Kingdom of God: A Quest of Holy Revolution

Nah, they are a smaller artisan class who are getting outcompeted by industrialist and suddenly having their livelihood ruined. They don't really want to be tax farmer as much as they to have a tariff and tax privilege so their good can be more competitive against the factory-made goods.
Yes, I know, I was joking. To be fair to you, it's not always obvious thru text.

[X] Pursue the sanctification of labour, improving the sacral and legal position of Mouflons.
[X] Abolish the legal status of penitents and free them from their bondage.

changed vote, convinced by Nyvis' arguments

Welp after Cetash's explanation in the Discord & my own considerations, I'm changing this yet again.
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Welp after Cetash's explanation in the Discord & my own considerations, I'm changing this yet again

What explanation are you referring to? If it is anything I haven't mentioned here please let me know or ask me to post it in thread, I try to make sure that people can get all info they need from here :)
[X] Pursue the sanctification of labour, improving the sacral and legal position of Mouflons.
[X] Abolish the Threefold Tithe, a massive wealth transfer from the Mouflons to the other chambers.
[X] Pursue the sanctification of labour, improving the sacral and legal position of Mouflons.
[X] Abolish the Threefold Tithe, a massive wealth transfer from the Mouflons to the other chambers.
Admissions of the Failings of Zeb (Natruska)
An Admission of the Personal Failings of the Sinner Known as Maraki Zebadee
The Reflections of "Quick Feet Zeb" On This Current Time of Crisis
A Preliminary Analysis of The Author's Sins Predating Memory Through the Many Lenses Provided By Childcare

Yoshrei, First Day of Rest

As always: damn the autobiographers!

Important to start off on the right foot, they say. You have brought much about in my life since I last wrote my thanks. I am no longer imprisoned - at least not by the shackles wrought by men. Indeed, I am in Nachivan! The Eternal City! It is not what I expected. Holy and yet wicked, rich and yet wretched. I do not understand this place; I doubt anyone does except you, O Wisdom.

I have just departed a bitter sect meeting. For once, it was truly not my fault. Still, the old nicknames are already resurfacing, the murmurs about "Sour Young Zeb". They are valid. You have changed me once again, as is your right. I felt your presence during the escape, my Light, but now I plunge back into darkness. To what end? For a fleeting moment you shaped me into a warrior of the Six-Shin Aluf, and I lived. I felt true joy, for the first time in many years. Then I was pulled back to earth by my own heaviness, to compile this grim catalog of my own failings, my corruption of your gifts. You know them already, of course - these are but notes so that I might reflect. Forgive my informality, Lord.

As a youth, I fell prey to the most dangerous form of curiosity. I wished to see the world - not to discover your Truth, but to serve my own lusts for knowledge and experience. Self-assured and impatient, l paced the streets of Yomri. The restlessness of my feet and mind was so infamous that I became known as "Quicksilver Feet" to my friends of the day, a name I adopted as an honor and bear now as a stain. You merely suppressed this aspect of my nature, but in my pride I thought I had banished it through some power of my own, and now it has returned. I wander these dangerous streets at random, distracted from Your work by the sight of a cat stalking birds or similar trivialities.

Hah, youth. That poor Dyada on the train! The children were jumping on the seats, eating things that should not be eaten - it was horrifying, my King. I intervened, explaining that their disobedience was not the righteous resistance of the faithful but the selfish unruliness of prisoners. They jumped not because it was good, but simply because it was forbidden! I found their counter-argument - that it was actually quite fun - rather unassailable, and so I gained victory by strategem instead. You must be praised for the gift of memory, O Humility: I only needed to recite three of the Tales of Cold and Pine before they were fast asleep.

I must be doubly thankful because it is this act - your gift - that brought me to Sister Hadar's attention. Forgive her the misdeeds of her wards, O Mercy. She does all she can and yet more, but who could herd such a large flock? Even with what assistance the older children and elders can provide, it is too much for one to carry, and so she approached me to share the burden.

I demurred, of course. I know nothing of children. You have not lent me any to call my own, nor any younger siblings to observe. And yet she persisted in her humility, admiring my 'obvious talent' with children and bemoaning her own 'cluelessness'. I must admit my sinful pride, O Glory, for my cheeks burned and I was most delighted to receive her praise. That was not my glory to claim, not my joy to feel - any talent I may have is another of your finely-worked gifts, and who would accept praise for a gift received?

