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Well, why wouldn't she? Why would being grown in an artificial womb instead of a fleshy one deprive a person from human rights?
Not to mention that a clone is never a "perfect copy", in real life at least (Chinese pet cloning labs often get "mishaps" where the cloned animal looks different from the clone donor due to miniscule changes in development).
Funnily enough, in the books, Dodgson brought up a lack of rights RE gene made critters as a "selling point". The logic was, they don't got any rights, they're already extinct!

Dodgson pointed out the window, at the barking dogs. "Animal testing. Let's face it, Jeff. every year, we get more pressure not to use animals for testing and research. Every year, more demonstrations, more break-ins, more bad press. First it was just simple-minded zealots and Hollywood celebrities. But now it's a bandwagon: even university philosophers are beginning to argue that it's unethical for monkeys, and dogs, and even rats to be subjected to the indignities of laboratory research. We've even had some protests about our 'exploitation' of squid, even though they're on dinner tables all over the world. I'm telling you, Jeff, there's no end to this trend. Eventually, somebody's going to say we can't even exploit bacteria to make genetic products."

" Oh, come on."

"Just wait. It'll happen. And it'll shut us down. Unless we have a genuinely created animal. Consider - an animal that is extinct, and is brought back to life, is for all practical purposes not an animal at all. It can't have any rights. It's already extinct. So if it exists, it can only be something we have made. We made it, we patent it, we own it. And it is a perfect research testbed. And we believe that the enzyme and hormoiie systems of dinosaurs are identical to mammalian systems. In the future, drugs can be tested on small dinosaurs as successfully as they are now tested on dogs and rats-with much less risk of legal challenge."

Rossiter was shaking his head. "You think."

"I know. They're basically big lizards, Jeff. And nobody loves a lizard. They're not like these cute doggies that lick your hand and break your heart. Lizards have no personality. They're snakes with legs."

Rossiter sighed.

"Jeff. We're talking about real freedom, here. Because, at the moment, everything to do with living animals is tied up in legal and moral knots. Big-game hunters can't shoot a lion or an elephant - the same animals their fathers and grandfathers used to shoot, and then pose proudly for a photo. Now there are forms, licenses, expenses - and plenty of guilt. These days, you don't dare shoot a tiger and admit it afterward. In the modern world, it's a much more serious transgression to shoot a tiger than to shoot your parents. Tigers have advocates. But now imagine: a specially stocked hunting preserve, maybe somewhere in Asia, where individuals of wealth and importance could hunt tyrannosaurs and triceratops in a natural setting. It would be an incredibly desirable attraction. How many hunters have a stuffed elk head on their wall? The world's full of them. But how many can claim to have a snarling tyranosaurus head, hanging above the wet bar?"

"You're not serious."

"I'm trying to make a point here, Jeff: these animals are totally exploitable. We can do anything we want with them."
He also offered a interesting idea where rich fucks could pull a Cecil the Lion on Rexy.

Mind, this was him flailing because he really wasn't gonna get another chance at InGen tech if this panned out.
I wonder if they could call Steve Irwin in for the task (Since he's not dead yet in this timeline and strikes me as the perfect candidate to care for an unstoppable killing machine) :V

That reminds me what year does this all take place in (As in what year are we at now)?

I haven't been keeping tabs on this too closely so I may have missed it in past posts so I'm just asking so I have an idea on how far we are from the movies. If my knowledge of the Jurassic Park lore is right the first movie was set in 1993 so we should be set before June of that year as that's when everything goes off the rails.

Also, are we using the movie or the books for this? I'm asking as I'm fairly sure the movies have a few things different from their book counterparts and I want to make sure that I have a good idea on the state of the world as it stands at this point in time.
Okay, so it been a while since I posted on here. Anyway as you might have guessed writers block hit me with a baseball bat and then sat there giggling like an asshole any time I tried to write for this.

So as a way to get around writers block and it evils, I'm going to set this up as a one time example of the Point system. The one with prototype points and King Points. Anyway you get the Idea.

To expand upon the Idea, essentially you can vote for one of the following Points.

Prototype points will result in an action that is built upon by you past actions, typically going for more Abomination against mother nature type stuff. It will also require a write in- not a very expansive one just a one or two word suggestion.

