Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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What part of Bird is not easy mode GM do people not get. If you pass on the opportunity to get someone under you, and then fail the random chance roll to get them. Do not be surprised when any GM that is not a pushover does not let you get them in a throw away event, you did not even spend AP on.
Bird has also been very clear that people are people. Not blocks of numerical values to manipulate.
As long as we get the third circle ritual location secured we don't care how much they investigate?

I don't trust dice, especially after the Twilight debacle, all it takes is one clown managing to remember that very minor scandal about Velvet Covers being a visitor to the Wildhoof Club to get someone like Beyond Reproach thinking. And again, a town where everypony likes us is a town where ponies "forget" to mention important details to out-of-town folk.

If we only care about Applejack, we can just SL her ourselves and not use a Pick on this?

I don't recall seeing an option to befriend her come up, and even if it did, we all know it wouldn't get voted for. I'm arguing this because it's a bundle, a very efficient bundle that may pay extra long-term dividends due to circumstances, and because I feel it addresses a possible issue that will otherwise get ignored until we're forced to deal with it.
Bird has also been very clear that people are people. Not blocks of numerical values to manipulate.
So why would people think that sending the one person Twilight hates to the same room as her family will in anyway help. Because all I see is people jumping on hoping somehow an event that is not about Twilight herself will possible change her mind. What just because it an option when we where explicitly warned trap options exist.
Twilight is shining armors...

Unless they have grandparents hiding somewhere she is his last living relative.

So her not showing up would be... a thing.
At the end of the day, her family won't realise something is wrong and can take actions accordingly unless we take this option?

Saying the option is not about Twilight is also just strange, considering its wording?

If Velvet's presence really causes that much of an issue, surely that doesn't apply to follow-up actions by her family, once we make them aware of the problem?
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I don't recall seeing an option to befriend her come up, and even if it did, we all know it wouldn't get voted for.
-[] Much to your own satisfaction, you now have a personal life outside of your maids, immediate family and business related meetings. You could choose to spend some time with…
--[] Cheerilee, your daughter's schoolteacher
--[] Mayor Mare, the de-facto ruler of Ponyville
--[] Filthy Rich, a well-to-do and wealthy bussinespony
--[] Applejack, daughter of the Apple Clan and older sister to your daughter's friend
--[] WRITE IN (arrange to take your daughter to meet some of your younger acquaintances, or plan something else entirely)
It's right there with the rest of the socialization options?
Besides I don't think Twilight currently hates us as much as you think. Now she clearly doesn't like us, but I don't know from the tone of that update that she can feel enough to hate us. We rolled badly, but didn't fail and crossed two thresholds. She's still an acquaintance not an enemy. And while Velvet thinks she'll never be more, that's her opinion, not necessarily the truth. Either way though I think it's the right thing to do. If it works awesome, if not so be it. I think we owe her that much at least.
My take on this is that it's less that Twilight outright hates Velvet so much as it is a mix of her being upset she didn't act sooner and Velvet's appearance being shortly before her life was ruined for no particularly good reason; being around Velvet just brings back too many bad memories for her to bear.
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Minda how commet probably do not hate velvet as much as he weary of her. There's some indications he is quite satisfied with living with his girlfriend/Fiancee.
[X] "I would be honored to be the maid of honor." (Become closer to Cadance)
[X] "Your dress is good. But it could be better. I know a mare..." (Involve Rarity in dressmaking. Applies Rarity's Lore levels)
[X] "But none of them are nobles. Are you sure I can invite them?" (Increase all non-locked ponies in your Contacts list to Good Friends)
Minda how commet probably do not hate velvet as much as he weary of her. There's some indications he is quite satisfied with living with his girlfriend/Fiancee.
Oh no, Comet hates her. Velvet knows that with Edge certainty. She can feel it.

Twilight, however, was both a case of Velvet making an assumption, not Lore blessed knowledge, and before she actually went to talk to Twilight to figure out what was what. At this point there's not really a case for "she hates Velvet." Velvet certainly thought it at a previous point, but now understands that Twilight doesn't hate her, if only because she doesn't feel anything. Not enough to hate, at least. Hating would mean she cared, and Twilight just… doesn't. She simply wants to never see us again.

now, this doesn't mean Velvet's presence won't cause issues, after she did in fact ask to never see her again. I won't even try to make that assertion, though I would point out that we are certain to at least gain enough it becomes net neutral as has been stated. However, because nobody has taken the time to directly ask and be answered from what I recall:
[] "Cadance, both you and Shining sent invitations to Twilight. But maybe we should… check on her in person?" (???)
@BirdBodhisattva does this option involve Velvet actually being present at this check-in, despite having been asked by Twilight to never see her again? The wording of "we should check on her" suggest that it does, however it's an in-character statement, which might be just a turn of phrase. Maybe in the sense of an organizational "we."

