Dungeon Crawler You!

When a saferoom door is open you may rehome a crawler's departure point to be the other side of the open door. The ability triggers at the end of the cooldown. Throughout the cooldown period you must be touching the crawler, you must both be inside the saferoom, and the door must stay open
I'm not parsing this. What does "rehome a crawler's departure point" mean?
Ah, no, no. You weren't rude at all. I was commenting that my own post sounded rude, but I didn't know how to phrase it in a way that didn't.
Oh, you were completely fine! I know that the textual medium inherently makes tone and mood a bit wonky, but your post read completely fine! It was polite and informative, and we were ultimately on the same page! ^.^
I'm not parsing this. What does "rehome a crawler's departure point" mean?
Think it lets you forcefully teleport them outside the saferoom presumably so you could get them when they think they are safe.

Dzichi might be a good Sysop race for this reason, you can touch hostile crawlers with your hair without them knowing and use a lot of the abilities easier because of it.

Also sick yoyo tricks.
(Also, @eaglejarl, did you mean to vote for that one plan?)
Also: The tally bot is picking up your examples as votes.
Fixed, thanks.

When we are done here, would you help our friends in the Astro Army? If they have good picks that means they can contribute more to cooperation with our party, and we have more interesting things to SysOp copy.
Added to 24.4:

"Fair enough," Taylor said. "Speaking of helping other crawlers: when we're done here, would you help our friends in the Astronomy Army? If they have good picks that means they can help us out better and we'll have better things to copy if I go Sysop."

Levi shook his massive head. "I'd be willing, but it's not possible. Until path selection is done, no one can enter their guild hall and chat messages can't go in or out."


The fishes don't like the SysOp class, can they make the AI remove itfor new picks in the future?
You mean for Drew's Former Character Actor class? He doesn't have access to Sysop in the first place.

Is my plan ok for you format wise?
I have no preference on format as long as it's clear what is meant. All of the current options are fine, except people really should standardize so that their votes count together. Right now "Calliope: Catkin + Wheeler Dealer" and "Calliope: Doppleganger + Wheeler Dealer" both have some number of votes less than 11-ish, since there are duplicates scattered across a bunch of different votes. I honestly have no idea which one is in the lead.

Scion of Zree promises long-term power, but being a Cha 3 slug will be horrific for our viewer count. And viewer count matters A LOT in this reality TV show pretending to be a dungeon. Scion also makes us a lot weaker in the shrot term, which could lead to death, maiming, reduced grinding, and dead friends. Instead, this build takes the excellent Multacorpalan race.
Being straight: Remember that it's a narrative quest and Taylor has plot armor. If your *only* reason for not giving him Scion is because you're worried about his survival, that's not an issue. If you don't want to read about slug boy, or if you think the temporary harm to socials is too big a deal, that's a totally valid reason not to want to do it.

badass cat girl meat stick,

I thought stats could also go up based on what you do, but I guess Taylor hasn't trained anything up yet.
Back on the first floor it was possible to squeeze out an extra point or two, but not anymore.

Do you mean to be saying 'please don't format your plans like this'? It's a little unclear.

I'm 98% sure that's what you mean to say but it's not unambiguous right now IMO.
pretty sure he's just giving an example of two different formats that are requesting the same thing, and to check how people are voting so that the votes are properly put together.
What @Lalm said. When voting closes I'm going to take the top option and use it. If it turns out that some other option should have won but people formatted their votes incompatibly, so they were scattered across 8 items instead of consolidated...well, that's a shame. Also, if we have a situation where I need to choose multiple items in order to get a plan for everyone, that may result in more unhappiness. e.g. if the top two votes on the tally are:

9 votes: [] Kitty Dealer
- [] Calliope: Catkin and Wheeler Dealer
- [] Taylor: Doppleganger and Sysop

8 votes: [] Shifty Wizard
- [] Calliope: Doppleganger and Boring Ol' Fighter
- [] Taylor: Doppleganger and Archmage
- [] Drew: Wizard Supremacist

...then, since Kitty Dealer didn't have an entry for Drew, we're going to end up with the following:

- [] Calliope: Catkin and Wheeler Dealer
- [] Taylor: Doppleganger and Sysop
- [] Drew: Wizard Supremacist

Incidentally, everyone should feel free to run a tally whenever you like, but be sure to adjust it so that the tally starts from Chapter 24.3, not from the latest threadmark.
I'm not parsing this. What does "rehome a crawler's departure point" mean?
Certain spaces within the dungeon are accessible from different locations at once. For example, there are doors to Levi's training guild in every town on the third floor. When you leave, you go back to the place you came in. If Alice enters the room from TownA and Bill enters from TownB then they can have a face to face meeting despite having been 1,000 miles apart moments before. If Alice opens the door then what you see on the other side will be TownA, her origin point, but if Bill walks through it, he will still return to TownB...unless there happens to be a Sysop around who can change his origin point to be what's currently showing through the door.
Think it lets you forcefully teleport them outside the saferoom presumably so you could get them when they think they are safe.

