Dungeon Crawler You!

Listen people this is a popularity contest. We need something exciting and gripping for the audience. Dog the bounty hunter is both funny and interesting, since the Skull hunting adds in drama without trivializing encounters rn. Our late game power is guaranteed with roll up, we need to not cripple our scaling right now.
Listen people this is a popularity contest. We need something exciting and gripping for the audience. Dog the bounty hunter is both funny and interesting, since the Skull hunting adds in drama without trivializing encounters rn. Our late game power is guaranteed with roll up, we need to not cripple our scaling right now.
Simply on the basis that it'll make for better drama.
Kallelin has a good point, that building around saving crawlers with Seeing Eye Dog is excellent for viewers. Not only is last-minute rescue excellent for views and drama, we'll also be grabbing viewers from the crawlers we save. (Plus, boxes from grateful crawlers are nice.)
Listen people this is a popularity contest. We need something exciting and gripping for the audience. Dog the bounty hunter is both funny and interesting, since the Skull hunting adds in drama without trivializing encounters rn. Our late game power is guaranteed with roll up, we need to not cripple our scaling right now.
I really don't care about that aspect of drama - worst case, we'll get ramped up encounters with tougher or less generic and more outside the box enemies.

I don't want to incentivize good boi Moose towards hunting other people - Team Pacifist for me.
I don't really understand why we are too powerful for this floor, is it just our levels? I honestly thought combat strength in the short term was a hole we needed to fill, Taylor and Leo pretty much don't have a class this floor, and Drew has most of one (though it is a strong one) and will get weaker next floor.

But assuming Levi is right (and he might not be) if we don't need combat it's probably best to pick one of the roguish classes like Seeing Eye or Bomb Sniffer and have Moose run point while keeping Leo back with the main group.
I don't really understand why we are too powerful for this floor, is it just our levels? I honestly thought combat strength in the short term was a hole we needed to fill, Taylor and Leo pretty much don't have a class this floor, and Drew has most of one (though it is a strong one) and will get weaker next floor.

But assuming Levi is right (and he might not be) if we don't need combat it's probably best to pick one of the roguish classes like Seeing Eye or Bomb Sniffer and have Moose run point while keeping Leo back with the main group.
Honestly I'm curious too. Moose has always been our go to generic beatstick. That's always been his niche; it's weird to think we'd change him out for a more utility and esoteric role now - like, in terms of Pathfinder, I really do believe we just need to do a local recruitment drive. Not literally, but maybe scout someone out from the group of people we always help out, they might have one person among them who we can use to slot in for utility. Lio already fills that moderately, but we could always do with someone that covers it better.

I think Moose best serves the group doing what he always does - being the big tanky one that dishes out absurd amounts of damage for the party he's with. Because more than just being a gameshow that we should play into, the Dungeon is also about immediate survivability.

Having Moose fill that role means we should be safe from big lumbering physical enemies, and we can deal with the less typical and tricky enemies. The team composition is great in that regard
Drew currrently has a level 9 Annihilation Dart spell, where most skills this floor should probably be about half that. Add to that his always-on luck field, he's excellent this floor. Moose is already a flying tank.

Most crawlers aren't going to have Pathfinder, Spot, Acute Hearing, and Flight. Adding Flight to Pathfinder is a game-changer.
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It seems shortsighted to base a class decision over whether or not it is overpowered for this floor. This is the first floor after the tutorial; and we are going to have limited time on it anyway. At the end of the day, classes are a long term investment, and we should be much more concerned about what will last us through to Floor 10 and beyond than we are about Floor 3.

This is not me saying BOF is the best (although it is my pick), but it is how we should approach this decision, I think.
It seems shortsighted to base a class decision over whether or not it is overpowered for this floor. This is the first floor after the tutorial; and we are going to have limited time on it anyway. At the end of the day, classes are a long term investment, and we should be much more concerned about what will last us through to Floor 10 and beyond than we are about Floor 3.

This is not me saying BOF is the best (although it is my pick), but it is how we should approach this decision, I think.
Yeah, BoF will probably becomes very important in later Floors.
Later we will also have had many chances to SysOp Copy 'Former Child Actor's skill 'Character Actor', giving Moose Access to the BoF stuff.
I actually expect the showrunners to nerf that one. CA is too powerful to be allowed to transfer. (And it will be a pain for Eagle to keep doing this level after level.)
I actually expect the showrunners to nerf that one. CA is too powerful to be allowed to transfer. (And it will be a pain for Eagle to keep doing this level after level.)
If it gets nerfed for us, then it throws cannon out the window, though. This will hopefully last until at least floor 6.

We're playing the game on highly accelerated settings, so the AI is helping slightly.
It's not exactly our fault that Borant is nearly bankrupt and all.

