...So, the empire got the mask locked away somewhere. That does offer an opportunity.
The Empire does not have it. Let's leave it at that.
Other Mandalorians are out and about in the galaxy, just waiting to rally up the boys for another Galactic war, and to get revenge on the Empire.
What Satine and Co. TRIED to do was divert Mando-Culture away from the path of constantly picking fights they could not win all around the Galaxy and bringing ruin and death to their World and People in the name of "Glory", like Pre and the Death Watch wanted.
You know the funny thing is, the Galactic Republic was partially responsible for the Whole Nostolgism for the Mandalorian old ways, and the cultural schism between the old and new Mandalorians (of which Death Watch surprisingly won in the end, though mostly because of the Goddamn Empire)
See 700 years prior to this time (both in legends and in canon), the Republic did a little trolling called the Mandalorian Excision. In legends, it was because the Mandalorians didn't want to Join the Galactic Republic, and was gearing up for round three of the Mandalorian wars. And the Republic, not wanting to suffer another galactic war of conquest, without a man called Reven to save their asses, decided to pull seven day war, and preemptively attack the Mandalorian sector, disarm them, and otherwise gunboat them into joining the Republic.
Whereas in canon, it was the final war between the Jedi and the Mandalorians in the golden age, where the Mandalorians did it to themselves, called the Great Clan Wars, where Pro Republic clans won.
And then there was the Mandalorian Civil war, which Obi-Wan, Quigon, and Jango were a part of. Which didn't help the ecological recovery of the Planet, or solving its cultural crisis, instead only making it work.
All of these events happened here, but I'm really not in the mood to write down a big summary. Mandalore has been a hotbed and in the civil conflict between the New, the Old, and the True Mandalorians for the last five hundred years.
In fact, Staines Government, despite its corruption and its failings, represented a rare and stable moment of Peace for Mandalore and its people. A Triumph if there ever was one for the people of Mandalore and the Mandalorians themselves.
To make a Long story short: The Traditionalists, that is Death Watch, won, mostly due to being the last man standing after the invasion of Mandalore, and the fact that Papa Palps and the Empire had use for them being canon fodder. That does not mean, however, that the New Mandalorians were forgotten, nor were they wrong in their moderation and influence.
Now we just need to find Jaster Mereel's super commando Codex to bring the True Mandalorians back into prominence and start a revolution.
So, thinking about it, the problem is more that the mandos somehow managed to maintain a culture that revolves almost exclusively around war, with the few non-war bits being intrinsically tied to war material like the Mando armor...
It's less that its tied to war, and more around being warriors.
And since the Sith were destroyed (uh, after Russan), they had no purpose. It's like the Samurai during the Edo Period. They were land owners reliant on the peasants, and soldiers/warriors without a war to fight.
Most of the time, they were basically either bitches to the sith, allies of the Jedi (Rare but not uncommon, given Galactic history), or fighting amongst themselves.
And unfortunately, in a large hostile galaxy (yes it is hostile, no matter what the Republic or the Empire tells you)... They had plenty of ways to not self-reflect on their own destructive culture and what it means to be a Mandalorian.
I'd argue that Jaster and Jango were the closest to figuring out the problem, but Jaster died, the Supercommando codex lost, and Jango decided to become a contractor, and fall victim (like many fellow members of his culture) to sith machinations.