Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

Ahh, Finally. Calling the Vote.

We have a Tie between the Director and the Heir.

Please my someone break it.

Edit: Never Mind Gonna Roll the Dice.

Below 50 is Director.

Over 50 is the Heir.

Rolled: D100 => 39 #Tie Breaker

The Dice have Spoken.

The Director-General Wins.
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Character Creation Part 1: Meeting the Galaxy
Character Creation Part 1: Meeting the Galaxy

(??? POV)

"Is this really necessary?" You said calmly. "I have a nation to start running soon, I've passed nearly every evaluation in the Physical and Mental Preparations…Doctor are you listening to me?"

"I am Director-General but as one of your Medical Attache's your health is my highest priority, even if the health of the state is yours." He said.

"Do I have to do another Physical?" You said. "Because I don't want to get naked again? Or go into the Scanner…the UV lights make my skin tingle. And The Medical Fluids in the Suspension tube is just freaky to spend more and more time in."

He looked at you and your fear of more tests "No…Today is the final mental examination to test your Mental reaction time and memory."

"Oh thank the Terran Lords above." You said.

"Firstly…when was Sigman's Glory founded, not discovered?" He asked.

Lowballing as a start how typical, every child on the Planet could tell you the story of the foundation and discovery.

"75 AC, or 5245 CEE, Sigman's Glory forced its independence from the rapidly collapsing Star Falcon Alliance, as it was slowly being annexed by the Invictus Freehold, before the Freehold used its new found territory and wealth to capture much of its remaining neighbors." You said.

"Textbook and forgetting the fact that the SFA was forced to either capitulate or be torn apart by internal unreast that had been growing for decades." He said. "Also the seeds of becoming the Director-General of the Hegemony were well established by 55 or even 60 AC, Sigman saw the writing upon the wall even as a younger man."

"And it had nothing to do with the Veron Sector Extermination campaign that Sigman was forced to Oversee after the Death of High Martial Fezzen? Its poor taste, but the man ordered nearly 500 Worlds to the Sword." You said.

"Oh don't talk Morality in the Early Interregnum. There were far worse men in that time and many of them were even worse than the one Sigman replaced." He said. " Andromeda the Uniter comes to mind? She named a whole damned Solar System after herself and her damned legacy still haunts the wider part of the Arm of this Galaxy."

"I know If Sigman didn't cut off from the SFA, and go conquer and set up the systems that make up our nations core regions, the Hegemony would not survive the Madness that was her death and ensuring war for the Throne everyone got dragged into, back when everyone had something invested in it and thought they would win." He said.

"Nice Lecture doc…anything else?" You asked.

"Now lets work on something recent." He said. "What did your Great Grandmother do that made her the best choice for Director-General?"

"Besides fucking my Grandfather she-" The Doctor hit you.

"Ow what the hell?!" You said.

"You must remember Decorum, you're not in your classes or with the rabble. Statecraft requires some manner of grace." He said.

You sighed. "She also handled the Richardson Economic Crisis, rebuilt our economy after a disastrous war and ended the Dixon Pirate Crisis."

"Excellent. Now Fill out this form and we'll finally have your Director-Generalship run through the Council and with luck you'll take the Oath." He said.

What is your Name:

[]Write in

What Gender are you:



How Old are you (Age Range: 15 to 25)

[]Write in.

What do you look Like?:

[]Place Image or Description

What is your Main Political Support:

[]The Military Union Party: War. The only constancy in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it we can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)

[]The Social Stability Federation: The Interregnum and the Chaos it brought, taught many lessons, chief among them is DO NOT neglect your social services...far too many nations fell due to antagonizing their population. (Gain 1 Stewardship Action, and Unlock Social Engineering Projects)

[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

What Kind of Person Are you?:
[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)

[]I'm a Mutated Human Specimen: You are a Mutant Human being, weather due to Radiation, Natural Selection or Random Chance, you are now More than Human? (Start with the Racial Trait: Mutant: You are a Human being that is in some way, changed by the passage of Evolution. +1 Learning and Martial, +1 rest)

[]I'm A Cyborg: You are a Human Modified with Technology, changed and Upgraded. (Start with the Racial Trait: Cyborg: You are a Human being modified with Technology. +3 Martial and Learning, -3 Diplomacy and Intrigue)

[]I'm a Clone: You wear a Dead man's Face…you were born with the visage of another, born in a Lab, Born to be something other than normal. (Start with the Racial Trait: Clone: Born from the DNA of another, wearing the Visage of another, you are a living legacy of another. One Stat has a +5 to the Base stat, -5 Diplomacy due to being an abomination in the eyes of man, a way to Cheat death.)



