using his authority as Director, he gains a +10 to all diplomacy rolls with other US-based organizations and civilians, When organizing SHEILD proper, he gains a +5 to all projects he's personally overseeing. Finally, when he uses the full weight of his Title, he can get a large bonus or resources for any project he needs if he passes a difficulty check. +3 to all stats)

Tech and Technological Terrors-After dealing with Dr. Draus and his many technological terrors, Fury took it upon himself to learn about the vast arrays of technical augmentation and its effects in the field, giving him a near encyclopedic knowledge on theoretical human augmentation and enhancements. (+2 to Learning, +10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced individuals, special actions when deployed against them)

CIA Spook- Before Fury was made to be in charge of SHIELD; he was a CIA agent, who experienced a lot of things in the decade after he graduated from high school, went into the US Army Rangers and was recruited into the CIA. (+10 Martial, +15 Intrigue, and +5 rest, +5 to all rolls related the CIA, you were one of them.)

Coul Fury- Fury remembers the day he was assigned to work with Phil Coulson and though it was going to end in disaster. Now Fury considers Coulson his best friend and one of his brothers, enduring all kinds of adventures as the CIA's most effective but destructive duo. (+5 when Coulson and Fury work together)

Stable Hill- After saving her from an assassination attack and enduring an adventure; Hill was made into the girl-in-the chair logistic officer for Fury and Coulson; and to the surprise of everyone, she was able to stay on the job and able to manage the insanity that was those two agents. (+5 when Hill and Fury work together)

Extended Family- ????

Maria Hill
Age: 25 (April 4, 1975)

Martial: D20 => 1+1=2 (Maria Hill, almost failed basic weapons training, and was built to be around the office, not a battlefield, how she survived her first adventure with Nick and Phil, even the CIA doesn't know.)

Diplomacy: D20 => 12+1=13 (Hill knows her way with languages and people, at least better than Fury, and she can smooth over most forms of insults from the government)

Intrigue: D20 => 11+1+5=17 (Maria Hill is an analyst and desk jockey, but even she can handle most forms of fieldwork that requires her head.)

Stewardship: D20 => 20+1+15=36 (Hill is an EXCEPTIONALLY Good Logistican and Organizer of almost all forms of resources, cash and manpower in the State Department. She can also make excellent Coffee.)

Learning: D20 => 20+1+15=36 (Double Degree in Engineering and Computer Science, along with two minors in both Law and Cryptography. But she's as close to an Omnidiciplinarian as one can get from the CIA's vast arsenal)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Maria Hill is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Stable Hill- After saving her from an assassination attack and enduring an adventure; Hill was made into the girl-in-the chair logistic officer for Fury and Coulson; and to the surprise of everyone, she was able to stay on the job and able to manage the insanity that was those two agents, serving as their voice of reason. (+5 when Hill works with Fury or Coulson)

CIA Secretary= Hill went from an unassuming CIA analyst to the logistic officer for Coulson and Fury, and has demonstrated the capacity to handle all their problems and deal with their insanity. (+15 to Steward, Learning; +5 to Intrigue, +5 to all rolls related the CIA, you were one of them)

Philip Coulson
Age: 41 ( July 8th 1959)

Martial: D20 => 15+1+10=26 (While not the unparalleled Military might of Nick, you were able to keep up with him for most of your career, so that has to mean you're good.)

Diplomacy: D20 => 20+1+5=26 (Nick was never a people person that you were, and your collection of classic cars and language skills means your top shelf.)

Intrigue: D20 => 10+1+15=26 (Nick Called you his one good eye, and you keep up with him enough times to make it true.)

Stewardship: D20 => 5+1+5=11 (Phil is competent with money and resources)

Learning: D20 => 6+1+5+5=17 (Gear Head, and a man of refined workability you know your tools)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Phil Coulson is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, he gains a +5 to all rolls within his purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. He also gains +1 to all stats)

CIA Spook- Before Coulson was made into an Agent of SHIELD; he was a CIA agent, who experienced a lot of things in the decade after he graduated from high school. (+10 Martial, +15 Intrigue, and +5 rest;+5 to all rolls related the CIA, you were one of them.)

Coul Fury- Coulson remembers the day he was assigned to work with Fury and though it was going to end in disaster. Now Coulson considers Fury his brother and endures all kinds of adventures as the CIA's most effective but destructive duo. (+5 when Coulson and Fury work together)

Stable Hill- After saving her from an assassination attack and enduring an adventure; Hill was made into the girl-in-the chair logistic officer for Fury and Coulson; and to the surprise of everyone, she was able to stay on the job and able to manage the insanity that was those two agents, serving as their voice of reason. (+5 when Hill and Coulson work together)

Car Expert- Coulson grew up working on cars with his father and is one of the few things he remembers fondly with him. Mechanic or driver, Coulson is an expert at this and he is the driver between him and Fury. (+5 Learning; +15 to working on cars or driving them)

All of them are extremely competent to make up for your lack of money.
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