Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[x] Plan Covers is pro-Love
-[x] "Go for it!"
-[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
-[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
-[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
-[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
[X] Plan Covers is pro-Love
-[X] "Go for it!"
-[X] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
-[X] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
-[X] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
-[X] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
Why doesn't the pro-Love plan take the schedule? It seems like an obvious choice to me, we definitely need to summon her next turn and it will give him a hard date to plan around/encourage him with.

[X] Plan Encouraging and Information
-[X] "Go for it!"
-[X] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
-[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
-[X] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
-[X] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
-[X] "The thing you need to understand about Axe is that she is… exotic. She is not… an earth pony mare."
-[X] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."

This plan gives Pride the all information he needs to make an informed decision, while still encouraging him to go for it even with the context of the new information.

Action - encourage/discourage
gifts - discourage
schedule - encourage (assuming we do, at least)
adventurous - encourage
difficult - discourage
lonely - ? (likely encourage)
exotic - ??? (possible discourage)
damsel - ??? (possible encourage)
Date - ?????

edit: I'll approval vote for just adding the schedule too. Copying the plan from below:
[X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule
-[X] "Go for it!"
-[X] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
-[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
-[X] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
-[X] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
-[X] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
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You are standing at attention, your neck is ramrod straight, and your ears are perked up and focused.

You are Soft Sweeps.

And finally… finally, you are being given a mission.

well, she has enthusiasm! Good!

She says that, and you immediately feel a cold breeze blow inside the room.

There is no breeze, of course. You just imagined it. Still, you definitely felt a cold breeze just now. The kind that, for some reason, seems to pierce through your fur, and your coat, and is able to reach all the way into your heart. To the point that the excitement you were feeling flickers, like a candle's fire against a strong wind.

You are not scared. Of course you are not scared. Why would you be scared? Mrs. Velvet is asking for your help, so you can't be scared. You can't screw this up!

Even though it relates to her younger brother. Who is a noble. And a Lord. Even though she is asking your help with something like that, you can't say no to her. You have to be brave. For her! For Mrs. Velvet! Even though she is asking your help in regard to a noble, who can ask you to do anything he wants, and who can and WILL ruin your lifeifyouevenDAREtothinkaboutnot-

Come on Soft, we're not asking you to murder a noble! We'd use a ritual for that if we had to!

"I'm glad you asked. I would like you to focus on two things in particular. One is their…" she trails off for a moment, as if trying to figure out another way to say a word that starts with emp and possibly rhymes with loyer.
You understand what she is asking you to do. Or at least you hope that you do, and you are resolute not to fail her.

So, you push down your nervousness, and you hold back the other questions you have boiling in your mind. Such as why she isn't asking Ponpon to do this kind of thing. After all, you already know the answer to that.

Ponpon would probably have been able to do this a lot better than you, but Mrs. Velvet trusts you. And she wants to be able to trust you more. She clearly does.

Which means this is a test.

And if you want to help Mrs. Velvet more in the future, if you want her to trust you with even more important things, than you cannot fail her!

well... she's not wrong. If she does well here it WOULD definitely prove we can trust her with harder stuff... Actually while she was part of the family lore lessons we still don't know her lores... Maybe with the next lesson... we're super-close to forge 4, so basically we only need heart 4 then...

Wait, now that you think about it, you have no idea of what you are supposed to do next.

They never covered spy lessons in school!

Should you just walk up to somepony and talk to them? Should you just stop the first maid you are not familiar with, and start asking her about this and that?

You don't even finish that thought before you realize how much of a bad idea it is. After all, all the servants in the Velvet estate are very busy most of the time. So, you wouldn't just be awkwardly trying to start a conversation with a pony you never met before, you would also probably be getting in the way of their work.

But still, maids gossip all the time, don't they? At least, that is what Tip Top tells you. You spend most of the time caring for the fillies, so you don't really know. However, it seems to be common knowledge that maids talk, which means in turn that they somehow find the time to talk.

well, this is low stakes enough she can afford to make mistakes at least.

Still, you will not be deterred! You shake off your hesitation, and you push away the thoughts of asking for help. From Tip Top, or from anypony else. Mrs. Velvet asked you to do this, and so you shall!

hey, we're all for delegation if you can trust the guy you delegate too!

"What did you do?!"

A voice comes from behind you, and you immediately jump up in surprise. An undignified yelp escaping your lips.


