Wait, the voting hasn't ended yet? Finally!

[X] Plan: A Friend Indeed

Diplo upgrades are needed if we really want our character (the Bro) to be the "inspiring brute". yes, I made that on the spot, shut up
The Supernatural 100 would be Fist of the North Star.
Imagine if Hayato casually turns someone into chunks of flesh in the middle of a interschool competition...

Yeah we're gonna need to keep MMA as a mundane art aren't we? Well, unless that super secret competition allows for that level of ability...

hold up, if we do in fact take a Martial Art to supernatural levels, does Hayato have enough common sense to hold back in competitions? Like yeah, it would be strangely effective but at least he's not killing people.
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Keeping things on the 'Mundane' level would've been cool and fun had this been in the Kengan Ashura verse but man.

MMA as a supernatural martial art? Our senior brothers from the xianxia sect would state that we were courting death
Canon Omake: Have the Screams Stopped?
Have the Screams Stopped?

The taste of tough leather fills your mouth as the painful, burning sensation spreads against your back.

You bite back a scream as the brand does its work, but you're unable to stop yourself from shedding few tears of pain. With your eyes screwed shut due to pain you cannot see them, but you can feel them. The stairs of some of your peers hypocrites, smirking internally at your show of weakness, delighted to seeing the rising star of the Organization showing weakness during her punishment. But you must endure. After all, this is your punishment, this is your penance, for you almost committed the worst crime a member of the Organization could. Was what you did really wrong?

You almost allowed a Monster to live.


It was your first mission after your training, You and your partner that bitch we're sent to North-Eastern Scotland to investigate a small fishing village, masquerading as two lost girls on a roadtrip. According to the higher ups, there was possible Monster activity in the area.

After arriving the locals let you stay at the old, nonfunctional, lighthouse, since there was no inn at the village, and the only inhabitant in at the lighthouse was an old lighthouse keeper with a massive beard. After settling in you started your investigation, though your partner that bitch seemed to be more interest in just lazing around, certain that this was nothing more than a waste of your time. How you wish it would have been.

So, for the next few days you walked around. Talked with people. And after the sun set, snuck around. You found some peculiarities, but nothing concrete, until you started to peak into people's kitchens. Milk. Loads and loads of milk. Everywhere. You needed to be sure, you needed to learn how many there were, so you kept searching. Which lead you to being found out by the old lighthouse keeper. It was then that you realized that this old, large, hairy, burly man with a fridge full of milk was no man, but a lubberkin. A Monster. As your hands crept closer to the hidden blades in your person, for surely it was going to attack you for finding out its secret, the Monster did something unprecedented. Why couldn't it have just attacked! It dropped to its knees and begged you.

You learned that this whole village was a sanctuary and hiding spot for lubberkins, brownies, habetrots and silkies. It begged you to keep this secret, they simply wanted to live their lives in peace, with no contact with humanity at large. You hesitated. They were Monsters and the Organizations rules were to hunt down every last Monster, for the good of Humanity. But... these ones had done nothing wrong. Surely, the Organizations time and resource would be better spent on hunting down actual threats, instead of wasting them on something like them. Naive. So, you vowed to keep their secret, and the next day gathered your things, your partner that bitch and headed out of the village, waving at the lubberkin as you drove away, waiting to get some distance from the village before informing your superiors that there was nothing wrong here. Imagine your surprise when just few kilometers away from the village you were stopped by multiple cars from Organization, with your superior, and they didn't look happy.

It was then that your partner the smug bitch stepped forwards and told you that she had not been just lazing around, but "monitored you from the save distance" letting you do all the work and as soon as she had heard the truth about the village last night she had called your superiors, informing them of the situation. And about what you had attempted to do.

You stood there, head held low, as the accusing stares of the other members pierced into you. You had no rebuttals, no justifications for what you had tried to do. You had gone against everything that the Organization stood for, chosen Monsters over Humans. Had it been wrong? Your superior told you that there would be a punishment, but that you could lessen it by proving that this was a singular lapse in judgement, that you were still loyal to the Organization and Humanity. So, you did. I'm sorry.

