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[X] The Auroras (They're the most straightforward, but perhaps if you're more consistent with the basics, the rest will come easier later)
This is somewhat complicated by the "how to kill the dead" conundrum. It has been noted that there are types of damage that are very real to us, but I am given to understand that (for example) no amount of pure kinetic energy can 'kill' us. I do not know how this would be expressed. We manifest as a physical object that is subject to physical forces, so I am guessing that it is not as simple as complete inviolability. Possibilities I can think of include: reforming back to our mental image to restore any missing pieces; having no healing such that all damage is permanent and just accruing more and more over time; all our parts remain attached no matter what but can be deformed like putty; the previous with a handy "restore to prior form" function so that we are kind-of like a rubber doll; and: we really can't be damaged in any way but thus absorb the full force of any otherwise penetrating or destructive events are instead converted wholly into motion and fling us around in potentially humorous ways. I find myself liking the idea of being a squishy wizard, and largely suffering the consequences, but being literally immune to the final "squish" part of the equation so that we can recover later.
This is somewhat complicated by the "how to kill the dead" conundrum. It has been noted that there are types of damage that are very real to us, but I am given to understand that (for example) no amount of pure kinetic energy can 'kill' us. I do not know how this would be expressed. We manifest as a physical object that is subject to physical forces, so I am guessing that it is not as simple as complete inviolability. Possibilities I can think of include: reforming back to our mental image to restore any missing pieces; having no healing such that all damage is permanent and just accruing more and more over time; all our parts remain attached no matter what but can be deformed like putty; the previous with a handy "restore to prior form" function so that we are kind-of like a rubber doll; and: we really can't be damaged in any way but thus absorb the full force of any otherwise penetrating or destructive events are instead converted wholly into motion and fling us around in potentially humorous ways. I find myself liking the idea of being a squishy wizard, and largely suffering the consequences, but being literally immune to the final "squish" part of the equation so that we can recover later.
From there you spend a good while trying to walk through the wall again, but no matter how much you strain or focus, you can't get through. The door's locked, too. It's only when you're leaning against the window, wondering if one of the handful of still-lit windows in the neighborhood is Midori's, that you suddenly find yourself plunging through and to the sidewalk far below.
It hurts just as much as you'd expect a fourth-story drop to, (a lot) but you stand up to find yourself visibly undamaged. This is going to take some getting used to… though maybe it's better that you don't; even if it doesn't affect you the same way anymore, pain is still painful.
There's another bank of lifts up ahead, with one already open and waiting; she quickly dashes in and hurriedly smashes a button to close the doors on you. You don't even bother stopping, running straight for the doors in hopes of wedging through, focused solely on catching her without any higher thought. The opening is already shut as you close in, but you don't even care, slamming full-tilt into them -
And so you're caught off guard when you rush right through and into the open elevator shaft. Sickening vertigo pushes away your singlemindedness as you fall down, clipping painfully again a beam on the opposite wall, and in the moment of pain, fall through the ceiling of the elevator itself and land face-first on the floor, making the lift judder a tad - though that may just be dizziness from the blow.
By the time the pain clears enough for you to regain your feet, the nurse has already left and the doors are closing again. This time you're able to stop them, roughly slapping the trigger to make them reverse direction as you stagger through. You're in a sub-basement, the friendlier atmosphere of the floors above replaced by cold concrete and harsh fluorescents, but you barely process much more than that as you scan for any sign of your target. She's disappearing around a corner a little ways down to your left, and you rush to pursue again.
This is still pretty close to being my favourite premise for a story. I am not sure what it is exactly, perhaps the well-defined and finite isolation, but I just love this story. My emphatic hopes that the new schedule works well and that the betas flow freely.
Thank you. I can't really express it well, but I really appreciate this, and I'm glad you like this story enough to stick around; it means a lot.Also, Ghost, no one here's dissapointed. We understand, life has the inclination to be a bitch every single oportunity it gets, so there's no need to apologize.
We'll just wait like good readers interested in a good story. Simple.
we really can't be damaged in any way but thus absorb the full force of any otherwise penetrating or destructive events are instead converted wholly into motion and fling us around in potentially humorous ways. I find myself liking the idea of being a squishy wizard, and largely suffering the consequences, but being literally immune to the final "squish" part of the equation so that we can recover later.
