Lex Mechanica

So for those voting to integrate the xenos what is your plan for if/when the Imperium or Mechanicus come in for a visit and ask about them?
We are a colony in the ass-end of nowhere belonging to two polities whose photos are underneath the dictionary definition of 'slow moving train wreck'. When exactly, are they going to come check up on us? I expect that the only time either Mars or the Imperium will show up is when they need something from us and our productive capacity is so low we literally are not worth the trip. The juice aint worth the squeeze right now. Maybe when our forge is actually capable of supplying something of value to them, will they care enough to make the journey.

Like when you say come in for a visit, are you expecting tech priests to make regular trips out here? We werent exactly given a mission statement, we have no goals to accomplish, we are just another outpost, another Mars settlement. We are explicitly far away from Imperial influence. In many ways, we are on our own, and if anything were to happen to us, neither the Imperium nor Mars are positioned to ride to the rescue, nor would they be inclined even if they were. Because we dont have anything valuable to offer them, and our founding Magos died before the project even left the ground.

So I am not sure where you are getting the idea that the Imperium, famous for forgetting entire planets exist on its worst day, is going to come check up on us. Much less tell us our business. In fact they are more likely to leave us alone so long as we give them what they want when they come asking for it.
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So I am not sure where you are getting the idea that the Imperium, famous for forgetting entire planets exist on its worst day, is going to come check up on us. Much less tell us our business.
Planets have to pay a tithe so someone has to be going around collecting those tithes and we aren't a lost colony just a new one. So eventually a ship will swing by to collect the annual taxes so I don't know where you get the idea that no one will ever being visiting. Plus we are near the Ghoul Stars you know the place the Mechanicus and Imperium routinely explore? So then using us as a way station before plunging in is a possibility.
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We are a colony in the ass-end of nowhere belonging to two polities whose photos are underneath the dictionary definition of 'slow moving train wreck'. When exactly, are they going to come check up on us? I expect that the only time either Mars or the Imperium will show up is when they need something from us and our productive capacity is so low we literally are not worth the trip. The juice aint worth the squeeze right now. Maybe when our forge is actually capable of supplying something of value to them, will they care enough to make the journey.

Like when you say come in for a visit, are you expecting tech priests to make regular trips out here? We werent exactly given a mission statement, we have no goals to accomplish, we are just another outpost, another Mars settlement. We are explicitly far away from Imperial influence. In many ways, we are on our own, and if anything were to happen to us, neither the Imperium nor Mars are positioned to ride to the rescue, nor would they be inclined even if they were. Because we dont have anything valuable to offer them, and our founding Magos died before the project even left the ground.

So I am not sure where you are getting the idea that the Imperium, famous for forgetting entire planets exist on its worst day, is going to come check up on us. Much less tell us our business. In fact they are more likely to leave us alone so long as we give them what they want when they come asking for it.
I want to frag the xenos tho
Plants have to pay a tithe so someone has to be going around collecting those tithes and we aren't a lost colony just a new one. So eventually a ship will swing by to collect the annual taxes so I don't know where you get the idea that no one will ever being visiting. Plus we are near the Ghoul Stars you know the place the Mechanicus and Imperium routinely explore? So then using us as a way station before plunging in is a possibility.
You are misunderstanding our relationship with the imperium.

We are a forge world, we give the local Imperial Guard guns and tanks, and we do this because if someone bigger than us shows up we want the Guard to come riding to the rescue. The locals have every reason to want to keep us happy and no reason to tell us how to do our business so long as we can supply those guns and tanks.

The only two groups who have any inclination to tell us what to do are the Inquisition, who will need to convince the local sector to actually involve themselves in our affairs, and the Mars priesthood and the Mars priesthood has no lack of radical verging on heretekal forge worlds. It is only a real problem if your an ambitious tech priest looking to climb the ladder, that you might be tainted by our strange country ways.

If anything, the inquisition is the more dangerous threat, not because they can convince the local governors to invade us, they wont, becuase those governors need us, but rather because half the planet would side with them if it meant they could kill the radical factions. With a single word an inquisitor could turn one half of the colony against the other half.

