Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
All three options are incredibly useful, but it remains that without astropaths and navigator equivalent we won't be able to operate.
[] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
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[X] The second. Something needs to be done to keep the sector's pysker numbers in check.

We as space marine we have alternative. The rest of the sector? Much less.
Would the aspirants who don't make it to implantation be attached to our newly raised combat serf regiments?
No. If they are fit enough for other service, they will join the ranks of the karls. If they aren't, they will be made into servitors if possible and killed if it isn't.
those ship losses are painful, 1 major favor gives us 5 escorts so we have to use 3 major favors and 3 minor ones to recover our losses
Actually, with an Honorbound Favor we could get 15 escorts and since we're already making a new strike cruiser that could be the most efficient use so we could go ahead and repair and replace our losses with just 2 Major Favors and 1 Honorbound Favor.
those ship losses are painful, 1 major favor gives us 5 escorts so we have to use 3 major favors and 3 minor ones to recover our losses
Actually, with an Honorbound Favor we could get 15 escorts and since we're already making a new strike cruiser that could be the most efficient use so we could go ahead and repair and replace our losses with just 2 Major Favors and 1 Honorbound Favor.
You lost ten escorts so it would take four Major Favours to fully restore your fleet.
will the strike cruiser and Battle barge be repaired in 1 turn?
will be placing melta-charges and without to the thunderhawk.
Pretty sure you mean "withdraw" unless Halla is planning on going out with a bang
You lost ten escorts so it would take four Major Favours to fully restore your fleet.
I know, just saying we have a Strike Cruiser on the way that could use some escorts and we don't really know the difference in severity between the types of favors yet.

Also speaking of:
8 Gladius-class Frigates have been destroyed.
You might want to change that to 10

[X] The second. Something needs to be done to keep the sector's pysker numbers in check.

This seems to be the more imminent problem we need to handle, we can try enacting more reforms later.
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[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.

The needs of the chapter must come first. Would suck to not be able to warp travel due to a lack of librarians.
so we could go ahead and repair and replace our losses with just 2 Major Favors and 1 Honorbound Favor.
True would be more efficient and we're gonna need those ships one way or another. And us losing 10 actually (originally based my numbers on the final report of Ragna which stated 8) means the honor-bound favour makes just that more sense then taking 2 major favors.
Pretty sure you mean "withdraw" unless Halla is planning on going out with a bang

Also speaking of:
You might want to change that to 10
Fixed. Thanks for catching those.
we don't really know the difference in severity between the types of favors yet.
I'm using this as a basis for the Relations/Reputation/Favour system.
Reputations concern your name to the rest of the Imperium, even ones who have not met you personally. A Reputation is a First Impression: Having a Good Reputation with the Ordo Xenos will mean that they will think more highly of you, whether because you've worked with them before or have made a name smiting the alien enemies of the Emperor, and so they will probably come by more often if you ask for their help. Conversely, a Bad Reputation with the Ordo Xenos will make them less likely to help you. If your rep gets bad enough or if the evidence is damning enough, they might even move against you.

None of this makes it impossible to cooperate or conflict with the Ordo Xenos.

The Ordo Xenos won't simply hand you Deathwatch marines or pieces of their ridiculously overpowered wargear as and when they like, because they need that wargear to shoot that Hive Tyrant in the face. Instead, what it means is that they will be more inclined as a whole to support you and listen when you come calling. Need someone to back you up at a tribunal? Call the Xenos. Need the Deathwatch? Call the Xenos. Have to root out alien taint on a planet or (Emperor forbid) within your own Chapter and either have not the resources or the time to do it? Call the fucking Xenos. What they do then is up to them, but they'll show up.

Meanwhile, Favors mean another thing entirely. These are intangible things, the sum total of blackmail, goodwill and Emperor-given obligation that you have over a specific unit or individual. You will never have favors from the entirety of the Ordo Xenos, for instance, but you may have favors from Inquisitor Eldarshanker. This manifests in three different flavours: Minor, Major, and Honorbound.

Minor favors are... well, not exactly minor, but they are relatively minor incentives and such, to cut through bureaucracy or push an organisation/individual into a certain decision they are on the fence on. Say you helped Inquisitor Eldarshanker take out a Farseer leading an Eldar Warband somewhere, leading some ridiculously convoluted plan to buy their Craftworld a couple more hours via diverting a Waaaagh into a Hive World or something. He'll owe you a Minor favor, to be paid elsewhere.

Now, say you need that favor to call upon Ordo Xenos assets again when, say, you need to virus bomb because the planet is literally made of Orks. The Ordo Xenos was going to do that anyway, but it would take way too long, like months or even years. You then call upon Inquisitor Eldarshanker, cash in your favor, and cut through that bureaucratic inertia with the power of blackmail friendship. The virus bombing now happens within weeks, because the Inquisitor decided to do it himself. He was in the area, he has other things to do, but why not?