You turn around, only to see the shocked, worried, and maybe even angry expression of your friend Tip Top. Or rather, you think she is still your friend? You hope she still is? You have definitely never seen Tip this angry before, and that scares you!
...did Soft Sweeps say something she shouldn't have? I don't think Tip Top is simply jealous or angry about her talking to one of the "new" servants...

But the mare never does that. Instead, her expression… changes. Her initial scowl turning into confusion, then doubt, until it finally settles on some kind of understanding.

"Wait, wait… Hold on, Soft, let me think for a moment…" she says, raising a hoof as she closes her eyes.
and maybe please be a bit more specific with what you're asking? Poor Soft Sweeps always thinks of the worst when you're vague!

"Wait, wait, waaaait... oh… oh damn," the mare finally says, mostly to herself, as if she just realized something. But she finally opens her eyes, and her expression is less angry than before as she speaks to you. "Okay Soft, I think I understand what is going on. But answer me very carefully. Did you speak to anypony today? Anypony besides, I don't know, Ponpon, the fillies, or some of our friends?"

...What did Soft even say that she shouldn't have?!

"Soft Sweeps, are you telling me you tried to barter? That YOU, tried to BARTER?!"
...I think there's some cultural miscommunication here. Kinda like the thing about the Maid in Yellow book

"Soft, we are maids. Don't you listen to the stuff I tell you?" she begins to say. "We are maids. We trade in gossip and information. What we know is just as important as where we work. And I don't mean this in a silly, mare-talk way. This sort of stuff can actually cost us our jobs. It can even affect the family we serve!"

Yet another wave of dread runs through you, as you hear her say that. The old, trained concern of having your job threatened being enhanced by the newer, much more powerful fear that you just did something that might affect Mrs. Velvet or the fillies.

"It doesn't make any difference if it's any old gossip or story. But when it's important? We literally trade, barter for that kind of stuff. And you, Soft, should realize that you aren't a small deal. You aren't a small deal at all! You're the fillies' nanny. You are invited to eat with the Lady's family on every single meal. And apparently, you just did a barter without having any idea of what you were doing. It was as good as extortion, Soft, and the whispers I heard say that you basically flooded the market with information about the Lady's family."


This is basically the equivalent of something selling a pile of shiny rocks, or a jar of sand, without knowing they're respectively diamonds or gold dust.

As long as the family isn't hurt, this is all in all inconsequential (except for that one maid we talked to that basically won the lottery)... but I get why Tip Top was angry.

"I wish I could say it wasn't, Soft. But the point is that I don't know. I really don't. It will be a few days before we can get a feeling of what is being talked, and how ponies might react. Maybe they didn't really get anything out of you? Maybe she's just leveraging the fact she was seen talking to you? I don't know, Soft. I really don't know. I only hear the rumors."
She heard them really quickly too. As they say, the Speed of Gossip is second only to the Speed of Light.

"And for Celestia's sake, Sweeps. Next time you need something, just ask me. I'm your friend."
You see, Soft? delegation! What are friends for if not to use them for Confidant actions?! :V

Mrs. Velvet has given you an important task just a bit over twenty-four hours ago. And in the span of a day, you not only managed to fail at it, but you failed so spectacularly that it might even impact her.
Come on, you don't yet KNOW if you failed it!

Specifically, you hear the sound of a pony crying. The low, hiccupping sobs of a pony who tried to stop herself from crying, but who gave up after a while.

You also immediately realize it is indeed a her. And your mind runs a short, urgent checklist as that new information hits you.
Uh. I thought it might have been Pride for a moment.

I imagine the wolf was attracted to the agony?

Is this going to be the maid she talked to?

But the mare only answers by shutting her eyes, stifling down a sniff.

And your tongue pricks you.

You said it wrong.

Not a hard day.

It's something you are familiar with.

"Did… did they give you a hard time at work today?"

The mare half-opens her eyes as you say that. Her expression even more sad than before, but also confused now. You struck a chord inside of her.


She doesn't answer with words. But still, she tells you everything you need to know.

A short, hesitant nod. Because she doesn't trust you.

A bit more strength on her forelegs as she hugs herself. Because she feels alone.

A short, particularly timed sniff. Because the memories are still fresh.

Your legs move underneath you. Four more steps, and you are standing right next to her. Bend your hindlegs, and you are sitting by her side.

She doesn't react.

