You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

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Agent Fury is having a bad day...he's just been put in charge of one of the most advanced and most important organizations to have ever existed on earth...

Too bad no one left him an instruction manual on how to run it.

Now Join him as he struggles to keep his sanity in a world that is getting incredibly strange, unusual...and Marvelous.
Intro: Welcome Nick Fury

Action: Open CLASSIFIED Database Files.



Opening Backup Database…


Updating Profile…

Welcome CORRUPTED Fury.


They never tell you how strange the world gets until it up and knocks on your door, and you are sitting in your apartment nursing a hangover from god and an itchy face from a former flame; it's only now in a cold moment of quiet you understand just how small you really are.

Now you were never one for philosophizing on the nature of life not until its wildly unpredictable nature up and kicked you in the can. It was only natural that even with everything you've seen, life still had a few surprises left to throw at you.

Of course, it all started in…

[] November 3rd, 1943, Italy: I'll never forget my First Encounter with HYDRA, no matter how the movies and the reports say how well we fought for something so unexpected, the gold and silver stars earned that day or even how much Barns and Dum Dum fought like mad bastards trying to keep "Doc" safe it was terrifying… insurmountable. Impossible, my last conscious thought before we were dragged off to that Hydra base was how cooked we were.

Then…Cap came to save us…alone, and even thinking back on how stupid he was for trying, there wasn't a dry eye on anyone's face on the walk back, save maybe the ones in the tanks.

163 men were saved that day by one man…The Star-Spangled Man with a Plan…A USO Posterboy did all that-?
That's when I knew the world was going for a ride we didn't know where we were going.

Lucky me?

[In this choice you will be playing as Nick Fury Sr, and slowly navigate the ins and outs of a combined Fox and MCU Marvel Universe, spanning from (Not counting the Prologue and Mission 1 which are set in 1943 and 1945 respectively.) 1961 to 2025 (With necessary time skips), following to the best of my abilities every Fox and MCU Property that can comfortably be played or influenced by a rising HYDRA SHEILD, have fun messing with Erik, playing mind games with Charles and battling the Hellfire Club and Hydra Remnants until "Something big happens"]

You begin as an AGENT of SHEILD!

[] June 1995: So turns out…Aliens are real, we're a proxy battleground and nearly everyone who knows is either, dead, poorly informed lemmings who aren't paid to think very hard, or you and Phil; and not only that…your eye still itches even though your doctor said not to touch it. So now you have to deal with letting the right people know about and deal with THAT problem…and you only care that people THINK for once.

Lordy…you should have stayed undercover as a hired gun, at least that was simple for once, even got to have a cool Fro and everything.

[You will be playing as Nick Fury Jr, and slowly navigate the ins and outs of a primarily MCU Marvel Universe, spanning from 1995 to 2025 (With necessary time skips), following to the best of my abilities every MCU property that I can given the circumstances. You have to "Manage Shield," and "Babysit Heroes as the Grow up" and generally keep to the script as close or as less as you want]

You begin as Director of SHEILD!

[] January 2000: Whelp You've done it now've finally given the top brass a reason to throw you to the wolves without a paddle, and by wolves you mean a desk. Top Brass has finally decided that they want to put your skills, training, ultraviolence and experience to make a fancy new organization.

The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. A division specializing in no less then, Federal Law enforcement, disaster relief, and Investigation of persons of interest. Among a multitude of other necessary and frivolous tasks that require your attention.

Oh and this organization is less than three hours old and you only have two agents to work with.


[You will be playing as Nick Fury Jr and in this timeline, SHIELD was never created after WW2. Somethings remained the same while others changed. While the MCU will serve as the foundation; due to SHIELD not existing, comics lore will be more accessible, including stuff from other series will be slowly filter in. Basically, while we start out with nothing (army, tech, HELI-CHAN, reputation, etc.) at least we don't have to worry about HYDRA or any other group already trying to screw us from the inside; and we have full control of SHIELD.]


