Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

I'd say our luck has been mixed. We got bad rolls at Gallaborn, Gunnerkrieg and Sverd, but we've got some pretty good rolls elsewhere like Jotunheim, Akar and even during our negotiations with FW Odin in order to get the deal for them to stay neutral.

And I'm not sure I agree with your sentiment since we can deal with him down the line or even just wait for him to die from natural causes. And we can still do stuff to counteract his efforts, he's been having success b/c we've done hardly much for diplomacy as much as it's been his own skills. And trust me, we do NOT want there to be several brushfires when the Titan War ends otherwise we're going to see entire worlds fall. I'd much rather deal with with this guy playing fuck-fuck games for a few decades instead of having the entire sector get plunged into Chaos b/c of a personal grudge.

Also, you say you don't want to take risk b/c of some bad rolls, when the whole thing with making Battlefleet Odin and the Vannaheim Valkyries stand down without a fight is going to entirely come down to luck and we've already had experience with people being too fanatically loyal to stand down against overwhelming odds. And even if we can crush them, there likely will be casualties which we can't really tolerate when shit is just about to hit the fan. The GM has been giving us some pretty big hints that this is going to cause problems if we just barge in swinging our dicks without any prep work. Arguably more than if we just tolerated the bastard.
Reximus is going to be around for longer than just a few decades. I will remind that Juvenat is a thing. No, he'll live for centuries unless killed.

Next, the brushfire that will occur will be nigh entirely within the Odin Sub-Sector because he has yet to truly sink his claws into the other Sub-Sectors. If he's given more time the aftermath will just be even worse and more widespread.

And trying to play the long game with him is folly. A conflict between us is an inevitability, and the longer it takes for that clash to happen the bigger it will be. If it takes too long it could result in a true Sector wide civil war.

I also feel the aftermath isn't going to be that bad. A lot of little issue of worlds rebelling but really, how many of them would require more than a Companies attention for a turn?

The Odin Sub-Sector has two Hive Worlds, one of which is Vanaheim itself, and one Civilized world. The rest are either agri-worlds or Mining worlds. Vanaheim itself won't be an issue because it will be effectively passified at the same time as we take care of Reximus, the Civilized world would take a turn with just a company or two, and the Agri and mining worlds? Half a company.

The only world that might be an issue in the aftermath is the other Hive World Boer, and even then three or four companies at worst.

And it's not like we'd have to deal with them all at the same time either, it's not like they're going anywhere, though honestly if we had a relatively threat clear turn besides the aftermath of this we probably could handle it all at the same time even if they all rebelled which is doubtful.

It'll be fine. Maybe a bit hectic but it's nothing we can't handle. And as for worrying about what happens when the Titan War ends, they'll still need to recover in their own aftermath, especially the Steel Hatred after getting their asses kicked, before they can really think about attacking us which should give us an extra turn.
Reximus is going to be around for longer than just a few decades. I will remind that Juvenat is a thing. No, he'll live for centuries unless killed.
I have taken that into account, and I say it depends on a naumber of factors like how old he is right now, what his supply of rejuvenants is like, is he going for longevity or keeping his looks, etc.

