No, I'm simply saying that they had reason to play it safe in this case. Humans took their child. A clear risk that they knew should they allow this group of humans to live. I have no clue why you think I'm making a mistake when all I said was that they did what I likely would've done in their place. Remove the risk.
The humans taking their child is why they followed the humans. They didn't even follow the humans that originally took the child, they followed the humans that
currently had their child, for the express purpose of getting said child back.
And then they attacked said humans because they were angry.
Here we have two dinosaurs who have been genetically modified. I'm not saying be careless and just hope for the best here. I'm saying try to befriend the dinosaur and gain another member for when they are in the wild.
Unless I have forgotten to say something that's all I have been saying this whole time. Try to gain an ally.
The problem is that
none of them understand the concept of genetic modification. You're thinking from an OOC human perspective. We the players know that Azula, her sister, and Nubby are modified, because we are, in context of the game, near-all-knowing humans.
Azula doesn't know they're genetically modified.
Nubby certainly doesn't know they're genetically modified.
They don't even understand anything close to the concept of genetic modification. As far as Azula and Nubby are concerned, they really don't have anything in common. Even if we can take advantage of what we know OOC, you have to remember that Nubby is an NPC with the advantage of none of the information we are privy to and is acting purely on the divided instincts within Nubby's DNA.
While the "Land Before Time" mindset was cute when they were all still babies, the dinosaurs are all well on their way to being grown adults now. Nubby isn't going to be looking for friends, Nubby is going to be looking for food and territory. Nubby isn't going to be interested in 'allies'. Depending on how the DNA shapes up Nubby may not even understand the concept of forming a herd.
I'm extremely doubtful of any scenario where Nubby is genuinely interested in becoming part of a herd with Azula in charge. Certainly not as a real 'ally'. 'Minion', maybe, but that's an
extremely optimistic approach, and presumes Nubby is willing to settle for not being in charge, at which point Nubby is probably more inclined to just accept that this is Azula's territory and make a point of amscraying and knowing better than invade Azula's turf again in the future.
Azula has a link with her sister because, well, sister.
Beyond that, there are no 'friends' except for humans. Everything else is going to be either a minion in Azula's herd with Azula being the Alpha, a rival, or else food.
That's how nature works.
And Nubby doesn't show any of the signs of being OK with being part of Azula's herd vs staking out Nubby's own territory.