[] December 1999: Well things are going well...they didn't listen now they are slamming the door on my clearance, well was thinking of going private anyway.

[This option is an alternate to the above choice, where Fury, after an incident; choose to quit working with government, taking with Coulson, Hill and whatever he could get his hands on before leaving. He decides to create SHIELD as a PMC. Has absolutely zero authority and reputation but it's capacity to grow is unlimited.]

You are the LEADER/Founder of SHIELD!

AN: Finally its ready the NEW QUEST IS READY!
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Director Fury
The Director

Director Nick Fury Jr.
Age: 43 (Born July 1st 1958)

Martial: D20 => 16+10+3+30=59 (While you were never the warfighter your father was, you still did spend nearly two decades with the US Army Rangers, and you were a part of Operation Urgent Fury, several advisory roles in Central America, and Operation Just Cause and all the Desert Storm work, and you've been in your fair share of operations off the books. Now that you've been Enhanced, Your ability to lead and Fight are beyond that of a normal human.)

Diplomacy: D20 => 7+3+5+30=45 (Looking back, despite your abilities, you believe being intimidating is the best form of diplomacy, as does your conditional kindness witch is dare you say precious, Now your ability to inspire is...superhuman)

Intrigue: D20 => 20+15+3+30=68 (You've been in the Spy game for nearly a decade, dare you shall say it, you're good at it; One of the best in the business. Now you don't want to brag but your one of the best spies to have ever live)

Stewardship: D20 => 9+3+5+30=47 (Management of people and material has always been skill you've developed, now math is really easy)

Learning: D20 => 8+3+5+2+30=48 (You understand and can deal with a lot, but super science and RnD, only the basics. Though enhanced Humans via tech, you understand that mess...intimately. Now that your mind is clearer, you can understand so much more now.)


"Founder of SHEILD"- Nick Fury is the Director and Founder of SHEILD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. This gives Fury a sizable and well-funded organization to operate. (When using his authority as Director, he gains a +10 to all diplomacy rolls with other US-based organizations and civilians, When organizing SHEILD proper, he gains a +5 to all projects he's personally overseeing. Finally, when he uses the full weight of his Title, he can get a large bonus or resources for any project he needs if he passes a difficulty check. +3 to all stats)

Tech and Technological Terrors-After dealing with Dr. Draus and his many technological terrors, Fury took it upon himself to learn about the vast arrays of technical augmentation and its effects in the field, giving him a near encyclopedic knowledge on theoretical human augmentation and enhancements. (+2 to Learning, +10 to dealing with tech-related enhanced individuals, special actions when deployed against them)

CIA Spook- Before Fury was made to be in charge of SHIELD; he was a CIA agent, who experienced a lot of things in the decade after he graduated from high school, went into the US Army Rangers and was recruited into the CIA. (+10 Martial, +15 Intrigue, and +5 rest, +5 to all rolls related the CIA, you were one of them.)

Coul Fury- Fury remembers the day he was assigned to work with Phil Coulson and though it was going to end in disaster. Now Fury considers Coulson his best friend and one of his brothers, enduring all kinds of adventures as the CIA's most effective but destructive duo. (+5 when Coulson and Fury work together)

Stable Hill- After saving her from an assassination attack and enduring an adventure; Hill was made into the girl-in-the chair logistic officer for Fury and Coulson; and to the surprise of everyone, she was able to stay on the job and able to manage the insanity that was those two agents. (+5 when Hill and Fury work together)

Extended Family- ????

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)
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Hero Units
Agents of SHEILD

Maria Hill
Age: 25 (April 4, 1975)

Martial: D20 => 1+1+30=32 (Maria Hill, almost failed basic weapons training, and was built to be around the office, not a battlefield, how she survived her first adventure with Nick and Phil, even the CIA doesn't know. Now that her body is Superhuman, her ability are far greater.)