But she doesn't push you away.
deja vu. this sounds a bit like what I think was mentioned happening with Pon Pon and Soft Sweeps when she first became a maid...

Misery loves company.
Just look at the Wolf and how he spreads misery!

"A-and… and do you know how they call me?" she says, not waiting for you to answer. "They call me Can-trip. Because I tripped and let that glass fall down. Once! And then? Then it got worse! Because I was assigned to his son!"

oh? Pride's personal maid? Such luck!

Also pretty close to Soft's situation, with her being assigned to the daughter, and then to the daughter's daughters.

"And why would a clumsy, stupid maid be assigned to his son? She has a cutie mark for magic, not for being a maid! She didn't even train for the job. She came here straight out of the school for gifted unicorns. So why?! Oh, but the answer is obvious, isn't it? Why would he assign a pretty, magically-competent, unicorn to be the personal maid of his own unicorn son?!"

She stamps a hoof against the floor, cracking a rooftile.

An angry scar that tonight happened on the skin of the world.

well, it's hardly unexpected for NOBLE families...
but I doubt Pride even realized it, and the maid probably didn't dare to try and go the obvious route. Unless they pushed her to do it...

Or maybe that wasn't the actual reason, BUT that's how all the other servants saw it. Gossip can be a dreadful thing.

"Of course, it's all lies. I thought the same, at the very beginning. But he never even touched me. And of course he wouldn't. He's the kindest, most gentle pony I ever met, even if he tries to hide it. Certainly the kindest I ever worked for…"

She says that, and her expression becomes a lot less pained. A rush of better memories reaching her, pushing her further and further out of the pit she was in.

"But still, it's… this job, this life… it is not for me… But I don't have anything else, ever since the whole world went hind-up… b-but the other maids… everypony is so mean, and they always keep saying those horrible things and…"
very nice to hear that Pride IS actually as good as we hoped he was. Even with the father we share.

...we really need to find out about that trauma...

Also this maid needs help, yeah. Someone to talk to is probably a decent first step, and hey, Soft has status and influence, even if she doesn't use it much. She COULD probably change things for the better, at least a bit. Or, you know, tell Velvet or Pon Pon maybe.

"No no no, it's fine. Actually, I'd appreciate having a pony call me by my name in a nice way… like a friend? Wait, shoot, I never even asked. What about you? What is your name?"

"Oh, I'm Soft Sweeps!"

Her eyes go wide in surprise when you tell her that, and you kick yourself for forgetting Tip Top's advice so quickly.
that moment you realize you basically confided in the most important (or at least second most important) maid in this mansion, which might or might not be acknowledged as being treated as near-family by the boss-lady...

As the days went by, Tip Top eventually told you that nothing really came out of the rumors about you. And thank Celestia for that! You apparently didn't say anything important, and the initial hub-dub of gossip just came from the fact you were seen talking to somepony else.

Still, you learned your lesson. You definitely learned your lesson.

And much more importantly, you think you made a new friend! Although you… you will make sure to run that through Tip Top, and maybe Ponpon. Still, this is exciting!

Soft Sweeps has made a new friend. Cantrip has been added as one of Soft Sweep's followers(?).

Velvet Covers has gained relevant information on one of Velvet Pride's most important servants.
funny, she doesn't even realize this is pretty valuable information for us. Even just the info that "Pride's personal maid thinks he's a really gentle colt" would be worth a lot to us, when we were somewhat scared about how much of our father got passed to him.

"So… I mean, please don't take this the wrong way. But why did he assign you to his son? You aren't… I-I mean, you don't have the cutie mark of a maid. You said it yourself. So why…"

She answered you with a small smile. Maybe the first she gave you that entire night. And then, she lit up her horn.

Her face contorted with effort, and the wind began to blow around you. Stronger and stronger, until there was sweat forming on her brow.

That is, until the world exploded around you. And the two of you landed on the soft ground, in the middle of a plantation patch, with a soft thud. Ruining the lives of a few unfortunate batches of produce under your hinds.

"Because…" she said, between heaves of effort and straing, "safety…" she gasped out the word.

But you, on the other hoof, almost hugged her in excitement.

"That. Was. Awesome!" you blurt out.

"Wazzit really…?" but the mare seems too dazed to even answer you properly.

