Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

Just to give some thoughts on Rex and Sector governments in general, one thing about the Imperium in 40k that we should keep in mind is that it is more akin to a confederation in most instances than an actual centralized empire, with noble families extending back centuries, maybe even millennia, controlling sectors and subsectors as personal fiefdoms as complying with the tithe is kinda the only thing they need to do to remain in power. We may hate Rex because he is egotistical and wants to subordinate us and all that, but in his egotistical mindset he may have a saviour complex and may also want what's best for what he sees as his people; maybe his family have ruled the sector for Emperor knows how long and he wants to keep it that way while waiting for the Imperium to come back, hailed as a hero and with more strength in his domain.

Regardless, he clearly has a lot more legitimacy than us Space Marines for acting the way he is, even if we dislike him, as in comparison we are meant to be nothing more than protectors and warriors, at least theoretically. If we really want to play the game of deposing rulers and installing governments in planets, we should really start thinking about about playing the PR game and proclaiming either our own government (Which is what I proposed before), or support someone that wants to claim the governorship of the sector, all while giving some argument about why Rex is a heretic or something and why he is unfit to rule. It doesn't matter if we would be better than Rex or not, the 41st millennia is a time of paranoia, doubt, fear, and zealotry, and the people will mostly follow someone based on what they judge according to those parameters. If we actually want to play the empire building game, we need to act accordingly, something that, as Ultramarines successors, we can have an easier time doing than most chapters.
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

I think you people are missing something here, if we go for the violence option, then we're most likely going to be tied up for at least one turn. We can't just show up with overwhelming force because we have two companies busy cleaning orks and another two are purging the now traitor guardsmen. This leaves us with few companies since we will need to leave at least one in our homeworld as a reserve and it's highly likely that some problems will arise on the sector which will tie up even more of our companies.
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I think you people are missing something here, if we go for the violence option, then we're most likely going to be tied up for at least one turn. We can't just show up with overwhelming force because we have two companies busy cleaning orks and another two are purging the now traitor guardsmen. This leaves us with few companies since we will need to leave at least one in our homeworld as a reserve and it's highly likely that some problems will arise on the sector which will tie up even more of our companies.
If you are talking about Galarborn, that was completed this Turn.
And frankly, you overestimate the forces we face, since the QM told us that the Threat level is based on a single Astartes Company. Thus, the level of Extreme Threat simply means that if we send one company then there is a very high chance of casualties. Since we plan to bring about 6 companies, and our allies from Battlefleet Asgardia, things are much less likely to even result in a fight.
Also, @Oshha, will Forge World Odin be willing to give us up to date details about what we will face?
And frankly, you overestimate the forces we face, since the QM told us that the Threat level is based on a single Astartes Company. Thus, the level of Extreme Threat simply means that if we send one company then there is a very high chance of casualties.
Extreme can mean that a single company is going to suffer heavy losses to being wiped out as anything more dangerous than High is classified Extreme.
Also, @Oshha, will Forge World Odin be willing to give us up to date details about what we will face?
They are willing to let you know that they have produced enough equipment to outfit several more regiments of Vanaheim Valkyries, including one of their equivalents to stormtroopers, and have produced one Dauntless-class Light Cruiser alongside six Sword-class Frigates and six Firestorm-class Frigates for Battlefleet Odin.
Extreme can mean that a single company is going to suffer heavy losses to being wiped out as anything more dangerous than High is classified Extreme.
Thank you for the clarification.
They are willing to let you know that they have produced enough equipment to outfit several more regiments of Vanaheim Valkyries, including one of their equivalents to stormtroopers, and have produced one Dauntless-class Light Cruiser alongside six Sword-class Frigates and six Firestorm-class Frigates for Battlefleet Odin.
Out of curiosity, are any of the Forge Worlds set up to create Battleships, or is that something they don't generally make in this sector and will have to build up to? Of course, those would take decades to make even with the facilities, I know that much.
Out of curiosity, are any of the Forge Worlds set up to create Battleships, or is that something they don't generally make in this sector and will have to build up to? Of course, those would take decades to make even with the facilities, I know that much.
No battleships apart from Forge World Thor being able to make Battle Barges.

For your reference:
As the primary Forge World for a 4th Founding Chapter with a massive fleet, Forge World Thor is able of producing the warships for said chapter. As the primary Forge World, it is capable of producing battlecruisers, cruisers, light cruisers and escorts for the Imperial Navy, but grand cruisers and battleships are beyond Forge World Thor.
Forge Worlds Odin and Loki cannot build battleships. Both Forge Worlds can build Lunar-class Cruisers, Dauntless-class Light Cruisers and Imperial Navy Escorts while Odin can also build Gothic-class Cruisers.
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

This keeps them out of Reximus' influence which I think is pretty important. The Honorbound Favour sucks but we were always going to help out Odin because we need people to supply us with stuff.