Edit: I didn't read that correctly, you were saying that the devs would Nerf Sysop's ultimate so it couldn't copy character actor.
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Yeah, BoF will probably becomes very important in later Floors.
Later we will also have had many chances to SysOp Copy 'Former Child Actor's skill 'Character Actor', giving Moose Access to the BoF stuff.

This feels mistaken to me.

Character Actor Classes only last for the floor you've got them, unless we use Sysop to clone the skills/actionable. (Impractical for anything other than singular, very valuable actionable.) Classes available with Character Actor are probably somewhat randomised by the AI, so I'm not sure if we can assume that a class will always be available. And even giving Character Actor to a someone in the first place has a huge opportunity cost - we have ten uses of the Sysop copying ability at most left before we're on Floor 13. Each of them has to be spent extremely carefully.

This isn't to say that you shouldn't vote not to have BOF, but if we do, then I think we have to accept that we aren't getting the benefits of the class. This is just as true for Bomb Disposal or Seeing Eye, by the way- they rely on too many skills for us to clone it with Sysop. We might be able to copy Plus One if we got Character Actor for Mouse and then were able to choose Bounty Hunter, because it's a single actionable - but I'm not sure it would be cost effective to do so.
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I'm all about Boring Ol' Fighter but would rather Seeing Eye than Bounty. For narrative reasons. Killing humans, not fun...but imagine:

You're a galactic denizen, watching your favorite crawler fight a losing battle against a surprisingly difficult thunder lizard thing. Ohh no... You're going to have to find another human to watch again--wait! A dog the size of a Hummer swoops down from the sky and knocks the monster backward; a man jumps off its back.

"Hi! I'm the Sysadmin. Your friend Zach H reported you were having some trouble. What seems to be the problem today?"

As the duo flies off, your favorite crawler waves, bewildered and alive. You think to yourself, "who the hell is the Sysadmin?!"

Crossover views galore!

[x] Class: Seeing Eye Dog
I'm sold.
[X] Class: Seeing Eye Dog
we have ten uses of the Sysop copying ability left before we're on Floor 13
Someone could have said this already and I missed it, but that would be 10 uses at most before floor 13.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the team ends up in a few late-floor situations that make it impractical to spend an hour outside a safe room copying an actionable. Or situations where the smart thing to do requires other sysop abilities before descending.

Some of the utility also decreases in value as we get to later floors where gaining a new level 1 actionable isn't that useful, though that's less of a concern.
Part of my problem with Bounty Hunter Dog is that it peaks at the mid game, but assuming we are trying to beat the dungeon it does very little later on.

There are going to be crawlers with skulls in the next few levels but eventually as the crawler count dwindles there are going to be very few crawlers with skulls, and if we make it past 12 then historically there will be none. That makes Bad Guy Hunter similarly bad, scaling wise (and it also works off any rogue class crawler). Because the Rez of someone else takes away all Badges it's not as if you can even stockpile them early and then save late, well you theoretically can but 5 or 10000000 they are all taken to rez someone.

Plus One is pretty vague and probably the best skill as I'm guessing there's some situations it can just cheese.
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Someone could have said this already and I missed it, but that would be 10 uses at most before floor 13.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the team ends up in a few late-floor situations that make it impractical to spend an hour outside a safe room copying an actionable. Or situations where the smart thing to do requires other sysop abilities before descending.

Some of the utility also decreases in value as we get to later floors where gaining a new level 1 actionable isn't that useful, though that's less of a concern.

Very good point.

I think I had an "at most" somewhere in my post when I was drafting it, but then deleted it for flow. Anyway, yeah. Personally I think there will always be things that we would want to copy over if we had the choice - some abilities are extremely useful even at Lv 1 - but we may not always get the opportunity or time.

The only countervailing factor is if we somehow find a way to reset the cooldowns - but this would potentially be so game-breaking that I expect the showrunners might intervene.
You know what could have fast-forwarded SysOp cooldowns?

I'm not even joking here, we should keep an eye out for any Chronan crawlers if we can.
For those of you thinking a pvp build for Moose is good, think on how few crawlers there are and less and less crawlers there will be on each floor.
The bounty hunting build is only good with more time on each floor...
Wait how does the Multi-Body thing work with floors I wonder. Does going through a stairwell send every body through or do they each have to go down or every floor? I guess we can technically port them all in anyway.

For Entertainment purposes I have an idea, give each Clone a gimmick. Why have identical clones when you can have Cowboy Taylor, Mobster Taylor, Teen Taylor (he acts like a lame copy of Leo). That would make for more entertainment and give fans characters they might enjoy better than Taylor Prime. Also maybe in a Carl like move it might be possible to swap around the roles to confuse showrunners/hunters (Ok this probably won't be relevant especially in a quest format but a switcharoo to fool the audience could be fun.).