Dungeon Crawler You!

Hey guys Grease is crazy good and we should really consider grabbing it. Kinda no-sells a lot of ground based mobs and can be used to really wreck dungeon machinery.
[X] Plan: Slip and Smack
  • Grease
  • Invulnerability
I was soo waiting for this to take traction, Grease is one of the top tier munchkin spells. Don't sleep on it guys.
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But Levi would know, would he not?

Also, is it just me or would the money combo well with a "+50% discount at all magic shops".
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[X] Plan: Slip and Smack

Grease is (usually) stupidly strong, but no one takes it because it looks boring. Plus, it'll feed well into the whole "Drew living life as a cartoon" bit. It's a very good spell for him.
From discord wog:
"1m is a crapton of money. At least 10x what I should have given you. I went too far on trying to make this class appealing."
"You'll want to hit multiple stores because yes you can probably buy out at least one."
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I would say we couldn't spend it all this floor.
But certainly, we could buy many many upgrades to personal room/crafting tables etc.
However, they apply to a randomly-chosen spell, and if they affect a spell that you already had instead of one of the new ones then you will probably keep the benefit.
This seems pretty important to keep in mind.
In the normal case X, in this unusual situation Y.
Do we want to gamble on keeping spell/skill levels?
[X] Plan Hard Cash
-[X] A spellbook of Invulnerability
-[X] 500,000 gold pieces
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[X] Plan: prepare to munch
-[X] A spellbook of Grease
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces

Gets us something to screw with the mobility of ground based enemies (and probably to help with setting stuff on fire, if qm follow the convention of the grease being flammable) and 500,000 gp for a shopping trip.
I kinda wish we had Moose selection as well with this one. The new race aftermath update is kinda getting drawn out. I was really hyped for it.

[X] Plan: prepare to munch
-[X] A spellbook of Grease
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces

Imagine taking down a boss with Grease.
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[X]Plan Why Not?
-[X]A Cheat Code potion that will affect one of your spells
-[X]A Cheat Code potion that will affect one of your spells 2
[x] Look Mom, I'm a Millionaire!
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces
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For the threads consideration: we have a tir inqua and access to a casino. We can absolutely abuse that money to the fullest, though on the other hand we have a tir inqua and a casino, who says we even need money

I expect we'll only be able to really cheese the casino once, should really make it count when we do.

Edit: I just realized we may have passed over every option that gives club desperado access so far. Uhhhh, oops
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I feel obligated to make a money vote, ha. Especially with shops being prevalent, might come in handy this floor.
You joke, but honestly there's a strong argument for this one. Drew 100% gets to keep whatever he buys with the gold going into future floors. A million gold, spent at double standard buying power in magic shops by someone with high charisma and high luck can pick out a LOT of goodies.

[x] Look Mom, I'm a Millionaire!
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces
-[x] 500,000 gold pieces