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So basically, our plan is to subdue Nubby with the condition that it will NOT harm us or our sister in any way.

Truthfully, I'd rather we make a plan to tire it out before getting too near.

I'm concerned that whatever happened to Nubby might aggravate it's condition enough to kill it in some way. Like say, heart failure?

I also have to go wiki Wu. I've never really dig deep into this fandom before.
Having found this story only a little over two hours ago and having been bum-rushing to the most up-to-date posts I sure hope so. In the first movie, he seemed like a nice guy. Why he seems to have turned into some poorly made bad guy I haven't a clue. Did something happen in the books that made him become that way or did the people making the newer movies just get lazy?

In any case, I do like that he seems to care for the dinos. I hope he doesn't turn into that 2-dimensional mad scientist person he seems to be in the movies.
As I think was said before, the assumption is that before the Jurassic world the ... well he was with happiness and feeling responsible for bringing dinosaurs to life.
but after the investigations showed that the "dinosaurs" were not exactly as he had "cloned" them .. because he went something crazy since he went from cloning living beings (something that three years after the first Jurassic park already was achieved) to be the creator of living things that have a "dinosaur" theme (the best guess is that "dinosaurs" and dinosaurs share the same amount of DNA that we do with primates.

all this is an assumption and somewhere is the conversation that was had on this particular topic
[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
So basically, our plan is to subdue Nubby with the condition that it will NOT harm us or our sister in any way.

Truthfully, I'd rather we make a plan to tire it out before getting too near.

I'm concerned that whatever happened to Nubby might aggravate its condition enough to kill it in some way. Like say, heart failure?

I also have to go wiki Wu. I've never really dig deep into this fandom before.

I do see your logic but I think we shouldn't try to harm Nubby. Unless I missed something Nubby hasn't done anything to us aside from running away and trying to prove itself the first time the two met.

As long as we are careful to not harm Nubby too badly I think we should be ok.

They needed a mad scientist type.

They could have easily written something better but why waste time making a good plot and story?

Just make the guy kinda crazy and make the military want to weaponize dinosaurs and call it a day.

I never did understand that whole idea. Weaponized dinosaurs. As if dinosaurs on their own weren't bad enough let's also try to use them in war. The likelihood that something goes wrong seems to me to be too high a price just to have an edge over the other nations of the world. On the off chance that this mad idea actually succeeded your advantage would only be temporary because an edge like that would have them paying ham over fist to get their own war dinos.
It occurs to me that if we hadn't been distracted by this our sister would have died in the flowers.

Maybe we can be nice to the poor self destructive dino?
[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
This mindset is making me think of the environmentalist subplot of Lost World where they're insisting on treating the captive dinosaurs like any other domesticated animal and all it winds up doing is getting people trapped on the island and eaten.

The only reason people were eaten at all was that he needed to show the investors back on the mainland that the dinosaurs were living on the island quite well. Had he never needed to do this nobody would have gone to the island and been eaten. Well...besides the flying ones that for whatever reason never seemed to have migrated past the archipelago.

If I recall my lore the island shown in Lost World is the same island as in Jurassic Park 3. It just takes place afterward by some time.

I don't think being nice to any living animal (Made in a lab or otherwise) is a bad mindset to take. I've of the mind that until you have reason to use force it's better that you don't. Unless I missed something Nubby hasn't given us cause to do anything that is overly harmful. He is most likely just afraid or under the influence of something. I'll have to go back and read the parts that are worth reading to make sure what is going on here. But I think trying to befriend him is a good idea.

Sure it holds risks but so does a lot of choices that has been made so far. Why should this time be any different?
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Having found this story only a little over two hours ago and having been bum-rushing to the most up-to-date posts I sure hope so. In the first movie, he seemed like a nice guy. Why he seems to have turned into some poorly made bad guy I haven't a clue. Did something happen in the books that made him become that way or did the people making the newer movies just get lazy?
Could be boredom. By the time the first movie was going around, he was still bright eyed and full of pep.

JW comes around, and well, like the entire movie shows us, people got bored with Dinos. Leading to pressure on him from every idiot in the company hierarchy.

Add in some venom poured in his ears from Hoskins.....
I don't think being nice to any living animal (Made in a lab or otherwise) is a bad mindset to take. I've of the mind that until you have reason to use force it's better that you don't. Unless I missed something Nubby hasn't given us cause to do anything that is overly harmful. He is most likely just afraid or under the influence of something. I'll have to go back and read the parts that are worth reading to make sure what is going on here. But I think trying to befriend him is a good idea.

Sure it holds risks but so does a lot of choices that has been made so far. Why should this time be any different?

You're missing the point - you're acting like every dino and every hybrid has the same reasoning capacity as Azula, rather than Azula being the exception to the rule.

