Strange Aeons: A 40k Xeno Governor Quest

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A somewhat cracky warhammer quest where a xenos somehow became the planetary governor of an imperial world and now has to juggle various jobs and not getting discovered.
The Foundation
Within the Imperium of Man, aliens lived in the shadows of humans. Underhives were filled with aliens and abhumans that lived in the sewers and zones that no proper emperor fearing man would tread, yet even beyond the darkness of the underhives, one could find the xenos across the galaxy. Scrounging a life from the cast off remains of the Imperium, hiding in the shadows working towards their own ends just as any human would do.

Yet, it was inevitable that across the million worlds of the Imperium, the strangest of events would occur in time. Aliens that cowered before the march of humanity would rise up and cast their masters down, until they were cast back down into the darkness from whence they came. It was a cycle that had repeated for millennium and would continue to occur without end for as long as the Imperium stood.

No world was absent the threat of danger, from the most vigilant fortress world, to even worlds that held proud Fortress Monasteries, threats to humans would slip through the cracks. Aliens and worse would slide through the shadows even on the worlds that boasted of their security, perhaps less than others indeed, but not untouched by the ravages of the dangers that lurked in the darkness of the void. This was a threat that the cleansing light of faith could not cast out, for only the beings from beyond the veil cared for such matters in the majority of time and so the infection grew in the shadows. Aliens from all worlds and walks of life, slide into the underbelly of the Imperium, finding within the domain of their eternal foe a place to call home.

Indeed, the rulers of the Imperium knew well that the plague existed, but they cared not for it due to it not affecting the numbers that mattered. Furthermore, the cost to rectifying it would cost thousands of worlds from the pull back of troops and supplies, an unjustifiable amount even for the Imperium, and thus the aliens lived in the shadows and crannies of human worlds. Most never saw conflict, learning well to hide their nature via manifold ways and pretending to be simple humans, given succor in an ironic twist by the very same faith that preached their annihilation, for what proper emperor fearing man would believe that he could be so easily duped by a xenos.

Thus, the Imperium trundled onward, ever aware of the hidden foes within its flesh, but the flesh had long since rotted away and so it cared not for the cure as its organs struggled to cling to life yet. Worlds rose and fell with depressing regularity and the mantle of governorship changed hands often as well, some managed to hold to the title for generations, but other times it fell through many hands within mere years. Especially when circumstances changed violently and suddenly, as had happened on a world where a single xenos from an unknown race had been sent to infiltrate the world for the good of its people.

It was no ruler of legions, it was no once in a generational prodigy, it was simply the one that had chosen to shoulder the burden offered so that others would not need to do so. Perhaps, in the end that selfless act would make all the difference for the world was wracked by chaos some mere years after its arrival on the surface, and when the dust settled the seat of the governor was open and was thrusted into the hands of the selfless xeno that had taken a job it knew was death, only to be forced into a position where death lurked around every corner and every second of life.

However, all stories must start with a setting to take place within, and this one is no different. Three worlds wracked by disasters great in scope, yet only one would have the champion it so desperately needed at that moment of crisis. A world of humans saved by the hands of a xenos.

[] Henshol a simple backwater world of the Imperium, a feudal world for centuries and yet now it has climbed high from its past. Primitive spaceships are built in orbit to journey through the warp as the tech priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus watch in pride over their designs. Yet, it is a young world with limited technology indeed, yet more pressing is the simple fact that its population is small and unsuited for the constant demands that the Imperium imposes. It has done well no question, but any disaster would see it lost without doubt, only due to obscurity does it live. (Gives 2 points, this is the Easy World)

[] Geserou'l one of the countless armory worlds, where weapons are stored for the day in which they will be needed. Trillions of lasguns rest in racks miles long, numbered and labeled from the forge world they have arrived from. Plasma rifles stand at the ready, machine sprits warmed and ready to fight. Yet, for all the weapons this world boosts, it is manned by only a few forces, of low quality. In many ways it is an administrative world instead of the world of war that it professes to be. However, where other worlds lack, it does not and has technology that dwarfs the average of the Imperium to a grand extent. (Grants 4 points, this is the medium world)

[] Shogi one of the rare fortress worlds, a world that trains for war and is prepared to fight until the bitter end. A titan legion stands ready to guard against all invaders, billions serve in the armies of this world with weapons of high quality and tended to by priests of the machine that are most skilled in their ways. Technology moves forward upon this world, research conducted in the most secretive of zones into deeper mysteries of technology itself. It Is a world of war and wonder, yet it would be difficult indeed for a xenos to hide upon this world. (Gives 6 points, this is the Hard World)

With the setting decided, a story can progress onward to the inciting moment. For what reason could a xenos become the planetary ruler of a world of the Imperium? How much would be lost to ensure such an unlikely event could occur, what madness would be needed for it to happen. Thus, the question of crisis presents itself, two worlds lost and one saved from the crisis is to be the fate of the three. In what way did fate unfold?

