Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

The supply of Pyskers remains the same.

The deficit will be in Astropaths, which need a connection to the God Emperor to do their job and Navigators, which are a very unique form of psychic mutant that can only be passed down via birth from another Navigator.

Regardless, an infrastructure needs to be created to utilize as many of these psykers as possible without them going to waste.
We can still do stuff as a free action next turn so whatever doesn't get chosen now can still be done
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[X] The second. Something needs to be done to keep the sector's pysker numbers in check.
The Flood that follows the Storm (Semi-Canon)
The Flood that follows the Storm.

As they prepared for the onslaught to come, they remembered the stories of old.

Ancients and skalds had told told to them the sagas of a glorious time. A time when men and women like them fought alongside legions of just and wrathful angels, demigods of war. An era of legends, when the Holy and Mighty God-Emperor unleashed the a Great Crusade throughout the stars and, together with His Divine Primarch sons, conquered the Galaxy for all mankind.

That era was long gone, but the tales from those times, those that have not been forgotten and never to be relearned, still filled the heart of men with valor and hope, faith and dreams, and even when Darkness threatened to consume all, they clinged to those ideals and fought.

And now more than ever, with the Green Tide of death and destruction threatening their lands, they mighty Huskarls readied to claim honor and glory, like the Auxilia of old, by defending their realm in the name of God-Emperor and with His Divine Wrath.

Side by side the Huskarls stood, faith placed on their brothers and comrades, emboldened even more by the Avenging Angels that lead the charge.

For they knew that they were mere mortals, weak and brittle compared to their Mighty Guardians. But even as mere humans, they hearts always held strong, as they knew that even the smallest of men were needed to stop His enemies on their tracks.

So as the disgusting Xenos started to board their ship, they held their line firm. Weapons in hand, they never flinched, never thought about giving ground, for it was their duty to live and die for their home, for the chapter, and for the Holy Master of Mankind.

When the battlecry came from the fearless Space Marines, the Huskarls answered with their own. They knew they weren't the Storm, they weren't the lighting bolt that could obliterate all enemies on sight. But they were the raindrops that felt from the stormy sky. Separated, never enough, but together, they were the flood that could wash away all taint from the land.

"We are the Avenging Storm!" Screamed the mighty Astartes, charging against the foul beasts. "We are the Cleansing Flood!" Answered the humble Huskarls, with enough numbers and as to drown the sounds battle with their shout, knowing that together they could kill them all.


A little omake based on the valiant efforts of our huskarls last turn, hope you all enjoy
Adhoc vote count started by thefoolswriter on Jun 28, 2023 at 7:05 PM, finished with 67 posts and 31 votes.
while we still have time before the vote is called, I implore the rest of you to vote for The second instead of The first. While the first is nice to have, we aren't exactly desperate for Librarians at the moment and can wait a turn, meanwhile the second actually addresses an issue that might be a major problem. If we establish a system for collecting psykers it can help mitigate problems and start making their powers useful. Heck, it could even make the first easier since all we'd have to do is just call first dibs on all the young males on the existing system instead of just trying to do it from scratch.
The vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Jun 29, 2023 at 12:00 PM, finished with 71 posts and 32 votes.
The vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Jun 29, 2023 at 12:00 PM, finished with 71 posts and 32 votes.
Oh well, there's always next turn (hopefully). Let's just hope Vanaheim isn't a complete clusterfuck and we can at least preserve Battlefleet Odin, but I'm not putting too much faith into that since I have a bad feeling about this.
If battle fleet Odin still exists, the interstellar defense is still possible. If defense is possible, then systems can still keep themselves and others alive. That's what matters. our goal is sector survival, not sector avenging storm.
Okay, it's likely too late to change anything, but on your look on Imperium and sector psyker situation and the numbers therein:
Over two hundred billion Imperial citizens live in the Asgardia Sector, perhaps even as many as three hundred billion. With tens of thousands being born every day for each billion,
Birth rate for modern Earth is about 20 births per thousand per year, or 2*10^-2 share per year, or ~5*10^-6 per day, or ~5000 births per billion per day or slightly more, not tens of thousands by far. We don't know what specifically demographic situation within Imperium is, but using average coefficient for Earth I think adequately represents mixture of stages of demographic transition that should exist in Imperium (how demographic transition even applies to it is another topic I don't even know how to tackle, but Imperium should have not-insignificant natural population growth on average). Anyway, maximum birth rate on Earth is 50 births/thousand/year, and that is in undeveloped countries where significant share of those won't live to adulthood, so it can't even be 10000 births/billion/day in sector if we only count those who live enough to manifest psyker talents, much less higher.
it is almost certain that over ten thousand psykers are born in the Asgardia Sector on a daily basis.
Okay here you certainly accidentally miswrote. From earlier figures, taking 10^-6 weak psyker figure as strict truth, it follows that per day about 1-1,5 psykers of weakest level are born in the sector (in its reduced state it figures).
Many psykers are almost certainly killed by angry mobs or fearful individuals or the zealous faithful find out about their abilities. But many more must just live out their lives despite their abilities and Steffen wonders if those who are born close to the arrival of a Black Ship feel cheated. A birth a decade or two later would have granted them a chance at a normal life.
Who the hell would allow psykers to just live freely? An unsanctioned psyker is a living bomb that could near-permanently taint entire city or hive district, if gone off sufficiently unlucky and given Imperial paranoia about warp. They all would be either executed or rounded up and thrown in psyker prisons, if they won't live until Black Ship arrival it's still necessary for the public safety.
The second is to make a localised version of Adeptus Astra Telepathica, where the Asgardia Sector is regularly searched for psykers, which are then either put to use in the Emperor's service. While astropaths are impossible, training with enough strength of mind to sanctioned psykers would have its uses as they make for capable combat assets. As for those without the strength of mind to control their powers, there is always a need for more servitors.
Also on this - Scholastica Psykana exists not only on Terra, it has local branches, by the Dark Heresy books, which are presumably used for advanced training of already sanctioned psykers (I'm not aware of mentions of sanctioning not on Terra), but would be useful as an existing local training institution for psykers (that is, if they weren't all within those 94 fallen subsectors, but that's unlikely given the remaining ones are the core containing the sector capital and local Astartes homeworld).
The third is similar to the second except for the blanks rather than pyskers. While significantly less numerous, blanks are arguably more useful thanks to their anti-warp aura. Steffen must confess he has no idea beyond the abstract for what the blanks can be used for, but with their ability, the chapter can certainly get some value out of them.
And now how exactly chief librarian intends to do that? Psykers can be gathered from the population because they manifest themselves actively and overtly sooner or later, the warp/Chaos being an active force that nudges them to do so. Blanks' ability is passive (at least for untrained ones, depending on source) and can't be distinguished as specifically blank aura by anything except a psyker or a daemon being nearby. Every blank found is basically an immense streak of luck, that's why Imperium doesn't gather them systemically already like with psykers. Does he intend to personally participate with his small and overstretched cadre of librarians and human psykers in clinical examinations of billions of people whom some neighbours think of as strange and repulsive?
Who the hell would allow psykers to just live freely? An unsanctioned psyker is a living bomb that could near-permanently taint entire city or hive district, if gone off sufficiently unlucky and given Imperial paranoia about warp. They all would be either executed or rounded up and thrown in psyker prisons, if they won't live until Black Ship arrival it's still necessary for the public safety.
Most planets do not have the resources or social control to test for psykers en masse (not sure how you even do that without pet psykers). If the result of emerging as a psyker is either imprisonment or death, you will cause most psykers to hide their abilities, further complicating matters.

