Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

[]Diplomatic Bold Risk

What is your Name:


What Gender are you:


How Old are you (Age Range: 15 to 25)


What do you look Like?:


Main Political Support:

-[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

-[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)
Good Traits
-[]Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)
-[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)
Bad Traits
-[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)
-[]Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Life Style Trait
-[] Test Pilot: You are the best pilot of the nation. Chosen to properly test the latest fighter-craft to see if they are truly worthy of being Brought into the battlefield
Well, bade another variant of my plan, this time switching ace Pilot with Test pilot, and well. Is the self-made fluff text acceptable? And how would that be reflected compared to ace pilot?
[]Diplomatic Bold Risk

What is your Name:


What Gender are you:


How Old are you (Age Range: 15 to 25)


What do you look Like?:


Main Political Support:

-[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

-[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)
Good Traits
-[]Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)
-[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)
Bad Traits
-[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)
-[]Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Life Style Trait
-[] Test Pilot: You are the best pilot of the nation. Chosen to properly test the latest fighter-craft to see if they are truly worthy of being Brought into the battlefield
the thing is, this might be leaning too much into diplomacy. this is time of war in a militarist natiin. we will need martial
Mostly a Mix of Learning and Martial, as well as a bonus to Each.
Bonus wise makes sense. but gotta ask the big question. How does the test pilot stack up to the fighter pilot?
[Edit: Specifically, as far as pilot skills.]

the thing is, this might be leaning too much into diplomacy. this is time of war in a militarist natiin. we will need martial
We need lots of things as well. In fact I kind of built mine mostly narratively than minimaxing, especially since I did take the -5 many stats bad trait...
And thematically, talking fast is probably the most likely to somehow get put in charge in spite of that.

what about spec ops?
I guess it would be a mix of martial and Intrigue. Though not sure how exactly it would narratively differ from fencer
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We need lots of things as well. In fact I kind of built mine mostly narratively than minimaxing, especially since I did take the -5 many stats bad trait...
And thematically, talking fast is probably the most likely to somehow get put in charge in spite of that.
I don't think we should minmax fully, but giving some mind to stats, and looking at the character we create might be good. my plan for example creates a young woman, whose mutant abilities led her to the special forces. she is a natural leader, and has a keen sense of justice, which led her to become an officer. however her need for justice can lead to her being wrathful, and she is rather ambitious. her impulsive nature also make her lustful(since I couldn't find many other traits to fit this build and I haven't seen lots of ck2 quests with lustful mc)

mechanically she has lots of martial, fitting for a spec ops officer and also great for a warring nation, while also getring a good deal of diplomacy, and a bit of learning and stewardship bonuses
I don't think we should minmax fully, but giving some mind to stats, and looking at the character we create might be good. my plan for example creates a young woman, whose mutant abilities led her to the special forces. she is a natural leader, and has a keen sense of justice, which led her to become an officer. however her need for justice can lead to her being wrathful, and she is rather ambitious. her impulsive nature also make her lustful(since I couldn't find many other traits to fit this build and I haven't seen lots of ck2 quests with lustful mc)

mechanically she has lots of martial, fitting for a spec ops officer and also great for a warring nation, while also getring a good deal of diplomacy, and a bit of learning and stewardship bonuses
Looking closer at my original plan. The stat bonuses look like this.
+9 diplo, +1 martial, -4 intrigue, +2 Stewardship, -3 learning, Piety -3
Surprisingly not as bad as I thought...
But that intrigue...
Build wise, a diplomancer with somewhat decent stewardship and martial, and learning and Piety is barely beat out by intrigue as the worst stat. Though other plans probably beat out near everywhere with that -5 everything I have going on.
Setting a Tally.

Adhoc vote count started by Blademaster on Mar 5, 2022 at 7:57 AM, finished with 37 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X]plan Elbereth
    -[X]name: Ellera
    -[X]gender female
    -[X] age 23
    -[X]appearance: a rather pretty young woman in a military outfit, with long brown hair and a few scars
    -[X]The Military Union Party: War. The only constancy in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it we can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)
    -[X]I'm a Mutated Human Specimen: You are a Mutant Human being, weather due to Radiation, Natural Selection or Random Chance, you are now More than Human? (Start with the Racial Trait: Mutant: You are a Human being that is in some way, changed by the passage of Evolution. +1 Learning and Martial, +1 rest)
    -[X]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+2 to Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue & Learning, reduced liege opinion. Special Actions available)
    -[X]Natural Leader: "One victory does not make us conquerors!" (+5 Martial, +5 to Diplomacy and Martial Rolls)
    -[X]Just: The ideal against which all others are weighed against. (+3 Stewardship, +3 Learning. +5 to all rolls involving laws, public relations and reputation)
    -[X]Wrathful: What can men do against such reckless hate? (+2 Martial, Negative Opinion from those who do not have the Wrathful Trait. Can evolve into the Righteous Fury Trait)
    -[X]Warmonger: You're of the Opinion that you should GIVE WAR A CHANCE! (+3 Martial, -3 Diplomacy and Intrigue, +5 to all Martial Rolls)
    [X] Plan God of War
    -[X] Kratos
    -[X] Male
    -[X] 30
    -[X] Looks like Kratos in a military uniform
    -[X]The Military Union Party: War. The only constancy in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it we can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)
    -[X]I'm a Clone: You wear a Dead man's Face…you were born with the visage of another, born in a Lab, Born to be something other than normal. (Start with the Racial Trait: Clone: Born from the DNA of another, wearing the Visage of another, you are a living legacy of another. One Stat has a +5 to Martial, -5 Diplomacy due to being an abomination in the eyes of man, a way to Cheat death.)
    [X]Lustful: With winter ever encroaching, is it so terrible to seek warmth in each other at every chance? (-2 Piety, Negative Opinion from those who have the Zealous, Judgmental, Spiritual and Dogmatic Traits. +10 rolls involving sex)
    [X] Plan Diplomatic Bold Risk
[] Plan Diplomatic Bold Risk
[] Plan Bold Risk

...If approval voting is allowed, I am just gonna vote for my two variant bold risk plans.
Edit: Removed the vote, but not sure if I need to do a new post to clear it
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[X]plan Elbereth

This plan makes me think of those surprisingly lawful and charismatic Xianxia emperors with a thousand children who kill them if they do something outrageous, but i like Xianxia.

And now i am wondering if this quest will end up in QQ.