Diplomacy: D20 => 12+1+30=43 (Hill knows her way with languages and people, at least better than Fury, and she can smooth over most forms of insults from the government, now her charisma is that of a usual politician)

Intrigue: D20 => 11+1+5+30=47 (Maria Hill is an analyst and desk jockey, but even she can handle most forms of fieldwork that requires her head. Now her abilities are sharp as ever.)

Stewardship: D20 => 20+1+15+3=66 (Hill is an Once in a Generation Logistican and Organizer of almost all forms of resources, cash and manpower in the State Department. She can also make excellent Coffee.)

Learning: D20 => 20+1+15+30=66 (Double Degree in Engineering and Computer Science, along with two minors in both Law and Cryptography. But she's as close to an Omnidiciplinarian as one can get from the CIA's vast arsenal, now her brain can work even faster.)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Maria Hill is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Stable Hill- After saving her from an assassination attack and enduring an adventure; Hill was made into the girl-in-the chair logistic officer for Fury and Coulson; and to the surprise of everyone, she was able to stay on the job and able to manage the insanity that was those two agents, serving as their voice of reason. (+5 when Hill works with Fury or Coulson)

CIA Secretary= Hill went from an unassuming CIA analyst to the logistic officer for Coulson and Fury, and has demonstrated the capacity to handle all their problems and deal with their insanity. (+15 to Steward, Learning; +5 to Intrigue, +5 to all rolls related the CIA, you were one of them)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Philip Coulson
Age: 41 ( July 8th 1959)

Martial: D20 => 15+1+10+30=56 (He can keep up with Nick now, even if he's not the top of the class)

Diplomacy: D20 => 20+1+5+30=56 (Nick was never a people person that you were, and your collection of classic cars and language skills means your top shelf, even more now that you can claim to be like Captain America.)

Intrigue: D20 => 10+1+15+30=56 (Nick Called you his one good eye, and you keep up with him enough times to make it true.)

Stewardship: D20 => 5+1+5+30=41 (Phil is competent with money and resources, just Not Maria Hill levels)

Learning: D20 => 6+1+5+5+30=47 (Gear Head, and a man of refined workability you know your tools)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Phil Coulson is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, he gains a +5 to all rolls within his purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. He also gains +1 to all stats)

CIA Spook- Before Coulson was made into an Agent of SHIELD; he was a CIA agent, who experienced a lot of things in the decade after he graduated from high school. (+10 Martial, +15 Intrigue, and +5 rest;+5 to all rolls related the CIA, you were one of them.)

Coul Fury- Coulson remembers the day he was assigned to work with Fury and though it was going to end in disaster. Now Coulson considers Fury his brother and endures all kinds of adventures as the CIA's most effective but destructive duo. (+5 when Coulson and Fury work together)

Stable Hill- After saving her from an assassination attack and enduring an adventure; Hill was made into the girl-in-the chair logistic officer for Fury and Coulson; and to the surprise of everyone, she was able to stay on the job and able to manage the insanity that was those two agents, serving as their voice of reason. (+5 when Hill and Coulson work together)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Car Expert- Coulson grew up working on cars with his father and is one of the few things he remembers fondly with him. Mechanic or driver, Coulson is an expert at this and he is the driver between him and Fury. (+5 Learning; +15 to working on cars or driving them)

Elizabeth Braddock
Nickname- Betsy
Age: 21
(Note, this is her original English look with blond hair)

Martial: D15 => 4+1+30= 35 (Elizabeth took most basic forms of self-defense classes, now they can comfortably be used as a weapon)

Diplomacy: D15 => 14+1+10+5+30= 60 (Between an incredible charisma, understanding of human body language and diplomatic customs she is a professional diplomat and Public relations GODDESS now)

Intrigue: D15 => 15+1+10+30= 56 (How does a young woman hide an entire lifestyle and career choice, sprinkle the truth in it and watch, and well dress to impress.)

