Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule

Sharing the timing makes sense to me when we are quite confident about it.

Bit pressure is very very real over the next few turns. The gifts will be really good to have.
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It'll take more than love to ward off a Bad Ending. We'll have to be there to manage it.
Good thing we are here for that most of the time. I'm not saying "it's going to be fiiiiine", mind you, but I'm optimistic enough to consider us able to deal with it. And, well, if those two manage it, wouldn't that make a lot of things much more easy for us?
Good thing we are here for that most of the time. I'm not saying "it's going to be fiiiiine", mind you, but I'm optimistic enough to consider us able to deal with it. And, well, if those two manage it, wouldn't that make a lot of things much more easy for us?
From your lips to the Glory's ears, Lightseeker from your lips to the Glory's ears.

(Also, Lightseeker is a very apt name considering...)

I suppose in a way, NOT believing in the power of love the same month we are going to support the wedding of the Alicorn of love would be off key right? Still, I'm going to stick with my off key vote.
Well, to be honest, overly optimistic expectations is what caused the Twilight catastrophe...

But still, i'm giving it a shot. I mean, he's not going to run off into nearest changeling hive or something, once he learns Axe into expeditions, right?

Here's something to worry about. Let's say that at some point Pride and Axe do fall in love, and engage in Grail activities.

I spoke about nine months thinking of human attitudes towards it. But Axe is no human. She is no Pony either. She's a serpent. And serpent lay eggs.

Does the Crime of the Sky trigger on laying the egg, or hatching the egg?
Also, guys, I know it's kinda ridiculous, but not every relationship should end up with child birth

Even if there is such thing as a Crime in quest, they could just... don't make a child
There is some examples in canon cs like that, Baldomare for once.
Also, guys, I know it's kinda ridiculous, but not every relationship should end up with child birth

Even if there is such thing as a Crime in quest, they could just... don't make a child
There is some examples in canon cs like that, Baldomare for once.
While possible, the problem is less whether they try to have kids, and more the risk of accidentally doing so, regardless of their goals. Which, admittedly, can also be removed by just not engaging in activities that might risk it. Asexual relationships are also valid… except Grail exists, and unless and until we get around to murdering Marinette, there's going to be a Grail Name around with a vested interest in making them very much not Asexual.
Also, guys, I know it's kinda ridiculous, but not every relationship should end up with child birth

Even if there is such thing as a Crime in quest, they could just... don't make a child
There is some examples in canon cs like that, Baldomare for once.
I was under the impression that for this exact reason Teresa ended her relation with Illpoly. And I would be careful to assume that preventing pregnancies is as 'reliable' when something as eldritch as a Name is involved. Especially one with an aspect that is all about joining things together. And in a world with easy access to contraceptives, people STILL manage to get knocked up by accident.

And note that Pride is a young stallion who's been out of direct sight of an overly controlling father for the first time, and Axe, while ancient of course, might never have had cause to actually grapple with her own desire for intimacy.

I mean, if one, or even better, both of them were asexual, it'd be a lot safer. But we don't have any reason to assume that.
While possible, the problem is less whether they try to have kids, and more the risk of accidentally doing so, regardless of their goals. Which, admittedly, can also be removed by just not engaging in activities that might risk it. Asexual relationships are also valid… except Grail exists, and unless and until we get around to murdering Marinette, there's going to be a Grail Name around with a vested interest in making them very much not Asexual.
Invent a "Geldings freedom" ritual that permanent removes a stallions ability to have children and is Lore-Bullshit enough that it also prevents Mansus/Grail symbolism overwriting how biology works in the wake?
Invent a "Geldings freedom" ritual that permanent removes a stallions ability to have children and is Lore-Bullshit enough that it also prevents Mansus/Grail symbolism overwriting how biology works in the wake?
There is actdually precedent for that. But, well, that's a Big ask

'Seek the Cup in the birthing-bed,' the Pine-Knight is told. The Midwife at the birthing-bed, to his amazement, is the Mountain-Mother. In a fit of awe, he both gelds and flays himself. The Vigilant Storm bursts joyfully from the remains.'