To the contrary, most predators aren't going to see 'nice behavior' and view it as a reason to be nice, they're going to see 'nice behavior' and view it as either weakness or a warning. They aren't going to comprehend the idea of 'we'll be nice to you if you're nice to us'.

Nubby's earliest interaction with Azula was to attack Azula because of the predator instinct swirling inside Nubby's very DNA. The only reason it wasn't a 'big deal' at the time was because Azula has super-healing. Nubby's not 'safe' for Azula to be around because of anything on Nubby's part, Azula merely can approach Nubby as if Nubby isn't a major threat because she has that large margin of error that super-healing affords.

You want to talk about being 'nice' to humans, sure. Humans have a capacity for reasoning and logic that enables them to 'get' that Azula is willing to be 'friends' with them. That Azula is capable of such can be credited to 1) Her human DNA; 2) This being a quest that is being played by humans.

That human DNA that gives Azula that kind of reasoning capacity is exceptionally unique to her specifically. To behave as though all dinosaurs - or all animals - that Azula comes across are going to be even capable of the same capacity for reason and logic is to invite a great amount of pain and disappointment.

Consider the concept of a wild animal taken in by someone with a desire to have an exotic pet. Something like a tiger or a bear. No matter how tame the wild animal may appear to be, odds are more likely than not that eventually, the pet owner will be killed and eaten by his own pet, who still has those wild killer instincts.

Right now, Nubby is a wild, savage animal with killer instincts and must be treated as such. Azula can probably survive most anything Nubby can throw at her thanks to her healing factor, but the idea that Nubby can easily be 'tamed' or 'domesticated' is going to create a lot of disappointment.
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The only reason people were eaten at all was that he needed to show the investors back on the mainland that the dinosaurs were living on the island quite well. Had he never needed to do this nobody would have gone to the island and been eaten. Well...besides the flying ones that for whatever reason never seemed to have migrated past the archipelago.

If I recall my lore the island shown in Lost World is the same island as in Jurassic Park 3. It just takes place afterward by some time.
Yeah, Lost World and JP3 take place on Isle Sorna. First one is on Nublar. Nublar's Disneyland, whereas Sorna's the backlot, where all the work behind the scenes happens.

In the movie, what happened was, Hammond wanted a small nature team to go around the nice safe perimeter of the island, take some nice nature pictures, and use that as good public pressure to leave them in place.

Hammond's nephew, upon inheriting all the mess from his uncle fucking up, decided to send in harvesters, who were again, staying way on the perimeter of the island. Not going inland at all.

Then Hammond's pet saboteur who he sent along with his expedition as insurance of this, lets all their captive dinos loose, who smash their equipment and camp, including all their radios up. And then because they're just stupid, Hammond's crew bring a injured T-Rex kid back to their trailer. Which gets a visit from some angry parents, leading to it being shoved off a cliff, taking all their radios along with it.

As a result, they now are stuck on a island with lots of angry dinos, have no coms off island, and no weapons. So they have to trek inland to the old InGen base, where there should be radios still working (Thanks to the miracle of Geothermal juice). Naturally, they all had avoided going inland in all their planning due to well....

All the predators, including raptors being there. From there, people dropped like flies.

All the fliers, IE, the Pteranodons were secure in their aviary (Think giant bird cage, picture here), until the JP3 crew accidentally left a door not latching all the way, leading to them finding a way out.
And then because they're just stupid, Hammond's crew bring a injured T-Rex kid back to their trailer. Which gets a visit from some angry parents, leading to it being shoved off a cliff, taking all their radios along with it.

This is among the key points.

The humans were 'nice' to the T-Rex family by ensuring the baby's survival, and even returned the baby T-Rex.

The T-Rex family didn't comprehend the idea that they were 'nice', all they understood was 'took baby, gave baby back'.

And then the T-Rex family still tried to kill them.
You're missing the point - you're acting like every dino and every hybrid has the same reasoning capacity as Azula, rather than Azula being the exception to the rule.

To the contrary, most predators aren't going to see 'nice behavior' and view it as a reason to be nice, they're going to see 'nice behavior' and view it as either weakness or a warning. They aren't going to comprehend the idea of 'we'll be nice to you if you're nice to us'.

Nubby's earliest interaction with Azula was to attack Azula because of the predator instinct swirling inside Nubby's very DNA. The only reason it wasn't a 'big deal' at the time was because Azula has super-healing. Nubby's not 'safe' for Azula to be around because of anything on Nubby's part, Azula merely can approach Nubby as if Nubby isn't a major threat because she has that large margin of error that super-healing affords.

You want to talk about being 'nice' to humans, sure. Humans have a capacity for reasoning and logic that enables them to 'get' that Azula is willing to be 'friends' with them. That Azula is capable of such can be credited to 1) Her human DNA; 2) This being a quest that is being played by humans.