I'm not asking for outcomes, of course, just clarification on whether Velvet is sending Cadence/Shining to check on Twilight, or taking one or both to do so.
[X] "I would be honored to be the maid of honor." (Become closer to Cadance)

[X] "Cadance, what do you mean keep the change? What do you mean that I should keep the change?! " (Gain 500 bits)

[x] "But none of them are nobles. Are you sure I can invite them?" (Increase all non-locked ponies in your Contacts list to Good Friends)
Oh no, Comet hates her. Velvet knows that with Edge certainty. She can feel it.
Yes because feelings of 2 level 4 Edge adepts are really the most emotional nuanced and never exaggerate any treat specially since velvet have the frightened trait.

One thing to take in consideration is Edge is not lantern, when it shows things it is colored by a conflict an violence perspective. the point of edge is violence.
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Yes because feelings of 2 level 4 Edge adepts are really the most emotional nuanced and never exaggerate any treat specially since velvet have the frightened trait.

One thing to take in consideration is Edge is not lantern, when it shows things it is colored by a conflict an violence perspective. the point of edge is violence.

I'm pretty sure that there's a WoG from Bird about how Comet really does hate Velvet, and that ain't likely to change.
@BirdBodhisattva does this option involve Velvet actually being present at this check-in, despite having been asked by Twilight to never see her again? The wording of "we should check on her" suggest that it does, however it's an in-character statement, which might be just a turn of phrase. Maybe in the sense of an organizational "we."
Unfortunately, I can't really answer that. Hear me out.

Your time in Canterlot will be spent in the Bureau lol, no. Your time in Canterlot will be spent trailing after Cadance as she plans and executes a wedding/festivity of royal proportion. You will also every now and then be asked by her to do this and that. Most of it will happen offscreen, but that will be the general gist of it. And most of the options are either Cadance asking you to do something, or acknowledging one of your suggestions/requests.

Still, the Twilight option will involve you looking at the over-the-moon-happy Cadance and telling yourself "hey, I really should remind her of that particularly miserable aspect of her life!" And you will do that by walking up to her and very carefully saying the fluff text on that option.

What happens after that? That's the point of the "???". You really have no idea. Will Cadance just look the other way and ignore it? Will she take a hooffull of the Ash Brazier in front of the Royal Castle and tell you to "yeah, yeah, deliver her parents to her"? Will she make a quick hop to Ponyville herself? Will she ask you to accompany her on said hop? Will she involve Shining?

That's the point. You don't know. All you know is that (as players) you will be using one of your three picks on something relating to Twilight. And that (as Velvet) you will consciously decide to bring her up again during this point in time.

TL-DR you don't know. And I apologize for having to answer this, but that is the point of unknown outcomes.
Eeeeh, I really don't like unknowns, unknowns and random chance got Spike killed. Repeatedly poking the Twilight Button hasn't gotten her anything but grief, especially since Moth cultist that we are we've never managed to give her the focused attention she needed.

Moth cultist chasing the Lantern potential... there's some poetry.
TL-DR you don't know. And I apologize for having to answer this, but that is the point of unknown outcomes.
No, that's fair, and it's good to know because this shifts the basis of the option entirely. At the very least people can stop making very decisive declarations on "we're putting Velvet in a room with someone who hates her", or the opposite. If Twilight even getting a visit from anyone at all falls under "you don't know", the calculus is very different. I think most people were operating under the assumption that someone would definitely be showing up at her house, at the very least.
Yes because feelings of 2 level 4 Edge adepts are really the most emotional nuanced and never exaggerate any treat specially since velvet have the frightened trait.

One thing to take in consideration is Edge is not lantern, when it shows things it is colored by a conflict an violence perspective. the point of edge is violence.
…Dude, you are attempting to argue that the Lore all about hatred cannot accurately identify said emotion. Also, as junkyardmob said, there was a WoG confirming that he very much did hate her.

I will, however, allow for the simple fact that Comet seems to hate pretty much everyone and everything. Fluttershy is the only thing that might escape that, but even then he can hate that she is so attached to him, that she has had to see him at his lowest, and so on. Hatred is as natural to him as breathing by this point. So yeah, there's very definitely nuance to said hatred, but it is still definitevely hatred.
Top 3:
[X] "I would be honored to be the maid of honor." (Become closer to Cadance).
[X] You will spend a long time with Cadance. Whisper a few Lore-secrets, here and there. (???)
[X] "Your dress is good. But it could be better. I know a mare..." (Involve Rarity in dressmaking. Applies Rarity's Lore levels)

2nd place:
[X] "Cadance, both you and Shining sent invitations to Twilight. But maybe we should… check on her in person?" (???)