These are correct, yes.Going by here, we don't take permanent damage but the pain can lay us low long enough for things to go against us. I don't know how far down the elevator was, but I think it wasn't at the bottom yet so we were out of it for a little bit at least.
I find myself liking the idea of being a squishy wizard, and largely suffering the consequences, but being literally immune to the final "squish" part of the equation so that we can recover later.
Mmm... just found this quest. I am interested to see how it goes in the future.
On that note...by the sound of it, ghost-stuff runs similarly to her ice magic-skills, our main character just hasn't put two and two together? Like, when she froze the river, she wasn't thinking about it, moreso just applying it in a way that felt natural. Similarly, with stuff like the elevator incident, by the looks of it she was too distracted by 'i need to follow the strange nurse' to consider the possibility of phasing through objects. She simply had a need, and didn't think about how to get from Point A to Point B... though the subsequent multiple-story drop was less than ideal. At the bookstore too, though the wording could be interpreted either way, sounded a lot like she accidentally no-clipped through the door following her brother out.
No longer dead, right? Otherwise, it comes across as something different.
On that note...by the sound of it, ghost-stuff runs similarly to her ice magic-skills, our main character just hasn't put two and two together? Like, when she froze the river, she wasn't thinking about it, moreso just applying it in a way that felt natural. Similarly, with stuff like the elevator incident, by the looks of it she was too distracted by 'i need to follow the strange nurse' to consider the possibility of phasing through objects. She simply had a need, and didn't think about how to get from Point A to Point B... though the subsequent multiple-story drop was less than ideal. At the bookstore too, though the wording could be interpreted either way, sounded a lot like she accidentally no-clipped through the door following her brother out.
Of course, this does run into the caveat that 'interacting with objects' is what feels natural to her, since it hasn't been long since she was still alive. She has to be quite preoccupied to 'forget' to interact with things...
You were pretty good at living in the moment before, almost to a fault. You didn't really worry about the future much, and coasted through school, getting by without much effort while your real focus was on your ideas and artistic projects. In hindsight you probably should have given those matters more concern, given this was your third year…
All told, it's an artistic but somewhat eclectic set of hobbies you've managed to waste your short life on, though you prefer to think of it as versatility. It's kept you occupied, at the very least, though your passion for your drawing and your sewing are very real.
And then he slugs you, hard. "Are you an idiot!?" He demands, "Why'd you have to go and die just like that? I miss you! Mom and dad miss you! What did you think you were doing, not looking where you're going when you cross the street?
She smiles bitterly, tears forming again. "Three days ago, she got run over by a car. She was leaving the city library with her head in the clouds, and some drunk skipped the corner and plowed right over her, from what I heard."
You'd looked both ways before crossing the road, but a car screamed out of nowhere and mowed you down too fast to evade.
I would love to see this, heh.To add onto this - there is significant humor in having a squishy wizard type character also be one of the group's tanks/rear guard for reasons of being the hardest person on the team to actually kill.
I'm am heavily considering trying to write a "Phantom Ascension but as an anime" type omake at least one time once we meet with our Pink MG character from a blind audience just for the humor I can have with Negaverse audience reactions to the squishy wizard acting overly aggressive/tankish. Bonus points if we go flying into a wall at some point during.
Negaverse refers to a world where things went differently. Such as choosing a different color, or the like.It's really really good to see this back. Both for it, and that you're in a good enough place to be doing it again!
I would love to see this, heh.
(Though, what does Negaverse mean?)
It's really really good to see this back. Both for it, and that you're in a good enough place to be doing it again!
I would love to see this, heh.
(Though, what does Negaverse mean?)
In the case of quests, it's essentially 'what if the quest was being run with that other character being the one the questers have control over, and are commenting on?'. Not always one of the characters selectable during character creation, mind.Negaverse refers to a world where things went differently. Such as choosing a different color, or the like.
In the case of quests, it's essentially 'what if the quest was being run with that other character being the one the questers have control over, and are commenting on?'. Not always one of the characters selectable during character creation, mind.