Besides, the coming weeks would prove how false that praise was.

Man has constructed many idioms around the so-called "innocence" of babies. This illustrates the folly of 'common sense', for babies bite and punch and kick. They are envious and violent and self-absorbed and altogether nasty, forgiven only because they lack enough power to cause the harm they wish. And they are cute, it is true. Babies and small children are as flawed as any of us - more, even, since they lack the most basic elements of reason - but we think them 'innocent', much like an adorable but disobedient dog is often called a 'good boy' for no apparent reason.

I find this all fascinating, my God. Despite the vomit and the pain, it has been a deeply enlightening experience. Now that we are settled in Nachivan, I have started to seek work. It is hard to tutor here; the city is full of students, but their minds are full and their pockets empty when the opposite would be far more profitable. And yet failing to find 'real' work gladdens me, for you grant me additional time to observe the children.

And, I admit, to bask in the presence of Sister Hadar. I shall end by praising you for creating such a spirit, O Art, for she is the finest shepherd I have seen. Her teachings are more profound than those of the professors (except you, O Wisdom), and her words capture her audience better than the rhetoricians. The littlest ones love her even more fervently than they hate me, and any fight can be defused through her effortless grace and boundless love. And yet despite her incredible competence in serving others, she is still governed by humility. Whenever I try to praise her, she shies away and pretends to be as useless as I truly am. Despite my unending failures, she displays great joy at my 'assistance' and great - but noble - sadness at the thought that I might find other work.

I do not have the words, O Reason. I have only known her a short time, but I think Hadar to be one of your most beautiful creations. It was you that put the sun in her smile, and my fallen spirit could never muster enough gratitude for that act.

All the same, I thank you.

(OOC: Zeb! is slowly taking over all the functions of my brain, and I felt the desperate need to write something at length about him, so here it is)
The Song of Release (Deadly Snark)
Holy Fighters of Pugilism! I see some of you believe that Debt Forgiveness does nothing, that it only solves the symptoms and not the root cause of the problems!

Perhaps you are correct. That it is merely a bandaid. Yet the very fact that the Patriarchates have stopped applying this bandaid for centuries is by itself a sign of the degeneracy of God's Chosen Kingdom. Debt Forgiveness is not just a policy, not just liberation, it is the sign that the highest of our leaders still trust and believe in their mouflons and the people, in turn, believe in the Patriarchy like children believe in their parents. It is the most basic and most fundamental act of love. Its absence is the void of virtue and the triumph of evil.

It has been so for all of human history, and it is the oldest evil.

Some of you would not know this, for the Order of Silence had destroyed many of the existing copies of what I am about to share with you. But let me transmit to you this ancient Poem that my master's master recovered from the ancient ruins of the Hadit Valley. A piece of our heritage recovered from before Amalgast's rise, before the Flood, and during the heinous dominion of that vilest of cities Babarak. One of the oldest song known to man, recovered to show its truth.

This is; "The Song of Release"

I will tell of God, the great lord of the world;
I will praise her glory at the gates of heaven.

I will speak of the man, Pizikarra, who will bring ruin to Babarak;
Pizikarra who destroyed the city.

Babarak had grown wealthy in its mountain,
Yet it cursed the mountains;
If only God would strike the mountain and let fire spread!

Its hunters brought forth fat deers;
Yet they cursed the deers;
If only God would teach them a lesson!

God saw this and was displeased,
They traversed the heavens and gathered the angels;
they descended into the underworld and heard the laments

God appeared before Megi(Deacon) and spoke their commandment;
The City has grown indulgent, this displeases me;
Its King has grown rich with the chains over its mouflons, this is wrong.
Its Elders have reduced all to debt slavery, this must stop.

Megi brought the word of God to Babarak, to liberate the people
There is no one who speaks against him among the elders.
There is no one who speaks against him, who presents an argument against him.

If ever there was in the city a powerful orator whose words no one could counter,
Zazalla is that powerful orator, No one can equal his speech in the place of assembly.
Zazalla began to say to Mēgi: "Why do you speak of compliance, Ο Mēgi, star of Babarak?"

If God is oppressed by debt and asks release,
if God is ever in debt for silver, then everyone will give 1 shekel of silver to God.
Everyone will give a half-shekel of gold, but of silver we will each give 1 shekel

But if God is ever naked, each of us will clothe them with a fine garment.
But if God is ever dried out, each of us will give them a little flask of fine oil.
If God is suffering from the cold of the night we will provide fuel for them, and we will bring them back from dire need.