3rd place:
[X] "But none of them are nobles. Are you sure I can invite them?" (Increase all non-locked ponies in your Contacts list to Good Friends)
I will, however, allow for the simple fact that Comet seems to hate pretty much everyone and everything. Fluttershy is the only thing that might escape that, but even then he can hate that she is so attached to him, that she has had to see him at his lowest, and so on. Hatred is as natural to him as breathing by this point. So yeah, there's very definitely nuance to said hatred, but it is still definitevely hatred.
Let me second this as well. Comet Feet definitely hates you.

But if anyone is of the mind to do it, look up one of the endings for the Exile DLC. Specifically, the Colonel Dyad ending. I am pretty sure that one of the lines there is that "even that hatred is an old flame".

Perish the thought that Comet Feet doesn't hate you. But also perish the thought that hate is a one-dimensional thing.

However, we know that this is at worst net neutral to Velvet, and that we are voting for GOOD things, if not necessarily "balanced" in magnitude? Right?
Like I said in the update itself. All options are at the very least a net neutral. Net neutrals can mean "nothing related to Velvet happens". If you want certain options, pick the ones with certain effects.

You have three picks. With the utmost respect and kindness, it really isn't that complicated.
But if anyone is of the mind to do it, look up one of the endings for the Exile DLC. Specifically, the Colonel Dyad ending. I am pretty sure that one of the lines there is that "even that hatred is an old flame".

Close, but not quite. Same basic idea though. What you were thinking of was probably the Lionsmith one.

It's a duty, and it's a pleasure. There are disciplines and there are discomforts, but that's the soldier's life, and scars are strength. My Foe and I grow stronger, every day. He might eventually grow strong enough to kill me, or I him, and that would be the end of us both. I think I would regret that. With enough patience and discipline, even hatred becomes only another colour. So our little war goes on, and it kindles greater wars around it like a spark in dry grass. Regrettable things occur, but I know that the Corrivality is the engine of the world, and it is an honour to play my eternal part in eternity's sustention. Which is to say, I like being immortal. Happy Christmas."

If I'd known how much fun it is being an Edge dyad, I'd have started causing trouble long ago. It hurts sometimes, of course, but that's battle, and the opposite of battle is death. And I always heal without scars. Wherever my Foe and I go, war follows, and we're stronger every day. It's glorious. One day, perhaps, I might somehow still kill him, or he'll kill me, and then we'll both be dead. I think about that sometimes. I still hate him, though it's a familiar and warming flame, and that means I'd like him to die, even if I go down too. But if that ever happens, there'll be a lot of blood under the bridge first.
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But if anyone is of the mind to do it, look up one of the endings for the Exile DLC. Specifically, the Colonel Dyad ending. I am pretty sure that one of the lines there is that "even that hatred is an old flame".

Perish the thought that Comet Feet doesn't hate you. But also perish the thought that hate is a one-dimensional thing.

Edge dyads know that hatred is far too precious a thing to waste, Velvet is probably the most important thing in the world to him, after Fluttershy.
Comet Feet hates us, but not enough to go out of his way to kill us. He likes the ponies close to us, and I'd trust him with Silky, but I'd not want to be alone with him.
Edge dyads know that hatred is far too precious a thing to waste, Velvet is probably the most important thing in the world to him, after Fluttershy.
Yeah. Comet hates Velvet. He does. But a lot of that hatred isn't because Velvet wronged him, really. To be honest, she sort of hasn't done much to him, except maybe bring about his exit from the Cult, and he was just as horrified if not more so than we were by what they almost made him into.

He hates Velvet, it sometimes seems, because he owes her. She dragged him from the dark, destroyed the Cult, and even made certain that he got the girl of his dreams. That, however, illustrates all his beliefs about how he is a weak, dangerous monster that doesn't deserve all she's given him, because he wasn't the one to earn it, and it doesn't help that her efforts to do so did put the things he cared about in danger. We pulled through without losing any of them, but… well. You just have to look at Twilight to see how that could have turned out instead.

Comet hates Velvet because she is dangerous. He hates her because she plays dangerous games. He hates her because she wins those games, and he hates her because the people he loves love her too. He hates her for all of these reasons, and more besides. And if she was gone, he would probably be lost because he doesn't have anyone left to hate.