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The humans taking their child is why they followed the humans. They didn't even follow the humans that originally took the child, they followed the humans that currently had their child, for the express purpose of getting said child back.

And then they attacked said humans because they were angry.
What happened basically is As far as they're concerned, taking the kid to the clearing meant that now it was in their territory, and as such, once they got the kid back, they were gonna remove threats.

Like say, a trailer full of people realizing they probably should've kept a gun in the trailer.
What happened basically is As far as they're concerned, taking the kid to the clearing meant that now it was in their territory, and as such, once they got the kid back, they were gonna remove threats.

Like say, a trailer full of people realizing they probably should've kept a gun in the trailer.

Yeah in the eyes of the dinos that area was now their territory and unwelcomed guests were on it so they did what they could to remove them. Besides that their kid was used to get them out into the open for unknown reasons. Better to play it safe and try to kill this group of humans than allow them to live.

If I were in their place I would've done much the same. This island was their home and now this group of people is trying to do something to their child. No way would anybody with kids blame them for protecting their child.
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Scheduled vote count started by Vault166 on Sep 24, 2021 at 5:38 AM, finished with 41 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Pecking order, teach it
    -[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
    [X] Pecking order, teach it
    [X] Pecking order, teach it
    -[X] Use Camo to perform a series of jump scares to confuse Nubby, then knock Nubby onto side/back to expose squishy parts. Use weight and sister to hold Nubby down, demand submission. Make clear Nubby must choose between death or submission - pressure on squishy parts of body - gut and such - upgraded to teeth on neck. If Nubby is too stupid to recognize place in pecking order anyway, then kill.

people, we are NOT going to be able to do land before time crap...they cant comprehend or have the intellgence of Azula and her sister, and that's because they were far more modified (in azula's case), then the rest of them normally.

Hell, Nubby may be actually going insane from the conflicting instincts, its literally in the interludes beforehand if you guys read. The scientists and even nature has never combined herbivore and carnivore behavior, it had to be "Learned", aka evolution to take place for even omnivores to come about. but lets not get into that, right now im guessing Nubby is going to fight back and HARD, at which point azula gets hurt and our sister ends up crippling it if not outright trying to murderize it. resulting in us killing Nubby in defense of our sister, we may be smart, but im pretty damn sure Azula doesnt care about the Nubby anymore then "threat, get off territory" or "Threat, turn into Food".

Remember people, we are playing a super-apex predator, we need to do Apex predator stuff...and yes we can be "Kind" to people, but remember...being Good isnt about being Kind or Nice, it also includes tough love and if that means fucking some shit-heads up then by god we are going to do it with a relished smile.

people, we are NOT going to be able to do land before time crap...they can't comprehend or have the intelligence of Azula and her sister, and that's because they were far more modified (in Azula's case), than the rest of them normally.

Hell, Nubby may be actually going insane from the conflicting instincts, it's literally in the interludes beforehand if you guys read. The scientists and even nature has never combined herbivore and carnivore behavior, it had to be "Learned", aka evolution to take place for even omnivores to come about. but let's not get into that, right now I'm guessing Nubby is going to fight back and HARD, at which point Azula gets hurt and our sister ends up crippling it if not outright trying to murderize it. resulting in us killing Nubby in defense of our sister, we may be smart, but I'm pretty damn sure Azula doesn't care about Nubby anymore than "threat, get off territory" or "Threat, turn into Food".

Remember people, we are playing a super-apex predator, we need to do Apex predator stuff...and yes we can be "Kind" to people, but remember...being Good isn't about being Kind or Nice, it also includes tough love and if that means fucking some shit-heads up then by god we are going to do it with a relished smile.

I think we all understand that this may be a bad idea. I 100% agree that being nice may bite us all in the backside but even if it does we have a crazy good healing factor. If it does bite us back then we can be as uncaring as any true apex killer. But we aren't asking it to be our friend here. We are laying down the pecking order. We are making Nubby know where it stands. If needs must our next vote is putting it down hard we likely will do that.

But for the time being, all we are doing is trying to make it clear when we and Nubby stand in this place. If Nubby is going nuts which it very easily could be we just kill it. Nubby is but one dinosaur and so we have the numbers game. Should this fail Nubby dies and life goes on. But for now, we have picked our path forward and all we can do now is see how it pans out and think about what we do next.

I understand this isn't some child's movie about dinosaurs being pals but if it wasn't for Nubby our sister may be died. So lets at least try to work out when everybody stands, at least inside this place.
I mean, what really is the point of being Proto-Godzilla in the making if you never get to murderize other monsters to assert your authority as Queen?