Stewardship: D15 => 10+1+10+30= 51 (A Passable Fiance operator and logistician. Maria is impressed you can keep up)

Learning: D15 => 8+1+30= 39 (Thank god your economic degree buoyed your poor grades in college, now everything seems easier.)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Betsy is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Blue Blood- Betsy grew up in an English noble household and was made to learn all about the English nobility. (+10 to Diplomacy, Intrigue, Stewardship)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Poisoned Tea- Betsy cannot make any form of edible tea. Though she can make it into a deadly poison. (Automatic failure in making edible tea; +15 to making poison tea)

Modeling- Betsy wished to be a fashion model, both for herself and to rub it on her parents' face. And her body really made it more than possible. (+5 Diplomacy, +5 to seduction)

Mutant- LOCKED

Conrad S. Hauser
Codename- Duke
Age: 20
(Picture him as a young Channing Tatum, but the scar under his right eye)

Martial: D20 => 16+1+10+30= 57 (A Professional Paratrooper and military NCO, Duke has done a lot in the three years in the service, and is one of the best field team leaders in the Service, possibly in all of America. Now he's got the strength of Captain America. )

Diplomacy: D20 => 14+3+1+30= 48 (A Polyglot of many languages who carries with him an inspiring presence that transcends language. Men follow him without hesitation. Now even more so)

Intrigue: D20 => 7+1+3+30= 41 (He keeps secrets, and guards it as best he can. And Nick has taufgt him well)

Stewardship: D20 => 15+1+3+30= 49 (Half his jobs on Base are logistics-related, and he can manage his money. Maria made sure of it.)

Learning: D20 => 10+1+30= 41 (He's graduated High School and knows a variety of bizarre cultural facts. Even more now.)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Hauser is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, he gains a +5 to all rolls within his purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. He also gains +1 to all stats)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Polyglot: Hauser is a natural polyglot and an expert in English, German, French, Vietnamese, and Chinese along with two more southeast Asian. (+3 Diplomacy, and a +10 to all rolls related to using language knowledge.)

Paratrooper Veteran: Sgt. Hauser has been in the US Army for three years and knows the ropes. (+10 to Martial, +3 to Steward, Intrigue)

Maya Hansen
Age: 26

Martial: D15 => 6+1+30= 37 (Being in good health, you need to lift a lot of things around the you can lift a small car engine)

Diplomacy: D15 => 9+1+30= 40 (You can hold a lecture's attention for a while, now even longer.)

Intrigue: D15 => 1+1+30= 32 (You are as threatening and secretive as a Lemming...with superstrength but still)

Stewardship: D15 => 13+1+15+30= 59 (Your well suited to managing budgets and grants)

Learning: D15 => 14+1+25+30= 70 (Triple Degreed in Botany, Biology and Genetics, and now the leading expert on Super Soldier Biology and enhanced human beings.)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Maya is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

From Intern to Equal: Dora started as Maya's intern, who took her under her wing after NASA fired her, and now she is her equal in SHIELD. (+5 when Maya and Dora work together)

Genius- Maya is certified genius, having three PhDs to her name and already creating something that can change the world. (+25 to Learning, +15 to Steward; +10 when dealing with biological, genetics and plants)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Pregnant (Unknown to her)


John Raymond Arnold
Alias- Ray
Age: 42

Martial: D15 => 1+1+30= 32 (Ray Arnold is formerly one-armed man with Super Soldier strength, and while he needs training, he's in much better shape then he was years ago)

Diplomacy: D15 => 12+1+30= 43 (He's clear, direct and has managed bizarre characters before)

Intrigue: D15 => 12+1+30= 43 (He kept his NDA for years, and then it blew up in his face...and well,then he regrew his arm)

Stewardship: D15 => 12+1+10+30= 53 (He is a skilled Project manager and knows his way around fiances and money)

Learning: D15 => 12+1+15+30= 58 (He's a Computer Wizard who's seen and done work on a lot of the building blocks of the Modern Internet)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Ray is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, he gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. He also gains +1 to all stats)

Computer Master- Ray is a very competent computer engineer, knowing a lot of tricks around this trade. (+15 to Learning, +10 to Steward; +15 when dealing with actions related to computers)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Extended Family- ???? (Working with a trusted member of the family, +5 to action; increases by +5 for every member)