I want to frag the xenos tho

See, I can actually respect this opinion.
We are a forge world, we give the local Imperial Guard guns and tanks, and we do this because if someone bigger than us shows up we want the Guard to come riding to the rescue. The locals have every reason to want to keep us happy and no reason to tell us how to do our business so long as we can supply those guns and tanks.
We currently aren't supplying anything at the moment our exports are zero, and presumably planets in the sector have gotten along just fine without us so far. After all as you said we are a new Forge World in the ass end of nowhere we don't have allies or anyone interested in keeping us happy.
If anything, the inquisition is the more dangerous threat, not because they can convince the local governors to invade us, they wont, becuase those governors need us, but rather because half the planet would side with them if it meant they could kill the radical factions. With a single word an inquisitor could turn one half of the colony against the other half.
The Inquisition can very easily get other local governors on their side, or at the very least they won't dare tell the Inquisitor no. That is the point of them having absolute power and authority. The only people who have told the Inquisition no on a regular basis are other Inquisitors or Space Marines and usually with consequences and we don't have allies with either.
We currently aren't supplying anything at the moment our exports are zero, and presumably planets in the sector have gotten along just fine without us so far. After all as you said we are a new Forge World in the ass end of nowhere we don't have allies or anyone interested in keeping us happy.

The Inquisition can very easily get other local governors on their side, or at the very least they won't dare tell the Inquisitor no. That is the point of them having absolute power and authority. The only people who have told the Inquisition no on a regular basis are other Inquisitors or Space Marines and usually with consequences and we don't have allies with either.
Sure they have gotten along but how many more armies can the locals raise if they were supplied by our forge world? Now that we exist, the local administratum might adjust tithe requirements. The local administratum is famous for understanding that the local sector has a nice new forge world but cant actually raise the army they would normally be able to because a roaming inquisitor decided to get their hardline on and spurred us into a civil war.

Local governors tell the Inquisition to go fuck itself all the time. It is canon lore that the Inquisition requires the consent and support of the local organs of power to do anything major. You cannot rule an entire planet or defend an entire planet with just special forces. You need the consent and cooperation of the Imperial Guard, and to mobilize them you need the forge worlds to supply them.
And travel and communication in the Imperium is so slow and so spotty, if you dont have the consent of the Governor, or you have not successfully convinced the army to go rogue, even if technically you can tell them what to do, you dont have anything. In the Imperium who is right is determined not by who is wrong, but by who is left. Not individually but institutionally.

Because the Governor is a part of the local system hierarchy. The inquisitor is not, he is some spooky outsider come to stir up trouble. A governor has the loyalty of the local armies, the local bureaucracy, the local churches, the nobility, and an inquisitor does not. Thats what makes an inquisitors job so precarious and why they are so independent. And its why they are so reliant on the rest of the Imperium going along with their activities.

The idea of an inquisitor flashing their badge of office and everyone cowering in fear might be true for individual nobles, but its not true for the government of the local governor as a whole. If the governor catches on and tells people to shut the inquisitor out, he is shut out. But that just means he was a shit inquisitor in the first place.
Claim they're our genetors' latest idiocy rather than xenos? :V
Smaller to reduce living space requirements, the power comes from mechadendrites anyway.
Fur-y to reduce clothing requirements.
*Dren make their noises*
Uh... The genetors are still working on the vocal cords.
*Dren pokes imperial with spear*
And the correct hormone amounts, their smaller bodies need much less aggression hormones.
*Dren uses warp lightning*
Look! Over there! The Omnissiah is handing out toasters in lingerie. *runs away*
Smaller to reduce living space requirements, the power comes from mechadendrites anyway.
Fur-y to reduce clothing requirements.
*Dren make their noises*
Uh... The genetors are still working on the vocal cords.
*Dren pokes imperial with spear*
And the correct hormone amounts, their smaller bodies need much less aggression hormones.
*Dren uses warp lightning*
Look! Over there! The Omnissiah is handing out toasters in lingerie. *runs away*
No need to make excuses, we just explain nothing and tell the Inquisitor to go take a hike. Assuming we are willing to put up a united front to an inquisitor and not allow them to turn us against ourselves.
Now that we exist, the local administratum might adjust tithe requirements.
The same Administratum that is part of the Empire that you just described as a slow moving train wreck? Yeah I'm sure they will get on it some time in the 42nd millennium.
A governor has the loyalty of the local armies, the local bureaucracy, the local churches, the nobility, and an inquisitor does not.
Imperial politics is a nest of vipers on a good day so there is no way any governor has complete loyalty from all the different subfactions and an Inquisitor will know that and take advantage of it.