But we will make no release of slaves,
God is the greatest debtor and we will make no forgiveness of debt.
There will be no rejoicing in your soul, Ο Mēgi.

On the one hand there will be no rejoicing in your soul, Ο Mëgi;
and secondly, there will be no rejoicing in the soul of Hadit who is to be given back.
We will not free the citizens of Hadit

If we were to release them, who would give us to eat?
But if you, Megi, wish a debt remission,
you must release your own slave man and slave woman!

Now when Megi heard the word, he began to weep.
Megi weeps and prostrates himself at the feet of God
Lying prostrate, Megi speaks words to God: "Hear me, O King of Paradise!"

"I will keep on sending the orders, but my city will not give it. Zazalla, the son of Pizikarra, will not allow a debt remission."
So Mēgi cleared his city, Babarak, from its debts.
For the sake of the city he remitted all debts owed to him as the ruler.

Release the peoples of Hadit; release them who have fed the nine kings.
The City of the Throne has been fed by them for generations;
But now God stands before you, Megi, who are the tenth king, and says:

If you decree a debt release, the fate for Babarak is this;
You decree a debt release, and I shall exalt your weapons godlike;
your weapons will defeat foe, and your fields will thrive gloriously.

If you do not decree a debt release, the fate for Babarak is this:
On the seventh day I shall come to you,
and I shall destroy the city of Babarak.

I shall smash the city like a cup,
I shall trample the acropolis in the dump,
I shall crush the marketplace within it like a cup underfoot

With myself, I shall carry off its riches,
I will bring down the hearth of the lower wall to the River,
and I will pour out the hearth of the upper wall down on the lower wall

OOC: (For those of you wondering, this is a very abridged adapted version of the "Song of Release\Liberation" from the Hittite and Mitanni cultures)
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@Cetashwayo I will choose to boost the roll for the Great Ghadi Competition.

Let the Fists of Righteous breakthrough Evil! Let them carry the Song of Release in their Hearts!

And also earn us some money so we don't fall into that most loathsome of Debt Slavery.
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What explanation are you referring to? If it is anything I haven't mentioned here please let me know or ask me to post it in thread, I try to make sure that people can get all info they need from here :)
Okay, lemme copy-paste the relevant sentences. Tho as I understand it it's more a mix of quest setting information along with debt-trap schemes towards peasantry & workers during a similar period of history IRL.

Cetashwayo: If debt was not a major issue for poor laborers why would it be raised by two out of three mouflon prayers...?

Cetashwayo: Premodern debt structures are a very common means of coercion - peasants often would mortgage properties or take on debts during disasters or bad harvests and then be forced into high interest debt spirals. In the cities the main issue is widespread gambling debt and factories 'loaning' to workers

Cetashwayo: And yes, mouflons are a wide smattering of everyone who is not of the higher chambers, but because most artisans and skilled workers and clerks and professionals are low priests, mouflons are far more proletarian and peasant than the third estate. The richest mouflons are mainly sailors and merchants who have managed to exploit the lack of laws barring mouflon business ownership in some specific areas that were not sanctified by the confessor sanhedron.

Cetashwayo: Many penitents are sentenced as such bcuz of debts. They cant pay so they have to pay in indentured servitude.

Cetashwayo: Yeah, debts are inherited by villages and orders and individuals. So some of the local artisan orders are deeply in debt death spirals.

Cetashwayo: In Yomri's case what happened is that the small business owner shopkeepers and shipping magnate mouflons who have managed to squeeze in a niche between the jurors, high priests and low priests edged out Tanda and Dvorah since many of them were seen as Respectable men and women of their chamber. It's a weird thing which is growing more common, since mouflons who get wealthy enough are supposed to go pass their priestly exams but some are taking 1 look at that whole situation and saying hmm no.

Cetashwayo: The platonic ideal is mouflons are laborers, low priests are moral paragons, high priests are wise judges, and jurors are warriors. A kind of play on the worker, worshipper, warrior ideal of the medieval estates. This has been rapidly massively and absurdly complicated by the fact that social relations are not clean, and also capitalism. The outlines of each chamber will be made far clearer when the sanhedron starts. The 100 elders of each chamber assemble, and then realize just how diverse they actually are.
@Cetashwayo I will boost the roll for Presenting Ourselves to A Radical Financier. Our possible benefactors will be greatly impressed by our zeal and argumentativeness, the two most important traits in any sect!
Voting has died down so I have set it to close in a little over 6 hrs. Get your last hour votes in!
I finally got around to reading all of those letters and I am incensed that we are not discussing the very real and immediate threat of the jungle magicians.