I'm pretty reluctant on getting into any sort of offensive war against Reximus at this point in time. That's only going to bleed the sector's manpower and resources when there are bigger threats just looming off of the horizon, as is the usual with 40k. Better we shore our relations up with the Mechanicus, the SoB and Asgardia, while maintaining our influence in the systems we do have control over and expanding it into ones that haven't joined either of our sides.
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

As long as we can negotiate a border it's hard to argue the Sector Lord is worse than Chaos, Orks or other gribblies. The problem comes if he starts trying to constantly undermine us or preparing to stab us in the back if we show weakness.

Now thinking about Chapter Building we really need to work on the fleet and armory for our successor long in advance. We'll need a lot of Favors and Production to equip the marines that so far seems more likely to limit us than the Gene-Seed. Maybe we could make an action to focus a disproportionate focus on Tech-Marine training, or try to get some 'Tech-Serf' programme? If we could use our gene-seed to increase our Armory production in preparation then we could save the Favors for the ships at least.
As long as we can negotiate a border it's hard to argue the Sector Lord is worse than Chaos, Orks or other gribblies. The problem comes if he starts trying to constantly undermine us or preparing to stab us in the back if we show weakness.
Yeah, I'm starting to lean towards that since we got a lot to deal with in the coming turns. Though I do want to show up with a fleet and have a talk with him to at least let him know we are not to be trifled with and if he wants to live he shouldn't pick a fight he isn't gonna win.
The vote is pretty clear by now and it has been most of a day so I'm going to close it.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Jun 23, 2023 at 11:50 AM, finished with 89 posts and 24 votes.
Now I've been wondering, what do we know about the Order of the Sacred Storm? Like what about their doctrine and beliefs make them stand out from other Orders and on a scale of 1-10 how do they rank on fanatical zealotry with 1 being pretty reasonable and pragmatic, willing to let some minor things slide if it isn't harmful and 10 being "would commit genocides on worlds for being insufficiently pious and slight doctrinal deviations if they had the power to do so".
Now I've been wondering, what do we know about the Order of the Sacred Storm? Like what about their doctrine and beliefs make them stand out from other Orders and on a scale of 1-10 how do they rank on fanatical zealotry with 1 being pretty reasonable and pragmatic, willing to let some minor things slide if it isn't harmful and 10 being "would commit genocides on worlds for being insufficiently pious and slight doctrinal deviations if they had the power to do so".
They are secretive and insular with a mandate to safeguard a holy site on Gunnerheim. You know that they favour a locally produced storm shield variant that they like to wield alongside a power sword and some of them ride a genetically engineered winged horse that is native to the Sif Sub-Sector, but you don't know how they differ on spiritual or political doctrine as opposed to combat doctrine.
Turn 3/010-014.M41
[X] Accept the deal. Forge World Odin will remain neutral. Storm Avengers will owe an Honourbound Favour to Forge World Odin.

It is odd to hold a chapter council without Stefan around. The Captain of the 2nd isn't the only one missing as Jannis and Grimvard are both deployed with them, but you aren't as close with those brothers as you are with Stefan.

"First of all, active xenos threats to the sector," you say, "One of Stormsmasha's lieutentants is moving on Ragna. It seems that Warboss Hedkrumpa has heard that the Freya Sub-Sector is providing good fights and is moving on the sub-sector capital with a substantial invasion force. He will have millions of Orks at the minimum and fleet estimates give him several cruiser-weight warships with multiple escorts for each one."

"I presume that the local PDF won't be able to withstand the invasion force," inquires Rod.

"No, Ragna might be a sub-sector capital, but it is still just an agri-world," you reply, "Think Galarborn, but worse. Hedkrumpa is one of Stormsmasha's lieutenants so expect a lot of 'ardboyz and meganobz in the invasion force."

"That will be trouble," says Scottius, "Bolters do not kill 'ardboyz as easily as they kill regular Orks."

The 'ardboy resistance to bolters is one of the reasons why Waaagh! Stormsmasha has been so successful. The warboss has an abnormally high number of them within his ranks and their heavy armour combined with being relatively common means that space marine forces have greater difficulty killing them.

That same difficulty is also the reason why the word of several stunning defeats for the Steel Hunger in the Titan War has been trickling in. While the Titan War is very much ongoing, Waaagh! Stormsmasha currently holds the initiative and is very much on the offensive at the moment. Several minor worlds have already fallen from the heretics to the greenskins whilst the Ork fleets have defeated multiple Chaos cruisers and even a heavy cruiser.

"My company can handle them," says Halla confidently, "Though I would like one of the battle barges to help handle the fleet. The Guardian of Midgardia will not be enough on her own against that many Ork warships."

