Ah good, thank you.
[X] Plan Taking Over The City of Angel's
-[X] Los Angeles: Home to Toontown, several entertainment studios, and the former throne of Judge Doom. (+10 to all Toon Hero Units. +5 towards finding Judge Doom; goes away Winter 1987)
-[X] Classic Doofenshmirtz: the classic look your future counterpart was known for! It includes classy black shoes and shirt, dark green pants, and a lab coat that always got him mistaken for a pharmacist. It's a bit copycat, but if it worked for him, maybe it's worth a shot?
-[X] Recruit a Board of Advisors
No company is complete without its own board. Even Future Doof knew that! Now that you have your own company up and running to try and stop the end of the world, plus any other villains that come knocking, you're going to need your own team to help take action against your opponents. (Roll 6 d100s with appropriate bonuses; how well the dice roll determines the advisor's bonus to actions. Critical Failures, Critical Successes, and Exploding Dice will not proc)
-[X] Launch a New Entertainment Line (Stewardship)
DC 60/70/80/90/100
With Maroon Cartoons and Acme Studios now under your employ, you can now use them to create cartoons for public consumption, all for the public to enjoy! If it does well enough, you can maybe even influence public opinion in your favor! (Create a new run of cartoons; gain Reputation and Funds on the basis of how successful you are.)
-[X] Purchase Another Company (Stewardship Contest)
More income sources never hurt anyone. Besides, you'll need all the money and resources you can get your hands on in the coming fight with Bill and anyone else that may come along. (Pick a company from the list below and roll off with them. The results are below.)
--[X] ENCOM (A tech company fallen on rough times. Also mentioned frequently in the BoD.)
[X] Plan: The Most Magical Place on Earth
Edit:it's always good to have a backup plan.
Crush both Kings, settle down there, then get our media empire started. No one will contest us in domain for quite a while. We need a firm heart of operations and like I've explained at least twice now, Los Angeles is one of the best. Great location with opportunies in all directions, great population for a work force human or toon or otherwise, we can make sure Doom doesn't inevitably bite us in the ass, and a source of infinite energy is or will end up sitting here somewhere.
This is just the start.