[X] Expand and reinforce Mouflon legal rites, protecting them from unjust arrest.

However, protecting the right of Mouflons to protest means that other policies will fall in their (and our, and God's moral) favor sooner regardless.
I finally got around to reading all of those letters and I am incensed that we are not discussing the very real and immediate threat of the jungle magicians.

[X] Expand and reinforce Mouflon legal rites, protecting them from unjust arrest.

However, protecting the right of Mouflons to protest means that other policies will fall in their (and our, and God's moral) favor sooner regardless.

Bear in mind those demands are unlikely to be implemented, they're more rallying cries than realistic policy goals.
[X] Abolish the Threefold Tithe, a massive wealth transfer from the Mouflons to the other chambers.

I worry calling for the abolition of the Tithe might be a step too far. I know that I do not understand the pulse of the Patriarchate, and I fear that the Mouflons are too focused on their immediate concerns (enclosure, low wages, and so on) to appreciate a call to lift that weight. In some places, the Tithe might even be seen as a thing of pride - supporting your local priests and the distant House of God through your labor.

And yet that is a risk I am willing to take. To call for the abolition of the Tithe is to call for the upending of the entire social order. More than any other proposal here, it would place the Mouflons on an even footing with the inner three chambers, at least rhetorically. Their representation at the Sanhedron is not bought or granted - it is their divine right as the builders of God's Kingdom. The very existence of the Tithe is an admission that the inner chambers rely on their labor. Behold the wonders of this city! Every hand in the Kingdom played a part in their construction, from Eschatar to Yanda. We talk about the sanctity of labor. Shouldn't the Kingdom receive fair pay and dignity for its labor?

Hmm, bit rough but I think there's something there. Does anyone have a pen? I'd rather not forget it....
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(Remember that although the word 'nation' does exist, it is typically applied to specific tribal and language groupings, never applied to Vaspukaran as a whole. Vaspukaran is called Kingdom, Patriarchate, World-state, the Faith, and sometimes by the more radical, Ecumene. 'The Faithful', 'The People', 'the flock' or 'the toilers and tillers' are also used.)
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My Sister, My Sister (Cornuthaum)
My Sister, My Sister
From the sermons of the Convent of the Gunpowder Eucharist

My Sister,
this is your husband of flesh and blood, bent by toil
this is the back of his hand, upon your face in anger
this is the kingdom of courts, never to hear you

this is your son of flesh and blood, pious and eager
this is his blood upon the Mount, draining in rivulets
this is the Sword-Altar's Bayonet, thrust by sneering hand.

this is your labour in the City of Cities, day in and day out
this is your sin, letters that make men into meat
this is your life, your burden, your suffering

My Sister, my Sister, this is your Kingdom of mortal men
earnest, sinful, pious, proud
My Sister, my Sister, this is our Kingdom of God
glorious, righteous, faithful, good

My Sister,
this rifle can be your husband of steel and wood, straight and true
this can be the bolt of its action, in your now-steady hand
this is the Gunpowder Eucharist, where they will hear the rifle's report

this cartridge can be your son of brass and powder, loaded and eager
these bullets can be the interfectors of evil, baptized by blood
this is the Gunpowder Eucharist, where we will strike at evil's heart

this crimson headband can be your banner, bright and proud
this is the sign by which we level the mighty and uplift the weak
this is our vow and our mission

My Sister, my Sister, this is our Kingdom of God
glorious, righteous, faithful, good
My sister, my sister, this could be everyone's Kingdom of God
Will you not join us?
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Call to Prayer Vote
Scheduled vote count started by Cetashwayo on Mar 29, 2022 at 9:08 PM, finished with 45 posts and 24 votes.
Minor thing I was asked in relation to the above song: single-shot Bolt-actions are the most common form of rifle. Muzzleloaders are used as a surplus or by inferior forces in more remote regions and magazine loaders are the most advanced form.

Also, Abolish the Threefold Tithe wins.
Interestingly both top options are really in the same direction, targeting different methods of wealth extraction weighting on the people.