While we could talk to mortals, and probably even let them (but certainly not half-reds) go, I am loathe to do so. They would certainly be found and interrogated, likely used as sacrificial parts in magic rituals aimed at finding us or some such. They would need to be protected. I prefer to have them secured for at least a time. Yes, this potentially gives out some intel about our kingdom, but putting them in comfortable cells and restricting their interrogators to those who can pass for Earth humans should be doable.
As to reds and half-reds, our medicae and scholars in general would be thrilled. We should also spend a crown question on one of the corpses of lesser vampires to learn if they are the person they hatched from. Because red final transformation should interact with the Wheel somehow. If the rhampire is a different person, then the act of transformation would result in a rhampire and a mortal reborn through the Wheel and cured of half-rhampirism (I think). If the rhampire is the same person, then transforming in Molly's realm with a consensual mortal victim should have funky effects, because no murder = no original sin of all rhampires = strange things.