Brave: A heart that is truly uncowed by fear is a wondrous sight to behold. (+3 Martial, +5 to personal Combat)

Calm: The reflection in the water is clearest when left undisturbed. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Learning. +5 to Combat Rolls and Intrigue rolls)

Content: At once the simplest and most difficult goal to attain. (+5 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, improved liege opinion, cannot gain Ambitious.)

Diligent: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. (+3 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy. +5 to overlooked actions)

Fickle: A fool and his fortune are soon parted. (-3 Stewardship. +5 to investment rolls)

Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)

Generous: "Who is more charitable? The one who gave the bounty they could spare, or the one who gave the pittance they had?" (+ 4 Diplomacy, -2 Stewardship.)

Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)

Honest: "You can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for." (+3 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. +5 diplomacy rolls)

Humble: Virtuous are they who feel no need to prove their worth. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship.)

Just: The ideal against which all others are weighed against. (+3 Stewardship, +3 Learning. +5 to all rolls involving laws, public relations and reputation)

Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+2 to Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue & Learning, reduced liege opinion. Special Actions available)

Patient: A measured approach is least likely to leave one overextended. (+2 Stewardship, +2 Learning. +5 to overlook Rolls)

Temperate: In all things, moderation. (+2 Stewardship, +5 Piety.)

Trusting: "A little trust goes a long way..." (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue. +10 to assassination rolls against you. +10 to all diplomacy rolls and increased opinion with family.)

Zealous: What cause have you to fear dragons, when the fire within you burns brighter than the fire around you? (+10 Piety, +2 Martial, -2 Diplomacy, -2 Stewardship. Special Actions available if certain criteria are met)

Spiritual: It is in prayer, that man calls out beyond the world his eyes are fit to behold. (+5 Piety. -5 Learning Rolls, +5 to piety rolls and debate rolls)

Eloquent: A tongue of purest argent, this one. (+5 Diplomacy, +2 Learning +5 to diplomacy Rolls)

Family Person: "It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on." Positive Opinion with relatives/spouses/spouses to relatives.

Stoic: A face like a mask carved from stone, revealing nothing of one's inner thoughts. (+2 Intrigue, +5 to Intrigue and Personal Rolls)

Practical: "If another House can hold one of our own captive with impunity, we are no longer a House to be feared." (+3 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy. +15 to Combat Rolls, +5 to Stewardship Rolls)

Gossiper: "Have you heard the whispers around court lately?" (+2 Intrigue, +5 to Information rolls)

Obstinate: "Neither gods nor men will compel me..." (+3 Martial. +5 Combat Rolls)

Cautious: "Eyes on a swivel. I don't like the look of this..." (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue. +10 Intrigue Rolls)

Manipulative: "A wise young king listen to his councilors and heeds their advice until he comes of age. And the wisest kings continue to listen long afterwards." (+5 Intrigue. +10 Diplomacy and Intrigue Rolls)

Graceful: Like a young tom, this one. (+3 Diplomacy, +3 Personal Combat. +5 combat Rolls)

Cunning: "I have a cunning plan sir." (+3 to Intrigue. +5 Intrigue Rolls)

Natural Leader: "One victory does not make us conquerors!" (+5 Martial, +5 to Diplomacy and Martial Rolls)

Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)

Philosophical: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" (+3 Learning, +3 Piety. +5 Piety and Learning Rolls)

[]Dutiful Reputation: You and your Family have a reputation for being dutiful and effective to a fault, even if its not exactly true. (+2 to Stewardship and Learning.)


Vain: "Ugh, a crease on my cloak! I must find a new page at once!" (-3 Stewardship, -3 Diplomacy, -20 diplomacy rolls against people who aren't vain.)