[] The invasion came from the stars, hordes of foes rained down upon the world. Endless waves of foes washed over the world and the forces of the world were unable to stem the tide, billions of humans died in hours as the world stood poised on the brink of annihilation. Yet, the tenacity of humanity is to never be underestimated, and even more critically one should never question the power of fear to motivate and allow the impossible to occur. In the dawn light, the nameless xeno assumed command over the forces and drove them to a grand victory saving countless billions of lives in the process and ensuring the world would not fall to the foes this day. For this the nameless commander was given the throne by those that lived to see the next dawn. (Sets Martial to Tier 3)

[] From within came the crisis of faith, cults that had lang dormant for centuries erupted in orgies of violence and atrocities. Human blood ran through the streets in rivers as sacrifices were committed in the name of the Dark Gods, and millions died to bring forth the horrors from beyond. A world that would have been doomed if not for the nameless xeno that had stood firm against the whispers of the world beyond and rallied to them those that yet remained themselves. In a grand triumph, the xeno gave their new congregation the faith to call upon the God Emperor in the name of the innocent to be lost and be answered with radiantly golden flame. (Sets Faith to Tier 3)

[] Economic ruin had gripped the world for centuries, infrastructure crumbled and the government failed to slow the degradation. Tempers roared in the streets as people brayed their anger loud and clear against those that they saw as failures. Those few that tried to stem the tide were unable to weave through the minutiae of the laws woven by the governor and his group to enrich themselves and so the world was strangled of its wealth by mismanagement and nepotism. A nameless xeno, stepped forth from the shadows and unwove the tangle of laws and contracts into understandable concepts. Giving the world's administrators the proof that they so needed and correcting the downslide at once, for this act the nameless savior of the world was given the Throne. (Sets Stewardship to Tier 3)

[] A political battleground was the crisis, nobles vying against each other to the detriment of all. Backstabbing each other for the gain of the self, a curse upon the world and yet their own greed saw their downfall made manifest. The governor fell to the plots of their foes in the nobles and so another moved to offer a replacement. A figurehead all knew, for that is what all governors were in truth, a mere figurehead of the council of nobles, a pawn within their games. Yet, this time their own actions brought forth their end. The figurehead was no human, but a nameless xeno of an unknown race that was thrown into the job to ruin the plots of others. Yet, in this life it thrived and soon wove a web around those that sought to be its masters and one by one they fell. (Sets Intrigue to Tier 3)

[] The aftermath of a purge was always a stressful time for an Inquisitor, and this was no different. A heretic had been found as the governor of the world and so he had to be purged along with all of his staff for the risk of heresy spreading was far too great to leave them alive. Thus, the gutted system needed new blood to replace the old and so the over worked inquisitor scoured the world for those of competence and skill to handle the work and when found gave them their orders, soon leaving after giving the last order to an unknown figure that had lived in the shadows for years. (All stats set to Tier 1)

[] A civil war that had raged for years, with millions dead on both sides had consumed the world. The imperium was slow as ever to respond to the cries for help from its world as it was busy fighting across the galaxy on a thousand worlds, and the legendary astartes had far grander fights to partake in. The civil war was no heresy, the church had remained unified across the world and even though the priests called for peace, they were rejected in heretical actions. Yet, people still gathered for mass on the proper days and the proper respects were payed, a strangely wholesome war of differences were fought, but the signs of escalation grew prominent and then from the shadows a silent and cloaked figure emerged, with an offer for talks between the sides. In a stunning display the shadowed figure, from behind the holoscreen wove a story of such beauty that the leaders were moved to tears and from there they were within the shadowed hands of the figure and soon the fighting ceases as brothers rejoined brothers. (Sets Diplomacy to Tier 3)

[] The Adeptus Mechanicus is not truly a part of the Imperium, it serves its own goals and ends sometimes to the detriment of its sister nation. Sometimes its actions prove fruitful and other times it verges upon Heresy of the highest order and so it did it once more. The governor of the world had insulted them one too many times and the world itself held resources that they wished to exploit in the future and so the governor was silently removed. Yet, a question was asked on whom could fill the spot and be trusted to not betray their intentions, and another gave the answer. Thus, it was done the hapless unnamed Xeno was forced into the seat at the behest of the Mechanicus to ensure their machinations went unseen and untouched. (Sets Learning to Tier 3)