And Oshha has said that we can make enemies friends and while he is being a pain in the ass I wouldn't say either of us has crossed the point of no return yet to the point that there's no hope of diplomacy.
I also feel the aftermath isn't going to be that bad. A lot of little issue of worlds rebelling but really, how many of them would require more than a Companies attention for a turn?
Maybe, or maybe not. But if it does turn out that bad, I get to say I Told You So.
It'll be fine. Maybe a bit hectic but it's nothing we can't handle. And as for worrying about what happens when the Titan War ends, they'll still need to recover in their own aftermath, especially the Steel Hatred after getting their asses kicked, before they can really think about attacking us which should give us an extra turn.
It won't just be us either. Battlefleet Asgardia, when they have recovered, will be stomping out fires alongside us, and the fact that we helped them when they were weak, loaned them a pocket Battleship to help them even, means they'll be spreading our good name wherever they go without any action from us(although we should support them whenever they need it). If we get a large portion of Battlefleet Odin intact for them, they'll be even more friendly.
Maybe, or maybe not. But if it does turn out that bad, I get to say I Told You So.
As long as you don't complain about about the inverse happening, fine with me.
As long as you don't complain about about the inverse happening, fine with me.
If everything goes smoothly I will gladly admit that you were right and your plan paid off. As much as I love being right, I love my side not getting into trouble even more even if I said the opposite. But we'll cross that bridge if we get there.
If we get a large portion of Battlefleet Odin intact for them, they'll be even more friendly.
Especially if we manage to recover the Overlord class Battlecruiser. I have fond memories of that ship in BFGA 2…
Ah, thank you for that clarification. I haven't really read up on Space Marine ships before now, must have gotten the wrong idea.
Strike cruisers have the firepower and agility of a light cruiser, but are closer to a cruiser in toughness and Space Marine escorts tend to be a bit better than their counterparts in the Imperial Navy, enough to have a slight edge, but not enough to decisively win.
There will definitely be a lot of conflicts and points of interest that the chapter will have to take care of if we chose to arrest the lord sector, however, I would like to point to 2 things.

first while the sisters of battle are also a force to be reckoned with and the strongest ground force behind us, to my knowledge from a prior post Oshha made, they barely have escorts for a fleet and even if they partnered with forge world loki it would still take them a long time to match us in terms of Navy and they are more predisposed to allying with us or neutrality (that we can actually trust that they will follow) then the lord sector anw. So by getting rid of the lord sector we deal with our biggest internal rival that could have led to a civil war in the future. the results are that we will have to deal with a lot of small fires all over the place, but I would prefer that than the possibility that he would stab us in the back when we need him or his forces and when we are weak or stretched thin. and this leads to my second point.

Even if Governors revolt against our rule, as long as they don't consort with chaos and without a leader to uniffy behind or a navy we can wait to take them out, we would still use our forces to defend worlds from the orks like we are doing with Ragna but we would concetrate mostly on subduing most of the worlds in a single sub-sector while letting the revolt in others sub-sector simmer for a bit and without a navy comparable to ours they can't do anything to us, it would make them difficult to retake but it's not like they were giving us anything in the first place.
we chose to arrest the lord sector
Just to be clear, you do release that attempting to arrest the Sector Lord for acting like a politician and feudal lord is basically dressing up deciding to go and kill him right? It is totally cool if you do that of course, but nobody with any meaningful amount of power is going to be unaware of what is really going on no matter how it is dressed up. Even Torvald and the Storm Avengers will be fully aware their arrest is just a pre-text for going in and killing the guy.
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Strike cruisers have the firepower and agility of a light cruiser, but are closer to a cruiser in toughness and Space Marine escorts tend to be a bit better than their counterparts in the Imperial Navy, enough to have a slight edge, but not enough to decisively win.
Hmm, that makes things clearer. Is Battlefleet Asgardia solely reliant on the Forge Worlds or do they have their own means of constructing ships? And can we increase our own Production in any way?
Hmm, that makes things clearer. Is Battlefleet Asgardia solely reliant on the Forge Worlds or do they have their own means of constructing ships? And can we increase our own Production in any way?
Mjolnir can repair warships and make escort-sized vessels, but it is less efficient than going to a Forge World. As for your own production, you could try calling favours with one of the Forge Worlds to improve Midgardia's local industry. Don't expect much from it though, just an extra +1 or +3 production per turn.
Just to be clear, you do release that attempting to arrest the Sector Lord for acting like a politician and feudal lord is basically dressing up deciding to go and kill him right?
Yes? just meant by it "if plan let's end it wins" but trying to word it differently. and I fully expect the planet governors to become wary of us because of that and rebel out of loyalty to the lord sector or out of fear of them being next after him. But I also expect at least some of them to be cowards who will want to hide and ride it out or governors with some sense of self-preservation that choose to pledge loyalty to us. and even though he was the sector government, from what I understood in the updates it's only in name, with planets outside of his sub-sector being fairly independent.
Just to be clear, you do release that attempting to arrest the Sector Lord for acting like a politician and feudal lord is basically dressing up deciding to go and kill him right? It is totally cool if you do that of course, but nobody with any meaningful amount of power is going to be unaware of what is really going on no matter how it is dressed up. Even Torvald and the Storm Avengers will be fully aware their arrest is just a pre-text for going in and killing the guy.
Hmm, how well known is our prior history with Reximus among the uppercrust of the Sector? He apparently tried to suborn the chapter multiple times in the past and we rebuffed him each time. So we've been enemies for a while now.
Just to be clear, you do release that attempting to arrest the Sector Lord for acting like a politician and feudal lord is basically dressing up deciding to go and kill him right? It is totally cool if you do that of course, but nobody with any meaningful amount of power is going to be unaware of what is really going on no matter how it is dressed up. Even Torvald and the Storm Avengers will be fully aware their arrest is just a pre-text for going in and killing the guy.
Yeah, it really seems like people are just brushing off the fact that we're "arresting" him on trumped up charges. Frankly I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most of us don't even have a problem with someone centralizing power on themselves. It's only when WE aren't that person that we have a problem with it (after all, we've specified that we're replacing planetary governments with ones specifically loyal to us at Jarn and Sverd).