Still, that was the most amazing thing you had ever seen an unicorn do! The most amazing magic you ever participated in!
oh, so for emergency teleports? That's actually a very good reason.

also, hey, she might make for a decent tutor in magic too.

well, I've liked this update more than I expected, especially when my mind is more on the Wedding than Pride.

Hmm. Soft made a new friend, that's nice. And she's an escape route. Which is nice to know, if extra passengers doesn't strain her more than one apparently does. And even ignoring how she could be useful for us, it does speak neatly to what Hills thinks his son will need. Namely, that he might need to run away.
eh, every noble heir needs a bodyguard. That's hardly surprising and does not necessarily imply she's a precaution towards Velvet.

It's interesting seeing the way the Wolf subtly influences Soft Sweeps.
she's really turning the Wolf's affinity for pain for the best.

There is a monster living in the Velvet estate.

"Why hello there, Mareinette. It has been such a long time. How have you been?"


Correction, there is a monster hanging on to the Velvet estate.
I didn't expect them to be friendly with each other... but than again, the Ligeians are involved in ascensions to Namehood (and possibly Hourhood), at least sometime...

also correction, we have plenty of monsters, depending on your definition!

"Is that so? I see, I see… Well, I am glad to hear that. I wish you could enter the Plains, to visit me, but it is what it is."


"Oh, don't give me that look. You know how much I dislike your home. And besides, you now why I need to stay where I stay!"
interesting. so both of them can't leave their mansus locations... or at least Baldomare can't leave. Maybe Mareinette just didn't want to leave before, and now she's in the Wake so she can't visit the Mansus again, or at least not easily...

But still, despite her size, and despite her proximity to the windows of certain rooms, the Grail-thing really is not doing anything wrong right now. Quite the opposite.

After all, if not like this, then how else could she have a conversation with one of the estate's guests? How else would she be able to catch up with an old friend?
...well, she's keeping to the letter of our agreement to not come inside, I suppose...

"Still, you realize she will be furious if she hears you have been skirting her no-entry rule by doing this, right?"


"We'll see who is laughing when I'm the one to tell her."


"Really…? Well, in that case we have a deal."

ok, now I'm curious how she just bribed Baldomare...

There is a monster living in the Velvet estate. And nopony knows that.

There is a maid working in the Velvet estate. And everypony heard of her.
...oh no...

is this what would have happened if we gave the "mission" to her?

On one of them, she arrived during a thunderstorm. A lone mare, poor and humble, yet bewitchingly beautiful, who all but begged to be allowed inside. And for all that her looks and charisma would have let her cross any door, she still insisted on working to earn her stay. Almost as if it was her calling, or as if her arrival had been destined to occur.

And on the other version, some ponies claim she arrived on a bright and sunny day. Floating down from the air while holding on to a magical umbrella. Carried by the winds as much as by her beauty and grace. Claiming she was there to fill a vacancy nopony was aware of. Presenting a flier, talking about a job description, nopony remembered writing.
no Mareinette, you don't get to do a Mary Poppins entrance! It's not allowed!

I decide to believe it was the first one, or neither of them.

"My fair lady, I cannot possibly accept your service. Nay, I will not. As a servant of the Velvet household, as the steward of the young Lord… as a stallion in love. I simply cannot allow you to toil as a maid, no matter how much you insist."


"Alas, I am convinced."
She IS quite convincing...

And from that day onwards, the Velvet estate knew true happiness.


They talked about how she seemed so much larger than everypony else. But of course, they meant it in the sense of her being "larger than life". Of course.
but of course! What else could they ever mean?

They spoke about how she wore her maid uniform so elegantly. To the point that everypony swore that, if she were to donate her dress away, there would be enough cloth there to dress four separate mares. Figuratively speaking, naturally.

They chatted and wondered about her boundless enthusiasm and effortless grace.

And yet, despite all the adoration aimed at her, nopony can really remember her name. Or rather, everypony remembers her name, but nopony can quite agree on what it was.

Some insist she called herself Mare Poppins. Others swore she presented herself as Neigh McPhee.

...come on, really?!

I'll never be able to watch Mary Poppins the same way... I never watched Nanny McPhee though, so at least you can't ruin my memories of THAT!

She would sing, and all the servants in the estate, no matter how far, would join in with her.

Why, despite the passage of time, everypony still remembers the words of her songs!
...I'm now wondering if Harmony copied Heartsongs from Heart and Grail, just like it copied Cutie Marks from Brands...

