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[X] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)

Something is going on a bit weird here. If the Nubby One came through, why are there also a bunch of pink meats? And how did it know we were behind this door? We may want to keep our eyes out...
[X] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)

Something is going on a bit weird here. If the Nubby One came through, why are there also a bunch of pink meats? And how did it know we were behind this door? We may want to keep our eyes out...

It could be that the pink meat enclosure leads into a series of habitats, in this case the hybrid habitat. Nubby might have caught our scent the day we damaged the door(as stated in the update) and bashed down her door and our traveling through the pig enclosure.
[X] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)

We probably need to show Nubby the pecking order.
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[X] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)

Out of all of the hybrids, Nubby is the least likely to become a Minion.... Still, it did learn fear which is better than nothing.
I'd be happy just putting it in its place. For all we know, Nubby doesn't even know that this is Azula's turf, so if the sisters show up and Nubby gets the hint to amscray, I'll be satisfied with just that.

If not, I'll settle for just teaching Nubby a lesson in respect and submitting to your superiors. Nubby doesn't necessarily have to be Azula's minion, Nubby just has to know who not to mess with.
A Trail To Find, Blood To Follow
Your sister trilled a sound to make children cry, demanding the interloper be removed or killed.

You put a halt to that with a cold calculating bark, your sister automatically bowing to your judgment. First you would observe the Nubby One, and decide if it was either a threat to kill, a nuisance to scare away, or merely something to ignore.

But first you would have to find it.

Scenting the air once more, you locked your mind onto it's scent. Somehow the mixed smell of irritation/wrong/confusion/arrogance was almost easy to pick out from the random smells of your territory.

A grumbled call to follow dripped from your jaws, causing your sister to shiver her purple scales in confirmation. Then you were off, following the scent with a measured stalking gate that made little to no sound.

The scent itself was strong and barley faded giving a clear path to follow, only made even clearer as you stumbled on the Nubby ones trail. A path of tracks that was almost confused, sometimes making barely a mark closer to that of your sister when she planned an ambush than what you'd expect of the nubby one.

Other times, it was stomped with an aggressive feel as it pushed deeper into your territory. Breaking smaller trees and mushing the ground with intense sense arrogance like nothing would dare to follow it, and anything that did would die.

Nubby one clearly did not have a good sense of self preservation.

Something Morada Agreed with based upon her confused chirp, as she stared at the trail of matted grass and broken trees, a faint scent of blood clinging to some of the broken trees. The Scent of the Nubby Ones blood, cloyingly unnaturally sweet, killing any hunger the run here might have gathered.

You could feel how off this was, the Nubby One simply wasn't something that should hold this kind of arrogance. It pulsed under you scales, your blood thrumming with the notion that Creature of Nubby Ones kind should be shy? Yes that was right shy unless they had a herd, or were substantially bigger than their target.

Your shivered as a sense of wrongness, jumped through your internals like the sky fluff static, a subconscious growl of irritation leaking from between your teeth.

But you forced it down and followed trail further, until you found your target in a small area where the grass was slightly less tall. It was also noticeably close to the small grotto you had made your nest.

Nubby Ones scales had dulled from bright to muted orange, the brown markings even more subdued. But their was something odd with the Nubby one, it's scent switching constantly from confused to enraged as it charged a large tree.

The tree showing some minor damage from the nubby ones stubbornness, but mostly just covered in the blood that was leaking from Nubby ones head crest, it nubs having not changed at all other than growing to match it's size.

Not that it was anything substantial, still smaller than you by at least a foot yet bigger than your sister.

However none of that mattered, your eyes narrowing from within the tall grass you were crouching behind Only your decision.

A decision you had already made.

Dino Do What? (Make your Decision, it cannot be taken back.)
[] Kill It
-[] Make a plan (Better plan, Better results)
[] Pecking order, teach it
-[] Make a plan (Better plan, Better results)
[] Leave it to its fate
-[] What do you want to do now?
[] Write in
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I'm thinking that Nubby is experiencing some considerable stress from conflicting instincts and doesn't really know what to do.

I'm not sure if dominance can really be asserted here.
[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.

Too high to come up with simething better but here's a possibsl plan in the meantime.
[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
[X] Pecking Order, Teach It
-[X] Use Camo to perform a series of jump scares to confuse Nubby, then knock Nubby onto side/back to expose squishy parts. Use weight and sister to hold Nubby down, demand submission. Make clear Nubby must choose between death or submission - pressure on squishy parts of body - gut and such - upgraded to teeth on neck. If Nubby is too stupid to recognize place in pecking order anyway, then kill.
[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
[X] Pecking Order, Teach It
-[X] Use Camo to perform a series of jump scares to confuse Nubby, then knock Nubby onto side/back to expose squishy parts. Use weight and sister to hold Nubby down, demand submission. Make clear Nubby must choose between death or submission - pressure on squishy parts of body - gut and such - upgraded to teeth on neck. If Nubby is too stupid to recognize place in pecking order anyway, then kill.
wow, isn't it a bit extreme to kill him, he still didn't do anything to make him deserve his death.
at the most hurt him a lot and call the humans or take him to his habitat / outside our territory

unless your plan is that we are indominus rex style that kills anything that comes across it (the reasons would be different but very similar)

[X] Pecking order, teach it
-[X] Grab the nape of its neck and subdue it. Keep it on the ground beneath your feet, biting harder when it tries to attack you. Eventually its predator instincts should acknowledge you as the superior (or something along those lines) and accept your rule.
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wow, isn't it a bit extreme to kill him, he still didn't do anything to make him deserve his death.

Let's presume that Nubby refuses to submit to Azula. Either Nubby is too stubborn or too stupid to recognize that Azula has won, or else is determined to fight until dead.

What's the plan then?

The idea isn't 'kill anything that crosses Azula's territory', the idea is 'if Nubby is incapable of submitting for one reason or another and demonstrates that it will insist on being a threat indefinitely, then permanently neutralize threat'.
Huh. Wu seems to actually care and have ethics and isn't a 2-dimensional mad scientist cardboard cutout for no reason.

I guess world and fallen kingdom aren't canon ;).

Having found this story only a little over two hours ago and having been bum-rushing to the most up-to-date posts I sure hope so. In the first movie, he seemed like a nice guy. Why he seems to have turned into some poorly made bad guy I haven't a clue. Did something happen in the books that made him become that way or did the people making the newer movies just get lazy?

In any case, I do like that he seems to care for the dinos. I hope he doesn't turn into that 2-dimensional mad scientist person he seems to be in the movies.
[X] Pecking order, teach it.

I feel that putting it in its place is for the best. We can always use an ally once we are out in the wild. Besides that, the humans watching this would have something to think about if we do this and it fits with what we know about us so far.
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