A Far-Flung Hope (Warhammer 24K Quest)

Voting will end in 24 hours BTW.

After that we will move on to the last part of the Civ Generator.

Which will be the overarching plan you pick to survive the apocalypse.
Oh my God, what were they doing with an Alderson Disk?
Seeing if they even could build an Alderson Disk, then using it to concentrate lots of people in one place for…reasons.
10moorem II threw 3 100-faced dice. Total: 106
8 8 93 93 5 5
10moorem II threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 91
90 90 1 1
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[X] Representative Democracy

I don't think a theocracy would be something Big E would allow to last for a significant amount of time.
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