"The 3rd is itching for another showing against the greenskins," adds Rod, "We have replaced our fallen with promoted scouts and restocked from the armoury. We are ready to make up for our poor showing on Galarborn."

"Your showing was hardly poor," you tell him, "The degree of Ork threat there was simply unexpected and beyond what had been predicted."

"Nevertheless, my brothers and I in the 3rd still feel the need to redeem ourselves against the Orks," says Rod and you nod, accepting the reasoning despite the illogicalness of it.

"The other threats of note are both in the Baldur Sub-Sector," you say, moving onto the next topic of the meeting, "The situation on Malmur is being handled by our missing brethren and doesn't need to be addressed further. The black market on Kjede is still going and rather than just suspect xenos and heretic involvement there, we now have confirmed reports of it. Their other concern is the mining world Blad. Several off-world oligarchs have begun to make their mark on Blad, using off-world mercenaries and bribed units of the PDF to forcefully take over local mines. While rebellion has yet to break out, the mistreatment of the locals by the oligarchs is making it a matter of time. "

"I would like to raise the issue of transports," says Horwan, "While we had sufficient numbers for all of our all battle companies, the loss of the old 5th combined with the recent reorganisation means that we lack sufficient Rhinos. I would like to correct this. I would also like to start Stormraven production to provide dedicated transports for our assault squads."

"Noted," you say, not commiting to the idea yet until you had a chance to look over the overall needs of the chapter.

"I would like to raise the issue of the psykers," says Steffen as the Chief Librarian looks around the long table, "We have forty years before the next Black Ship would have arrived, but I would like to get control of the psyker situation before then. Especially since we do not know who will take charge if we do not."

"Also noted," you say and then your Master of the Fleet takes the opportunity to speak.

"We need three more strike cruisers," says Karl as he leans forward, "We have lost that many in recent years and we have an insufficient number for all of our cruisers. 1st Company and 5th Company both lack their own dedicated transportation and while the battle barge is an excellent hammer, it lacks the swiftness of a strike cruiser. Ideally we would get more than three strike cruisers, but I'll settle for having sufficient numbers for all of our companies."

"Karl speaks truly," says Captain Torsten of the newly reformed 5th Company, "My company is large enough that we can risk it on deployment if we only had the transportation for it. Without a strike cruiser of our own, we are limited to wherever a battle barge is going."

"I will take that into consideration," you say before deciding to move on, "Now in other news, the Order of the Sacred Storm is expanding their ranks beyond their normal numbers. We cannot be certain, but the most likely reason is that the Order is expanding their aegis from just Gunnerheim to all of the Sif Sub-Sector. For all intents and purposes, we can consider Canoness Superior Jorunn Forst to be the leader of the Sif Sub-Sector.

Likewise, Lord Sector Reximus has firmly reestablished his authority without Imperial backing over the Odin Sub-Sector and is seeking to do the same in the Baldur and Loki Sub-Sectors. We can not assume that either of them will be friendly to us, but at the same time, neither of them have joined the ranks of our true enemies."

From there, you and the senior leadership of the Storm Avengers throw about ideas, but it is clear that you are Adeptus Astartes and not the Highborn of the Imperium. Your lifework is war not politics and this sort of internal rivalry is not something that the Angels of Death are meant to resolve. Not unless the solution requires a bolter and chainsword.

Which isn't to say that the chapter is bad at anything apart from war. You are the Son of Guilliman not the Sons of Russ or the Khan and the prosperity of Midgardia proves your worth as administrators. The problem is that administrative skill doesn't translate into political skill, which is what Reximus is using to his advantage.

Some of your brothers favour a decisive strike while the chapter still holds the advantage and before Reximus and his supporters can grow even stronger. Others feel that it would be a waste of loyal soldiers on both sides when true threats are barely held at bay. There is no need to spill the blood of Storm Avengers and Vanaheim Valkyries upon each other when there are heretics and greenskins aplenty to kill.

In the end, the decision is yours as Chapter Master of the Storm Avengers.


Use plan voting.

Free Actions (Choose up to three)
Perform actions that don't fall under Production or Chapter Deployment. Also includes non-Codex compliant changes to your chapter organisation.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in.
Chapter Deployment
[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard are free.
[ ] 1st Company is engaged at Malmur and currently unavailable. Warning - Notably understrength.
[ ] 2nd Company is engaged at Malmur and currently unavailable.
[ ] 3rd Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 4th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 5th Company is unassigned and currently available. Warning - Notably understrength.
[ ] 7th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 8th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 10th Company is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Might of Storms is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Sentinel of Asgardia is seconded to Battlefleet Asgardia and currently unavailable until 020.M41.
[ ] Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Ardent Storm is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] Battle Barge Void Thunderer is unassigned and currently available.
Production (25 Points available)
[ ] Write-in
Chapter Organisation (Optional)
This is here so you can make Codex-compliant changes to the chapter to suit your preferences. Think things like assigning vehicles or warships to a company or replacing losses in a battle company from a reserve company. Most of this will happen automatically and will be sorted out by me, the QM, but here is the option if anyone wants to do it themselves.
[] Write-in.