King points will either result in a compassionate, empathic actions, or hard logical decisions. Its a dice toss on which one though so be careful, as it might not go your way. Write in is optional, but you may include a one or two word suggestion if you want.

Tyrant Points will result in violence, non-negotiable, unreasonable violence. But violence isn't always a bad option, sometimes violence will be the only thing keeping you alive. Just keep that in mind, and like King points write in is optional, but you may include a one or two word suggestion if you like.

Also this is a trial run with the Point system, usually you wouldn't be limited to only a two word write in option but I don't want to bog this down to much. So the winning two word suggestion will influence how this goes, if there is one at least. Hopefully this shows any issues with the system, and gives my writers block a shiner, but anyway I'll keep the vote open until Thursday just to give you guys time to think it through.

[] Prototype Points
-[] Write in (Required)

[] King Points
-[] Write in (Optional)

[] Tyrant Points
-[] Write in (Optional)
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[X] King Points
-[X] Soothing Purr

Basically, take the subsonic vibrations that Rexes are capable of, and make it into something that resonates more like a cat purring. Put's people and other animals at slightly more ease, and shows when we're happy or trying to make someone/thing else feel better. May also help induce and hasten healing (which cat purrs have been scientifically proven to do).
[x] King Points
-[x] scale speech
Dinos whit adaptive camouflage can use visual cues to subtlety and soundlessly comunicate whit their peers.
[x] King Points
-[x] scale speech
Dinos whit adaptive camouflage can use visual cues to subtlety and soundlessly comunicate whit their peers.
They already do this, also the two word suggestion is meant to influence you actions not create a new ability. It also doesn't need to make sense or anything you could literally just write in a color, or some random letters. As long as it isn't longer than two words I'll run with it.
also the two word suggestion is meant to influence you actions not create a new ability. It also doesn't need to make sense or anything you could literally just write in a color, or some random letters. As long as it isn't longer than two words I'll run with it.
That wasn't made clear. Honestly? You need to more closely define what you want from the players because what you put up was so open ended that there was no telling what you wanted.

On top of that, asking for a two word vote to influence actions of the Mc without any clarification is going to lead to massive communication issues and salt as you interpret something completely different from what was intended.
That wasn't made clear. Honestly? You need to more closely define what you want from the players because what you put up was so open ended that there was no telling what you wanted.

On top of that, asking for a two word vote to influence actions of the Mc without any clarification is going to lead to massive communication issues and salt as you interpret something completely different from what was intended.
I honestly thought I did a pretty good job of it, no where did I mention new abilities or mutations, only that it would influence you actions. Either way I'll do my best to be more clear in the future.

As for how the two word suggestion would work, think of the choice between the three point options as how your suggestion will be interpreted. Soothing purr attached to a King Point would have very different results if it was attached to a Tyrant point, or a Prototype Point.

Prototype point prompts would be interpreted through the view of a Science Experiment, or an abomination against nature.

King Point Prompts will be viewed through the eyes of an empathetic king, not without mercy, or kindness. But still capable of utterly ruthless logic.

Tyrants Point Prompts would be viewed from a sight of what is most violent, and what will result in survival. Extreme violence guaranteed, but only in the way that would allow you to survive. Violence guided by the need to survive.

So think of the points like the background on a painting, for example Tyrant points would make the background red. Meanwhile the write in would be the foreground and define what the painting is actually about.

Also, because I forgot to include it my last post. You can make a soothing Purr, it'll take a bit of practice to make it soothing to anyone other than Morada but you can do it.

Anyway thanks for criticism, it helps make the story better and getting my point across easier.
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I honestly thought I did a pretty good job of it, no where did I mention new abilities or mutations, only that it would influence you actions. Either way I'll do my best to be more clear in the future.
I have to disagree, heavily. There are a hundred different ways to interpret "influence your actions". Honestly man, at this point I think you're putting way too much on the voters in terms of dictating things, which is also probably affecting your muse since you aren't actually writing what you want to write. There is a point where the GM has to start laying down options without write-ins. I think that you may have long passed that point.
I have to disagree, heavily. There are a hundred different ways to interpret "influence your actions". Honestly man, at this point I think you're putting way too much on the voters in terms of dictating things, which is also probably affecting your muse since you aren't actually writing what you want to write. There is a point where the GM has to start laying down options without write-ins. I think that you may have long passed that point.