You drove back to the lighthouse and climbed up to the top, finding the old lubberkin there. He turned around, noticing you, a surprised smile forming on his lips, which soon turns to a look of shock and pain stop looking at me as your cold iron blades pierce his chest. As his body falls off the lighthouse you turn to look at the village, as the other members of the Organization descend upon it to cleanse it of all Monster filth. The last thing you remember from that village are the spreading fires and the sounds of the dying Monsters. The screams. Oh, dear God, the SCREAMS!


After what feels like an eternity, the red hot brand is removed from your back, the sign of your penance now permanently etched into your skin. As you stay on your knees on the ground, waiting for the pain to subside, you're finally given a cloak to cover yourself as your superior addresses you:

"And with this, Elizabeth Young, your punishment for your error is finished. But do not fret, for an error does not become a mistake unless the one who has done it refuses to correct it, and thanks to the actions of your partner you were given that chance. But remember in the future to never let the honeyed words of our enemy to falter your conviction to protect Humanity. And the same goes for all of you as well!" He sweeps his arms around, addressing everyone present. "Never forget, Monsters will never be our friends, for how many centuries, nay, millennia, did we hide from them? How long were we nothing more than playthings and food for these creatures, forcing us to live in fear of them? But no more! Now, we're the ones they should fear, and never again will we let the world fall into a state where these Monsters threaten Humanity again! Now go, return to your duties, as your almost lost sister shall."

As everyone moves away from the chamber you notice her, that smug smirk on her face, as your superior kneels down and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"I know it hurts, but that pain will make you stronger, your conviction greater, for the Organization has another mission for you. There have been some... strange reports coming from some of our informants. You will head to Raijin Academy in Japan as a transfer student. When there, your mission is to ascertain if there is any Monster activity at the school, or in the city. The required paperwork, items and more detailed orders have already been forwarded to your quarters. Do you understand?" You nod.

"Excellent. And Elizabeth..." he leans in closer, and you can't help but feel a shiver of fear run down your spine as he whispers to your ear before leaving. "Do NOT fail again."

You're left alone in the chamber, as you slowly rise to your feet. You will do this, you will go to Japan, find these Monsters, root them out and return back home victorious.

Maybe then the screams in your head will stop.


ãã¿ã¼ã³ã¡ãããããããâ ãã©ãã¼ã¿ã°ç·¨éã³ã¡ã³ãçãããã¨ããããã¾ãï¼ï¼ï¼ãâ twitter @posse_n
Ah, it has been a long time since I had an inspiration for an omake in a quest. Hopefully people like it.
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Vote Tally.

Stumbling it is.

Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Apr 4, 2021 at 3:38 PM, finished with 47 posts and 16 votes.
  • 4

    [X] Plan: A Friend Indeed
    -[X] Now You're Motivated: Use your understanding of basic motivation to better convince others to agree with you. Find their motive, and try to get them to back down. (+5 to all Diplomacy Checks)
    -[X] A Good First Impression: Try to ensure that every first meeting you have is a good one. That will make sure people like you more. (+3 to Starting Relationship Points)
    -[X] Help Yamato keep his promise. You've got two more people to meet. Let's go.
    -[X] See Hose at the School Dojo. The Martial Arts Club is still closed, but he says that something is going on.
  • 12

    [x]Plan Stumbling
    -[X] See Hose at the School Dojo. The Martial Arts Club is still closed, but he says that something is going on.
    - [X] Spend time with Yato (Relationship: 3/10)
    - [X] Bilingual: You can speak and read not one, but TWO Languages! That'll go great on your Resume! (+10 to all English Checks: Will always get above 50 on your English Exams; Can speak and read English]
    -[X] Help Yamato keep his promise. You've got two more people to meet. Let's go.
*I post on omake.*

*QM declares it canon.*

*Few hours later, the whole site goes down for multiple days.*

I hope I'm not setting a precedence.
The senate was deciding the fate of the archives you published. The text you wrote is a pathway to much information some would consider...unnatural. Some argued that they were too dangerous to be left here.
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The senate were deciding the fate of the archives you published. The texts you wrote are a pathway to much information some would consider...unnatural. Some argued that they were too dangerous to be left here.
Well, considering that the amount of Likes it had dropped by 50% when the site was down, they might have. :lol2:
Week 7.3
[X] See Hose at the School Dojo. The Martial Arts Club is still closed, but he says that something is going on.