[] The enigmatic Aeldari approached the xenos of note to the weave of fate and gave an offer that one could not deny and so the throne was given to the misguided xeno. The Imperium knew not of the disaster that was to befall the world for it might or might not occur, but all that would happen would at the discretion of the Aeldari that sought to use their sight beyond time to weave a future displeasing to all bar themselves. In the end, perhaps the one that would suffer the most would be the one that bound to the Throne given not through achievement, but patronage. (Must take Eldar Assistance in the point buy, sets Diplomacy to Tier 2 and Faith to Tier 2)

[] The silent metal form of the Necron stood over the xenos, giving no clue to its thoughts behind the gleaming metal shell and yet it acted. Reaching forth a hand with an orb of living metal within as an offer of patronage to the younger one, and was accepted. The dynasty that offered such was shrouded in shadows, but the orb thrummed greatly with promise and the Throne was prepared for the one that sought the patronage as the deal was completed. (Must take Necron Patronage to take, sets Diplomacy to Tier 2 and Learning to Tier 2)

With the inciting incident decided and the fate written into the history of the galaxy, the only question that yet remains is who and what is the hapless xeno that has found itself in the undesirable position of a planetary governor. One of the positions that is most closely watched by the lords of the imperium for corruption and flaws in the people, a position that leaves more dead than alive at the end for a myriad of reasons.

Species Creation: Everything in Base Biology, Body Plan, Dietary Needs, Caloric Requirements, Body Size grants the points listed
This system uses a hybrid between a DnD and CK2 stat array, with the DnD stats underlaying the CK2 stat range.
Tier 0 (Human): 1-5 (3 is perfectly average human)
Tier 1: 6-10
Tier 2 (Astartes): 11-15
Tier 3: 16-20
Tier 4: 21-25
Tier 5: 26-30
Tier 6: 31-35

The Attribute tiers given from the tier of the stat that is listed for them, stats do provide direct traits at Tiers 2/4/6 that do not stack but override the previous with a more potent version.

Diplomacy: Uses Personality
Intrigue: Uses Mentality
Martial: Uses Average of Mentality/Physicality
Stewardship: Uses Mentality
Learning: Uses Mentality
Faith: Personality
Willpower: Uses Personality

Base Biology
[] Mammalian: 1 point
[] Reptilian: 3 points
[] Arthropoid: 4 points
[] Molluscoid: 4 points
[] Avian: 4 points
[] Lithloid: 6 points
[] Ferroid: 8 points

Body plan
[] Unipedal: 3 points
[] Humanoid: 1 point
[] Bipedal non humanoid: 2 points
[] Quadrupedal: 4 points
[] Hexapod: 6 points
[] Octopod: 8 points
[] Decapod: 10 points

Dietary Needs
[] Human Norm: 1 point
[] Near Human Norm: 2 points
[] Toxin rich: 3 points
[] Rare Elements: 4 points
[] Radioactives: 6 points
[] Extreme Exotics: 10 points

Caloric Requirements
[] Human Norm: 1 point
[] Astartes Norm: 2 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 20%, minimum of 0)
[] Immense: 4 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 40%, minimum of 0)
[] Massive: 6 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 60%, minimum of 0)

Body Size
[] Tiny: 4 points
[] Small: 2 points
[] Medium: 1 point
[] Large: 2 points
[] Huge: 6 points
[] Massive: 10 points

Tech Types: Choose a single option for free, can choose another option for 2 points, maximum of 2 options
[] Mechanical - everything is analog/clockwork, very resistant to metaphysical forces innately, but everything has only one purpose
[] Digital - everything is networked across wireless connections, susceptible to metaphysical influence, items can easily be reconfigured on a software level for new functions
[] Biological - this is just the Nids on a lower level, custom viruses/fungi/animals and so forth that produce various resources, in most cases this would be augmentative and work in symbiosis with people
[] Industrial - this is what humans use by and large, it prioritizes efficiency of scale over everything else. It has no exceptional areas, but uses everything to some degree.
[] Particle - control over atoms and subatomic particles, very complex technology but has very strong effects, has a myriad of applications but everything is specialized to a degree
[] Nanotech - interlocking machines that can build greater structures together, unable to reach molecular or below, but can rapidly shift between various forms on the fly for simple enough items