Really, on the outside it will look like we are the ones going after anyone that isn't subservient to us.
Mjolnir can repair warships and make escort-sized vessels, but it is less efficient than going to a Forge World. As for your own production, you could try calling favours with one of the Forge Worlds to improve Midgardia's local industry. Don't expect much from it though, just an extra +1 or +3 production per turn.
Makes sense. And I'd imagine if any of the neophytes become Techmarines, that'll help Production as well.
Are there any former Forge Worlds that we know of? Because if one is nearby, that could be a base for Orks or similar to be a nasty threat. For that matter, the Steel Hunger sounds like something that would make use of that as well.
Frankly I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most of us don't even have a problem with someone centralizing power on themselves. It's only when WE aren't that person that we have a problem with it (after all, we've specified that we're replacing planetary governments with ones specifically loyal to us at Jarn and Sverd).
No, just the people who Hate us.
It's only when WE aren't that person that we have a problem with it (after all, we've specified that we're replacing planetary governments with ones specifically loyal to us at Jarn and Sverd).

Really, on the outside it will look like we are the ones going after anyone that isn't subservient to us.
Did you see anyone in the thread wanting to go and fight the sisters of battles? they are also centralizing power and they aren't WE.

If the sector lord wasn't chosen as a rival at the beginning of the quest and hadn't already started to work against us by portraying the avenging storms as the bad guys to the sub-sectors, as you have pointed out most people wouldn't have cared that he was centralizing power and would have tried diplomacy first, but he was chosen as rival and there is bad blood between the space chapter and him so we just can't trust him.