[X] Help Yamato keep his promise. You've got two more people to meet. Let's go.

Shall both be written in a separate post.

[X] Bilingual: You can speak and read not one, but TWO Languages! That'll go great on your Resume! (+10 to all English Checks: Will always get above 50 on your English Exams; Can speak and read English]

It's amazing how much can change in a week. Before now you hardly knew a single thing about English. The foreign language was on par with a bunch of intelligible scribbles to you. You could hardly tell what the different letters were supposed to sound like.

But now?

Now, not only can you read the language, you can speak it!

Well....kind of.

You're nowhere near an expert. Even your bro's not good enough to pull that off for you. All he really does is help you pronounce sentences out loud, and then use them in conversations. He's actually pretty good at it. To the point where you start to question if he really can't speak English. Which he confirms he can't, he's just reading off sentences from various assignments he's completed.

Still, least you won't be caught off guard in class now! Can't wait to see the looks on your teacher's faces when they see how much you've learned over the break.

Bilingual Perk Obtained!

[X] Spend Time with Yato

"So, Yato," you shift on your bed until you're lying on your back to better see the manga you're reading.

"Yes, Lord Hayato?"

"What exactly will your 'mind link' idea do?"

"It will link our minds together and allow you to see into my memories."

"Yeah, I figured that. But can you give me some specifics?"

Your Partner is silent for a few moments. Then he answers in an unsure tone, "I...I am afraid I can't. As I said, I am unsure of exactly what the melding will entail other than linking our minds and souls together."

"And nothing else comes to mind as far as it's concerned?"

"I am afraid not, my Lord."

"...Alright then," you shrug and turn over onto your side, "No big deal. I'll figure it all out when the time comes."

"...Your confidence in me is extremely appreciated. I promise to repay it someday."

"Pretty sure you did that back when you helped me get through that riot, but if you say so."

Silence permeates your room for a bit. Then you ask Yato with a smile, "Soooo....what do you think of Ritsuko?"

"Based on her mannerisms, she is extremely atypical in terms of the expected attitude of females of my time," he says with no tact whatsoever.

You roll your eyes, "Yeah, I know. But what-"

"And thus the reason why I believe she is a good match for you."

Your words die in your throat as you jump to your feet, "What?!"

"My Lord, any who would choose to become your romantic partner must be able to defend themselves should the need arise. This is a requirement considering our current situation, combined with your personality, will lead to us having multiple violent confrontations."

You go silent again, staring at your arms in complete shock. You...didn't expect that to be Yato's reasoning behind his words. You mean, you kind of knew it had to do with Ritsuko's fighting ability, but not like that.

"Huh. That's a surprising answer, Yato."

"Contrary to what the fox may believe, I am far from a simple brute."

"I guess so."

[Yato's Relationship Points increased by 5]

"Hayato, before we go to meet with Noki, I have something I wish to show you."

You stop at the door that leads out of your dorm room.. You shrug in response, "Sure thing, Yamato." You start to turn to give him your attention, "What do yo-"

You stop in place.

Your blood runs cold.

As the first thing you see is him holding Yameko's limp, lifeless body in his bloodied arms.

"I seem to have made a mistake," Yamato says as he lifts up the pale body of his Partner, "I appear to have...broken Yameko, for lack of a better term. What do you suppose we do with her now?"

You feel the world stop. You take long, slow steps towards Yamato. As you try to figure out the right thing to say, you place trembling hands on his shoulders and look into his emotionless eyes. You think that's what gets you the most. He had spent a month with this girl, helped her reunite with her friend and cousin, Bonded with her, and overall seemed to be getting along with her.

Now, here he is, standing with her dead in his arms. Him seemingly the killer.

And there's is no reaction on his face.

No grief, no guilt, not even a manic smile nor eyes filled with madness.

Just a blank emotionless stare.

You take a deep breath in a failed attempt to calm yourself down, "Ok...Yam. Tell me what happened. And we'll figure this out. Ok?"

Your brother is silent for way longer than is comfortable. Then, he looks down at Yameko's body and says, "It worked. You can stop acting now."

Oh no, it's worse than you thought.

"Yamato....I know it's hard but...you know she's-"

"She is fine, Hayato," Yamato tells you with the same emotionless expression, "We were merely testing out my new skills."

