[X] Integrate the Ravs of Labour as a Mass Section [Gain Ravs of Labour as mass section, sect popularity triples but fervor and discipline will fall].
We have both the discipline & fervor level to take the hit in order to gain a mass base among the urban Mouflons. But I also agree with
@Deadly Snark that we shouldn't take on more mass sections after this one, in order to avoid further diluting those two out of three Prescriptions of Righteous Movements.
On Time and its Robbers by Ghadan Nasir [Drawing on the deepest layers of True Confession].
My reason on voting for this is
synergy. Not only does the raging against the monopolization of the working peoples' time by the employing, timekeeping priests and bankers synergize with our potential integration of the
KnightsRavs of Labor, but it would also vibe very well with our first chosen doctrine of protest:
Abolition of the Threefold Tithe (Tier I): An elementary attack on the threefold tithe for its fundamental unfairness and robbery from the lower to the upper chambers, and advocacy for its total abolition.
Edit: The Hoarders of God also synergize with the Threefold Tithe, but it does not achieve the same trifecta with integrating the Ravs of Labor (IMO)...tho man I wished the "respect of Mouflon rites" won cause that would create the most effective triple synergy. Oh well.
[X] The Autocephalates should be reformed [Amalist Opinion].
Fellow disciples, I will call for all of you to take heed of Brother Zeb's words! Replacing the autocephalates with more representative forms is good and just, but calling for its abolition would be interpreted by the commons of those autonomies as an attack of their way of life, a threat against the rites they practice. Therefore, I advocate for radical reform! An autocephalate from, by, & for its toilers!
(Also would help to split the autocephalates' laboring peoples against the aristocrats, if we could).