When you're called back in to speak to the priestess once more, she says, "To be a worshipper of Shallya is to sacrifice. To take meaningful steps away from your own wellbeing and goals, comfort and pleasure, time and effort and plans, and use them to help others. The goddess... Does not communicate in words, exactly, but she tells me she senses your growing lack of faith and reverence, and she promises that she is different. She loves you, as she loves everyone. She sees your hope for a brighter future, and your deeds to those below you."
The white-robed priestess stares at you for a moment.
"I want to ask you a favor. I wish for you to take time to teach to my church the design and construction of the hearths I have heard much about, which warm the homes of the peasants on your lands even now, Master Bismarck. I also ask for money, to support the less fortunate. There are many of those who require food and warmth and a safe place to sleep, things which can be acquired more reliably with gold rather than care and kindness. You will receive nothing in return except the knowledge that you are helping others. This is for the good of others, and a purely selfless act."
She stares at you intensely, deep eyes pinning you in place. Suddenly, she smiles and you feel free to breathe again. "Do take a few days to think about it, sir."
...So the gods are going to ask yet more of you, huh?
[ ] No. You shall not truck with gods, so secretive and constantly at odds with each other. That is too much time, and you can do more good with that money on your own anyway. Large chance of ???.
[ ] Very well. You will make a regular donation to the Church of Shallya, enough to be a meaningful sacrifice, and also take the time to teach them your heater design. Locks one action next turn. New ongoing expense, -5 Profit/turn. ???, chance of ???.
QM's note: A bit meta, but this vote is all or nothing. No write-ins or negotiation.