I mean just look at our planet we are already on the brink of killing each other because of this issue so any Inquisitor with the stance of kill the xenos and the people helping them will get a very good majority support right off the bat. At the very least they will have support of the Church which have an entire thing about purging xenos or they can call upon a Space Marine chapter for help. An Inquisitor has options besides the standard planetary governor to get things done.
Claim they're our genetors' latest idiocy rather than xenos? :V
See this idea might actually work if we play it right instead just saying we love xenos and fuck the Inquisition.
I mean just look at our planet we are already on the brink of killing each other because of this issue so any Inquisitor with the stance of kill the xenos and the people helping them will get a very good majority support right off the bat. At the very least they will have support of the Church which have an entire thing about purging xenos or they can call upon a Space Marine chapter for help. An Inquisitor has options besides the standard planetary governor to get things done.

Interestingly there's been zero mention of violence between the factions, so I think everyone so far respect the internal democracy even if they're willing to lock other factions out of coalitions.
Interestingly there's been zero mention of violence between the factions, so I think everyone so far respect the internal democracy even if they're willing to lock other factions out of coalitions.
Fair, I was just using it as an example because they mentioned how an Inquisitor could get half our planet to rise up against the other half. But still the point remains that no planet in the Imperium is 100% united so a planetary governor saying no isn't a hard stop and more of a speed bump.
The same Administratum that is part of the Empire that you just described as a slow moving train wreck? Yeah I'm sure they will get on it some time in the 42nd millennium.

Imperial politics is a nest of vipers on a good day so there is no way any governor has complete loyalty from all the different subfactions and an Inquisitor will know that and take advantage of it.

I mean just look at our planet we are already on the brink of killing each other because of this issue so any Inquisitor with the stance of kill the xenos and the people helping them will get a very good majority support right off the bat. At the very least they will have support of the Church which have an entire thing about purging xenos or they can call upon a Space Marine chapter for help. An Inquisitor has options besides the standard planetary governor to get things done.

See this idea might actually work if we play it right instead just saying we love xenos and fuck the Inquisition.
No, but looking into what political fracture points there are takes time and familiarity. An inquisitor rocking up to do stuff cant just figure that out, it takes time and legwork, so an inquisitor cant just show up out of nowhere and threaten exterminatus. They also cant just show up to a governor, commandeer their armies, and use those armies to invade other planets of the Imperium.

If an inquisitor shows up we are going to see them coming, and if they take exception to us we will see it coming, and if they rally local armies to attack us, we will see that coming as well.

I am not really worried about them, so long as we maintain a united front in the face of them getting upset at us.
They also cant just show up to a governor, commandeer their armies, and use those armies to invade other planets of the Imperium.
In theory they kinda can, or at the very least the governor has to hear them out and few people in the Imperium will say no to something like killing xenos and heretics. At the absolute worst they will see coming in and killing who they believe to be heretics as doing us a favor. Additionally an Inquisitor has a retinue to do the leg work for them in finding fracture points so they will rarely being working alone. Hell they might even have contacts in the wider Mechanicus that he can talk to about the xenos loving heretics on one of their Forge Worlds.
If an inquisitor shows up we are going to see them coming, and if they take exception to us we will see it coming, and if they rally local armies to attack us, we will see that coming as well.
You seem to think an Inquisitor will just pop into our neck of the woods and announce their presence when they can very easily come to the sector without telling anyone do their investigation in secret and leave before we notice them. They're not flamboyant Rogue Traders they are the secret police and as such are expected to be skilled in things like subtlety.