It is basically the origin story of the Thunderskin.
[X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule and Pro-Sanity
[X] Plan Encouraging and Information, WITHOUT TELLING HIM ABOUT THE KEY
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[x] Plan Covers is pro-Love, No Gifts
-[x] "Go for it!"
-[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
-[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
-[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
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I was under the impression that for this exact reason Teresa ended her relation with Illpoly. And I would be careful to assume that preventing pregnancies is as 'reliable' when something as eldritch as a Name is involved. Especially one with an aspect that is all about joining things together. And in a world with easy access to contraceptives, people STILL manage to get knocked up by accident.

Well, I meant Baldomare, not Baldomarian. Our lantern name have hers Illipony just fine, no? As for question of contraception and Pride's desires... Are we really going to consider it?

Okay, that conversation is weird enough, guess i'll just ask

@BirdBodhisattva should we be worried about Crime of the Sky in PrideAxe ship?
[X] Plan Encouraging and Information

I keep flip flopping on telling him about the snakemare aspect. Right now I guess I'm in a busybody mood.
Actually, something occurs to me. @BirdBodhisattva I know you usually don'tbaccept write-ins unless they add something not covered in the other options mechanically, so I thought to ask. If, in the option in which we tell Pride that Axe is an adventurous mare and thus encourage him to take risk, we add a bit about casually mentioning that last we heard Velvet Wings is an adventurer and might know more about that life, would that change anything mechanically?

Because I have this picture in my head of us mentioning to Pride that Axe is adventurous and then the next turn contacting Wings to restarts relations. Would Pride see him as a possible mentor, leading to adventure brother taking horny brother under his wings? Or would Pride feel inadecuate and see him as a possible rival?

On another hoof, I know that narratively is a bad idea, but unless we plan to murder Copper next turn maybe we should consider sending Pride to assist in her action? I am thinking about the Canterlot expedition and sure, Pride probably has no applicable bonus that could help in that situation, but back in turn 7 Rarity barely had any bonus to help us in the expedition and we brought her with us so that her 3 health would cover us in case we failed any hurdle. Axe has more health than us but unlike mortal ponies she does not recover it over time, so if anything fails we COULD use Pride's 3 health to act as ablative armor for Axe.
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Actually, something occurs to me. @BirdBodhisattva I know you usually don'tbaccept write-ins unless they add something not covered in the other options mechanically, so I thought to ask. If, in the option in which we tell Pride that Axe is an adventurous mare and thus encourage him to take risk, we add a bit about casually mentioning that last we heard Velvet Wings is an adventurer and might know more about that life, would that change anything mechanically?

Because I have this picture in my head of us mentioning to Pride that Axe is adventurous and then the next turn contacting Wings to restarts relations. Would Pride see him as a possible mentor, leading to adventure brother taking horny brother under his wings? Or would Pride feel inadecuate and see him as a possible rival?

On another hoof, I know that narratively is a bad idea, but unless we plan to murder Copper next turn maybe we should consider sending Pride to assist in her action? I am thinking about the Canterlot expedition and sure, Pride probably has no applicable bonus that could help in that situation, but back in turn 7 Rarity barely had any bonus to help us in the expedition and we brought her with us so that her 3 health would cover us in case we failed any hurdle. Axe has more health than us but unlike mortal ponies she does not recover it over time, so if anything fails we COULD use Pride's 3 health to act as ablative armor for Axe.

I can already imagine Axe yelling expletives at a very proud Pride who jumped in front of her to block some minor danger and is now dramatically wounded. Que Axe reluctantly taking care of pride. Clearly excellent shipper material.
I can already imagine Axe yelling expletives at a very proud Pride who jumped in front of her to block some minor danger and is now dramatically wounded. Que Axe reluctantly taking care of pride. Clearly excellent shipper material.
Filthy degenerates, the lot of you. Next you'll suggest they start handholding, or some other activity so sinful even the Red Grail would hesitate before commiting it. :V