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

Cute little foals all tied up with strings

These are a few of my favorite things

Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels

Savant adepts who write rituals in doodles

Windows on Churches where things can be seen

These are a few of my favorite things

Grail-red dreams from the time of Division

Fading into legend and superstition

Vague mentions of an Era filled with kings

These are a few of my favorite things

When the
Snake bites

When the
Edge stings

When I feel

I simply remember my favorite things

you should have added a link to the song I think. (EDIT: nevermind, ther was a link at the end :rofl:)I never watched that movie either... Maybe I'll watch it later.

also damn it Mareinette, the song was mostly fine except for THAT one line!

According to the calendars, she stayed with them for only five days. But in their minds, she would live on for five decades. And in their hearts? Ah, in their hearts she would live on forever and ever. A ray of light, piercing through the clouds of darkness. A reminder that there is still magic out there, somewhere. And that ponies, real flesh and blood ponies, still exist that embody it.

Still, after she toasted a glass with everypony once, and had a heart-to-heart conversation with everypony twice, she finally bid her adieu. And for all that the Velvet estate felt less without her, without that most graceful of guests and masterful of maids, they were still thankful for her.

After all, it is better to love and lose than to never love at all. Or at least that is what they tell themselves, when her absence strikes them most dearly.
...yeah, probably better we didn't go for her, really.

Still, one day later when Lady Velvet herself returned, she suddenly seemed to know everything about everypony. Every last dark secret, of every last servant, despite the fact they only ever told those secrets to one, unshakably trustworthy soul.

So, given how everypony is absolutely sure that she would never betray them, nopony really knows how Lady Velvet learned all those secrets.

It remains a mystery for the ages.
...ok, now I'm kinda regretting not taking her... That sounds pretty useful...

Available votes/results:

-Silky Stream and Selene: A secret mission to spy on the newcomers! But alas, the two agents were busted by nopony less than uncle Pride himself. (Gain a better "in" with Pride, due to familiarity)

-Soft Sweeps: A pair of (self-declared) "incompetent" maids bond over their mutually familiar hardships. A new friendship is born! (Gain information on Cantrip)

-Ponpon: A game of chess, between two old hoofs. The board is the estate's timetable, the pieces are the maids and servants. Rivalry is born, but so is a deep sense of respect. (Gain information on Subtle Glare)

-Mareinette, Our Lady of Wires: The Velvet estate is taught the meaning of joy. (Gain perfect knowledge on all servants, including Cantrip, Subtle Glare, and ???. Velvet Pride immediately becomes a Confidante. Velvet Hills barges into your house, crying, begging for your forgiveness. Immediately gain fillyfied Áine as your daughter.)


come on, Bird, you should put this in the main threadmarks :rofl:

...I'm going to suspect there's a tiny bit of hyperbole on the Mareinette option though :rolleyes:
[X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule
-[X] "Go for it!"
-[X] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
-[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
-[X] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
-[X] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
-[X] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."

I mean, we know the schedule, might as well throw it in. But not the snake thing, DoA actually takes pains to hide that, unlike her key search/need to scoff at things/need to yell at people.
[X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule

[X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule and Pro-Sanity
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…You made Mary Poppins evil. Curse you Bird. Curse you!
The image of Marinette in a maid dress chanting some eldilrich screeching that everyone see as a song seems hilarious.
I'm now imagining her singing something like GRAIL GRAIL HEART GRAIL GRAIL HEART FORGE FORGE EDGE LANTERN to the tone of "favourite things" :rofl:

Velvet: Marinette no.
unrelated: please, if you like Dragonball at all and haven't already, Watch Dragonball Z Abridged.

And by the way, did you know they released some 40 minutes of Buu-arc scenes too? and a sort of sit-com in Hell where Cell and Raditz are roomates with Super Kami Guru, and Frieza and Cell are sort of rivals? :rofl:

Patience people. We know Alicorns turn into fillies as a defense/coping mechanism.

Which makes Luna's return the perfect moment for Celestia, who has been living on the edge for a while now, to shrink five times smaller and go on a year long vacation at the Velvet Estate.
Celestia's heart grew three sizes on the day Luna came back.

of course there wasn't enough room for all the Heart, so the extra came out in the form of filly Àine!
This is actually news for me as well. And I write the dang thing!

Esquestria sure is full of surprises, apparently :V
yeah, the specifics of which roll would have resulted in àine are new to me too, and I've been here since page 3!

