You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

Any obscure SHIELD stuff? Like characters and Such, given the context of the quest?

S.T.A.K.E. who is made up of supernatural creatures like werewolves and vampires. They usually deal with supernatural beings.

S.W.O.R.D. is for extraterrestrial threats. They are sometimes a division of Shield and other times are a separate organization altogether.

S.A.F.E. is a USA only version of Shield. So they only deal with threats to the USA, instead of the world like Shield.

Those are the organizations I remember off top of my head who usually work with Shield. There are also other hero and antihero teams that help but are not an actual part of Shield.
Those are the organizations I remember off top of my head who usually work with Shield. There are also other hero and antihero teams that help but are not an actual part of Shield.
Thanks I just wanted to know what I have so we can have room for expansion and priorities.

now onto one more question for you all.

How funny do you want Recruitment of Heros to be?
Adhoc vote count started by Cyberphilosipher on Jan 20, 2024 at 11:26 PM, finished with 52 posts and 24 votes.

on a scale to we hire them as regular people to hi I busted in your base since I want to work for you. A decent 7.2
Very peculiar, why a 7?

Also I'm just wondering, I've given only one Sr choice. and Three Jr choices for nick fury.

I think I should have you choose wether to play Sr or Jr in the 2000 start...just to have more variety. or its just me rambling.
[] December 1999: Well things are going well...they didn't listen now they are slamming the door on my clearance, well was thinking of going private anyway.
[X] November 3rd, 1943, Italy: I'll never forget my First Encounter with HYDRA, no matter how the movies and the reports say how well we fought for something so unexpected, the gold and silver stars earned that day or even how much Barns and Dum Dum fought like mad bastards trying to keep "Doc" safe it was terrifying… insurmountable. Impossible, my last conscious thought before we were dragged off to that Hydra base was how cooked we were.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Cyberphilosipher on Jan 19, 2024 at 4:18 PM, finished with 59 posts and 27 votes.
Debriefing, Reassignment and Stories
Debriefing, Reassignment and Stories

Well, Nicky, you've really done it this time. You've given the top brass the perfect excuse to throw you to the wolves. Only in this case, 'wolves' means a desk job. The higher-ups have decided to harness your skills, training, ultraviolence, and experience for their latest venture: a brand-new organization.

They've named it the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, a unit focused on Federal Law enforcement, disaster relief, and the investigation of persons of interest, along with a variety of other essential and less critical tasks that now demand your attention.

And here's the kicker: this organization is less than three hours old, and you've got just two agents to start with.

Brilliant, indeed.

(Nick's POV)

The waiting room was a poor excuse for its name, even less welcoming than the prison cells I was sadly familiar with. It was an odd combination of cold and damp, yet somehow still maintained a sense of cleanliness and order.

The constant typing from the secretary only added to the overwhelming unease. The room felt claustrophobic as if the walls were inching closer, a deliberate design choice intended to unnerve visitors and keep them off-balance.

Whoever designed this place had a strange fascination with tight spaces.

You could wax poetic about the necessity of such an atmosphere in our line of work, but that would take all day.

"Agent Fury, the Council will see you now," The secretary announced.

Ah yes, the Council. The rather infamous group of unknown people in charge of all the United States' intelligence apparatus, and if rumors are right; the intelligence of other Western agencies as well.

You stepped into the large, dark room, pausing momentarily to allow my eye to adjust to the dimness.

"Agent…" a voice echoed from the intercom.

AN: Due to the Custom Start I'm giving you one last chance to decide between Jr and Sr just because the choices were Nick Fury Jr heavy, there was only one Sr choice and 4 Jrs. THE GM HAS SPOKEN!

[] Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.

[] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

"The assignment must have come as a considerable surprise to you, especially given your record while working with the CIA," the Councilman said from behind the blackened, anonymous screen.

"Yes, Councilman, I'm well aware of my own record. But why am I being reassigned from my current posting to a position I've never even heard of?" you asked annoyed at the forced change of scenery to something you weren't used to.