Chapter Suggestions

Jannis Hopeson: "While it is unfortunate that the situation on Sverd and Malmur has not gone as planned, I do have it under control with the 1st and 2nd. We will bring Malmur back into the light of the Emperor and we can do so without need for further reinforcement."

Karl Voidson: "Given the excellent state of the chapter fleet, it might be frivolous to request this, but I recommend commissioning three new strike cruisers from Forge World Thor to replace the Hate of Midgardia, Rage of Midgardia and Spite of Midgardia. This is to ensure that the new 5th Company and 6th Company will have their own dedicated strike cruiser for interstellar transportation."

Horwan Forgeson: "As the Armoury, we have a small reserve and while it is not as large as I would like, it will suffice. My primary concern is the lack of transports for our new battle companies. We need another twenty Rhinos at the moment and ideally, I would like to have more on top of that for when 1st Company, 5th Company and 6th Company all become full-sized. I would also like a pair of Stormravens for each company to carry their assault squads."

Steffen Strangeson: "I wish to reiterate my concerns about the psyker situation. We will not be receiving new astropaths from Terra anymore and we will not see any Black Ships arriving to collect the psykers of the sector. While not strictly the concern of the chapter, it is something we must consider due to the long term consequences for the Asgardia Sector."


Defence of Ragna (Freya Sub-Sector): Having heard that there are good fights to be found in the Freya Sub-Sector, one of Stormsmasha's lieutenants has chosen to invade the sub-sector capital. Millions of Orks and dozens of ramshackle warships under the leadership of Warboss Hedkrumpa are heading for Ragna, whose PDF will be insufficient to repel the invasion force. Threat Level High.
Black Market of Kjede (Baldur Sub-Sector): Having not seen life since it suffered Exterminatus several centuries ago, Kjede is seeing a recent influx of activity. Taking advantage of the withdrawal of the Imperium, several traders have set up a black market at Kjede, where they have begun to consort and trade with filthy xenos and foul heretics. Threat Level Low.
Oligarch Warlords (Baldur Sub-Sector): The Mining World Blad is suffering issues from off-world oligarchs attempting hostile takeovers of the local mines. Bringing off-world mercenaries and subverting parts of the Blad PDF, these oligarchs have been mistreating the local miners in exchange for increased output and superior profits, driving the local populace to the verge of revolt. Threat Level Low.
Home Guard (Thor Sub-Sector): As important as it is for the chapter to go out and slay the enemies of humanity, it is also important the chapter protects its home on Midgardia. Stationing forces on Midgardia will help deter opportunities or planned attacks on the fortress-monastery. Threat Level Variable.
Patrolling (Asgardia Sector): There are many minor threats to the Asgardia Sector and the loyal Imperial citizens calling it home. Having forces patrol the sector will allow the chapter to proactively deal with any threats that unexpectedly appear in the sector. Threat Level Variable.
Raiding (Asgardia Sector): There are many threats beyond the current borders of the Asgardia Sector, including Waaagh! Stormsmasha and the Steel Hunger. Sending forces to raid these foes can weaken them by hitting targets of opportunity. Threat Level Variable.

Points of Interest

Reximus Rising (Asgardia Sector): Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus has been effectively consolidating his power in the Asgardia Sector. With the exception of Forge World Odin maintaining its neutrality, the entirety of the Odin Sub-Sector has fallen in line with the sector governor. Now Reximus is reaching out to the Loki and Baldur sub-sectors as he continues to extend his influence across the Asgardia Sector.
Sentinels of Sif (Sif Sub-Sector): The Order of the Sacred Storm is firmly establishing itself as the new ruler of the Sif Sub-Sector. The Adepta Sororitas are still drawing upon Schola Progenium from across the Asgardia Sector for new recruits and are rapidly expanding their numbers to meet their new duties as an independent fighting force.
The Titan War (Asgardia Sector): The two biggest threats to the Asgardia Sector, Waaagh! Stormsmasha and the Steel Hunger are currently at war after the greenskins stole an Emperor Titan from the heretics. The war is swinging decisively in favour of Warboss Stormsmasha as the Orks have crushed multiple heretic fleets and conquered several worlds from the Steel Hunger.
Battlefleet Asgardia (Asgardia Sector): In exchange for new warships, Admiral Roza Mordanne has agreed to pledge Battlefleet Asgardia to aiding Forge World until 020.M41. Under the terms of the agreement, it can be expected that by the time that the Sentinel of Asgardia is no longer seconded to Battlefleet Asgardia, the fleet will have acquired three new Lunar-class Cruisers, two new Dauntless-class Light Cruisers and sixteen new Sword-class Frigates.