Also if they do rally an army against us it is pretty much game over since a single Forge World is completely outmatched against the Imperium. We could hold out for a bit but eventually we will be worn down and defeated.
I am not really worried about them, so long as we maintain a united front in the face of them getting upset at us.
And I think you are not taking the potential consequnces of this seriously enough.
In theory they kinda can, or at the very least the governor has to hear them out and few people in the Imperium will say no to something like killing xenos and heretics. At the absolute worst they will see coming in and killing who they believe to be heretics as doing us a favor. Additionally an Inquisitor has a retinue to do the leg work for them in finding fracture points so they will rarely being working alone. Hell they might even have contacts in the wider Mechanicus that he can talk to about the xenos loving heretics on one of their Forge Worlds.

You seem to think an Inquisitor will just pop into our neck of the woods and announce their presence when they can very easily come to the sector without telling anyone do their investigation in secret and leave before we notice them. They're not flamboyant Rogue Traders they are the secret police and as such are expected to be skilled in things like subtlety.

Also if they do rally an army against us it is pretty much game over since a single Forge World is completely outmatched against the Imperium. We could hold out for a bit but eventually we will be worn down and defeated.

And I think you are not taking the potential consequnces of this seriously enough.
So your saying that I can counterfeit an inquisitorial rosette and just play at being king until another inquisitor calls me out. That no governor is going to call me out, and I can just do what I want and no one will ever call me on my bullshit because the chances of me encountering another legitimate inquisitor are slim to none, and even then I can just point at them and claim *they* are in fact the imposter. Especially because the compartmentalized nature of the Inquisition means that it is very likely any two given inquisitors probably dont know each other by name, or at least the possibility is high enough that they cant just say that I am not in fact, an inquisitor.


A governor is likely to hear out an inquisitor but unless they have proof that the Tech Priests doing their weird tech priest stuff is worth them actually sending an army, IE they got subverted by a gene stealer cult, or are opening holes into the warp, or are going to raise an army and invade the sector seeking to conquer it, those Governors arent likely going to go along with the inquisitor. Because they have their own problems to worry about. Whatever the inquisitor is doing, they still have tithes to meet and enemies to fight and their position to maintain.

An inquisitor pointing at someone and saying "Go kill those people I dont like what they are doing" isnt going to cut it. They need more substantial proof to back it up. Us being nice to the local xenos isnt going to cut it. Tech heresy DEFINITELY isnt going to cut it because a Governor wouldnt know what tech heresy looked like if it jumped up and bit them in the ass. Thats an internal AdMech concern. The Governor doesnt know what AdMech rites should look like because the AdMech run a mystery cult, outsiders need not apply.

So if your not an insider able to actually call us out, you dont have much of anything to go on. Also the Fabricator General is autocephalous, the only person who can tell our Fab Gen what to do is the Fab Gen of Mars. So local governors invading a forge world specifically to get involved in internal forge world matters that dont actually disrupt the flow of material would likely draw in other forge worlds who would want to protect their internal affairs from outside meddling. Especially from the meddling of a jumped up junior inquisitor with too much time on their hands. So in order to defend themselves from interference outside of the Cult of Mars, they would likely ride to our defense. Heretek or not heretek. As long as we pay lip service to the Cult, they are going to be on our side when it comes to outsiders butting in on our business. Because they assume that we would do the same for them were the situation reversed.

So an inquisitor, say of the Ordo Xenos would need enough proof to paint us as an actual existential threat to the local forces. They would need enough proof to convince other forge worlds in the area to not rush to our defense. Because those forge worlds autonomy is threatened by our autonomy being threatened. Thereforer they have incentive to resist a Governor supporting inquisitorial meddling. So the Governor needs to balance listening to this outsider unknown spook, versus potentially alienating not just us, but other forge worlds as well whose autonomy might be brought into question if an inquisitor can just casually mobilize the local Guard and bring a forge world they dont like to heel.

They would need at minimum the backing and support of one of the other forge worlds or the blessing of Mars itself, and that is a bridge too far for some back water colony.

