Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

[X][Amu] Get to know your classmates

[X][Amu] Chat with Ami

[X][Amu] Hang out with Utau, and maybe Kukai if he'll come along?

[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su

[X][Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday

[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends

[X][Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday

Why not. The more than better.
Also, let's just do all of them

[X][Scavengers] Curious
You cannot do all of them. Max is 3+inviting Kana.
[x] [Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su
[x] [Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday
[x] [Amu] Chat with Ami
[x] [Amu] Get to know your classmates
[x] [Scavengers] Curious
Your inventory now includes one (1) murderous preteen. I'd recommend care, but let's be honest, I know how SV works. At least be nice to her.
We will:
[✓] Love her
[✓] Protect her
[✓] Assist her in committing murder

More seriously:
- Friendly is safe, but also seems like kind of ignoring the situation.
- Neutral is like Friendly, but more so.
- Investigatory involves telling an ex-evil scientist about the Scavengers. This probably wouldn't actually be bad for them overall, but it seems like it might make them regret Kana's attempt to help us, and I don't really like that.

[X][Scavengers] Curious

I don't have a great feel for the range of options available to Amu generally, but getting to know her classmates better seems like a good idea, as does spending time with her Charas, whereas inviting Kana to Amu's birthday seems rather distinctly not.

[X][Amu] Get to know your classmates
[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su

Discuss the situation, in detail, with Nikaidou. He's researched psionics from the scientific side before, and has a lot of information you've never bothered to ask about before.
Would it be useful to talk to Nikaidou about his research more generally, without telling him about the Scavengers specifically? It seems like he knows a bunch of stuff we don't, probably some of it will be useful down the line.

[X][Amu] Ask Nikaidou about his past research into psionics
I'm pondering a write-in this time around as well again I guess, the standard options are ok, but we can probably do better.

For instance Akane seems to know a fair deal about using telepathy and empathy, skills Amu is fairly strong in as well. And Akane knows Amu has been in danger before and Amu would probably be worried about yet another scientist group starting to cause problems around. Also... Akane seems to have some experience with a dreamer pulling things in to reality.

So one could hopefully get some advise and training for Amu and Ami, it certainly would be great if Ami didn't literally bring a nightmare in to the house after all. Or if one had a way of quickly dealing with it if she did. Teaching Ami could also be combined to an extent with a chat/play with Ami option, just with psychic powers as well then.

Another thing one might be able to do to potentially generate some intel on these people or get good advice are Lulu, who has connections with French psychics and did have some connections to Easter once. As well as Tadase's uncle, who is a precog of some ability and also probably has some connections around. Unlike Nikaidou those two might raise the hackles of the scavengers less though, as they aren't scientist thus.

Anyone have further thoughts on these options, or some further good ideas?
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[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su

[X][Amu] Chat with Ami

[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends

[X][Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday

[X][Scavengers] Friendly
[X][Amu] Chat with Ami
[X][Amu] Ask Nikaidou about his past research into psionics
[X][Scavengers] Curious
[X][Amu] Hang out with Utau, and maybe Kukai if he'll come along?
[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su
[X][Scavengers] Curious

[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su

[X][Amu] Chat with Ami

[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends

[X][Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday
Plans that exceed the limit will be ignored, so it's in your best interest to get that right. Most of Amu's time will be taken up by school and homework, regardless.

Should I write a short bio on Lulu?

She's quite a fascinating character. Anime-only, nominally, but Peach-Pit designed her. Which is why she still exists here.
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Amu doesn't think that would be dangerous, and suspects Kana knows where she lives already. How much you want to believe her is up to you.
Maybe had her meet Amu friends instead as a write-in. Having her meet other kids with the somewhat same power as her, and had a somewhat normale life may be good for her. Or this could go trick her of and may not take kindly to it. The only way we may know is go for It.

[][Amu] Had Kana meet your friends/follow guardings.