The degrees of Reputation you can earn range from Despised, to Hated, to Bad, to Suspect, to Neutral, to Good, to Liked, to Honoured, to Exalted.
Favours range from Minor to Major to Honourbound.

Owed to the Storm Avengers
1 Major Favour = Battlefleet Asgardia
1 Major Favour = Forge World Thor

Owed by the Storm Avengers
1 Honourbound Favour = Forge World Odin

Adeptus Mechanicus = Liked.
-Forge World Thor = Liked+.
-Forge World Odin = Liked.
-Forge World Loki = Liked.
Adeptus Administratum = Liked.
Adeptus Astartes = Neutral.
-Blood Angels & Successors = Liked.
Adepta Sororitas = Neutral.
-Order of the Sacred Storm = Suspect+.
Ecclesiarchy = Neutral.
Imperial Guard = Neutral.
-Vanaheim Valkyries = Good?
Imperial Navy = Neutral.
-Battlefleet Asgardia = Good+.
-Battlefleet Odin = Neutral?
Ordo Hereticus = Despised.
Ordo Malleus = Suspect.
Ordo Xenos = Suspect.
Sector Governor = Hated.


Available Output
Output is available for a single turn and cannot be stockpiled. Any Points not spent during the turn will not be lost and won't be available in any following turns. The exception to this is points from Adeptus Mechanicus Favours, which can be stockpiled for later use.

14 Points from Techmarines.
6 Points from Forge World Thor.
5 Points from Forge World Odin.

Adeptus Mechanicus Minor Favour is worth 20 Points
Adeptus Mechanicus Major Favour is worth 100 Points
Adeptus Mechanicus Honourbound Favour is worth 500 Points

Equipment Costs
Power Armour, Boltguns, Bolt Pistols & Chainsaws are standard issue.

5 Power Weapons = 1 Point
5 Specialist Weapons = 1 Point
5 Heavy Weapons = 1 Point
5 Jump Packs = 1 Point

1 Centurion Armour = 3 Points
1 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 5 Points
1 Artificer Armour = 5 Points
1 Iron Halo = 5 Points
1 Rosarius = 5 Points

2 Bikes = 1 Point

Vehicles Costs
1 Land Speeder = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Storm = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Tornado = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Land Speeder Typhoon = 2 Points/2 Crew
1 Rhino = 2 Points/1 Crew
1 Razorback = 3 Points/1 Crew
1 Vindicator = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Whirlwind = 3 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Destructor = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Predator Annihilator = 4 Points/2 Crew
1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought = 4 Points
1 Stormtalon Gunship = 6/1 Crew
1 Stormraven Gunship = 10/2 Crew (Takes 2 Turns)
1 Land Raider Phobos = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 4 Turns)
1 Land Raider Crusader = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 4 Turns)
1 Land Raider Redeemer = 20 Points/2 Crew (Takes 4 Turns)

Escort = 1 Minor Favour/1 Turn
5 Escorts = 1 Major Favour/1 Turn
30 Escorts = 1 Honourbound Favour/5 Escorts per 1 Turn.
Strike Cruiser = 1 Major Favour (Forge World Thor)/3 Turns
3 Strike Cruisers = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/1 Strike Cruiser per 3 Turns
Battle Barge = 1 Honourbound Favour (Forge World Thor)/8 Turns

1 Minor Favour can be used to refit a Strike Cruiser or Battle Barge.

Chapter Status

Chapter Master Torvald Thunderson: Worthy Thunderer, Avenging Iron, Timeless Liberty, Wings of the Wasp.
Chapter Champion Sig Stormson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Artificer Armour, 1/1 Jump Pack.
9/Honour Guard: 9/9 Power Weapons, 9/9 Artificer Armour, 9/9 Jump Pack.

Master of the Keep (1st): Grimvard Thunderson
Master of the Watch (2nd): Stefan Freeson
Master of the Arsenal (3rd): Rod Forgeson
Master of the Fleet (4th): Karl Voidson
Master of the Marches (5th): Torsten Nightson
Master of the Rites (6th): EMPTY
Chief Victualler (7th): Scottus Lightson
Lord Executioner (8th): Halla Stormson
Master of the Relics (9th): Peder Freeson
Master of the Recruits and Reconnaissance (10th): Clin Boltson
Master of Sanctity: Jannis Hopeson
Total/Spare Chaplains: 14/5 (14/14 Power Weapon, 14/14 Rosarius)
Master of the Apothecarion: Bruce Boltson
Total/Spare Apothecaries: 16/7
Gene-seed: 104
Chief Librarian: Steffen Strangeson
Total/Spare Librarians: 16/7 (16/16 Power Weapon)
Master of the Forge: Horwan Forgeson
Total/Spare Techmarines: 13/4 (13/13 Power Weapon)