I agree. We aren't trying to befriend Nubby here. We are making Nubby know where it stands in this place. If we have to kill we will. I'm fully willing and ready to make that choice should needs make it so. But for the time being let's just try to assert our authority and dominance.
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... I just want some minions after all whats a Queen without some subjects to lead and boss around?. I also think Nubby is pretty cool so i want him as one of not well putting him down is the next option if he fights back too much.

I know that we might eventually be able to get a pack going if we try hard enough. Maybe with some velociraptors? Or Compys? (Dont know the name of the super tiny pack hunting dino)
... I just want some minions after all whats a Queen without some subjects to lead and boss around?. I also think Nubby is pretty cool so I want him as one of not well putting him down is the next option if he fights back too much.

I know that we might eventually be able to get a pack going if we try hard enough. Maybe with some velociraptors? Or Compys? (Don't know the name of the super tiny pack hunting dino)

Velociraptors aren't all that big. What the movies call velociraptors are something else. I think their name starts with a D. I think the video game The Last Of Us 2 has them near the opening part of the museum segment.

people, we are NOT going to be able to do land before time crap...they cant comprehend or have the intellgence of Azula and her sister, and that's because they were far more modified (in azula's case), then the rest of them normally.

Hell, Nubby may be actually going insane from the conflicting instincts, its literally in the interludes beforehand if you guys read. The scientists and even nature has never combined herbivore and carnivore behavior, it had to be "Learned", aka evolution to take place for even omnivores to come about. but lets not get into that, right now im guessing Nubby is going to fight back and HARD, at which point azula gets hurt and our sister ends up crippling it if not outright trying to murderize it. resulting in us killing Nubby in defense of our sister, we may be smart, but im pretty damn sure Azula doesnt care about the Nubby anymore then "threat, get off territory" or "Threat, turn into Food".

Remember people, we are playing a super-apex predator, we need to do Apex predator stuff...and yes we can be "Kind" to people, but remember...being Good isnt about being Kind or Nice, it also includes tough love and if that means fucking some shit-heads up then by god we are going to do it with a relished smile.
IIRC didn't the QM confirm that it was possible but difficult? In that case it seems like it would be worth trying. Yeah we are playing a predator but the fun bits so far has been Azula interacting with her sister and it seems like it would be more fun to have interactions with other dinosaurs and at least make an effort.
IIRC didn't the QM confirm that it was possible but difficult? In that case it seems like it would be worth trying. Yeah we are playing a predator but the fun bits so far has been Azula interacting with her sister and it seems like it would be more fun to have interactions with other dinosaurs and at least make an effort.
Providing the relevant quote Below*

It's not impossible, but at the same time it's not very probable. If you put in the effort then I certainly won't stop you, it will just be very difficult. The easiest one to minion-ize would probably be the Brakylosaurus, with the others doing the most they can to basically work against you. (not out of maliciousness just instinct.)

And yes it is possible, just once again, not very probable in anyway, or valuable. Pretty much all of the Hybrids barring the Brakylosaurus have issue that mean they-
A: Won't work with you because instincts are King.

B: Probably won't survive in the wild, because there genome is the equivalent of a four year old finger painting with rubber cement.

C: Spoilers. Lots of a spoilers.
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A: Won't work with you because instincts are King.

B: Probably won't survive in the wild, because there genome is the equivalent of a four year old finger painting with rubber cement.

C: Spoilers. Lots of a spoilers.

So we can't have any of the beyond the Brakylosaurus because they're either too dumb/instinctual to follow commands, too non-viable biologically to survive long enough, or something-something hidden in spoilers.

Actually, I have an idea; the group we suspect will invade the facility we're in is coming with the express purpose of nabbing as many hybrids as possible so that their employer(s) can analyse their genetics for some sort of bio-weapons program. Our sister mearly gets killed when one of the more stupid, sadistic or panicky invaders gets an itchy trigger-finger.
I'm tired of the fucking trope if people using murder dinos as bio weapons…it's not fucking worth in logistically . It's like training a wild undomesticated animal for war. It always fucks you over in the end. Let's not forget dinosaurs are FAR from domesticated and do nurseries their caretakers, which case actual zoo animals do too.

That whole dream of dinosaurs being unleashed? What happens when handlers are killed and the beasties are off the hook and breeding like crazy?

You get a primordial invasive species that ends of threatening human life across the fucking planet because some military dumbass wanted a bio-weapon…and those ALWASY screws everyone over.