...Did I accidentally reveal something from a private message? Because I could swear you said it at some point. Or maybe just that you were considering it. If so, I do apologize.

uh. Completely forgot that bit.

The Secret Histories are a pathway to many abilities some might consider... unnatural. :whistle:

well, so are all the other Lores :V

Huh. You know, weird thought, but depending on what bonuses Luna would theoretically have, she could probably blast through the Mansus very easily. Her Lore spread is legitimately the four Lores most used, not counting SH which was mostly just an application bonus. Hell, if Baldomare gave her an influence it would legitimately just be "spend AP" for half that way up, maybe more if she's got even a +20 Base. +30 and Influence would basically just leave the last floor after the Tribal Door as an issue.

Well, assuming she keeps her Lore levels. And it's less than a dozen AP, which seems like a lot unil you're member that Alicorns seem to get double AP.
oh, yes, If she actually keeps the lore levels from the lessons we gave her, and has a decent basic bonus... she could reach the top of the mansus quite fast. Especially if she's ignoring distractions and deviations.

We'll find out once she's back if that's even an option, and if it's one we want to pursue. AFter all she'd reach the Glory before (or at best WITH) us that way...

Drat, that would have been adorable. I should have voted for them.
Yeah, I think it suddenly became my favourite option.

well, unless Mareinette really came with Pride Confidant and actionable secrets, maybe.

yeah, cantrip seems like she needed a friend and a shoulder to cry on. so that's good.

Marinette would have been utterly massive overkill.

from the 70 Maxims of Maximally Efficient Mercenary: There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.

Baldomare, I thought you were our friend? Why didn't you tell us so Velvet could stay mad at Mareinette for longer; and thereby making it harder for Mareinette to get stuff out of her during rebinding :/ :V

Here's the question phrased properly, my apologies:

The ??? mentioned here refers to Outsiders, and you've been hiding this under our noses for the entire Quest so far?

Ah, thank you.

The answer is no.
I always assumed it was a generic "insert non-pony race here".

After all there's a lot more than Ponies, Changelings, Gryphons and Dragons in MLP.

There's Hyppogryphs/Seaponies, there's Kirins, there's Yaks, Abyssian Cat-people, Diamond Dogs, sapient monsters like that one Chimera, Bird-people...

You are not exactly familiar with the judicial proceedings of Equestria, but even you know that something of that level would usually happen on the lowest courts. And yet, Justice Fair Trial presided over the "opening shots" of what is being called the trial of the century. Also, that particular court session was… contentious. The principal counsel of the Bluebloods practically yelled defiance against Fair Trial, and demanded that his clients be judged by Princess Celestia herself.

He was then forcibly escorted out of the courtroom. And Fair Trial made it very clear that the Bluebloods would either follow procedures, or she would consider that they have decided to plead guilty on all charges.
HAH! Good for her!

Also I wonder if that lawyer was insane, because if they actually got Celestia to preside I think she might have just burned lawyer and client to cinders.

So, you are confident that… or at least you hope that things will be able to move without your constant supervision.
eh, I think it will be fine. We just need not to make a habit of it. We hired good people, we can trust them I think.

The most I worry about would be a potential new absence from long expeditions, but I expect us to do any expedition faster than actually expected, so even a 15-days expedition (longest possible I think) will, I think, be done in less than 10 days anyway. Which is not THAT long of an absence

Because you already met the mare, earlier this week. And she practically has a fire in her eyes as she focuses exclusively on her coming wedding.

But you digress. That is something you will focus on, with prodigious effort, later this month. Right now you are…
I can't wait to see those picks!

"Lady Velvet Covers, Lord Velvet Pride is available to see you now," the maid says, lighting up her horn to open the doors wide for you to enter.

And you are immediately treated to your brother's serious expression, as he waits for you behind his large work desk.

"Hello, little brother," you say as you enter.

The doors are closed behind you.

And it begins.
and so it begins!

Granted, you can improvise. You have developed skills that allow you to improvise. Be it in social gatherings, unexpected meetings, or anything besides you know you are able to do something that might work.

But that's the thing about it that you dislike. You know that when you improvise, it might work. And you will take the extra work that goes into preparation over a lazy "might" any day of the week.
ah, the advantages of being a polylore expert!