Also in terms of the future administration of the sector as a whole didn't we choose the adeptus administratum as an ally? so doesn't that mean that we have allies in the various governments of the worlds? or does that only mean we have allies in the adeptus administratum inside the empire?
Hmm, how well known is our prior history with Reximus among the uppercrust of the Sector? He apparently tried to suborn the chapter multiple times in the past and we rebuffed him each time. So we've been enemies for a while now.
Your history and mutual dislike of each other is known amongst the movers and shakers within the Asgardia Sector.
And I'd imagine if any of the neophytes become Techmarines, that'll help Production as well.
Yes, any new Techmarines will help and any losses of existing Techmarines will hurt.
Are there any former Forge Worlds that we know of?
A few with the most predominant being Forge World Heimdall, which is currently the capital/homeworld of the Steel Hunger.
No, it will be a chaotic free for all because you took out the only centralised leadership in the sector whilst providing no alternative. This is the sort of thing where you need to take steps to deal with it before hand if you don't want to flail about and wing it after the deed is done.
Also, this isn't something you can just fix with some actions this turn. You either take preparation this turn and deal with Reximus next turn or you deal with him this term and accept the fallout. I would have mentioned this early, but I apparently I misjudged how easy the thread would consider just removing Reximus from power.
I just keep looking back at these quotes and I can't help but feel a little unnerved by just how flippant some of us are being on what kind of fallout we could be seeing. Like does anyone else think that this might be too easy if we're able to just knock off one of our major rivals within 3 turns without getting major consequences due to him being the Sector Lord in a quest the GM has said is "hard mode"?

Maybe I am just being paranoid but with all the things the GM has been saying I just don't think this is the best course of action, especially if we aren't even going to talk to anyone first about what their stance on things are and what to do afterwards. Some of you say that you don't want to leave things up to luck yet this whole plan seems like it relies on luck the most out of all the other plans here. If we have bad luck, worse case scenario we have to fight the whole damn Sub-Sector Odin with Loki, Baldur and the Sacred Storm giving us wary looks.

No, just the people who Hate us.
Would they think that or just people we don't particularly like? That if we disagree with how they're doing things that we could come barging in demanding their submission on trumped up charges? When I try to put myself in an outsider's shoes this whole course of action just does not look good to me.
but he was chosen as rival and there is bad blood between the space chapter and him so we just can't trust him.
I'm not saying we can, but I can make an informed guess that he's smart enough to realize that him outright fighting us is against his enlightened self-interest as fighting will Space Marines for no reason other than they don't want to submit to him will at best weaken him to the point he'll be vulnerable to Chaos, Xenos or even internal threats and at worst see him killed. It would take a long time for him to meaningfully build up his forces to the point they'd threaten us and while I have no doubt he'd try to isolate us from allies and strengthen his own position to make it as secure as possible, I don't believe he'll start a civil war with us at the current rate.

And he doesn't have to stay out rival until his death, Oshha has said that we could get him to give up his grudge and we haven't even made any diplomatic overtures. The first time we're contacting him we're just barging in demanding he either surrender or die when he hasn't actually done much other than talk some shit, which is kinda normal for politicians if they think it will benefit them. Especially for his people who will likely see all this as proof that we're interfering with planetary governments when the Odin Sub-Sector all love him and see him as nothing but a boon. You can't just come in and kill someone like that without a good reason and able to fill the void he left ASAP.

Even if Governors revolt against our rule, as long as they don't consort with chaos
Again, look how that went for us with Sverd. And while they might not have warships, they likely do have Astropaths and ships so they can still communicate with each other. Not to mention the ongoing Black Market in the Baldur Sub-Sector which will have gone unchecked for about a decade if the leading plan passes, letting fuck knows how many corrupt objects in across the sector which could work its way into the ruling elites.
[X] Plan Let's end it
Space marines, soldiers bred for war. It's either comply or die. For the emperor, no prisioners!
Reximus is charged with not listening to the God Emperor's orders and he will pay.
Where exactly did the QM say this? Can't find it in the pages since the Turn post.
Right here, it was before the turn post.

Those aren't fixed in stone. It is possible to turn enemies into friends and friends into enemies.


Reximus is charged with not listening to the God Emperor's orders and he will pay.
What orders? We haven't said shit at all to him and you expect him follow orders we haven't given him? Unless you mean the Imperium's orders, otherwise we're in that same boat since we all disobeyed their orders.

Tone down the blind fanaticism, we aren't Sisters of Battle. He's just been talking shit and hasn't done anything substantial against us and neither of us have even tried talking to him. Let's talk first then shoot him in the face if he has the gall to disrespect us to our face.
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