That human DNA that gives Azula that kind of reasoning capacity is exceptionally unique to her specifically. To behave as though all dinosaurs - or all animals - that Azula comes across are going to be even capable of the same capacity for reason and logic is to invite a great amount of pain and disappointment.

Consider the concept of a wild animal taken in by someone with a desire to have an exotic pet. Something like a tiger or a bear. No matter how tame the wild animal may appear to be, odds are more likely than not that eventually, the pet owner will be killed and eaten by his own pet, who still has those wild killer instincts.

Right now, Nubby is a wild, savage animal with killer instincts and must be treated as such. Azula can probably survive most anything Nubby can throw at her thanks to her healing factor, but the idea that Nubby can easily be 'tamed' or 'domesticated' is going to create a lot of disappointment.
This is among the key points.

The humans were 'nice' to the T-Rex family by ensuring the baby's survival, and even returned the baby T-Rex.

The T-Rex family didn't comprehend the idea that they were 'nice', all they understood was 'took baby, gave baby back'.

And then the T-Rex family still tried to kill them.

To be fair the reason their baby even needed aid was because humans used it as means of getting them to come to save it. The good guys were just being dumb by taking it to their base and fixing its broken leg.

I do understand what your trying to say here. But the dinos had every reason to play it safe and try to kill them. Better be safe and kill the humans you can then allow them to live and do who knows what later.

In the end, you still end up with one of them being taken to the west coast and running amuck in Los Angeles. So in the eyes of the dinosaurs us humans are not worth allowing to live.
To be fair the reason their baby even needed aid was because humans used it as means of getting them to come to save it. The good guys were just being dumb by taking it to their base and fixing its broken leg.

I do understand what your trying to say here. But the dinos had every reason to play it safe and try to kill them. Better be safe and kill the humans you can then allow them to live and do who knows what later.

In the end, you still end up with one of them being taken to the west coast and running amuck in Los Angeles. So in the eyes of the dinosaurs us humans are not worth allowing to live.

Again, you're making the mistake of presuming that the T-Rex had the same thought process as humans.

It doesn't matter what the humans did. The T-Rexes weren't thinking "Humans do bad things, so do bad things to humans".

The T-Rexes were looking at humans and thinking "Threat" and "Food". The extent of their approach to humans was 'How to neutralize threat' and 'how to eat food'.

Even if the entirety of the humans interaction with the T-Rexes had been trying to approach them diplomatically and be nice, the T-Rexes would have behaved exactly the same.

Don't forget, while on the mainland the T-Rex also ate a dog that didn't to anything worse than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm pretty sure the T-Rex didn't have anything to go on to tell it that Dogs were bad and not worth being allowed to live.
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Again, you're making the mistake of presuming that the T-Rex had the same thought process as humans.

It doesn't matter what the humans did. The T-Rexes weren't thinking "Humans do bad things, so do bad things to humans".

The T-Rexes were looking at humans and thinking "Threat" and "Food". The extent of their approach to humans was 'How to neutralize threat' and 'how to eat food'.

Even if the entirety of the human's interactions with the T-Rexes had been trying to approach them diplomatically and be nice, the T-Rexes would have behaved exactly the same.

No, I'm simply saying that they had reason to play it safe in this case. Humans took their child. A clear risk that they knew should they allow this group of humans to live. I have no clue why you think I'm making a mistake when all I said was that they did what I likely would've done in their place. Remove the risk.

Here we have two dinosaurs who have been genetically modified. I'm not saying be careless and just hope for the best here. I'm saying try to befriend the dinosaur and gain another member for when they are in the wild.

Unless I have forgotten to say something that's all I have been saying this whole time. Try to gain an ally.
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No, I'm simply saying that they had reason to play it safe in this case. Humans took their child. A clear risk that they knew should they allow this group of humans to live. I have no clue why you think I'm making a mistake when all I said was that they did what I likely would've done in their place. Remove the risk.

The humans taking their child is why they followed the humans. They didn't even follow the humans that originally took the child, they followed the humans that currently had their child, for the express purpose of getting said child back.

And then they attacked said humans because they were angry.

Here we have two dinosaurs who have been genetically modified. I'm not saying be careless and just hope for the best here. I'm saying try to befriend the dinosaur and gain another member for when they are in the wild.

Unless I have forgotten to say something that's all I have been saying this whole time. Try to gain an ally.

The problem is that none of them understand the concept of genetic modification. You're thinking from an OOC human perspective. We the players know that Azula, her sister, and Nubby are modified, because we are, in context of the game, near-all-knowing humans.

Azula doesn't know they're genetically modified.

Nubby certainly doesn't know they're genetically modified.

They don't even understand anything close to the concept of genetic modification. As far as Azula and Nubby are concerned, they really don't have anything in common. Even if we can take advantage of what we know OOC, you have to remember that Nubby is an NPC with the advantage of none of the information we are privy to and is acting purely on the divided instincts within Nubby's DNA.