Dzichi might be a good Sysop race for this reason, you can touch hostile crawlers with your hair without them knowing and use a lot of the abilities easier because of it.
Or a doubleganger. You can play invasion of the body snatchers inside of a safe room.
[X] Plan F*ck the Showrunners
[X] Plan: Wheeling, Dealing, System Screwing alternative
[X] Plan: Wheeling, Dealing, System Screwing Multacorpalan
Being straight: Remember that it's a narrative quest and Taylor has plot armor. If your *only* reason for not giving him Scion is because you're worried about his survival, that's not an issue.
Honestly this is something I'm taking largely into consideration with things; I don't mind Taylor not getting some awesome and badass looking race right out the gate due to being a slug - that he has plot armor and we'll be making a good in with one the more amicable and yet very powerful Zree Empire, potentially getting sponsored through them, is a benefit in itself. That after enough time all our disadvantages will be turned over and we'll be receiving absolutely insane benefits only makes it more worthwhile to me.

Mostly we just need to make sure we play things as we have - smart. Continue to strategize and formulate our plans as best we can so no dumb mistakes get made in future fights.

Gonna change my vote here to include all the plans I'm okay with. Really, I think the Zree is being slept on a bit too much.

[X] Plan F*ck the Showrunners
[X] Plan: Wheeling, Dealing, System Screwing
Another thing to consider if you're worried about Zree tanking the social numbers: we can copy the bodyshaping skill to him. He doesn't need to look like a slug and he's got this far with 3 charisma already.
Certain spaces within the dungeon are accessible from different locations at once. For example, there are doors to Levi's training guild in every town on the third floor. When you leave, you go back to the place you came in. If Alice enters the room from TownA and Bill enters from TownB then they can have a face to face meeting despite having been 1,000 miles apart moments before. If Alice opens the door then what you see on the other side will be TownA, her origin point, but if Bill walks through it, he will still return to TownB...unless there happens to be a Sysop around who can change his origin point to be what's currently showing through the door.
Wow, that's better than I thought it was. For some reason my mind went straight to changing the exit destination for crawlers that break the saferoom rules
Zree is not going to be that bad socially I think, well it is but then you become Royal and get more popular than before. And we could use Sysops to add stats to try and accelerate the process but it seems like a waste unless the bonus is huge like a +25 or something that gives stats per level.

Like a build with Boring Ol Fighter Leo we could copy the extra stat a level onto Taylor and then use that to make the minimums faster, but then obviously we can't also have wheeler dealer.
Well I was going to write a nice long analysis post regarding all our choices here, but it seems @TalonofAnathrax got there first (great analysis btw!) Here's my brief summarized analysis below:

Calliope Races: Given the pacing of the game, Tortugan is a trap. Doppleganger is flexible and offers opportunities for creative plays. On the other hand, Vahnitri offers mobility, sustainability, a panic button for nearly anyone, synergizes with Leo's style, and a powerful skill in Catcher. Vahnitri wins out in my opinion.

Calliope Classes:
We want to take down Borant? Wheeler Dealer is the choice for that. Survival wise, I like Bike Messenger or Monster Truck Driver for Doppleganger, and Jinete or Boring Ol' Fighter for Vahnitri.

Taylor Races:
Capreolin offers a lot of growth opportunity but is crippled by the Crawl's fast pace. Franken lets us borrow traits of defeated enemies and works with Vahnitri's on demand heals, but might impact viewer numbers negatively. Multacorpalan offers a lot of unfairness, advances the action economy, and lets us better coordinate with multiple groups of Crawlers. In my opinion, Multacorpalan wins out, although I could be convinced to go Franken alongside Leo's Vahnitri.

Taylor Classes
And now for his classes : Sysop is far and away the best here. It offers tactical and strategic benefits, and most importantly, makes crawler alliances practical. The biggest problem here is that Borant will probably give us the stink eye for it.

Conveniently, there's a plan which already does what I want with Leo and Calliope - although it does lack a class choice for Drew
[X] Plan Sysop + Wheeler without becoming a Cha 3 slug
I'm not sure how Skills and xp work with Multicacorpalan, could be interesting if you can use some of your bodies to grind out skills and levels that all the bodies get to benefit from. Originally I was thinking of it more as a gang up options, take Construction foreman and stack buffs or Lacrosse and pile on the marked guy.
Here's a few options with Drew included:

[] Senator Slug
-Drew: Democratic Senator
-Leo: Doppelganger Wheeler Dealer
-Taylor: Zree Sysop

[] I Am The Senate
-Drew: Democratic Senator
-Leo: Doppelganger Wheeler Dealer
-Taylor: Multacorporan Sysop
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[ ]Drew: Democratic Senator

I want Combat Medic on Floor Four, when we can also use it's Crafting Actionables. Taking Senator now means we definitely won't level Universal Health Care, since we won't have the gold for it, but we can still do everything else.
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It's worth noting we're not guaranteed to get any of the abilities with FCA, so do be careful of that