For a small party for a couple of days either Last Station, Harry's place, or even our home should work. Worst case - rent them an apartment or two / some motel rooms. We have the funds for that. Even outside of that, Court professionals should be trained to survive in winter conditions.
Harry's place is barely big enough for him alone, and he's a military commander for a foreign nation in the middle of a war.
Youd be putting both him and Molly in an awkward position.
Not to mention that there's a literal Fallen Angel buried in his basement. Hard pass.
This is late November Chicago.
Temperatures drop below freezing regularly. Its already snowed at least once.
For the rest, see below.
1) They will be providing their own security. They are not children. They are professionals in many fields with centuries of experience, their own resources (we could facilitate trade in gold, for example), and equipment. Leaving aside how we are perfectly capable of warding a residence to kingdom come, they can protect themselves.
As to permanent embassies - it's a base of operation. Maeve maintained a residence in Chicago. Monoc Securities has an office. And, unlike all other factions, the Courts are an industrial society that can interact with others in many ways not limited to feudal warfare. As exarchs said "there is an entire world of potential allies and trade partners awaiting envoys...". They are interested in interacting with the outside world.
1)What are their rules of engagement?
They cant legally carry weapons in Illnois without a FOID, or even within the limits of Chicago at all without special permit.
This is not DnD; you are not free to do whatever because a bunch of teenagers tried to mug you.
They are strangers in a technological society with a complex set of mores and laws. They have no local knowledge and no IDs.
They are coming from a society where biological immortality was more or less taken for granted, in addition to other assumptions.
You dont just drop them in the middle of an urban center with no prep and go "eh they'll be fine".
I mean, just to take one example:
Given everything you have seen about US police in general and the Chicago Police Department in particular, you want a bunch of foreigners, who may not even look white, roaming around Chicago with no ID when they dont even speak the language?
And Im just talking mundane threats here.
Supernatural threats are an entirely different tier of threat. Like what happens if a bunch of Fae jump what they think are agents from Yomi Wan. Or a Fomor snatch squad grab sources of intelligence for destructive interrogation. Or a Yama King.
2) You are mistaken.
Summer Lady Aurora and Winter Lady Molly maintained a personal residence in Chicago. So did the former Summer Knight.
Summer did not. Winter did not. Monoc does not; their only permanent reps are back in Scandinavia.
The svartalfar have a residence/property here in Chicago, but its not an embassy to anyone, and it has no ambassadors.
Same with the White Court.
Same with the Twylyth Teg.
Nobody does embassies or ambassadors.
That has been solved via cyberdevils and machine spirits. Not the best solution, but a solution nevertheless.
Unfortunately, no it isnt.
You dont walk around 2006 Chicago with a machine translator smartphone.
The Iphone doesnt even come out until next year.
Nevermind what happens if you get robbed.
Or just lose your phone.
It's a short notice short term (half a month at most, more likely a week or so) somewhat but not overly risky important and high profile business trip that can advance one's career by a lot. Even leaving aside the "we are a theocracy, and a living goddess asks you for help" angle, you'll get a lot of qualified applicants.
See above.
We should take weapons at least. We are going hunting for a dangerous prey, and are likely to be betraying an old monster in the process. We want some heavy ordinance.
Molly is Firearms 0 and has no way of carrying or storing weapons discreetly. The only thing of relevance I can think of is grabbing any off the shelf potions they might have, and we can do that at need.
I considered bringing weapons for the ghouls, but I assume we'll be back in the next month, if not the next week.
So no immediate rush.
First we'll need to talk to them and get stuff like their measurements for protective gear.