Madelyne Pryor
Nickname- Maddie
Age: 27

Martial: D20 => 20+1+30= 51 (Maddie's seen and done a lot in her time as a Cargo Pilot, and has gunfighting and flying skills to prove it)

Diplomacy: D20 => 20+1+5+30= 56 (Maddie's Multi-Lingual, in French and English, she is beautiful and well cultured and perfect in terms of the looks)

Intrigue: D20 => 1+1+30= 32 (She can't hide a secret, how she did in her jobs we'll never know...though now she knows better)

Stewardship: D20 => 14+1+4+30= 49 (She's a fantastic Mechanic and mager of fiance)

Learning: D20 => 11+1+4+30= 46 (She's a Pilot, Mechanic, and well read master of aviation)


"Agent of SHIELD"- Maddie is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Pilot- Maddie is a long-time airplane pilot and knows how to maintain them. (+4 Learning, Stewardship; +15 when piloting a plane, working on them, something related to them)

Beautiful- Despite Maddie being a pilot and mechanic who gets her hands dirty, she has a body that most women would kill to have. (+5 Diplomacy, +5 Seduction)
Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Mutant- LOCKED


Dr. Theodora Leiber
Nickname- Dora

Martial: 5+30+1=36 (Dora is basic trained, and with a Super Soldier Body one doubts she'll never be in danger again)

Diplomacy: 16+30+1=47/ (+5= 52) (Dora is beautiful...witty and charming, she just lacks the self confidence needed to be her best self.)

Intrigue:7+30+1=38 (Living with Nick Fury means that she's learned to lie)

Stewardship:9+30+20+1=60 (MONEY WILL NEVER BE A PROBLEM AGAIN)

Learning: 20+30+30+1=81 (Dora is officially the third smartest human to ever walk the earth)


"A Rare Beauty"- Look up Perfection in a dictionary and you will see Dora Lieber next to it. She is a sculptor's dream. Sadly, the bullying Dora endured makes her think she is not this. (+5 Seduction, +5 Diplomacy) (Semi-locked: Only applies around those she knows, or talked into showing off her look)

Agent of SHIELD- Theodora Leiber is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

"Obsession: SPACE SPACE!!"- She has an obsession with Outer Space and will stop at nothing to achieve that ambition.

SUPER Genius- Dora is a certified genius even more than Maya, but only has two PhDs to her name and already has plans for something to change the world. (+30 to Learning, +20 to Steward; +15 when dealing with Astronomy and Engineering)

From Intern to Equal: Dora started as Maya's intern, who took her under her wing after NASA fired her, and now she is her equal in SHIELD. (+5 when Maya and Dora work together)

Secret: Sibling (Reed Richards)- Unbeknownst to all of the world and even Dora herself, Dora is a half-sister of Reed Richards from another universe, No one knows how she got here, or what happened to her universe, all anyone knows is that, nothing bad has happened to her yet.

Helen Cho
Age: 26

Learning: 9+1+25+15= 50 (As one of the leading heads of Medicen and Nanotechnology, Helen is a master of her craft)

Martial: 2+1+10= 13 (Fully trained and competent in military work)

Diplomacy: 15+1= 16 (And Diplomacy, bilingualism is powerful)

Intrigue 20+1= 21 (As is her ability in Espionage and its effects)

Stewardship 16+1+15= 32 (Helen is a logistics officer in South Korea, Reserve Unit)


Agent of SHIELD- Helen Cho is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHIELD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Genius- Helen is certified genius, having only two PhDs to her name and already working on something that can change the world. (+25 to Learning, +15 to Steward; +10 when dealing with Genetics)

General Practitioner: Helen is a Medical Doctor, specializing in genetic disease and can use her skills to treat most basic ailments. (+15 to Learning, +15 when dealing with a medical situation)

Military trained: Helen spent two years in the South Korea military as required by law*. While she did not see combat, she has training to take care of herself. (+10 to Martial)

The Cho-Hansen Method: Maya and Helen were researching drought resistant plants in college yet drifted apart due to differing careers and methodology. That said they still have a fine chemistry when it comes to working. (+5 when Helen and Maya work together)

*In this universe, both genders are mandatory in SK.