I agree at some point the person making this has to lay down the groundwork for what it is he or she wants. I'm all for allowing people to have a say on what happens next but it does feel like it's the people reading it that are moving the plot forward, not the person who started this thing.

As such you have an idea in your mind but you can't get to that because you have others who are forcing you to work around this new thing that you didn't even think about. I think you would have far better luck if you didn't put so much on your readers. Just have a chapter that is just your idea and have ready-made paths for the choices. It may slow down updates but at least you would have the freedom to both allow us to have a say and also allow you to have some power on where this thing is going. Because as things stand you're just setting yourself up to fail.
Scheduled vote count started by Vault166 on Nov 10, 2021 at 12:52 AM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.
Lights Are On (but Nobodys Home)
Nubby wasn't paying attention.

You found this out quiet easily as you darted out, running towards the dull orange creature with only the barest effort to stealth. Nubby didn't react, slamming it's head against the tree once more. You were practically right next to Nubby, so close you could make out the individual cracks running between it dull scales.

The muscles in your legs coiled like springs as you prepared to lunge. Only the slightest unnatural movement of grass, letting you know Morada was in position. Everything was set, the speed of your rush built up into a truly large amount of force as you legs released. All but shooting you into the air, exhilaration pulsed beneath your scales as they shivered happily.


You slammed onto Nubby's back, the force transferring into it's body like water from a stream. Your claws digging deep into it's flesh, deep black red blood swelling up from the wounds as you ripped one out of it back to step closer to it's neck. Only to stumble slightly when it's legs gave out beneath it with a loud crack.

A squawk of surprise left you muzzle as you tumbled off Nubby, landing slightly wrong as you flopped onto the grass. The small twinge of pain dissipated almost immediately as you jumped to your feet backing away from your opponent.

Nubby didn't react, seeming totally unaware of your presence as it tried to rise on it's legs. Completely Oblivious as it tried to rise on a broken right front leg. Ignoring the injury entirely as it lumbered to it's feet, and started to charge the tree once more.

Confusing bubbled beneath your scales, a chirp of complete and utter bafflement slipping between your teeth. As you looked to the side, directly towards the tall grass where you sister was hiding. Her Camouflage blinked away, an empty space several feet away from where you were looking now filled by the pitch black of your sister.

A trill of worry blaring out from her throat as you looked back at nubby. Only to find it still banging it's head against the wood with a dull thunking sound. A frustrated growl gurgled from you, your feet circling around the oblivious Nubby as you tried to make sense of this.

A deep breath only gave you more question as a deeply sweet scent hit your nose. The scent of Nubby's blood tumbling into your sense of smell as you jumped back at the offensive sensation.

Nubby smelled, Dead.

Not like something dying, or even something rotting. No it smelled like it's end had already been decided, like no matter how it's legs moved, it's fate had already been etched into reality. Ignoring the instinct that said to get as far away from the creature as possible, you creeped closer coming up to the right of Nubby's head as it thudded against the tree again.

It's eyes were blank, there was nothing there as Nubby, no, as the thing continued to slam it's crest into the tree trunk.

Well hello everyone who decided to read this, it's been a while. Almost three years in fact. A pretty big gap especially when I initially though I would be back at this in only a month or two. In regards to this quest, well there a couple things to get sorted.

I love this quest, really it was awesome to make no matter the mistakes in the process. I would also like to continue it, but I'm going to leave that up to you guys.

The First option is kind of obvious, I let it die after one last update. Maybe post what my plans were for it for anyone who wants to know.

The Second is equally obvious, in that I just continue like I didn't leave it alone for several years and continue like I had with a few changes. Mostly that we would have two or three more events anywhere from one to six posts before we get to the point we'd enter the end of the prologue.

The Third Option is that I just do some minor filler things with a single prompt, before we just hope over to the end of the Prologue, though this option would make it harder to save Morada.

Either of the continue options will probably have a longer bit between each update if only because life does that, but anyway I'll leave a vote open for a couple of days (a week actually) so everyone who wants to can see it.

Moved the vote closer since I wasn't expecting it to be so unanimous.

[] Option One

[] Option Two

[]Option Three
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