"And it went perfectly."

You look down at Yameko and do a double take. The kitsune, originally still and pale as a corpse, was now back to normal with her tails and arms wrapping themselves around Yamato's neck. One mischievous eye looks up at you as she speaks, "Apologies, Hayato-sama. But you know the saying. 'If you can fool your friends-'"

"You can fool your enemies," Yamato finishes for her as you back up and release his shoulders, "I, too, apologize, brother. Judging by your reaction, I affected you with severe anxiety and worry. I will submit myself to whatever punishment you deem fitting."

You feel your heartbeat slow as you step back. An involuntary sigh of relief leaves your lips. Then you respond, "Well, not gonna do that. But next time, warn me when you're gonna have Yameko use illusion magic or something on me."

"That was no illusion."

You pause to digest that answer. Then you ask, "What?"

"That was no illusion, brother," Yamato repeats, "Merely acting and misdirection."

"But...the blood on your arms-"

"Ketchup," Yameko runs her finger through the dripping liquid and then puts the appendage in her mouth.

"We obtained it from the kitchen. There are plenty of packets from your last visit to a fast food restaurant," Yamato says as he does the same.

"But Yameko was pale and limp-"

"A trifling thing to accomplish for a kitsune," Yameko, once again, proves this through shifting her skin color from pink to gray, and making her tails go limp at will.


"They....speak the truth, my Lord," he answers with clear shock and surprise in his voice, "I sensed nothing. And if it was truly supernatural in nature, I would've informed you long before now."

"...Holy shit, bro," that's really all you can say. Damn.

"Thank you, Hayato. I promise to use these new abilities sparingly and wisely. Now, let us be on our way," he mimes for Yameko to leave his arms. She, reluctantly, does so but not before pulling wipes out of her pockets to clean his arms off.

...You make a mental note to never play poker with your brother.

[Yamato's Trickery has reached 102!]

So, those 3 AP Yamato used? He decided to take a page outta your book and fast track a Skill. He chose Trickery and worked with Yameko to pull this off.

I then proceeded to do the math and...well:

Yamato got 4 points from training.

Yameko gives him +10 from her Relationship, and +4 from her helping him.

So that's: 14 + 4 = 18.

18 x 2.5 = 45.

57 + 45 = 102.

6. Visiting towns and interacting with others will generally be done during weekends, though weekends can also be used for training with a multiplier of 2.5.

The above quote is from the first Character Creation Threadmark if you want to be sure. And I know it's right, cause I straight Copy/Pasted that from AGG: Eastern Rhapsody.

18 X 2.5 = 45.

He already has 57 Trickery.

....Yeah, this surprised me too. Then again, he is the protagonist.

Note: If I did any of this wrong please let me know. Math is not my strong suit and I want to be sure I'm being fair.

Other than that, I hope the above scene did a good job of showing off that level of Trickery.

Edit: Redid the math. Think I got it right this time.
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So that makes it +51 (15 + 6 + 30) at base...but he's doing it during a weekend. So he gets a 2.5 Multiplier.

The above quote is from the first Character Creation Threadmark if you want to be sure. And I know it's right, cause I straight Copy/Pasted that from AGG: Eastern Rhapsody.

51 X 2.5 = 127.5, rounded up = 128.

He already has 57 Trickery.

....Yeah, this surprised me too. Then again, he is the protagonist.

Note: If I did any of this wrong please let me know. Math is not my strong suit and I want to be sure I'm being fair.

Other than that, I hope the above scene did a good job of showing off that level of Trickery.

Wasn't the multiplier for weekend training to make it equivalent to work week training in the old AGG quests? Because work week training was based off of 1, 2, or 3 points per day (and thus 5, 10, or 15 points per work week). So weekends, with only 2 days, got a multiplier to keep things even.
Lol protagonist indeed, at least our lil bro has a skill in the supernatural range so now we don't have to constantly worry about him.
Almosy pissed myself thinking that our little bro went full monk, to the darkside, did some hardcore play behind scenes, some nast shit, etc. But wow the genius brain and acting skills. Put Yamato in a casino and see the money coming.

You know that the ship is strong and steadfast when even your gloves approve.
I assumed Yameko had walked in on Yamato shirtless or something and had a massive anime-style nosebleed.