Judgemental: "I shall take my leave from this den of iniquity!" (-3 Diplomacy, +3 Piety. -5 to diplomacy rolls)

Careless: "Now, where did I put that letter...?" (-3 Stewardship, -3 Intrigue. Random roll suffers a -20)

Craven: Fear is the mindkiller. (-3 Martial and Personal Combat. +5 to retreat rolls)

Wrathful: What can men do against such reckless hate? (+2 Martial, Negative Opinion from those who do not have the Wrathful Trait. Can evolve into the Righteous Fury Trait)

Lustful: With winter ever encroaching, is it so terrible to seek warmth in each other at every chance? (-2 Piety, Negative Opinion from those who have the Zealous, Judgmental, Spiritual and Dogmatic Traits. +10 rolls involving sex)

Slothful: "I love work. I could sit around and watch it all day." (-3 Stewardship. -5 to all rolls. +5 to all personal Rolls)

Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)

Greedy: "After all, why not? Why shouldn't I keep it?" (+4 Stewardship, -2 Diplomacy. +5 to stewardship Rolls)

Shy: "O-oh, hello." -2 Martial, (-2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue. +10 Intrigue rolls, -10 diplomacy rolls)

Deceitful: A good lie contains a nugget of truth, and the best lies speak nothing but the truth yet still mislead. (+3 Intrigue, -3 Diplomacy. +10 Intrigue Rolls, -10 Diplomacy rolls)

Arrogant: And who are you, the proud Lord said, that I must bow so low? Negative Opinion from everyone, double Negative Opinion from other characters with the Arrogant Trait.

Arbitrary: "I don't care what yesterday's me said, he's not here." (-3 Martial, Diplomacy & Stewardship. -5 to all rolls in the stats noted)

Impatient: Who has time to wait around for good things to come these days? (-2 Diplomacy, -2 Stewardship. -5 to all rolls)

Gluttonous: There are pleasures to be found beyond flesh. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Stewardship.)

Paranoid: "...The less you use, the further you'll go." (+2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy. +5 to Intrigue Rolls, -5 Diplomacy Rolls)

Cynical: "Oh, the gods won't mind. They've spilled more blood than the rest of us combined." (-5 Piety, +3 Intrigue. Combat and debate bonus against believers in the faith.)

Callous: "The post. No food or water. Three days." (-2 Diplomacy, +2 Piety)

Sadist: "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." (+3 Intrigue, -5 Diplomacy. +5 to combat rolls)

Aloof: "Yes, I can see the bloodstains. Why do you ask?" (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)

Rude: "Imagine my disappointment and finding nothing more than a browbeaten bookkeeper." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)

Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)

Traditionalist: "My father did it this way, and his father before him, and his father before his..." (-3 Learning. +5 to Piety rolls, -10 learning Rolls)

Predictable: "They certainly wouldn't expect us to try that again!" (-3 Martial, -3 Intrigue. -5 to Combat and Battle Rolls)

Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Self Loathing: Few can be as harsh a critic of a person than themselves. (More likely to become Depressed. -1 all)

[]Spice Addict: You are an addict to one of the many drugs that endanger galactic health, called Spice. (-2 Intrigue and Learning. +2 Diplomacy when High.)

[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)

[]Warmonger: You're of the Opinion that you should GIVE WAR A CHANCE! (+3 Martial, -3 Diplomacy and Intrigue, +5 to all Martial Rolls)

Life Style Trait (Choose 1)

Fighter Pilot: You are the caverly. The Ace. And one of the best pilots in the Squadron if not the best. (+2 Martial, +10 to Battle Rolls if commanding the Battle)

Warship Captain: You have seen battles that made most of the galaxies war veterans and now you will command them. (+ 3 Martial,+15 to Battle Rolls if commanding the Battle)

Marine Colonel: You are a Marine, and that means being the BEST of the BEST. (+2 Martial, +10 to Battle Rolls if commanding the Battle)

Pilot: You know how to fly most forms of Space craft. (+1 Martial +5 to Battle Rolls if commanding the Battle)

Hunter: You know how to kill many of God's creatures. (+2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy. +5 to Combat Rolls)

Duelist: You know how to fight by GOD! (+2 Martal, +10 Combat Rolls)

Artist: You hope to get excepted into the school or you will take over the galaxy to show them your artistic genius!!! (+2 Diplomacy, +5 Diplomacy Roll)

[]Write in Lifestyle if you wish, Subject to GM Approval.