Fucking idiots.
I'm tired of the fucking trope if people using murder dinos as bio weapons…it's not fucking worth in logistically . It's like training a wild undomesticated animal for war. It always fucks you over in the end. Let's not forget dinosaurs are FAR from domesticated and do nurseries their caretakers, which case actual zoo animals do too.

That whole dream of dinosaurs being unleashed? What happens when handlers are killed and the beasties are off the hook and breeding like crazy?

You get a primordial invasive species that ends of threatening human life across the fucking planet because some military dumbass wanted a bio-weapon…and those ALWASY screws everyone over.

Fucking idiots.
Feels like it should be pointed out that a lot of militaries have actually done some research into weird and/or stupid stuff before. On top of that in real life we have people researching viruses that are easily capable of wiping out entire populations if they got it and you don't see it happening due to how people do actually take safety super seriously. Important to remember that the reason a lot of things go wrong in stories is to have an actually interesting story. Jurrasic Park without things going wrong would be a way less interesting story for many with the appeal of the original series being the dinosaurs running a amok and the conflict coming from that.

So from an in-story perspective it wouldn't be seen as stupid because the people in story aren't aware that they are in a story or what kind of story. Example being that what makes sense to do in an action story would be a terrible idea in a horror story. And again people in story can point to the virus research thing.

Besides that the Hybrids do show that it is theorically possible to just splice in genes of certain animals to make them easier to domesticate.
I'm tired of the fucking trope if people using murder dinos as bio weapons…it's not fucking worth in logistically . It's like training a wild undomesticated animal for war. It always fucks you over in the end. Let's not forget dinosaurs are FAR from domesticated and do nurseries their caretakers, which case actual zoo animals do too.

That whole dream of dinosaurs being unleashed? What happens when handlers are killed and the beasties are off the hook and breeding like crazy?
Hell, let's consider the basic logistics of feeding them-

Rexy and the Raptors need raw meat a day, less they start viewing the other troops around them as dinner.

I'm reminded of some great bits from a JW/HP fanfic:
"Is there any military value for an asset like the Indominus Rex?"

"Viable military value, or 'we've got one slightly stupid general who's willing to throw money at us for stupid things that will never see a practical demonstration' value?" he asks, because shit, seriously? "We don't use mounted cavalry anymore for a reason. Foxtrot would be a logistical nightmare to transport--"

"He said 'a fraction of the size,'" Gray interrupts. "They wanted her smaller."

"Okay, returning to potential military applications of a miniaturized Indominus Rex," Claire says. "Drawbacks besides being difficult to transport?"

"She still wouldn't be easy to transport, not given how happy she's been to walk down to the meat locker and back, she likes to move-- but she'd still be damn difficult to feed, water, entertain, and contain. What were you saying about eating the tourists, Lowery? When a Jeep gets low on gas, it doesn't eat the driver. And there's enough Velociraptor in an Indominus to make containment next to impossible in the field."

"My god, yes," Barry agrees. "A raptor is like an octopus. Even if they have enough room, enough things to do, they try to figure out how to get in and out-- because they see us do it, and they like to copy, and solve puzzles, and get attention. Foxtrot will probably be the same, she just decided to go big with her first escape attempt."

"A raptor-sized Indominus would be even worse-- you've seen her arms and hands, Foxtrot has enough reach and dexterity that if she were Blue's size, you could only stop her with… maybe electrostatic screens for locks. Put one in the field and they'll be destroying the tent before you can say 'bad girl.' … Not you, Charlie, you're just invasive," Owen promises, reaching up to offer chin rubs. Charlie enthusiastically butts against his knuckles, so Owen rubs along her jaw.

"More than that," Barry says, "the whole idea would end the career of any military department that tried to support it. Too many protests. Those dolphins and seals, the sharks Owen worked with, were never meant to see combat, and the Navy has been up-front about that since marine mammal work was declassified. Hoskins wanted to take an animal, a land animal with no real natural habitat left, and send it into combat to get shot at, tear gassed, blown up. You can't finance genetic engineering without publicity, and you can't get good publicity when you send an animal off to die."

"An inadequately studied animal," because that is an issue, too. That's a huge issue. "Any of you guys know how many people you'd call if you wanted to host a conference between every person who might possibly be considered an expert on Velociraptors as living animals?"

Literally I've headcanoned in some AUs someone from the defense industry he's trying to sell to shows up at JW and tells Hoskins his idea is more full of shit then a sewer, and nobody in the industry wants it remotely near their portfolio.
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