If we know they're there, that can replace Disable Trap and Backfire. It doesn't let BOF replace actual trapfinding or the Dungeon Locator. If we don't know about a trap, someone else in the party might walk into it instead, so BOF durability doesn't replace Bomb Sniffer completely. And, of course, that doesn't address the advantages provided by Bounty Hunter The Dog.
Speaking of which, I have a couple questions about the Clubs for people who've read canon.
1. Are they around on the third floor, or do we have to wait for the Fourth?
2. Do all the clubs on a given floor share the same area, just like all our tutorial guilds did?
Because a large part of my justification for my overall plan is that we can hit a Medium town, and immediately go into one of the Clubs and start turning our money into short term power so we won't need BOF.