What do you think QM.
What do you think QM.
To be honest, not entirely sure I understand. But let me throw out some notes. In no specific order...
  • Amu knows who Kana is. Not in detail, but she's got some idea; her friends do not.
  • Amu's already had to face the fact that her old friends—Tadase, Yaya, etc.—are largely innocent, never having been properly exposed to Easter's shenanigans the way she was. That's already led to conflicts between that group (Tadase..) and her new one (Utau/Ikuto), because Tadase saw Utau and Ikuto as having somehow betrayed him.

    Amu's had to grow up really quickly, and the others, by and large, haven't.
  • She left grade school half a year ago, and has more or less stopped talking to them very much. Yeah, sure, she'd describe Yaya and Rima as friends... but they're younger friends, children really. Not like her. Amu wouldn't put it that way, because it sounds really bad if she puts it that way, but she's not exactly wrong.
When it comes to Utau, it's a little different. They'd certainly have a lot more in common. It's just, Utau's spent the last two years overcoming some serious trauma; she's only now registering as having mostly done so, to Amu, and Amu isn't eager to drag her into something like this.

Dragging the Guardians into this would be somewhat unnatural, and I don't think Amu would do it; nor do I think you'd really want her to. Introducing Kana to Utau is more probable, but would need to be handled really carefully... right now, I don't think Amu would feel she can do it right. And, again, there's no real benefit to doing so.

That doesn't mean you can't vote for it, but it means it would need to be significantly better thought-out than a single-line vote. As a general rule, I consider the discussion behind a vote just as much as the vote itself; I try to write to the spirit of the vote, not the wording.

= = =

As for exposing Kana to 'normal' life, the least fraught way to do so would probably be the birthday party. Which, hah, Utau is guaranteed to be at anyway.
That doesn't mean you can't vote for it, but it means it would need to be significantly better thought-out than a single-line vote. As a general rule, I consider the discussion behind a vote just as much as the vote itself; I try to write to the spirit of the vote, not the wording.
Thank you Qm. This write-in was just an idea i got, and I was not sure on it. I would love to had some more discussing on it, from you and the others. It's the bare framwork of a idea. It's need some more meat on it, before I vote on it.
Alright I know what I'm voting then.

[x] [Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su
[x] [Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday
[x] [Amu] Chat with Ami
[x] [Amu] Get to know your classmates
[x] [Scavengers] Curious

I kinda really want them to meet just for the (not that serious hopefully) Drama.

Like smashing together action figures, but it's a conversation
Not sure if we want to go visit Nikaidou yet, as moving things along to quickly could be a risk... but then so is not trying to get things done. But via a write in one could greatly offset the issue by make it dependent on talking it over with Akane. She knows that Amu can know whether some one can be trusted, and it could work as a potential lead to figuring out what the researchers are up to. Which she might want to know, if it came from a trustable source that is.

Though as important side notes, if one made Nikaidou start asking around... that might draw some attention, so one might only want to work from what he knows from memory. Another option could be to see if Akane wants to come by for such a visit, which would help reduce any particular concerns substantially probably, but at some increased risk to Nikaidou in case she doesn't like what she sees... Though he should be pretty reformed after Amu. He was pretty on her side really afterwards.

On Lulu, like Utau she definitely knows way more about things behind the scene and Amu surely has much less concern about trauma and so for her then she does with Utau. Lulu is also a bit of an artificer and is actually a pretty good contact to rebuild in that sense, you could definitely ask if she had some good tools to send. For instance if you wanted an item that stopped nightmares from instantiating in to reality, then Lulu may potentially be able to make something for that. This would be helpful for Ami and it would be a good gift for Akane's friend.