Unassigned Power Weapons: 10
Unassigned Specialist Weapons: 12
Unassigned Heavy Weapons: 8
Unassigned Jump Packs: 34

Unassigned Iron Halo = 0
Unassigned Rosarius = 6
Unassigned Centurion Armour = 0
Unassigned Artificer Armour = 2
Unassigned Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour = 0
Unassigned Cataphractii-pattern Terminator Armour = 0
Unassigned Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour = 0

Unassigned Bikes = 0
Assigned/Worthy Thunderer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (No penalty to initiative)
Assigned/Timeless Liberty: Storm Shield (Adamantium aka Unbreaking, Boosts Willpower)
Assigned/Wings of the Wasp: Jump Pack (Inbuilt power source means it can be used indefinitely, including to hover.)
Assigned/Storm Stinger: Master-crafted Plasma Pistol (Extra attack)
Assigned/Mighty Goliath: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Increases wearer's strength)
Assigned/Hawk's Faith: Master-crafted Sniper Rifle (Instant Death, Rending)
Assigned/Black Claws: Master-crafted Lightning Claws (Stealth)
Assigned/Stormbringer: Master-crafted Thunder Hammer (Boosts Toughness & Willpower)
Assigned/Green Fury: Master-crafted Power Fist (Bonus against Greenskins)
Assigned/Avenging Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Volkite Caliver)
Ice Warden: Artificer Armour (Resistance to Fire/Flames)
Assigned/Invictus Iron: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Iron Halo)
Assigned/Just Saviour: Artificer Armour (Inbuilt Storm Bolter)
Monsterslayer: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Bonus against Monstrous Creatures)
Assigned/Silver Sentinel: Artificer Armour (Improved Warp Resistance)
Assigned/Warrider: Tartaros-pattern Terminator Armour (Inbuilt Master-Crafted Autocannon in shoulder in addition to regular weaponry)

1st Company (Veteran Company)

Captain Grimvard Thunderson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Mighty Goliath
Champion EMPTY: 0/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Valentin Voidson
Chaplain Stefan Stoneson
Apothecary Wulf Voidson
Techmarine Birger Snowson

5/Terminator Veteran Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 5/10 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 5/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour
5/Terminator Veteran Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 5/10 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 5/10 Indomitus-pattern Terminator Armour
6/Vanguard Veteran Squad (Veteran Sergeant): 10/10 Power Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
1/Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought (Brother Kraki)
1/Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought (Brother Holmfast)

Assigned Vehicles
5 Razorback

Assigned Warships

2nd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Stefan Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo,
Champion Robert Strangeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1 Iron Halo, Just Saviour
Librarian Thord Lightson
Chaplain Ogmund Flameson
Apothecary Bjorn Thunderson
Techmarine Einar Freeson

3/Command Squad/Razorback:
10/Bike Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
7 Rhinos
1 Razorback
4 Land Speeders
2 Vindicator
2 Whirlwind
2 Predator Destructor

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Fury of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates

3rd Company (Battle Company)

Captain Rod Forgeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Warrider
Champion Asvald Hopeson: Green Fury, 1/1 Iron Halo
Librarian Arn Flameson
Chaplain Stein Stoneson
Apothecary Alfgeir Freeson
Techmarine Ivan Flameson

3/Command Squad/Razorback:
10/Bike Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Veteran Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
7 Rhinos
1 Razorback
1 Land Speeder
1 Vindicator
2 Whirlwind
1 Predator Destructor

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Wrath of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates

4th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Karl Voidson: 1/1 Iron Halo, Stormbringer, Silver Sentinel.
Champion Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon, Invictus Iron.
Librarian Arndor Strangeson
Chaplain Jesper Iceson
Apothecary Esjar Stoneson
Techmarine Samuel Hopeson

3/Command Squad/Razorback:
10/Bike Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad (Veteran Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
7 Rhino
1 Razorback
1 Land Speeder
4 Vindicator
4 Whirlwind
4 Predator Destructor

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Hope of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates

5th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Torsten Nightson: 1/1 Iron Halo, Black Claws
Champion EMPTY: 0/1 Power Weapon,
Librarian Gudmund Forgeson
Chaplain Hemir Season
Apothecary Vind Snowson
Techmarine Peher Metalson

0/Command Squad/Razorback:
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
0/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 0/1 Power Weapon, 0/1 Specialist Weapon, 0/1 Heavy Weapon.
0/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 0/1 Power Weapon, 0/1 Specialist Weapon, 0/1 Heavy Weapon.
0/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 0/1 Power Weapon, 0/2 Specialist Weapon, 0/10 Jump Packs.
0/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 0/1 Power Weapon, 0/2 Specialist Weapon, 0/10 Jump Packs.
0/Devastator Squad (Sergeant): 0/1 Power Weapon, 0/4 Heavy Weapon.
0/Devastator Squad (Sergeant): 0/1 Power Weapon, 0/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
1 Rhino.
1 Razorback.