Tech Modifier: Choose a single option, can choose another option for 2 points, maximum of 2 options
[] Energetic - this applies metaphysical aspects to the Technology Focus, it also enhances direct energetic technologies such as fusion/laser/antimatter and so forth. Think force fields of energy and so forth.
[] Artisanal - this is the stereotypical dwarf style, masterworks galore but very slow production across the board. It enhances everything overall, but reduces the amount significantly.
[] Unbending - this is the metaphysical resistance of the technology, all technology has some level of inherent resilience to such matters, but this makes it extremely hard for metaphysical forces to wrestle control over the technology.
[] Impervious - this is the mundane resistance type. Technology that is modified with this is built to last and will last even through Armageddon several times over and be workable millennium after sitting at the bottom of a lake.
[] Quantitive - This is the mass production style where everything is built in mass and can be built by untrained people, this is what the las gun best exemplifies.

Species Stats: You do not need to buy the lower levels to buy the higher levels

[] Dice Rolls: (0) (you can choose to let me roll a 1d100 per stat for free with the following breakdown of results: 1-55, 56-80, 81-95, 96-99, 100. 1-40 results in human norm for the species, 100 results in 4th tier for the stat. If you use the Dice option you are no longer able to buy stats directly)

[] Intelligent/Erudite/Genius (Mentality) (4/6/8)
[] Sturdy/Bulwark/Stalwart (Physicality) (4/6/8)
[] Resilient/Unbending/Unbreakable (Personality) (4/6/8)

Traits: You do not have to buy previous levels to get higher levels, but higher levels do not necessarily retain the aspects of the lower levels
[] Dice Roll (each dice costs 2 points, you can only buy a maximum of 3 dice, the dice are rolled on the entire list of traits below, dice that roll duplicate numbers that do not fall on a trait with upgrades are discarded. Dice are mutually exclusive with buying traits directly)

[] Shapeshifting/Soul Shifting (6/8): reduces suspicion at first level gain significantly, at second level reduces risk of psykers detecting alien soul patterns and provides a 1 Tier improvement to Willpower when resisting Corruption from metaphysical sources

[] Technological Intuition (6): Provides 1 Tier improvement when researching nonnative technology, soothes machine spirits and reduces the resistance of alien technology being researched

[] Spiritually Inured (10): Improves Willpower by 2 Tiers when confronted by Metaphysical Corruption sources (this includes the C'tan and other dimensional beings)

[] Multitasking (4/8/12): Provides increased actions per category of actions in increments of 1/2/3

[] Natural Weapons/Existence Wounding/Existence Rending (3/6/9): Level one negates the Unarmed penalty when in combat without weapons, second level allows for you to permanently wound metaphysical foes, third level allows for you to permanently kill metaphysical foes

[] Millennial/Ageless/Perpetual (4/8/16): Increases lifespan to ~1000 years baseline prior to rejuv at first level, removes lifespan limit without rejuv, provides Total Immortality

[] Superior Biology (8/16/24): All stats are improved by 1/2/3 Tiers, only the highest level is taken for stat calculation

[] Biological-Machine interface (8): increases Diplomacy by 2 Tiers when in talks with people willing to mind link, increases Learning by 1 Tier when working with alien technology, removes Machine Spirit penalty from using alien technology

[] Xenos Trait Adaption (8): Gain personal actions to hunt/buy xenos samples to gain a random trait or improvement to your personal traits based on the sample, very high suspicion action (think Kroot)

[] Asexual Reproduction/Hybridization/Perfect Hybridization (2/6/10): at first level gives actions to spawn children for use in various events vastly increases suspicion, second level allows for reproduction between species resulting in hybrid offspring that retain a mix of traits from the parents, children with other species retain the best mixture of traits from parents

[] Centaur (4, can only be taken on body plans of other than Humanoid/Bipedal): reduces suspicion across the board

[] Hyper Effective Metabolism (6): grants immunity to food based poisons and reduces suspicion gain from strange dietary requirements and needs

[] Champions/Heroic Individuals/Legendary Individuals (8/12/16): First level provides a chance to break limits to grow a stat by 2 Tiers, second level allows for a growth gain of 4 tiers, the final level grants a chance to reach an additional 6 Tiers. This can happen on multiple stats if events play out correctly. WARNING this trait has heavy Metaphysical weight and will make things HARDER due to the warp pushing for challenge.