All-4... soon...
Heavens, now that you think about it… do you even know what you want from this conversation? It would be good to get on your brother's good side. It would be nice to have a real brother, an uncle to your daughters, and maybe another piece of an actual family. But how much are you willing to invest on that? And how likely is it that you will be able to work against something your father had decades to groom and prepare?

more likely that she thinks. Velvet is very good at turning people to her side. It took the Twilight disaster for us to lose the poor main character, after all.

[Solace to the love-struck, breakpoints 60/80/100/125]

[Roll: 77 + 14 (Diplomacy, Grail doubled) + 5 (Beautiful) + 40 (GRAIL bonus, doubled) = 136]

[Highest breakpoint reached]

"… so, Axe huh?"

You say that. Or rather, you blurt that out. An undignified sequence of words that sum up everything you are thinking, except that they also show you didn't think before you spoke.

...yay! and the grail AotL pushed us right beyond the highest breakpoint!

"But please, Lady Velvet… no, my sister," he says, suddenly looking at you with eyes full of dread. His eyes are filled with dread, but also with a desperate hope you can't quite name. And you already know he is going to ask a question that has been tormenting him for weeks, now, even though he has not yet spoken it. "Please, I need to know… you need to tell me… is Lady Axe married?!"

...I can't decide if I want to sigh, to laugh, or what else :rofl:

Velvet Pride is determined. However, even if his determination cannot be broken today, it can certainly be damaged. It can be mined, cracked, and even misdirected. Alternatively, it can also be reinforced.

Tipping the scales towards encouragement, or discouragement, will certainly make him veer in one direction or another. Or who knows, too much of either might just blind him and cause him to charge headfirst towards whatever his heart pointed him at.

Here, "encouragement" and "discouragement" refers to Pride's opinion of himself, or of his "chances" with the Daughter-of-Axes, as well as his energy to continue pursuing her.

You are acutely aware that you are working on very limited information. About both the Daughter-of-Axes as well as your little brother. This is a shot in the dark, but you are determined to make it your best.

(Thanks to your efforts, you have NO LIMITATION on how many options you may pick. Vote in plans.)


I have absolutely no idea what I want to do here!

I'll catch up with the rest of the discussion and think about it. I think I'm leaning towards discouraging him a bit though.
.... Can't we use Baldomare here? She did somehow manage to make it work.
Velvet: Okay, I may not be the person who knows much about relationships, but I know someone who just might help...
*few minutes later*
Baldomare: She thinks you are ugly, small and smell funny, so I'd give you about 76,3% to succeed. Here's map with best date spots. Yes, it is intended, that they are at least 300 km away from civilization. Good luck.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm meta-gaming. Covers doesn't know about the crime of the sky, but I do. And the last thing I want is for everyone involved to get traumatized and Key to be turned into a horror if the inevitable happens. There's ample IC reasons why Velvet would want to discourage this relationship, both selfish and selfless, so I have no problem trying to stop this trainwreck. This is an infatuation. Pride doesn't know her. Barely spoke to her. He has a crush. We don't want him to get involved in the occult for his own sake and ours, and getting involved with Axe is GOING to involve him getting involved with Lore. Because otherwise, he's having a relationship with someone without any information of the dangers. Because the Baldomare reminded us that a Name is something vast, powerful and unpredictable. Yes, heartbreak sucks, but he's a young stallion and he will recover. Getting into a courting with Axe, even without knowing about the Crime of the Sky, is a very, very dangerous idea.

Because consider this. If things end up bad, and they have a bad break up. How do you think that will go?

[x]Looking for Love in all the wrong places
-[x] "To put it simply, I don't think you should go for it."
-[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
…I find the fact that there are two plans with essentially the same options but different names being voted for even after I pointed out the fact incredibly…frustrating? Disheartening? It's one of those.

I mean come on people what happened to basic reading comprehension?!
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Surely it can't be murder level bad?
It could absolutely be.
Consider how lonely Axe is, and how Heartbreak would devastate her
Consider how little effort a Name (though not in full splendor) might need to kill a non combatant pegasus. She wouldn't need to plan in cold blood. A momentary lapse of focus and he's dead.
Consider how fleeting a mortal life is, and how little compunction Axe had when killing ponies.

And even if it's not 'Murder' level bad. The things that a Name could do to fuck with someone's life even if 'restrained' are considerable. The power imbalance is real, and made all the worse because Pride is not aware of the risks he's playing with.