Linda Carter
Age: 25 (February 7, 1975)

Martial: D20 => 20+1+10+30= 61 (Was a Badass, became even more of one)

Diplomacy: D20 => 10+1+10+30= 51 (She's positively charming)

Intrigue: D20 => 7+1+10+30= 48 (As is her spycraft)

Stewardship: D20 => 6+1+10+30= 46 (Well suited for economics)

Learning: D20 => 20+1+25+30= 76 (I can rupture all of your organs and not kill you)


Agent of SHIELD- Carter is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within his purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Hello NURSE: Linda Carter is a fully trained and fully licensed nurse, though she hopes to become a certified doctor, as she already has the knowledge of one. (+25 Learning, +10 Diplomacy, +30 to all rolls related to Medical Practice)

"Night NURSE!": You are the CIA Medical Operative 'Night Nurse', an off the books medical officer that is one of the best medical operatives on Earth. (+10 Martial, Steward, Intrigue; +5 to all rolls related the CIA, you were one of them)

Enhanced (SSR)= This character has been exposed and augmented by a variation of the Super Soldier formula, in gas form; and now stands at the same level as the legendary Captain America. He/she is now Enhanced. (+30 to all stats) (OOC- MCU Nagel version)

Ford Brody
Age:20 (Born June 13th 1980)

Martial: D20 => 19+1+5= 25

Diplomacy: D20 => 14+1= 15

Intrigue: D20 => 11+1+5= 17

Stewardship: D20 => 17+1=18

Learning: D20 => 7+1+5= 13

"Agent of SHIELD"- Brody is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHEILD, he gains a +5 to all rolls within his purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. He also gains +1 to all stats)

"Army EOD Specialist"- Ford is a US Army EOD Specialist and specializes in the disposal and arming of explosives. (+5 Learning, Martial, and Intrigue. +25 to all rolls related to the disposal and handling of explosives, +10 to the rolls related to explosives/bombs in general.)

Charlotte Lockwood
Age: 27 (1973)

Martial: D20 => 20+1+10+10= 41

Diplomacy: D20 => 17+1= 18

Intrigue: D20 => 4+1+10+10= 25

Stewardship: D20 => 16+1+10+15+10= 52

Learning: D20 => 19+1+25+10= 55

Agent of SHIELD- Charlotte is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHIELD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Blue Blood- Charlotte, although American; grew up in an English noble household and learned all about the English nobility by her father. (+10 to Diplomacy, Intrigue, Stewardship)

Genius- Charlotte is a certified genius, having two PhDs to her name. (+25 to Learning, +15 to Steward; +10 when dealing with Genetics)

Dino Girl- Charlotte loves everything about dinosaurs, from how they are made to how they lived. She practically grew up around them. (+10 to Intrigue, Stewardship, Martial, Learning; +20 when dealing with dinosaur-related actions)

Unknown to her:
Sickness- Charlotte has a deadly genetic disease that is slowly killing her and has already rendered her sterile. Will die at the age of 36.

Lara DeMornay
Age:23 (February 14 1977)
(Comes from Legends timeline, having recently experienced 'Anniversary')

Martial: D20 => 15+15+1= 31

Diplomacy: D20 => 8+10+15+5+1= 39

Intrigue: D20 => 13+10+15+1= 39

Stewardship: D20 => 19+10+15+1= 45

Learning: D20 => 20+15+1= 36

Occult: D20 => 7+5+1+1= 14

Agent of SHIELD- Lara is an Agent of SHIELD, a national law enforcement, search and rescue, and investigation of domestic and possibly out-of-state threats. (When operating as an Agent of SHIELD, she gains a +5 to all rolls within her purview and specialization and gains a +10 to all rolls related to the agency's specialization. She also gains +1 to all stats)