To recap: They would need to convince us to turn on ourselves which I hope no one would do, or they would need the non-interference of other local forgeworlds, or the blessing of Mars itself to bring us to heel, on top of the suppport of either a local Governor or the local Imperial Guard to actually have the manpower needed to occupy our colony. Considering that we arent consorting with powers of the warp, or looking to raise an army to attack Imperial worlds, or looking to buck Imperial hierarchy at all, nor are we looking to destroy the Imperial Cult or the Cult of Mars, we just want the ability to see to our own diplomatic affairs with respect to xenos, and to our own affairs with respect to holy technology...

This threat isnt one. Not that an inquisitor wouldnt disapprove, but I doubt their ability to actually be able to do anything about us. At least not until an actual legitimate problem pops up somewhere else to take away their attention.
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A governor is likely to hear out an inquisitor but unless they have proof that the Tech Priests doing their weird tech priest stuff is worth them actually sending an army, IE they got subverted by a gene stealer cult, or are opening holes into the warp,
Bro I'm not talking about them going to a governor without proof obviously if they meeting with the governor of a neighboring sector they have already gotten proof and consider it valid. After all one of the plans literally has a part about openly consorting with xenos witches which is heresy no matter which way you slice it. All an Inquisitor will have to do is take some recordings and other things then show it to other Mechanicus members, other Inquisitors, or the sector high command.
Us being nice to the local xenos isnt going to cut it. Tech heresy DEFINITELY isnt going to cut it
Us being nice to the locals and leaving them be isn't the issue it is us bring them into the Mechanicus which is. Hell the Mechanicus doesn't like bringing in most other humans into it so what do you think they will say about bring in non-humans.

Besides if the Inquisition can't do something then they can very easily contact the Mechanicus's own internal watch dog department about it.

Personally I don't care about the actions of other parties I care about them doing so openly and saying to hell with the consequences.
Bro I'm not talking about them going to a governor without proof obviously if they meeting with the governor of a neighboring sector they have already gotten proof and consider it valid. After all one of the plans literally has a part about openly consorting with xenos witches which is heresy no matter which way you slice it. All an Inquisitor will have to do is take some recordings and other things then show it to other Mechanicus members, other Inquisitors, or the sector high command.

Us being nice to the locals and leaving them be isn't the issue it is us bring them into the Mechanicus which is. Hell the Mechanicus doesn't like bringing in most other humans into it so what do you think they will say about bring in non-humans.

Besides if the Inquisition can't do something then they can very easily contact the Mechanicus's own internal watch dog department about it.

Personally I don't care about the actions of other parties I care about them doing so openly and saying to hell with the consequences.
And they wont *get* any proof at all without actually visiting us first. Whcih also means that word would have to get *out* that there is actually something worth an inquisitors time. Considering we arent exactly awash in visitors, we will see them coming a mile away. Even if they do visit, then whatever proof they have has to be worth the governor potentially alienating the forge worlds that help keep the sector running. And like, inquisitors generally have a million other fires to put out. That a Mars colony is turning out to be full of radicals and potential hereteks isnt worth their time by itself.

Also we aint consorting with shit, we are just looking for a solution that doesnt requiring us having to gun down the locals all the time so we can feed ourselves. Also, recordings? Thats hilarious. Recordings dont mean anything more than the inquisitor happened to find some radical tech priests. Thats like walking into the woods and being shocked you found dirt on the floor. That might be enough to get other Fabricator Generals to make comments to our Fabricator General, but thats not enough to condemn an entire world.

Also I havent heard anything about bringing the locals into the Priesthood of Mars. So I dont know where you are getting those ideas from.