Major favors are a bit more substantial. A Major favor is asking for an investment of resources that the organisation/individual was not planning to do but is still within their purview. Using the Ordo Xenos again, this would be like requesting they deploy a squad of the Deathwatch to extract a bunch of neophytes on a planet overrun by Tyranids[1]. This falls under their purview (cockblocking the alien), but they weren't planning on that. Maybe that squad was going to assist Inquisitor Eldarshanker on clearing out a coven of Howling Banshees. Maybe they were going to assist a Crusade into Tau territory. You don't know, but they have to divert assets for the explicit purpose of aiding you.

[1]Why they were on that planet, I don't know. Training, rites, the point is you have a bunch of neophytes about to get their face raped by Tyranids of all shapes and sizes.

Honorbound favors are the kingpin of favors, century-old, Primarch-mandated demands. At this point, you're asking for something insane and might be slightly heretical (but you're doing it for the Emperor so it's totally not (probably)). Using the Adeptus Mechanicus[2] for example, this would be akin to asking Magos Biologis Love&Stuff to personally generate and clone new gene seed to create new marines (though obviously it is in case you guys lose horrible amounts of brothers in the Crusade you're in (what Crusade? Shut your mouth)), and they owe you because you were the guys that saved one of their God-Machine superTitans.

The Codex Astartes does not condone this course of action, it's heresy beyond heresy to generate more gene seed than what is provided by your brothers via the Holy Progenoid Glands, and the Inquisition will be glaring down your neck because 'Why do you need so much gene seed, hmmmm? Why did you ask the Mechanicus? Is it because you're TAINTED?!', which will probably result in you being declared Excommunate Traitoris and bring unending shame onto the Blood Angels for choosing you of all people to lead a Space Marine Chapter, even if you had completely legitimate reasons for doing so.

[2]Shut up couldn't think of Ordo Xenos examples

The degrees of Reputation you can earn range from Despised, to Hated, to Bad, to Suspect, to Neutral, to Good, to Liked, to Honored, to Exalted.

Despised (you will be seen as one step short of a heretic at all times)
Hated (you will be watched and all attempts will be made to obstruct you)
Bad (they might still work with you but it's certainly not a priority)
Suspect (You smell fishy, so they'll be keeping an eye on you)
Neutral (They'll jump at the chance to fight alongside you, but have no strong opinions one way or another)
Good (they like you and might vouch for you if it's not too inconvenient)
Liked (need help? You know who to call)
Honored (You are nothing less than the ideal of a Space Marine, spoken in the same breath as the Chapters of the First Founding)
Exalted (nothing you do could possibly be for anything but the Emperor himself)
Would suck to not be able to warp travel due to a lack of librarians.
You can travel without Librarians or Navigators, you are just unable to make faster and longer ranged piloted jumps and forced to make lots of slower calculated jumps.
Hmm at that point wouldn't it be better if we use a major favor each turn to get 5 escorts than ordering 15 with a honorbound favor or do favors stack?
You can use multiple favours at once, but you can't speed up the build queue. So you could pay three major favours at once, but a Forge World will still only build five escorts a turn.

Edit: I also changed the production a bit to reflect minor favours not being a big deal while honourbound favours are.
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You can use multiple favours at once, but you can't speed up the build queue. So you could pay three major favours at once, but a Forge World will still only build five escorts a turn.
I know about the 5 escorts limit this isn't actually what I meant. I meant that instead of paying an hounorbound favor, that looks to be much more difficult to complete than a major favor and would give us same amount of ships per turn, could we just pay 3 major favors on one turn or a major favor each turn for 3 turns?
I meant that instead of paying an hounorbound favor, that looks to be much more difficult to complete than a major favor and would give them us same amount of ships per turn, could we just pay 3 major favors on one turn or a major favor each turn for 3 turns?
Yes. Also I've changed it so an Honourbound Favour gives thirty escorts not fifteen.
You can travel without Librarians or Navigators, you are just unable to make faster and longer ranged piloted jumps and forced to make lots of slower calculated jumps.
I imagine none of the worlds are old enough to have been colonized in the Dark Age of Technolgy? If that was the case I imagine some lucky bastards would have found a void abacus.
Why are we only getting 1 geneseed per fallen marine?
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
Since we can do all 3 over time, it makes sense to start with the option that directly improves our ability to do other 2 things.
Why are we only getting 1 geneseed per fallen marine?
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
Since we can do all 3 over time, it makes sense to start with the option that directly improves our ability to do other 2 things.

Because there is only one gene-seed to collect.

To add on. Space Marines grow 2 over their lifetime. One is removed after they become Full Marines/ Scout Marines (depends on need/chapter), the Second is harvested upon death.
After thinking about it, I am going to offer an omake reward in the style of To Boldly Go. @Lux27Rub please pick one of the below. For everyone else, this is for them and them alone to pick.

1) Save the life of one scout marine at Vanaheim.
2) One additional scout marine becomes a full battle-brother at Vanaheim.
3) Prevent damage to one of the chapter vehicles at Vanaheim.
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[X] The first. While only a few will enter the ranks of the Librarian, the extra pysker-capable aspirants will be useful to the chapter.
[X] The third. Blanks have a valuable ability that can certainly be used for the good of the sector.