Personal Traits/Items: You do not have to buy previous levels to get higher levels, but higher levels do not necessarily retain the aspects of the lower levels
[] Dice Roll (each dice costs 1 point, you can only buy a maximum of 4 dice, the dice are rolled on the entire list of options below, dice that roll duplicate numbers without higher levels are discarded. Dice are mutually exclusive with buying items directly)

[] Trained (__): competent training in a field of choice (Scholar, Soldier, Diplomat, Administrator, Neural Reinforcement) (Can be taken multiple times, costs grow each time, starts at 1 grows by 1 each time), increases your Tier within that field by 1.

[] Xenos Tech (2/6): high end xenos tech from species, roughly equivalent to in-between Mid/High Imperial technology by and large at first level, second level provides a custom suit of power armor, personal shields and tech that is High/Advanced imperial equivalent

[] Aware of Horror: react appropriately to Imperial atrocities (gain 4 points, VASTLY increases suspicion gain)

[] Pet Grynix (4): increases Willpower by 2 Tiers when resisting/using powers from metaphysical sources

[] Xenos Allies/Friends (6): Will have alien allies/mercenaries at your command for clandestine actions

[] Cybernetic (2/4/6): (increases Learning/Martial by 3 points, second level increases Learning/Martial by 6 points, third level increases Learning/Martial by 10 points)

[] Eldar Assistance: gives 10 points and unlocks the option to be installed by the Aeldari for one of their plans (can not be taken with Necron Patronage)

[] Necron Patronage: gives 10 points and unlocks the option to be installed by the Necrons for one of their plans (can not be taken with Eldar Assistance)

Metaphysical Powers:
This choice simply opens a sub vote post the closing of the major vote on the scale of the powers to be expressed on average. This does not protect the species from having disastrous repercussions from the scale of their powers, simply the fact that they exist and that this is the average point. The points provided will be provided as makes narrative sense to me in regards to the choices made in the rest of species creation

[] Psyker: mutually exclusive with any other option, ensures that the species is fully psychic

[] Blank: mutually exclusive with any other option,, ensures the species if fully blank

[] Mixture: mutually exclusive with any other option, vast majority of species has no powers but can present as Blank or Psyker

[] Other Option: choose an energy/effect found in Warhammer, gain powers related to chosen source, mutually exclusive with being a psyker/blank
-[] write in something (IE: Gellar Energy, Subspace, Aldrithic, Gauss ect)

Any unspent points will be converted into higher max suspicion to be decided on in the future.
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What is the down side to bigger body sizes besides being easier to spot?
Generally, a higher body size means more food you need so you will have a higher suspicion gain from just living. That is going to be reflected in the maximum suspicion you will have.

In short, I am going to take the voted options and then narratively merge them into a cohesive whole with several variants for people to vote on for the lore/design of the species built from the above skeleton framework. Part of this is going to involve making narrative connections that arent explicitly stated in the above system.

I only linked the Caloric and Dietary needs due to them being effectively two sides of the same coin and being inseparable.

TL;DR suspicion will be lower for larger bodies for several reasons due to narrative sensibility. Food/size and other such reasons are going to interplay for the in universe side of things.
[X] Plan Giant Metal Spider: Extreme Edition
-[X] Shogi one of the rare fortress worlds, a world that trains for war and is prepared to fight until the bitter end. A titan legion stands ready to guard against all invaders, billions serve in the armies of this world with weapons of high quality and tended to by priests of the machine that are most skilled in their ways. Technology moves forward upon this world, research conducted in the most secretive of zones into deeper mysteries of technology itself. It Is a world of war and wonder, yet it would be difficult indeed for a xenos to hide upon this world. (Gives 6 points, this is the Hard World)
-[X] The Adeptus Mechanicus is not truly a part of the Imperium, it serves its own goals and ends sometimes to the detriment of its sister nation. Sometimes its actions prove fruitful and other times it verges upon Heresy of the highest order and so it did it once more. The governor of the world had insulted them one too many times and the world itself held resources that they wished to exploit in the future and so the governor was silently removed. Yet, a question was asked on whom could fill the spot and be trusted to not betray their intentions, and another gave the answer. Thus, it was done the hapless unnamed Xeno was forced into the seat at the behest of the Mechanicus to ensure their machinations went unseen and untouched. (Sets Learning to Tier 3)
-[X] Ferroid: 8 points
-[X] Decapod: 10 points
-[X] Extreme Exotics: 10 points
-[X] Massive: 6 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 60%, minimum of 0)
-[X] Massive: 10 points
-[X] Mechanical - everything is analog/clockwork, very resistant to metaphysical forces innately, but everything has only one purpose
-[X] Particle - control over atoms and subatomic particles, very complex technology but has very strong effects, has a myriad of applications but everything is specialized to a degree
-[X] Energetic - this applies metaphysical aspects to the Technology Focus, it also enhances direct energetic technologies such as fusion/laser/antimatter and so forth. Think force fields of energy and so forth.
-[X] Impervious - this is the mundane resistance type. Technology that is modified with this is built to last and will last even through Armageddon several times over and be workable millennium after sitting at the bottom of a lake.
-[X] Erudite
-[X] Bulwark
-[X] Unbending
-[X] Soul Shifting
-[X] Existence Wounding
-[X] Ageless
-[X] Biological-Machine interface
-[X] Xenos Tech lv. 1
-[X] Aware of Horror
-[X] Cybernetic lv. 3
-[X] Mixture
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How many points do we have to buy traits?