One of the perks of being part of the priesthood of Mars rather than some nobody laborer. We can do what we want more than most people in the Imperium can. So why not use that privilege and power for good? Why not use our power to make our lives and the lives of the menials we care for, and the lives of the xenos locals who havent really done anything of siginificance better? Or at least not oppress them for the crime of existing?
That a Mars colony is turning out to be full of radicals and potential hereteks isnt worth their time by itself.
An Inquisitor, or at least one that is good at their job, would much rather prefer to nip a problem in the bud before it consumes an entire sector in the fires of heresy.
And they wont *get* any proof at all without actually visiting us first. Whcih also means that word would have to get *out* that there is actually something worth an inquisitors time. Considering we arent exactly awash in visitors, we will see them coming a mile away.
We get food imports so it would be very easy for an Inquisitor, or a few acolytes, to sneak onto our world that way and start running an investigation before reporting back. Most ships keep very bad records on their crew after all so they could get a few infiltrators in without us ever noticing.
That might be enough to get other Fabricator Generals to make comments to our Fabricator General, but thats not enough to condemn an entire world.
And what happens if we keep doing it and those other Fabricator Generals stop making comments and start asking questions. What then?
"We've found some abhumans were utalizing as second class citizens" or "we have a minor xeno protectorate" or "we have a few xeno slaves" it's really not that uncommon
See that is an actual answer that could work instead of your it's not gonna happen so don't worry about it answer.
Funny teddy bear guards/pets can probably work.

Tho you will need to deal with them exploding or if the hypnotherapy fails and they get angry
Funny teddy bear guards/pets can probably work.

Tho you will need to deal with them exploding or if the hypnotherapy fails and they get angry
Honestly I am of the opinion we just leave them alone. Whatever labor they can do, we probably have menials or tech priests, or even servitors, who can do it better.
An Inquisitor, or at least one that is good at their job, would much rather prefer to nip a problem in the bud before it consumes an entire sector in the fires of heresy.

We get food imports so it would be very easy for an Inquisitor, or a few acolytes, to sneak onto our world that way and start running an investigation before reporting back. Most ships keep very bad records on their crew after all so they could get a few infiltrators in without us ever noticing.

And what happens if we keep doing it and those other Fabricator Generals stop making comments and start asking questions. What then?

See that is an actual answer that could work instead of your it's not gonna happen so don't worry about it answer.
Yeah, sure, maybe an inquisitor would prefer to do that. But that usually involves shooting the problem maker. But if the problem maker is an entire world, they need to like, convince other people that its worth their time to go invade that world and make them stop. Their job is to preserve the Imperium, not police the Adeptus Mechanicus for tech heresy.

The inquisition is looking for *threats* to the Imperium. Thats their job. They cant waste their time, or the Imperium's time, throwing an entire army that could be doing more productive things like fighting off an Ork waaaagh, or a Tyranid hive fleet, or fending off a Chaos incursion, at every little problem. The Ordo Hereticus doesnt care about the Cult Mechanicus, they care about the Cult of the Emprah. As long as we arent bringing that into question they arent going to care about doctrinal disputes internal to the Adeptus Mechanicus. What we do with ourselves is our business, same as how we chose to organize ourselves as a parliament and elect the Fabricator General whereas on other planets the position is more authoritarian and dictatorial and the forge world is the Magos personal fief.

An inquisitor would have to have a reason to send acolytes to sneak onto our food imports in the first place. All we are talking about is being less awful to the psychic teddy bears we happen to share a moon with. Those acolytes who are coming to the ass end of Nowhere, could be doing other, more useful things then investigating some podunk colony to see whether or not they are being sufficiently shit to the local non humans.

If the other Fabricator Generals start asking questions then we can tell them to go fuck off because Fabricator Generals are all autocephalous. So long as they more or less follow the important bits of the Cult Mechanicus, the details are up for debate. And to be perfectly honest, I would pay to see them go whine to the Fabricator General of Mars about some podunk colony on the fringe of the Imperium with less than a billion souls to its name. Its like telling some village on the ass end of nowhere who has the authority to see to its own affairs, that your going to go tattle on them to the Pope that they arent sufficiently pious in your eyes.

The Pope is probably going to throw you out and tell their staff to never let you back in.

So long as we leave them to their own affairs they are likely to leave us to our own affairs so long as we keep the tech heresy to a dull roar. So that probably just means we cannot start turnign our tech priests into Necrons or binding daemons into our war machines or whatever.

I think you are blowing the fear of the Imperium out of the water considering who we are, what we are, and where we are located.