Rings and Grudges (A LOTR/Warhammer Fantasy Crossover)

[ ] Plan: Well I'm Home
-[] Establish or Improve Relations with The Nearby Umgi:
--[] Bree
-[] Establish relations with Gondor
-[]Establish a training ground:
-[] Send out The Throng to clear a distant region:
--[]Southern Arthendain (the Shire) 80% chance of success.
-[] Build the umgi a proper Enclave:
--[] Dawi don't do Umgak work 60% chance of success.
-[] Excavate a Brewery:
-[] Investigate the caves in Distant valleys:
-[] Investigate the nearby mountain area:
-[] How to farm Mushrooms x2
-[]Focus some effort on a project (Build the umgi a proper Enclave)
-[] Find a wife

Alright there's a few changes from dragons plan. First of all, Andrast is not a very wealthy region of Gondor. Its also not exactly surpressed either, being far from the corsairs, mordor and the foes further east. Its main problem is the slow encroachment of the Enedwaith as they decline, much like Calenardhon and the Dunlendings.

Anfalas on the otherhand is reasonably close, much more heavily populated (and cultivated) and also has constant corsairs problems. If we wanted more interesting times then I'd go with Pelargir or Minas Tirith. But I'd prefer a relatively close network before we get the direct attention of the stewards, who eye any ally of the Northern Dunedain/Rangers with suspicion (the chieftain potentially being the heir of Isildur, and Anorien through Fíriel. thereby potentially capable of reclaiming the throne of Gondor) Pinnath Gelin is one of the lucky fiefdoms (during this period) with little strife, Alongside Erech.

For the enclave. Dawi like working with stone, and are comically over eager to perform. They get asked to build a bridge. They build one of the Empire's largest monuments. You ask them to make a statue. They carve a mountain to the level of detail that would make Mount Rushmore blush. Also I'd like something that would severely help the Dunedain should they have another bad period in eriador. While we can work miracles (by their standard) Saurons forces are many, and he is ever eager to try new plans.

Lastly switched out engineering for finding a wife... Well it needs to be done, and it fits with the plan name.
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@Mad0Slayer would a wife have any benefit beyond the narrative? I ask because I really can't see the point of introducing a new character right now, but if it gives us something nice I would be willing to go with it. To be honest I had vague dreams of marrying the locals at least until the thread went so strongly against beard on women. I don't really feel like campaigning on that one way or another so wife from the clan it is.
@Mad0Slayer would a wife have any benefit beyond the narrative? I ask because I really can't see the point of introducing a new character right now, but if it gives us something nice I would be willing to go with it. To be honest I had vague dreams of marrying the locals at least until the thread went so strongly against beard on women. I don't really feel like campaigning on that one way or another so wife from the clan it is.

Depends on the rolls. Though it can vary from an extra action to more options. (been fleshing out the mechanic) So if you marry a daughter of a Master engineer you will get extra actions for different special projects or you can find a wife that would either give extra actions in different categories. Or just rather large boosts that will affect things. (been wondering how to make it more important so just been working on it.)
@Mad0Slayer would a wife have any benefit beyond the narrative? I ask because I really can't see the point of introducing a new character right now, but if it gives us something nice I would be willing to go with it. To be honest I had vague dreams of marrying the locals at least until the thread went so strongly against beard on women. I don't really feel like campaigning on that one way or another so wife from the clan it is.

the greater issue is that while there's an imbalance among Dawi, the Khazad are far, far worse.

We'd be lucky to find an unmarried female who's reached maturity, and while Khazad largely practice love based marriages, not contractual ones, that's still not going to really help us.

Luckily a few members of our clan have kept their daughters on hand just in case, so we've got some options, unlike many a Khazad no matter their ranking/position

Also who's to say we don't accidentally crit and get a bearded lady showing up?

I think when it comes to the notions of beards Khazad women may be pressured to shave within our Karak. Dawi don't seem to particularly care, but it would still be a hurdle among the women folk.
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Last mistake our mc would make there would be mayhem and he would probably be killed it would have to be a major offence for a dawi to be shaved or for them to do it to themselves.
Yeah, I know shaving is the nuclear option of nuclear options it's just that it's the only punishment I could think of for a creature that calls itself a Dwarf but is trying to increase the number of Orks in the world. Right after a series of battles against Orks. Behind the backs of their new allies. That fought the Orks with them.
Yeah, I know shaving is the nuclear option of nuclear options it's just that it's the only punishment I could think of for a creature that calls itself a Dwarf but is trying to increase the number of Orks in the world. Right after a series of battles against Orks. Behind the backs of their new allies. That fought the Orks with them.
Dwarfs are notorious for doing this if they effectively culled orc/goblin populations 'too heavily', and their 'taking too long' to regrow. They essentially sowed the WE mountains with what would become the night goblins, and did similar in the black mountains.

understand Urks and Grobi are quintessential in Dawi society. Their skin is used for leather. Their heads for trophies. Hunting. Target practice. Amusement (Dawi used to capture orcs and goblins and throw them into arenas to fight to the death. Or get killed by drunk Dawi Commodus style). They even use them as live artillery (grudge throwers). We will have major issues if we cannot find a reliable supply of the bastards.

you may even find a sick trade of Dawi with Gondor for goblins/Urk hide it's that essential
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Welp time to get married.

[X] Plan: Well I'm Home
-[X] Establish or Improve Relations with The Nearby Umgi:
--[X] Bree
-[X] Establish relations with Gondor
--[X] Anfalas
-[X]Establish a training ground:
-[X] Send out The Throng to clear a distant region:
--[X]Southern Arthendain (the Shire) 80% chance of success.
-[X] Build the umgi a proper Enclave:
--[X] Dawi don't do Umgak work 60% chance of success.
-[X] Excavate a Brewery:
-[X] Investigate the caves in Distant valleys:
-[X] Investigate the nearby mountain area:
-[X] How to farm Mushrooms x2
-[X]Focus some effort on a project (Build the umgi a proper Enclave)
-[X] Find a wife
For what it is worth I do not think we should get into the business of skinning sapient beings, not even orcs. The Free Peoples of Middle Earth would take a dim view to such barbarism.
Can we make a proposal for the weapon at this stage. I'd suggest:

Master Rune of Death (older rune, kills if any damage is done)
Rune of Might (makes you hit twice as hard against superhumanly tough foes)
Rune of Striking (guides your blows to hit)