There is no mention of them in the post
You gain points via the first section of the vote. For example, pick a clearly inhuman body type and you gain that given number of points, which can then be spent on traits

In short, I am going to take the voted options and then narratively merge them into a cohesive whole with several variants for people to vote on for the lore/design of the species built from the above skeleton framework. Part of this is going to involve making narrative connections that arent explicitly stated in the above system.
So what would the rough outline of my plan's race be in the fluff then?
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So what would the rough outline of my plan's race be in the fluff then?
The Exatari are a minor xenos race that has currently hidden from Imperial discovery through the usage of their mastery over the energetic forms of the universe, combined with their skill at managing the weaves of atoms into construction. Upon their world, the surface is a sea of molten metal and life lives deep below sheltered from the heat of the radiant blue giant that their homeworld orbits. Within these great caverns, the Exatari thrive, their biology greatly divergent from the norm of the galaxy, able to tolerate extremes beyond most other races. Buildings of solid light form the base of their infrastructure shining in the radiant hues of the electromagnetic spectrum, weapons comprised of energy drawn from annihilation reactors serve as their wargear in the event of their discovery.

Yet, hidden as they are, they are not unaware of the dangers beyond their world and so have sent infiltrators outward to other worlds of other races. Drifting in space for upwards of centuries their infiltrators wait for passing ships or the currents of solar wind to move them to places where they can engage their warp drives to reach their chosen destinations. Tearing through the warp protected by their annihilation of all that comes near, they reemerge upon the worlds they have chosen.

Their bodies are hardy compared to the norm of the galaxy, but not exceptional beyond their flesh of metal resisting the impact of energy to greater degrees than normal, but their intellect is their guiding light. Researchers and scholars are their most prized individuals, for they are the ones that have wrought the life they now live.

However, infiltration is no easy feat, for their biology strong as it is, is vulnerable to resource depletion for their grand size requires immense resources and of those much of their diet is formed of rare alloys that exist only naturally upon their homeworld, necessitating complex foundries for the infiltrators to survive. Thus, many die before they manage to send home a message upon the waves known only to them, but a few manage the impossible and create links back home and information flows forth.
The Exatari are a minor xenos race that has currently hidden from Imperial discovery through the usage of their mastery over the energetic forms of the universe, combined with their skill at managing the weaves of atoms into construction. Upon their world, the surface is a sea of molten metal and life lives deep below sheltered from the heat of the radiant blue giant that their homeworld orbits. Within these great caverns, the Exatari thrive, their biology greatly divergent from the norm of the galaxy, able to tolerate extremes beyond most other races. Buildings of solid light form the base of their infrastructure shining in the radiant hues of the electromagnetic spectrum, weapons comprised of energy drawn from annihilation reactors serve as their wargear in the event of their discovery.

Yet, hidden as they are, they are not unaware of the dangers beyond their world and so have sent infiltrators outward to other worlds of other races. Drifting in space for upwards of centuries their infiltrators wait for passing ships or the currents of solar wind to move them to places where they can engage their warp drives to reach their chosen destinations. Tearing through the warp protected by their annihilation of all that comes near, they reemerge upon the worlds they have chosen.

Their bodies are hardy compared to the norm of the galaxy, but not exceptional beyond their flesh of metal resisting the impact of energy to greater degrees than normal, but their intellect is their guiding light. Researchers and scholars are their most prized individuals, for they are the ones that have wrought the life they now live.