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[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)
Good Traits
[]Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)
[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)
[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)
Bad Traits
[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)
[]Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)
[]Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Hod good a combination of traits is this? Thinking partially hoping irrational can turn into a powerful trait, considering the healthy malus, and I chose the good traits partially as explanation of how the hell we managed to end up in control anyway.
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[]Diplomatic Bold Risk

What is your Name:

-[]Write in

What Gender are you:


How Old are you (Age Range: 15 to 25)


What do you look Like?:


Main Political Support:

-[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

-[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)
Good Traits
-[]Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)
-[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)
Bad Traits
-[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)
-[]Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Life Style Trait
The only issue is, I am not sure about name, looks, or lifestyle...
[X] Plan God of War

-[X] Kratos
-[X] Male
-[X] 25
-[X] Looks like Kratos in a military uniform
-[X]The Military Union Party: War. The only constancy in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it we can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)
-[X]I'm a Clone: You wear a Dead man's Face…you were born with the visage of another, born in a Lab, Born to be something other than normal. (Start with the Racial Trait: Clone: Born from the DNA of another, wearing the Visage of another, you are a living legacy of another. One Stat has a +5 to Martial, -5 Diplomacy due to being an abomination in the eyes of man, a way to Cheat death.)

Brave: A heart that is truly uncowed by fear is a wondrous sight to behold. (+3 Martial, +5 to personal Combat)
Obstinate: "Neither gods nor men will compel me..." (+3 Martial. +5 Combat Rolls)
Natural Leader: "One victory does not make us conquerors!" (+5 Martial, +5 to Diplomacy and Martial Rolls)

Wrathful: What can men do against such reckless hate? (+2 Martial, Negative Opinion from those who do not have the Wrathful Trait. Can evolve into the Righteous Fury Trait)
Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)
Warmonger: You're of the Opinion that you should GIVE WAR A CHANCE! (+3 Martial, -3 Diplomacy and Intrigue, +5 to all Martial Rolls)

Duelist: You know how to fight by GOD! (+2 Martal, +10 Combat Rolls)

This is a Martial based plan.
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[]Diplomatic Bold Risk

What is your Name:


What Gender are you:


How Old are you (Age Range: 15 to 25)


What do you look Like?:

-[] Looks like El Presidente. If maybe not as decorated

Main Political Support:

-[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

-[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)
Good Traits
-[]Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)
-[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)
Bad Traits
-[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)
-[]Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Life Style Trait
-[] Fighter Pilot: You are the caverly. The Ace. And one of the best pilots in the Squadron if not the best. (+2 Martial, +10 to Battle Rolls if commanding the Battle)
Well. Filled out the rest of it. Though I am not strongly attached to fighter pilot, or the political party backing.
[]Diplomatic Bold Risk

What is your Name:


What Gender are you:


How Old are you (Age Range: 15 to 25)


What do you look Like?:

-[] Looks like El Presidente. If maybe not as decorated

Main Political Support:

-[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

-[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)
Good Traits
-[]Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)
-[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)
Bad Traits
-[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)
-[]Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Life Style Trait
-[] Fighter Pilot: You are the caverly. The Ace. And one of the best pilots in the Squadron if not the best. (+2 Martial, +10 to Battle Rolls if commanding the Battle)
Well. Filled out the rest of it. Though I am not strongly attached to fighter pilot, or the political party backing.
Warship captain seems to do the same thing as fighter pilot but better.
Warship captain seems to do the same thing as fighter pilot but better.
Was thinking more thematic. Because honestly, unless there is some distinct narrative affect, three of the choices might as well be ignored due to being obviously inferior to that one option. Might turn the option to that if I was wrong bout possibly useful narrative impacts.
Was thinking more thematic. Because honestly, unless there is some distinct narrative affect, three of the choices might as well be ignored due to being obviously inferior to that one option. Might turn the option to that if I was wrong bout possibly useful narrative impacts.
There will be impact on your Lifestyle.

It also will give you an idea of how things are effected.

Warship captain knows the Inner working of a Fleet, yet can't fly very well.

Fighter Pilot can be an Ace Combat Protag, but can't command people from a Starfighter (Yet)
There will be impact on your Lifestyle.

It also will give you an idea of how things are effected.

Warship captain knows the Inner working of a Fleet, yet can't fly very well.

Fighter Pilot can be an Ace Combat Protag, but can't command people from a Starfighter (Yet)
By the way, should I specify what stat should get the clone origin bonus in my plan?
There will be impact on your Lifestyle.

It also will give you an idea of how things are effected.

Warship captain knows the Inner working of a Fleet, yet can't fly very well.

Fighter Pilot can be an Ace Combat Protag, but can't command people from a Starfighter (Yet)
So I guess a marine officer would better understand more personal combat and be a better fighter.
And pilot can fly pretty much anything with a good understanding of flight.
Alright, edited my plan. When does voting open?
Votings open now its gonna be open for a few days to a week, you can write in Traits, Lifestyles and the like.