Assigned Warships

7th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Scottus Lightson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Sigbrand Rainson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Librarian Paul Season
Chaplain Bard Boltson
Apothecary Svart Waveson
Techmarine Brand Season

3/Command Squad/Razorback:
10/Bike Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
3 Rhinos
1 Razorback
Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Defiance of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates

8th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Halla Stormson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, 1/1 Jump Pack
Champion Mikael Gustson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Librarian Ruben Iceson
Chaplain Erlend Hailson
Apothecary Simen Rainson
Techmarine Torbjorn Voidson

3/Command Squad/Razorback:
10/Bike Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
1 Razorback

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Guardian of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates

9th Company (Battle Company)

Captain Peder Freeson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Champion Mord Lightson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo
Librarian Heimir Skyson
Chaplain Bentley Hopeson
Apothecary Johannes Iceson
Techmarine Stein Lightson

3/Command Squad/Razorback:
10/Bike Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon, 10/10 Bikes
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Tactical Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Assault Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Power Weapon, 2/2 Specialist Weapon, 10/10 Jump Packs.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant)/Rhino: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.
10/Devastator Squad (Sergeant)/Razorback: 1/1 Power Weapon, 4/4 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles
6 Rhinos
2 Razorbacks

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Protector of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates

10th Company (Scout Company)

Captain Clin Boltson: 1/1 Power Weapon, 1/1 Specialist Weapon, 1/1 Iron Halo, Hawk's Faith.
Champion Kai Waveson: 1/1 Power Weapon
Librarian Svend Flameson
Chaplain Kjartan Windson
Apothecary Isak Flameson
Techmarine Richard Stoneson

3/Command Squad:
10/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
10/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.

6/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
5/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
5/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
5/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
5/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
5/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
5/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.
5/Scout Squad (Sergeant): 1/1 Heavy Weapon.

Assigned Vehicles

Assigned Warships
Strike Cruiser Sentinel of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigate
Strike Cruiser Warden of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigate

Chapter Vehicles

1 Dreadnought Chassis

0 Land Speeder
0 Land Speeder Storm
0 Land Speeder Tornado
0 Land Speeder Typhoon
0 Rhino
0 Razorback
0 Vindicator
0 Whirlwind
0 Predator Destructor
0 Predator Annihilator
0 Land Raider Phobos
0 Land Raider Crusader
0 Land Raider Redeemer

6 Land Speeder
31 Rhinos
13 Razorback
7 Vindicator
8 Whirlwind
7 Predator Destructor

Chapter Fleet

Battle Barges can carry up to three companies (300).
Strike Cruisers can carry up to one company (100).

Battle Barge Might of Storms
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Sentinel of Asgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Ardent Storm
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Battle Barge Void Thunderer
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Fury of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Wrath of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Hope of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Defiance of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Guardian of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Protector of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Sentinel of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates
Strike Cruiser Warden of Midgardia
-6 Gladius-class Frigates


I've changed things up a little. Rather than making Chapter Deployment free form, you now have to choose to send forces on missions, which can be like the old Points of Interest, but also include just being proactive to new threats and opportunities by Patrolling or Raiding. The new Points of Interest is more of a rumour mill that keeps you up to date on the ongoings of the Asgardia Sector.

I've also been updating some of the vehicle and equipment options. Maybe specifying some of the variants and as the different types of predators and land raiders, the patterns for terminator armour and dreadnought chassis and so on. I'm not going into overly detail, but some of these vehicles had clear variants so I feel like using those.

That pretty much covers what I had to say. I'm still working out the kinks in the mechanics. I'm also planning to introduce a new mechanic to give more personality and variance to captains and companies, but that is still a work in progress and I'll cover it in separate posts in the thread to an update like this.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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They are secretive and insular with a mandate to safeguard a holy site on Gunnerheim. You know that they favour a locally produced storm shield variant that they like to wield alongside a power sword and some of them ride a genetically engineered winged horse that is native to the Sif Sub-Sector, but you don't know how they differ on spiritual or political doctrine as opposed to combat doctrine.
Things I never knew I wanted until I heard of them, Sisters with cavalry/flying cavalry options.
Honestly a mehanicus mission so we could have the major favors to get the 3 needed strike cruisers is my main issue to be honest with the update on the mission side. And throw like 3-4 companies and several barges at the orks.

For planners, visit the last forgeworld as one of our actions please so we can get the passive 5rp income for reequiping the chapter properly.