However, infiltration is no easy feat, for their biology strong as it is, is vulnerable to resource depletion for their grand size requires immense resources and of those much of their diet is formed of rare alloys that exist only naturally upon their homeworld, necessitating complex foundries for the infiltrators to survive. Thus, many die before they manage to send home a message upon the waves known only to them, but a few manage the impossible and create links back home and information flows forth.
I didn't expect you to go all out but this looks really cool. Also, I assume that we will be able to buy whatever nutrients we need to survive, rather than have a Starvation counter that ticks up constantly until we build one of these refineries?
I didn't expect you to go all out but this looks really cool. Also, I assume that we will be able to buy whatever nutrients we need to survive, rather than have a Starvation counter that ticks up constantly until we build one of these refineries?
Only one origin choice would run that risk, but even in that case it would be a Personal action with fairly high suspicion but manageable to buy food until it was rebuilt.
Plan: Totally not a reptilian shapeshifter scheming behind your back lmao.

[X] Geserou'l one of the countless armory worlds, where weapons are stored for the day in which they will be needed. Trillions of lasguns rest in racks miles long, numbered and labeled from the forge world they have arrived from. Plasma rifles stand at the ready, machine sprits warmed and ready to fight. Yet, for all the weapons this world boosts, it is manned by only a few forces, of low quality. In many ways it is an administrative world instead of the world of war that it professes to be. However, where other worlds lack, it does not and has technology that dwarfs the average of the Imperium to a grand extent. (Grants 4 points, this is the medium world)
-[X] A political battleground was the crisis, nobles vying against each other to the detriment of all. Backstabbing each other for the gain of the self, a curse upon the world and yet their own greed saw their downfall made manifest. The governor fell to the plots of their foes in the nobles and so another moved to offer a replacement. A figurehead all knew, for that is what all governors were in truth, a mere figurehead of the council of nobles, a pawn within their games. Yet, this time their own actions brought forth their end. The figurehead was no human, but a nameless xeno of an unknown race that was thrown into the job to ruin the plots of others. Yet, in this life it thrived and soon wove a web around those that sought to be its masters and one by one they fell. (Sets Intrigue to Tier 3)
-[X] Reptilian: 3 Points
-[X] Bipedal non humanoid: 2 points
-[X] Near Human Norm: 2 points
-[X] Human Norm: 1 point
-[X] Medium: 1 point
-[X] Particle - control over atoms and subatomic particles, very complex technology but has very strong effects, has a myriad of applications but everything is specialized to a degree
-[X] Energetic - this applies metaphysical aspects to the Technology Focus, it also enhances direct energetic technologies such as fusion/laser/antimatter and so forth. Think force fields of energy and so forth.
-[X] Intelligent
-[X] Unbending
-[X] Resilient
-[X] Shapeshifting LV 1
-[X] Hybridization LV 2
-[X] Natural Weapons LV 1
-[X] Aware of Horror
-[X] Eldar Assistance: gives 10 points and unlocks the option to be installed by the Aeldari for one of their plans (can not be taken with Necron Patronage)
-[X] Mixture

Hopefully our arch-nemesis in this quest is Inquisitor Alexander Jones, who accuses us of putting chemicals in the water that could turn the friggen Old Ones gay.
Honestly considering who got us the job in my plan they may very well think "Oh of course he's friends with the toaster fuckers, he must've gotten that custom cybernetic body from them."

yeah, we really could pass ourselves off as some weirdo tech priest, there have certainly been mechanicus tdch-preist who've gone for weirder augments, the only thing we really need is a red robe and excessive amounts of toasters lying around our workshop/palace.
Plan: Totally not a reptilian shapeshifter scheming behind your back lmao.

[X] Geserou'l one of the countless armory worlds, where weapons are stored for the day in which they will be needed. Trillions of lasguns rest in racks miles long, numbered and labeled from the forge world they have arrived from. Plasma rifles stand at the ready, machine sprits warmed and ready to fight. Yet, for all the weapons this world boosts, it is manned by only a few forces, of low quality. In many ways it is an administrative world instead of the world of war that it professes to be. However, where other worlds lack, it does not and has technology that dwarfs the average of the Imperium to a grand extent. (Grants 4 points, this is the medium world)
-[X] A political battleground was the crisis, nobles vying against each other to the detriment of all. Backstabbing each other for the gain of the self, a curse upon the world and yet their own greed saw their downfall made manifest. The governor fell to the plots of their foes in the nobles and so another moved to offer a replacement. A figurehead all knew, for that is what all governors were in truth, a mere figurehead of the council of nobles, a pawn within their games. Yet, this time their own actions brought forth their end. The figurehead was no human, but a nameless xeno of an unknown race that was thrown into the job to ruin the plots of others. Yet, in this life it thrived and soon wove a web around those that sought to be its masters and one by one they fell. (Sets Intrigue to Tier 3)
-[X] Reptilian: 3 Points
-[X] Bipedal non humanoid: 2 points
-[X] Near Human Norm: 2 points
-[X] Human Norm: 1 point
-[X] Medium: 1 point
-[X] Particle - control over atoms and subatomic particles, very complex technology but has very strong effects, has a myriad of applications but everything is specialized to a degree
-[X] Energetic - this applies metaphysical aspects to the Technology Focus, it also enhances direct energetic technologies such as fusion/laser/antimatter and so forth. Think force fields of energy and so forth.
-[X] Intelligent
-[X] Unbending
-[X] Resilient
-[X] Shapeshifting LV 1
-[X] Hybridization LV 2
-[X] Natural Weapons LV 1
-[X] Aware of Horror
-[X] Eldar Assistance: gives 10 points and unlocks the option to be installed by the Aeldari for one of their plans (can not be taken with Necron Patronage)
-[X] Mixture