While the "Land Before Time" mindset was cute when they were all still babies, the dinosaurs are all well on their way to being grown adults now. Nubby isn't going to be looking for friends, Nubby is going to be looking for food and territory. Nubby isn't going to be interested in 'allies'. Depending on how the DNA shapes up Nubby may not even understand the concept of forming a herd.

I'm extremely doubtful of any scenario where Nubby is genuinely interested in becoming part of a herd with Azula in charge. Certainly not as a real 'ally'. 'Minion', maybe, but that's an extremely optimistic approach, and presumes Nubby is willing to settle for not being in charge, at which point Nubby is probably more inclined to just accept that this is Azula's territory and make a point of amscraying and knowing better than invade Azula's turf again in the future.

Azula has a link with her sister because, well, sister.

Beyond that, there are no 'friends' except for humans. Everything else is going to be either a minion in Azula's herd with Azula being the Alpha, a rival, or else food.

That's how nature works.

And Nubby doesn't show any of the signs of being OK with being part of Azula's herd vs staking out Nubby's own territory.
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so @Space Jawa is not to bother or anything, but you are the only one who has voted to immediately kill if he does not submit.

In addition, if it is not submitted, it is most likely that a vote will be made again so that we do with him or the GM will take the decision that Azula will take (which will probably be to kill him).

ps: I have nothing against it and I agree in part that if he does not submit, let us kill him, but it seems to me that I prefer to see what information we obtain in the next chapter before making a decision (remember that he also partly has instincts to dam so it would be interesting to see what happens)
so @Space Jawa is not to bother or anything, but you are the only one who has voted to immediately kill if he does not submit.

In addition, if it is not submitted, it is most likely that a vote will be made again so that we do with him or the GM will take the decision that Azula will take (which will probably be to kill him).

ps: I have nothing against it and I agree in part that if he does not submit, let us kill him,

So basically, we're all voting for the same thing, I'm just thinking one step ahead of everyone else. :V
The humans taking their child is why they followed the humans. They didn't even follow the humans that originally took the child, they followed the humans that currently had their child, for the express purpose of getting said child back.

And then they attacked said humans because they were angry.

The problem is that none of them understand the concept of genetic modification. You're thinking from an OOC human perspective. We the players know that Azula, her sister, and Nubby are modified, because we are, in the context of the game, are near-all-knowing humans.

Azula doesn't know they're genetically modified.

Nubby certainly doesn't know they're genetically modified.

They don't even understand anything close to the concept of genetic modification. As far as Azula and Nubby are concerned, they really don't have anything in common. Even if we can take advantage of what we know OOC, you have to remember that Nubby is an NPC with the advantage of none of the information we are privy to and is acting purely on the divided instincts within Nubby's DNA.

While the "Land Before Time" mindset was cute when they were all still babies, the dinosaurs are all well on their way to being grown adults now. Nubby isn't going to be looking for friends, Nubby is going to be looking for food and territory. Nubby isn't going to be interested in 'allies'. Depending on how the DNA shapes up Nubby may not even understand the concept of forming a herd.

I'm extremely doubtful of any scenario where Nubby is genuinely interested in becoming part of a herd with Azula in charge. Certainly not as a real 'ally'. 'Minion', maybe, but that's an extremely optimistic approach, and presumes Nubby is willing to settle for not being in charge, at which point Nubby is probably more inclined to just accept that this is Azula's territory and make a point of amscraying and knowing better than invaded Azula's turf again in the future.

Azula has a link with her sister because, well, sister.

Beyond that, there are no 'friends' except for humans. Everything else is going to be either a minion in Azula's herd with Azula being the Alpha, a rival, or else food.

That's how nature works.

And Nubby doesn't show any of the signs of being OK with being part of Azula's herd vs staking out Nubby's own territory.

I see that this is going nowhere fast and so I'll just leave it and see what happens once the next part is posted. I think that you're thinking one way while I'm meaning another. Maybe how I worded my replies to you were unclear but at the end of the day, I'm fine with fighting back. I just don't see it as a first move kind of thing. If we must use force that's one thing. But just attacking for no reason at all is a bit of a bad way to go in my mind.

Nubby may have to be killed and if that's the final outcome ok fine but I think Nubby can survive past this and if so why not try to make it possible. Just because you can fight doesn't mean you have to or that you should. Sometimes it's better to not fight than it is to fight. What is to be gained by fighting/killing Nubby? What can be gained by befriended Nubby/ making it clear who is the boss and who isn't?

Once they are in the wild the three could go their own way. But for now why not try to have the numbers game work for them. Three dinosaurs will always be better than two. I'm not saying your wrong. I'm just trying to work out what can aid us.
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