So I'd argue contacting Lulu is better the sooner one does so, else you're losing time on rebuilding that contact as well as any potential chances of getting items from her eventually.
Voting for this for now
[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends
[X][Amu] Hang out with Utau, and maybe Kukai if he'll come along?
[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su
[X] [Scavengers] Curious

But I would like any of the Amu events or good write-ins
[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends
[X][Amu] Get to know your classmates
[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su

[X][Scavengers] Write-in Helpful, There's no choice but to try to get along, is there? Still not all of this sits well with you and you probably can't really keep major secrets about her. She'll probably figure out the various people you know even if you don't say anything about it, and truthfully the problems Akane has bother you. Cautiously ask around if anything can help with their situation and that you might know a few people who could help a bit for certain matters, so long as it doesn't go to far.

Chat with Lulu, because really you shouldn't have let an old friend in the lurch that much in the first place. And hopefully long term gains from Lulu's skill and contacts

Also get to know your class better, Amu will be around them all year after all. And it might be wise to do for no other reason then one really doesn't even know who might be there, could even be psychics... With her track record there's a definite chance of psychics. And otherwise at least she can get through school more happily

And for now I went with Ran, Miki and Su to hopefully get better at compartmentalization... and hopefully she'll get better at bringing chara out. One can hope at least. It probably won't help to much with Akane, as she already had plenty of your thought to see, but who knows about a future more hostile telepath.

I considered Utau as if only put some more time in to her and making sure she's fully recovering. She'll definitely need to be in the best state of mind considering what's coming. So I hope it's good enough as is.
Kind of wish there was some more time for Ami as well, I'm a bit concerned about her entire dream matters, though Amu is there, it can work out fine... probably.

With the scavengers, trying for a slightly more middle of the road approach between friendly and curious. You don't know what's going on yet, you don't know how well they'd even tell you. So this is an inbetween choice where you don't commit to much, yet. But it leave options open for the future and might give Amu a way to do something, anything... before it probably explodes.

In the end I sadly couldn't think of a way to do everything one really needs to do. The fate of having to many balls to juggle I guess.
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[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends
[X][Amu] Get to know your classmates
[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su
[X][Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday

[X][Scavengers] Curious
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Bio: Lulu de Morcerf Yamamoto
Lulu is an unusual character, if seen in Shugo Chara terms. Anime-only, though her skillset and story arc were written by Peach-Pit, so I consider her an honorary manga character; but while everyone else (more or less; Amu, Ikuto and Utau all break that mold a little) is dependent on Charas to do much of anything, Lulu—right from the start—pretty much doesn't use hers.

She's got one. Nana exists, and acts as a friend and sounding board to Lulu, but Nana... remember, I've mentioned that Charas act like idealized, would-be selves?

Nana doesn't. She's a lot more like a shadow, in fact; she's a part of Lulu that definitely already exists, but which Lulu suppresses, and which popped out through the chara system somehow. More specifically, Nana is an 'unelegant', redheaded girl who speaks with a Kansai accent; all things that Lulu wants to pretend she isn't. What saves her is that Lulu doesn't genuinely reject her; she accepts the existence of those impulses, even while she suppresses them..

Lulu in a chara transformation with Nana is a sight to behold. 😅

Beyond that, as you might be able to guess from her name, Lulu is genuine nobility. For as much as that means in the modern day; her grandmother is a landed french noble ( the degree of owning a mansion, at least), Lulu herself is just rich. This plays well with her hobby of setting gems, then giving them out as psionic amplifiers.

I'll expand on that.

= = =

Lulu is Amu's age. Slightly older, but in the same grade in school. She's introduced to the story as a new "employee" of Easter's, so part of the antagonist group; a colleague of Utau's, in a sense, and she did demonstrate a slight rivalry with her. Lulu wants to be liked, which in this case means she wants to be seen to do well in her 'job'.

But I'm using 'job' in scare quotes, because... Lulu's a child. Unlike Utau, she wasn't forced into the position. It's not clear why she has it in the first place, and I wouldn't say she does a good job at it. She doesn't really follow orders, she certainly doesn't need the money... my best guess is, she's there as a (very gently handled) lab rat, while simultaneously letting her do her own thing. And if she sort of accidentally manages to attract the Embryo a couple of times, that's got more to do with who she is than with any properly deliberate action.