Hopefully our arch-nemesis in this quest is Inquisitor Alexander Jones, who accuses us of putting chemicals in the water that could turn the friggen Old Ones gay.

I find the idea of inquisitor alex jones trying to upciver a conspiracy of pepe the frogs hilarious
[X] Plan: Old thing never truly die.
-[X] Geserou'l one of the countless armory worlds, where weapons are stored for the day in which they will be needed. Trillions of lasguns rest in racks miles long, numbered and labeled from the forge world they have arrived from. Plasma rifles stand at the ready, machine sprits warmed and ready to fight. Yet, for all the weapons this world boosts, it is manned by only a few forces, of low quality. In many ways it is an administrative world instead of the world of war that it professes to be. However, where other worlds lack, it does not and has technology that dwarfs the average of the Imperium to a grand extent. (Grants 4 points, this is the medium world)
-[X] The aftermath of a purge was always a stressful time for an Inquisitor, and this was no different. A heretic had been found as the governor of the world and so he had to be purged along with all of his staff for the risk of heresy spreading was far too great to leave them alive. Thus, the gutted system needed new blood to replace the old and so the over worked inquisitor scoured the world for those of competence and skill to handle the work and when found gave them their orders, soon leaving after giving the last order to an unknown figure that had lived in the shadows for years. (All stats set to Tier 1)
-[X] Lithloid: 6 points
-[X] Decapod: 10 points
-[X] Near Human Norm: 2 points
-[X] Astartes Norm: 2 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 20%, minimum of 0)
-[X] Massive: 10 points
-[X] Digital - everything is networked across wireless connections, susceptible to metaphysical influence, items can easily be reconfigured on a software level for new functions (free)
-[X] Unbending - this is the metaphysical resistance of the technology, all technology has some level of inherent resilience to such matters, but this makes it extremely hard for metaphysical forces to wrestle control over the technology. (Free)
-[X] Impervious - this is the mundane resistance type. Technology that is modified with this is built to last and will last even through Armageddon several times over and be workable millennium after sitting at the bottom of a lake. (2 points)
-[X] Dice Rolls: (0) (you can choose to let me roll a 1d100 per stat for free with the following breakdown of results: 1-55, 56-80, 81-95, 96-99, 100. 1-40 results in human norm for the species, 100 results in 4th tier for the stat. If you use the Dice option you are no longer able to buy stats directly)
-[X] Perpetual (16): provides Total Immortality
-[X] Champions (8 points)
-[X] Spiritually Inured (10): Improves Willpower by 2 Tiers when confronted by Metaphysical Corruption sources (this includes the C'tan and other dimensional beings)
-[X] Trained (Diplomat): competent training in a field of choice (Scholar, Soldier, Diplomat, Administrator, Neural Reinforcement) (Can be taken multiple times, costs grow each time, starts at 1 grows by 1 each time), increases your Tier within that field by 1.
-[X] Aware of Horror: react appropriately to Imperial atrocities (gain 4 points, VASTLY increases suspicion gain)
-[X] Other Option: choose an energy/effect found in Warhammer, gain powers related to chosen source, mutually exclusive with being a psyker/blank
--[X] Chron/Time

[X] Plan Giant Metal Spider: Extreme Edition
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Got it and thought I did. Sorry about that. Thoughts on this very insane idea?
You are not going to have enough points for the training, the option grows each time you choose it. 1,2,3 you would need 6 points for it and after accounting for the Time powers, you have 2 left over. other than that it would work.
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