I also ask that someone make a Female Chareter and consider the Mutant Path as I want the Challange of a Female Protaganist and the Mutant Path also let's you be a Superhero.

Among other things.

Edit: Have fun with the Char Creation
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Considering the probable goal. Could the lifestyle choice probably be soldier and/or special forces? Considering while dueling involves fighting, it tends to be somewhat formalized and, probably leads to somewhat specialized fighting skills.🤔
Yes you can make yourself a Spec ops.

If your a Cyborg you can choose Cyber Commando.

And if your a Mutant, you can be a SUper HERO!

What its 4000+ Years in the can become awesome.
qhat the QM want the QM gets

[X]plan Elbereth
-[X]name: Ellera
-[X]gender female
-[X] age 23
-[X]appearance: a rather pretty young woman in a military outfit, with long brown hair and a few scars
-[X]The Military Union Party: War. The only constancy in the universe. It may be a sad fact but we cannot do anything about it we can only prepare for the next one and honor the veterans and the fallen of the previous ones. (Gain 1 Martial Action, and Unlock Special Military Projects)
-[X]I'm a Mutated Human Specimen: You are a Mutant Human being, weather due to Radiation, Natural Selection or Random Chance, you are now More than Human? (Start with the Racial Trait: Mutant: You are a Human being that is in some way, changed by the passage of Evolution. +1 Learning and Martial, +1 rest)
-[X]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+2 to Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue & Learning, reduced liege opinion. Special Actions available)
-[X]Natural Leader: "One victory does not make us conquerors!" (+5 Martial, +5 to Diplomacy and Martial Rolls)
-[X]Just: The ideal against which all others are weighed against. (+3 Stewardship, +3 Learning. +5 to all rolls involving laws, public relations and reputation)
-[X]Wrathful: What can men do against such reckless hate? (+2 Martial, Negative Opinion from those who do not have the Wrathful Trait. Can evolve into the Righteous Fury Trait)
-[X]Warmonger: You're of the Opinion that you should GIVE WAR A CHANCE! (+3 Martial, -3 Diplomacy and Intrigue, +5 to all Martial Rolls)
[X]Lustful: With winter ever encroaching, is it so terrible to seek warmth in each other at every chance? (-2 Piety, Negative Opinion from those who have the Zealous, Judgmental, Spiritual and Dogmatic Traits. +10 rolls involving sex)
Lifestyle:write in- spec ops officer
[]Diplomatic Bold Risk

What is your Name:


What Gender are you:


How Old are you (Age Range: 15 to 25)


What do you look Like?:


Main Political Support:

-[]The Technocrats: The old machines lay either forgotten across the universe or being used by savages. We need to correct and there is only one way we can do that and that is by securing UNLIMITED POWER!!!!! For the Sake of Good Order and Firm Progress. (Gain 1 Learning Action, and Unlock Technological Recovery Projects)

-[]I'm a Prime Human Specimen: I am a Human Being, prime Homo Sapian Sapian, and the ones that challenged and took over the Galaxy and made it their own. (Start with the Racial Trait: Prime Human: You are a Human being, a Child of Earth. +2 all stats)
Good Traits
-[]Noble Spirit: "Proud men, honorable men. These are common, its is those with noble hearts that are rarest of all." (+5 Diplomacy, Stewardship. +5 to those rolls)
-[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+5 Diplomacy, +10 to all diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+4 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue. Chance to subvert a former enemy to your side.)
Bad Traits
-[]Just another Bounty: There is a price for your head after you pissed off some wrong people. (+2 Intrigue and Martial. Roll at the end of every turn for bounty hunter attack.)
-[]Resentful: "Deciding a man's innocence or guilt in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack each other to pieces. Tells you something about the gods." (-2 Diplomacy. -5 Diplomacy Rolls)
-[]Irrational: "The worms in my head, they wriggle! Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle!" (-5 Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning and Piety. Can be overcome into a boon with great personal effort and can evolve into ???)

Life Style Trait
-[] Fighter Pilot: You are the caverly. The Ace. And one of the best pilots in the Squadron if not the best. (+2 Martial, +10 to Battle Rolls if commanding the Battle)
Making a variant of my old plan....
And suddenly my mind got to thinking about Overwatch Tracer's backstory....
And since the best pilots tend to also be test pilots, I can't help but wonder if maybe That could possibly tie into something? Which may ironically kind of fit considering my two plans are somewhat scatter brained heirs, some may not want on the throne...