She's an enchanter, pretty much. She takes those gems, somehow turning them into psionic amplifiers that take whatever their wearer's genuine dream is, and forcibly turns it into reality. In a broken way, most of the time—for example, someone who dreams of being a magician will absolutely get 'magical powers', but however it functions, it also erodes the user's sanity. They end up ignoring all else, up to and including elements such as "don't turn your audience into what appears to be chocolate statues".

It takes Amu a good few months to get across to her that no, maybe that's not actually a good way to actualize someone's dream. For most of that time Lulu genuinely believes she's doing them favours, and to be honest? Given that Amu has a habit of disabling her gemstones, that temporary burst of (often nonsensical as hell, but still) ability leaves traces that might actually be good for them. A number of Lulu's victims end up with a renewed belief in said dream.

...she's also half French, and Ikuto and Utau's father was French. This all looks a bit like a knock-off Chara system, accomplishing much the same goal, just in a much shorter timeframe, less patiently—and less safely, to be sure—which definitely makes you wonder.

Lulu is thirteen, by now. She's still a child. While it's possible to think she came up with all of this herself...

...anyway, unlike Amu, Utau and Ikuto, I never got the impression that Lulu really caught on to the meaningfulness of what she was doing. To her, none of her actions were something with possible consequences. She also never actually noticed Easter's darker actions, or the broken dreams that Amu had to heal (in any big way), or...

She's only seen the brighter side of psionics, and she's still very much the optimist, but that doesn't mean she isn't important.
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You know guys, I got an somewhat imagine of, what Amu persona may look like.

It's overall style and appearance look like a mix of goth and punk. The colors are red and black.
It's got roller skates for feet and wear ankle brace with spike on them.
It's body is taller than Amu. It's attitude is as "cool and spicy"

That's is what I may think it looks like.
[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends
[X][Amu] Get to know your classmates
[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su
[X][Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday
[X][Scavengers] Write-in Helpful, There's no choice but to try to get along, is there? Still not all of this sits well with you and you probably can't really keep major secrets about her. She'll probably figure out the various people you know even if you don't say anything about it, and truthfully the problems Akane has bother you. Cautiously ask around if anything can help with their situation and that you might know a few people who could help a bit for certain matters, so long as it doesn't go to far.
[X][Amu] Catch up with old friends

[X][Amu] Get to know your classmates

[X][Amu] Spend time with Ran, Miki and Su

[X][Amu] Invite Kana to your birthday

[X][Scavengers] Write-in Helpful, There's no choice but to try to get along, is there? Still not all of this sits well with you and you probably can't really keep major secrets about her. She'll probably figure out the various people you know even if you don't say anything about it, and truthfully the problems Akane has bother you. Cautiously ask around if anything can help with their situation and that you might know a few people who could help a bit for certain matters, so long as it doesn't go to far.
[X][Scavengers] Write-in Helpful, There's no choice but to try to get along, is there? Still not all of this sits well with you and you probably can't really keep major secrets about her. She'll probably figure out the various people you know even if you don't say anything about it, and truthfully the problems Akane has bother you. Cautiously ask around if anything can help with their situation and that you might know a few people who could help a bit for certain matters, so long as it doesn't go to far.

Valid. However, it might be worth to define what counts as 'too far'. Keep in mind that the most serious fight Amu has been in, involved Yaya facetanking an angry rottweiler... and then a city-devouring psionic maelstrom... but no physical harm to anyone, somehow, though Yaya managed to demonstrate she's tougher than concrete.

(That girl has an utterly useless chara, yet is somehow as durable as a tank. It's curious.)

It also involved half of a skyscraper falling on her head. It got very close, and if it hadn't been for the multiple powerful telekinetics in the room, someone would have died.
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