Also, imo the numbers highly suggest that the idea that each unsanctioned psyker is a potential Chaos bomb is... exaggerated, though not entirely inaccurate. Which fits with the Imperium's attitudes in general.
Birth rate for modern Earth is about 20 births per thousand per year, or 2*10^-2 share per year, or ~5*10^-6 per day, or ~5000 births per billion per day or slightly more, not tens of thousands by far. We don't know what specifically demographic situation within Imperium is, but using average coefficient for Earth I think adequately represents mixture of stages of demographic transition that should exist in Imperium (how demographic transition even applies to it is another topic I don't even know how to tackle, but Imperium should have not-insignificant natural population growth on average). Anyway, maximum birth rate on Earth is 50 births/thousand/year, and that is in undeveloped countries where significant share of those won't live to adulthood, so it can't even be 10000 births/billion/day in sector if we only count those who live enough to manifest psyker talents, much less higher.

Okay here you certainly accidentally miswrote. From earlier figures, taking 10^-6 weak psyker figure as strict truth, it follows that per day about 1-1,5 psykers of weakest level are born in the sector (in its reduced state it figures).
The math isn't percise or accurate. I put literally typed "how many people are born a day" into google and went off the first result (385,000 babies) and divided that by 7.5 to get around 50,000 people born daily for every billion people. The remaining sub-sectors of the Asgardia Sector have between 200 billion and 300 billion people in them, which is between ten million and fifteen million people being born a day. As for the number of psykers being born, that is meant to be ten thousand on a yearly basis with Steffen being conservative with how the bad situation is and I have fixed the typo in the update.

Who the hell would allow psykers to just live freely? An unsanctioned psyker is a living bomb that could near-permanently taint entire city or hive district, if gone off sufficiently unlucky and given Imperial paranoia about warp. They all would be either executed or rounded up and thrown in psyker prisons, if they won't live until Black Ship arrival it's still necessary for the public safety.
Plenty of pyskers, especially the more powerful or unstable ones, get killed or imprisoned or turned into servitors. Others fly under the radar and just live out a normal life as they keep enough of a handle on their powers to avoid detection or remain sufficiently well-liked to not be turned upon by the locals. I'm not buying into the Imperial stance on psykers and how dangerous they are except as propaganda by the Imperium that goes for the worse scenarios rather than what would reasonably happen. The Imperium might declare that psykers are ticking time-bombs, but that is just self fulfilling prophecy in this quest as it drives desperate psykers into desperate measures such as embracing the Ruinous Powers.
And now how exactly chief librarian intends to do that? Psykers can be gathered from the population because they manifest themselves actively and overtly sooner or later, the warp/Chaos being an active force that nudges them to do so. Blanks' ability is passive (at least for untrained ones, depending on source) and can't be distinguished as specifically blank aura by anything except a psyker or a daemon being nearby. Every blank found is basically an immense streak of luck, that's why Imperium doesn't gather them systemically already like with psykers. Does he intend to personally participate with his small and overstretched cadre of librarians and human psykers in clinical examinations of billions of people whom some neighbours think of as strange and repulsive?
Steffen intends to figure things out. He is a space marine with three centuries of experience and the Chief Librarian of a 4th Founding Chapter. He is confident that he can come up with something.
The math isn't percise or accurate.
True, turns out I lost any ability even for basic arithmetics and I lost an order of magnitude, 50000/billion/day would be right.
Steffen intends to figure things out. He is a space marine with three centuries of experience and the Chief Librarian of a 4th Founding Chapter. He is confident that he can come up with something.
"I have no idea, but I'm just that good so I'll figure something on the ground" is not exactly a good plan for an important sector-wide reform. Well, if Chief Librarian really is intended to be so... blinded by arrogance, at least we have Chapter Master who ultimately makes decisions and who can ask questions first before poor adepts of Administratum, Arbites and Astra Telepathica would be thrown at the impossible task.