Blue Blood- Lara grew up in an English noble household and was made to learn all about the English nobility. (+10 to Diplomacy, Intrigue, Stewardship)

Tomb Raider- Lara has been through a lot of things in her life that has turned her into a very dangerous individual, including things she learned growing up. This also includes seeing things that are not normal in her quest to find the truth about her parents.
(+15 to all, except occult; Occult +5)

Friend to the End- When Lara lost everything, only Betsy showed her kindness and help. Now, Lara trust her and is her best friend. (+5 when Lara and Betsy work together)

Beautifully Gifted- Lara is a beautiful woman with a body that turns heads and very 'gifted', and yet somehow despite her size, she can move, fight easily and not bothered by it.
(+5 Diplomacy, +5 Seduction, +1 Occult)
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[X] November 3rd, 1943, Italy: I'll never forget my First Encounter with HYDRA, no matter how the movies and the reports say how well we fought for something so unexpected, the gold and silver stars earned that day or even how much Barns and Dum Dum fought like mad bastards trying to keep "Doc" safe it was terrifying… insurmountable. Impossible, my last conscious thought before we were dragged off to that Hydra base was how cooked we were.
[X] November 3rd, 1943, Italy: I'll never forget my First Encounter with HYDRA, no matter how the movies and the reports say how well we fought for something so unexpected, the gold and silver stars earned that day or even how much Barns and Dum Dum fought like mad bastards trying to keep "Doc" safe it was terrifying… insurmountable. Impossible, my last conscious thought before we were dragged off to that Hydra base was how cooked we were.
[X] January 2000: Whelp You've done it now've finally given the top brass a reason to throw you to the wolves without a paddle, and by wolves you mean a desk. Top Brass has finally decided that they want to put your skills, training, ultraviolence and experience to make a fancy new organization.
[X] January 2000

Okay people, while this means starting from zero, it also means that we don't have to worry about any insiders screwing us from the start, and it gives us more wiggle room to do whatever we want and almost unlimited grow.
[X] November 3rd, 1943, Italy: I'll never forget my First Encounter with HYDRA, no matter how the movies and the reports say how well we fought for something so unexpected, the gold and silver stars earned that day or even how much Barns and Dum Dum fought like mad bastards trying to keep "Doc" safe it was terrifying… insurmountable. Impossible, my last conscious thought before we were dragged off to that Hydra base was how cooked we were.

I like the crossover elements present in this option. Plus even with the timeskips it has a longer time period to play with than the other options.

[X] January 2000: Whelp You've done it now've finally given the top brass a reason to throw you to the wolves without a paddle, and by wolves you mean a desk. Top Brass has finally decided that they want to put your skills, training, ultraviolence and experience to make a fancy new organization.

This option has no timeskips and could arguably give us a bit more freedom to develop sans Hydra. As long as we can incorporate material from sources other than the MCU I'm happy.
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[X] January 2000: Whelp You've done it now've finally given the top brass a reason to throw you to the wolves without a paddle, and by wolves you mean a desk. Top Brass has finally decided that they want to put your skills, training, ultraviolence and experience to make a fancy new organization.
[X] January 2000

purely because no hydra infiltrators--- as much as it pains me not to play as fury Sr, cause i love his and caps relationship (plus winter soldier angst)
[X] November 3rd, 1943, Italy: I'll never forget my First Encounter with HYDRA, no matter how the movies and the reports say how well we fought for something so unexpected, the gold and silver stars earned that day or even how much Barns and Dum Dum fought like mad bastards trying to keep "Doc" safe it was terrifying… insurmountable. Impossible, my last conscious thought before we were dragged off to that Hydra base was how cooked we were.
[X] January 2000: Whelp You've done it now've finally given the top brass a reason to throw you to the wolves without a paddle, and by wolves you mean a desk. Top Brass has finally decided that they want to put your skills, training, ultraviolence and experience to make a fancy new organization.