"That's because until three hours ago, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division did not exist in any official or unofficial capacity," another voice chimed in from one of the various screens surrounding me.

They added, "You are one of the most qualified individuals to lead this organization into the 21st century, thanks to your field expertise alone."

"Now, tell us exactly how you..." the first voice began again.

"Lost my eye? Isn't that quite the story?" I interjected.

[] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)

[] Apparently, shapeshifting aliens are real, go figure: What was originally a simple bust of an undercover agent's hidden broadcast station in NYC, it turned out to be an alien relay system for a species of aliens called Skrulls that have the ability to change shape. It was a pain to capture, interrogate and kill the alien, making him spill the beans at what little you knew now about what is out there. (+10 to dealing with aliens)

[]Monsters and Men roam the Earth: It was a simple mission, check in on a listening post in Scotland and get out, you did not however expect to deal with a giant hound monster from mythology...took about three days to hit it with enough silver and salt to kill it. So yes...Magic is real and traditional methods work. (+10 to dealing with magical beings)

[]So...There are things that are...more than man: You encountered that THING in the field in LA, twice as strong as a man, twice as fast, and more, it took everything you had to take down such a foe. (+10 to dealing with natural enhanced)


Budget allotment: D20 => 6

"Six Million Dollars?" You said looking at the printout of your first budget report that was printed out. "That's barely enough to prepare a single team, much less an organization of the caliber you want?"

"It was a rather short notice allotment for the task ahead, Director Fury. We didn't even know if you would accept the job. But I assume the problem of the budget would be sorted out soon enough." The Councilman said.

You rolled your singular eye, "I understand that this is a short notice appointment, however, I will not be hobbled by a lack of a budget, I'm assuming that this Council, wishes for this organization to succeed?"

"Director, the ink isn't even dry on the charter form, your budget will be handled and improved once we handle all the paperwork." The Councilman noted. "The matter will be resolved…post haste."

And this is why I need an accountant early… You groaned.

Reward: You have a starting budget of 6 million Dollars and an IOU from the Council for a larger budget.

AN: You have a budget, a small one, and you need to chose how you lost your eye and what part of the Marvel world you fell into.

I presume that choosing Nick Fury Sr isn't voting for a crusty old man. Does that mean that he has the Infinity formula slowing down his aging?

[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.

I like this because it's something different.

[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)

I like how this implies Hydra shenanigans.
I presume that choosing Nick Fury Sr isn't voting for a crusty old man. Does that mean that he has the Infinity formula slowing down his aging?
Oh that's reveal for another time, but yes, Nick Sr, can and almost always will be able to work in the Feild.

I like this because it's something different.
I'm glad, that people will like it, because I prefer something different as well.
I like how this implies Hydra shenanigans.
Oh yes...
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.
[X]Monsters and Men roam the Earth: It was a simple mission, check in on a listening post in Scotland and get out, you did not however expect to deal with a giant hound monster from mythology...took about three days to hit it with enough silver and salt to kill it. So yes...Magic is real and traditional methods work. (+10 to dealing with magical beings)

I'm going to be honest, I've never liked S.H.I.E.L.D. in the comics it's powerful yes, but the live action form it took was dealt a whole lot better. This includes the director, I don't believe anyone was angry with the great actor change, and it actually caused changes in leadership in the comics as well with how successful of a character he is. He's probably the best example of the movies making the comic books better.
[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)

I like the idea of some threats and allies progression for our Fury, starting in more grounded and familiar territory (tech), before stumbling upon the crazier stuff (magic and aliens).
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

I can't wait to tell Agent Hayden Christensen to take a seat in the Council Meetings..not to mention tell Hydra Agents that we do not grant them the rank of Master Agent.

[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Sr.
[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.
[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.
[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)
[X] Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

[X] I hate Nazi Scientists: What was supposed to be a simple snatch and grab of a wanted old Nazi scientist by the name of August Draus hiding out in a jungle in South America, turned into a nightmare scenario of monsters, chemically enhanced madmen and old relics given life one last time. You managed to get out of there alive and killed the bastard, all at the cost of your eye. (+10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced)