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Confusing Meat, Broken Doors, and Old Scare Targets
The shear confusion at the oinked squeal had both you and your sister staring at each other in mutual confusion.

Why would their be pink meat now? You had already eaten your pink meat of the day and while gorging on another was very tantalizing idea. You simply weren't hungry, so their was no point.

A curious trill explained your intentions to your sister and soon you were shooting off through the lush scenery away from the Cyan flowers with your sister on your tail.

The trail is a blur of green leaves, and moving muscles as the Flowers are left in your dust. A strange ache starts to form in the back of your head as a haze you hadn't even noticed forming, begins to fade from your mind.

Your instincts blare a warning signal to never go back to the blue flowers again, about how dangerous they are pulses through you even as you slow your pace. Only coming to complete stop as you find the source of the squeaking.

A mass of Pink meat, so numerous you couldn't be bothered to count them, hanging around one of the odd silver doors attached to the fence. However while the pink meat was interesting in it's own way, the door was far more attention grabbing.

Mostly in that the small door the Pink meat are released from is bent beyond use, visibly bent inside the cage. Like something heavy had barged through it.

Your scales shiver in a tense fashion, as you look towards your sister, a sense of confirmation passing between you both.

The small door was fragile, something both you and your sister had learned on accident after accidentally running into it on a pink meat hunt. It had bent easily under your speed and weight at the time. It had been fixed quickly enough that your daily pink meat hadn't been missed the next day, and you hadn't bothered with it since it was now to small for either of you to go through.

But as you could see something had seen the value of breaking in, and you both had a good guess on what. If only based on the three indent in the warped metal. Indents that formed a familiar pattern.

It look like the Nubby one had come back.

And it had invaded your territory.

A low growl gurgled out of your throat as the implications solidified in your brain. Your sister following your example as you scented the air, a scent trail touching your senses.

Now, should you let the nubby one leave alive? Should you ignore it until the two legs retrieved it? Should you show it just how far above it your were?

So many choices burned behind your sapphire eyes as they shined with intellect.

Now which one to choose?

Dino Do what?
[] Hunt Nubby One (You intend to kill it, Results in fight scene.)
[] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)
[] Ignore Nubby One (No fucks given, Continue Scent choices.)
-[] Sharp Flowery Scent
-[] Fresh Forest-y
-[] Dirty Mushy
-[] Write in (Give me a two word scent combination and I'll run with it.)
[] Pink Meat is more interesting
[] Go back to bed (Just go to bed, you're to tired for this shit.)
[] Write in

Woohoo I finally go this out! For some reason writing about leave the cyan flowers was really hard? I don't have a clue why the rest came out pretty smoothly once I got past that part.
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I think we should show nubby who the queens are (not kill him) and if possible (if he's smart enough) make him our minion (or as close as possible).

also how interesting it will be to see the reaction of humans to us forming a pseudo-hierarchy with something / someone who is not our relative.

ps: I think there are some animals that have a symbiotic relationship with other spices, an example is the poisonous tarantulas that have frogs that eat the small insects that are attracted to their eggs and in return the tarantula protects it from predators.

in short, the idea is to try to establish something similar.

[X] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)
[X] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)

were going to teach it a lesson it will never forget, injure it enough to make it retreat with a warning howl to never trespass again sounds good enough. if it gets constant agression...then well...making a example in our territory will be good enough.
I don't like the idea of leaving it unattended, it couldn't really hurt Azula but I bet it could hurt our sister if she's caught off guard.

Hopefully it can be cowed.
[X] Track Nubby One (Find Nubby one, then decide what to do about it.)

I hope we can somehow make the Nubby one our minion, who doesnt love a pseudo-dino-hierarchy.
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