A Shield in Need
12th of July 2006 A.D.
"So mom, I was talking to Father Forthil the other day and I asked him if he knew anyone who knows how to ward against spirits. Do you remember Mortimer Lindquist, he was on that show you liked, the Larry Fowler Show..." As it happens you know your mom hates the Larry Fowler Show and she thinks the host is a crass sensationalist asshole, but that is a believable mistake for you to make and it should hopefully... Yep she is rounding on you as if you had accused her of using store bought whipping cream in her Christmas sponge cake.
You owe me, your look says to Daniel behind her back as she goes off like a firecracker. "I don't watch that trash and you shouldn't either, anyone on there is a fraud out for a quick buck and their fifteen minutes of fame."
Not everyone...
Would going off on a Harry tangent get her too angry? You wonder.
Apparently yes and also your powers seem to be really good at annoying someone just the right amount to get them distracted. You're not sure what that says about you.
Lost 1 Essence
"If Father Forthil says he is a real medium and a good person to know about ghosts than means he has to be at least a little on the level right dad?"
"I'm sure he knows what he's talking about," dad replies looking up from his pancakes... well more Hope's pancakes now since mom is distracted and Hope is still vague on the notion of plate ownership especially when she is hungry.
"Why do you need to know about ghosts anyway?" your mother does not let up easy.
"It's one more way to protect myself."
She can hardly argue against that.
Not that she does not try of course, but changing tack to know valuable Mortimer Lindquist's time must be when she had just called the man a hack and a fame chaser doesn't really make a strong argument. Still she really does not like to concede an argument so she carries on well ast the point when Daniel had scarfed down his breakfast and scampered.
Another look.
You so owe me.
You wonder if you can get telepathy among your other powers, that sounds convenient
School passes swiftly as only daydreaming can carry it. You don;t think you answered in any class besides art and that because you had your last project of the term to hand out, City Landscape no. 199 you might as well have called it. If there is one thing your powers certainly had not enhanced it was your artistry. Still it's
art, as long as you actually took the time to do any kind of homework done that puts you in the top half of the class. You have more interesting projects in mind for when you get home...
All through lunch you fidget, hands reaching for tools that aren't there, you hardly taste the food enough to mumble a compliment, the ideas like birds with wings of fire in your mind ready to take flight.
And you are out..."Dad can I use the workshop again, OK thanks."
Lost 2 Essence
The forges spark with eldritch flame, the wheels screech like the joints of a leviathan about the wake, the trip-hammer falls like a meteor of black iron down upon the composite, the molecules specifically designed for just this purpose. If you tried to make a weapon out of these they would shatter, if you tried to make armor plating out of them they would twist... and if you tried to make one big shield out of them well then they would probably do both and you would end up with a face full of shards.
This was not a normal shield.
The framework is spokes of hardened bronze splaying out from a central hub like the rays of an alien sun and the plates of dark composite like blackened silver are slotted on one by one, just the right size to push against each other and resist blows much heaver than even ordinary carbon fiber would take. But the real trick is in the middle. That isn't just a stud of solid bronze behind the starburst, it is a clockwork mechanism designed to wind in the span of thirty seconds or so and spring back at the push of a button. You fold the shield carefully, take a deep breath...
Showtime, it'll either work or literally explode in my face. Tellingly not even Usum tells you it won't explode.
You press the button and the shield unfolds like a deadly fan, it's edge sharp enough to score steel.
Gained Dark Sun Shield
- Parry difficulty reduced to 4
- Can serve as a throw weapon with the same characteristics as a dagger at need
- Anomalous Quality: Can be folded down enough to fit in a purse and unfolds in the same turn it is drawn thanks to the clockwork mechanism
"Score!" you toss the shield in celebration. Alas your throwing has not been improved as much as your sword fighting skills, but you hit the general area you were aiming for and not the window beside it. All's well that ends well...after you fix all the burns, cuts and chemical stains all over the workshop.
You can't wait to show dad what you made tomorrow...
As you open the windows again you realize it's late, like sundown already and you had not even realized it. Ah well you don't really need...
"Hey girl genius I saved you some casserole and ice cream from the rampaging jawas if you want some," Daniel calls from outside.
"Thanks, that's like... 1% of your debt paid," you say cheerfully falling into step beside him.
"Let's say I agree with your assessment, what am I paying the remaining 99% in?" he asks in half serious worry.
"Spill, who's the mystery girl whose bed you already reconnoitered?"
He goes from zero to tomato in no time flat. "I didn't... we didn't..."
"Sleep in a bed?" you ask innocently. "It's more comfortable than the floor I heard."
"You... you're terrible," he accuses, though his lips turn up in a reluctant smile.
"You've known me all your life and
now you figure it out?" you ask archly.
"I slept on the couch," he mumbles, not that you really doubted him. Daniel had learned takes after dad in more than the color of his eyes or the way his smile shapes his face. If something more
had happened you suspect he would be looking into buying a ring, common sense be damned.
He does get the story out, he met Lydia in karate class, where she is apparently 'really good' though you are inclined to take his judgement on the fact, just like his flattering description of her midnight black hair and perfect smile with a whole heap of salt. Her dad's apparently some kind of investment banker and he is never home, her mom is long since out of the picture, leaving her in the care of a revolving cast of au pairs and tutors and some really weird gaps in her experience. Like 'did not know what Mario was' weird.
"So daddy dearest didn't have the help chase you out with dogs, that's good at least," you joke. "Can I meet her?"
"You're grounded," he points out.
"I'm bored," you counter. "I'm going out to the clubs Saturday with Izzy, you can bring her along, we can all have fun."
"I don't know if Lydia would enjoy your idea of fun," Daniel hedges.
"She doesn't know what my idea of fun is like from what you told me, maybe she'll have a blast and if not you guys can bail I won't mind Izzy sure wouldn't."
Honestly you would think all I do is go to raves.
"OK, I'm not helping you sneak out though," your brother says after a moment.
"Don't need it, I have magic," you reply instantly.
"You have
sneaking out of being grounded magic," he laughs and shakes his head as if in wonder. "Only you sis, only you..."
"He is most wise to recognize your unique essence my princess," Usum concludes.
13th of July 2006 A.D.
The thirteenth doesn't start off anymore unlucky than any other day, unless you count Hank knocking his eggs and bacon all over you, which you don't. Hank food related accidents happen to
someone in the family at least once a week and now was just your turn. And then you get to school...
Gained 3 Essence (Cap)
You don't notice the people messing around at the third floor window, because who looks up when they are just out of their car and hurrying to class? You do notice the scream... and the freshman falling backwards out the window while his friends, phones still in hand look on in horror.
He's gonna fall on that car, you realize and unlike the movies the hard metal roof of a car is more likely to break him than break his fall
How do you save the idiot?
[] Rush in as fast as yo can to catch him (Dexterity+Athletics; cannot Use Excellency)
-[] Write in stunt
[] Slice the roof off the car with one stroke of your sword allowing him to land on the soft seats (Dexterity+Melee; can use Excelency)
-[] Write in stunt
[] Write in
OOC: Normally there would also be an option to just let him fall, but that is not really in character for Molly