Still think a few extra dreadnaughts arent a bad idea to have some spares . Or a land raider and a dreadnaught maybe .
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Honestly a mehanicus mission so we could have the major favors to get the 3 needed strike cruisers is my main issue to be honest with the update on the mission side.
You can just deploy a company to help the Mechanicus. They won't say no to a space marine company helping them out.
So I guess we need to setup an Astropath back channel via Rogue Traders or Radical Inquisitors? We can still round up Psykers.
I'd advise sending our 10th Company to Ragna. After all, there was a comment that there might be more Scouts becoming Battle Brothers if there was more danger to them, and the threat level is High rather than Extreme, so with the local troops a single company should be sufficient. Although I would suggest sending them there with a Battle Barge to replace the Strike Cruiser they lent out, just for the sake of caution.
[] Plan Let's end it
-[] Free Actions
--[] Have Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson look into different worlds to establish as recruiting worlds for the chapter.
--[] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
--[] Have master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson cleanse any remaining chaos taint on Malmur and establish a loyal government after the fight is over.
-[] Deployment
--[] Defence of Ragna (3rd Company, 8th company using Battle barge Void Thunderer)
--[] Home Guard (5th company using 8th comapny strike cruiser to defend our homeworld and sector with battlefleet Asgardia following us)
--[] Battlefleet Asgardia (use the major favor to call upon the battlefleet against the Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus and his forces)
--[] Reximus Rising (Torvald and his Honour Guard, Battle Barge Might of Storms, Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance, Battle Barge Ardent Storm, 4th company, 7th Company, 9th Company, 10th Company) objective is to arrest the lord sector Sigurdr Reximus and take over control of both sub sector Odin or at least the hive planet Vanaheim, battlefleet Odin and all former imperial forces present. Diplomacy is to be tried with all former imperial forces doing our damndest to try and convince who we can among the Vanaheim Valkyries, the PDF, and Battlefleet Odin to stay out of the fight, specially Battlefleet Odin, and to bring into the fold under the control of the Avenging Storm . However if unsuccessful then decapitation strikes are advised to try and minimize casualties and the lord sector must be arrested and then executed.
-[] Production
--[] 1 Production for 5 Heavy Weapons
--[] 24 Production for 12 rhino
--[] 1 Strike Cruiser (Major Favor)
-[] Chapter Organisation
--[] Assign "Monsterslayer" to Chapter Champion Sig Stormson
--[] Distribute as much of the newly constructed Rhinos to the forces sent against the lord sector

So yea it's time to take care of the lord sector, so that we can stop worrying about him and prepare for the orks to come back. Unfortunately had to send the 3rd with their strike cruiser and a battle barge and also sent the 8th so hopefully it's not another Galaborn and they are able to deal with it themselves. But still we are sending 3 battle barges plus 4 strike cruiser (one of the 10th strike cruiser is being used by the 1st company on malmur) and 4 cruisers plus 1 battle barge from battlefleet asgardia to help us so fingers crossed this works. Also not really happy with what I wrote for Reximus Rising if anyone has a suggestion I can change it but main point is that the sector lord must go, the second we chose him as a rival any chance of cooperation ended. Same with the free action with us having to send as much ships as possible to reximus rising, can't use a diplomatic action with either forge world loki or the sisters of battle.
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Things I never knew I wanted until I heard of them, Sisters with cavalry/flying cavalry options.
LOL, the only way they can get more Bretonnian is if they have a code of chivalry, an elitist disdain for peasants, and have suspiciously French accents.

But regarding the first plan:
objective is to arrest the lord sector Sigurdr Reximus and take over control of both sub sector Asgardia or at least the hive planet of the same name,
Yeah, if the goal is to outright arrest him there's no doubt about it that he's going to be hostile. If we want to have the chance of peaceful resolution, we need more "reasonable" demands like simply getting him to stop slandering our Chapter's honor to other sub-sectors and try to work with us rather than as a rival so we could better protect the sector. Refuse and continue to act like we're his enemy, then we'll start acting like it.

Other than that, I'd say split up the 10th Company. Send the main half to deal with the Oligarch Warlords and the second to reinforce the Defense of Ragna.

Add these changes then you got my support
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LOL, the only way they can get more Bretonnian is if they have a code of chivalry, an elitist disdain for peasants, and have suspiciously French accents.

But regarding the first plan:

Yeah, if the goal is to outright arrest him there's no doubt about it that he's going to be hostile. If we want to have the chance of peaceful resolution, we need more "reasonable" demands like simply getting him to stop slandering our Chapter's honor to other sub-sectors and try to work with us rather than as a rival so we could better protect the sector. Refuse and continue to act like we're his enemy, then we'll start acting like it.

The thing is, he can just lie, or stab us in the back for his own ambitions, because HE has them, no doubts about it. He won't accept any equals, which is rather clear with him slandering our name. Let's just get this done quickly, so we can move on without having to worry about the dagger at our back. We're already his enemy, so trying to play nice with him is just never going to cut it.
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