Hunter Hunted

The winning vote was [X] Hunt for Healing with [X] Amaranth Star, Age and Treachery. You have spent 2 Arete on Amaranth Star and 1 Arete deposited into [X] Once and Future. You may purchase [X] Once And Future for 24 Arete at any spending point, including (theoretically) this one.

my pillars lost :cry:

so, hunt for healing? I can understand not wanting Letrizia to be crippled I suppose. Age and Treachery is a nice power boost, and amaranth star makes it immediately useful by mitigating the effect of exhausted and tired (and the +++ agility is nice too), though I think I'd have preferred hunt to go with the specific hunting ability.

Oh well, this can work too, I'm not upset about it.

I AM a bit upset about the Pillars though.. Once and Future is certainly not a bad pick, but my heart yearns for the Evening Realm... a little slice of paradise to keep us happy throughout eternity..

Hunger pursued a monster to find healing for his companion. Which suitable creature did he encounter?

[ ] The Plumed Offering - Hunger encountered a group of traders who, stunned by his force of personality and breathtaking appearance, happily traded him a magnificent regenerating creature for the King Fish's Scale and meat. The tormented beast had spent its life regularly being carved for steaks and was relieved to experience the blissful release of death.

100% Chance of Uneventful Victory
+0.5 Arete, 1 Selection
Time Spent: 4 Hours
Lose King Fish's Scale
Lose King Fish Meat
Gain Money

uh. Interesting use of a regenerating beast. Infinite meat. A bit dark though.

No chance on death or injury, 0.5 arete, reasonably quick but only one selection (that I still have to go through) and it costs us our fish...

THe clear safe choice, which possibly makes it the wisest... but SV rarely goes for the safest (and usually less rewarding) choice

[ ] The Mire Wolf - Deep in the swamps at the far edge of the lake lay a legendary predator: part direwolf, part alligator, whose fangs were ivory daggers, whose flesh was stone carapace, the shock of its tail a dragon's thrashing. Feared for its nigh-unkillable resilience and dogged pursuit of prey, but Hunger drew it out and in prolonged battle slew it, the Fell-Handed Stroke and power of Ruin too much for even its undying thews to withstand.

80% Chance of Uneventful Victory
20% Chance of Complication (an unhealable wound, poison, or some other moderately inconvenient long-term debuff)
No Arete, 2 Selections
Time Spent: Only 2 Hours! Minimal chance of Gisena / Letrizia being attacked, as you're close by anyway.

fastest option, middle level risk, we keep the fish, 2 options to select, no arete and money.

I think I like it a bit more than the previous one, though not actually that much. I'm likely to change my mind once I go through the actual options we unlock though.

[ ] The Tyrant Beast - Of course the Apocryphal Curse would strike once again when he was wounded and separated from his allies. Nonetheless Hunger mustered all his remaining strength to oppose the creature which reminded him so much of the man he gave everything to slay. Its towering bulk, its claws like drawn sabers, its scales like congealed lead - all paled before the glint of cold experience in its eye, evaluating him as rival or prize.

50% Chance of Uneventful Victory
30% Chance of Complication
10% Chance of Grievous Complication (very inconvenient long-term debuff)
10% Chance of Death

+1 Arete, 2 Selections
+0.25 Astral Rank if successful
Reduced % of Apocryphal Curse for 2 weeks
Resets A Hunger, Sated (gain ~2 days)
Time Spent: 10 Hours. Letrizia will suffer some minor permanent damage, nothing that would noticeably impair her. Reversible with Pristine Star and similar effects.

Less risky creatures more attuned to pure healing exist, but were not available because Scent of Prey was not chosen. However, high Charisma enabled The Plumed Offering.


more arete than the first option, as many picks as the second option, extra rank and reduces apocryphal in the short term. The 2 days of hunger sated are really not worth mentioning.

Of course it's also the option with the highest risk, INCLUDING A NOT NEGLIGIBLE CHANCE OF DEATH, and some minor "permanent" damage to Letrizia.

...yeah, no. Too risky. 10% of quest end is not fine by me. The prize is NOT worth the risk. Better the wolf at that point. Even if the worst happens the risk from that is not unbearable, it will just have us slow down some more.

So the choice for me comes down to the safe option or the mid-risk option, and that's going to come down to the special picks.

is 1 extra pick worth 0.5 arete+ money + reduced risk to our companions (-fish)?

Let's see!!

We will use the forum dice roller for these checks, so bear that in mind. You presently have about 5 Arete, plus whatever you gained from the choice above.

Which healing abilities did he acquire in the process? Select 1 if you picked The Plumed Offering and 2 if you chose any other creature.

[ ] Evening Sky - Pristine Star - The wearer and those regularly in his presence will always heal completely, without complications or scarring, even from grievous or amputating wounds. Grants resistance to illness and disease. Healing is somewhat accelerated, in that one may expect to recover from even the worst of survivable injuries in about two weeks.

Enemy effects may contest this.

the free option. It STILL slows us down considerably and is slow to act, but removes any risk of long-term injuries, like the ones to Letrizia for the 10-hours beast, or the injuries such a beast could give us (as long as we survive, obviously).

Decent, and a possible good extra pick if we want to save some arete.

-- 2 Arete Options --

[ ] Evening Sky - Shine Bright - 2 Arete. The wearer can slowly (over the course of several minutes) heal most forms of wound, illness and disease in others. Sustainable in moderation, draining if overused. Creates noticeable illumination, useful in dungeons but can attract attention. Does not work on the wearer. Greater Charisma modestly improves healing efficacy, speed, stamina cost.

Unlocks a path of findross related research.

better healing... of others! Still, this is probably the option best suited to heal our companions, even if it leaves US just as hurt, and likely even more tired. I wonder if we can use it to heal Veschle... on that note I also wonder if Pristine Star would slowly repair Veschle too.

possible pick, but we can likely do better. If we take this Pristine Star is mostly superfluous though.. except I just realized that with Pristine Star we can finally get our limbs/eye/lung back!

uh, Pristine Star just went up a bit in my evaluation.
[ ] Forebear's Blade - Second Stage - 2 Arete. Those who believed the Forebear felled were in for an unpleasant surprise. Upon reaching 0% health, instead of dying manifest as your Second Stage, a being of wraithflesh and shadow that pierces the curtain of the real. If your Second Stage is not slain, revert to your ordinary human form, fully healed, after a night has passed. Second Stage has [-Strength, +Agility], weakness to certain uncommon types of damage, and minor phasing abilities. Your Artifacts phase with you.

Pre-requisite for Form of Rage. Pre-requisite for Final Form. Second Stage prevents most forms of overflow damage.

And HERE we get a VERY good complement to the other 2 arete option! If the previous pick had the perfect "heal other" effect, this one gives us something even better than a "heal self" effect: it gives us a second life, a respawn, and it renews after just a night!

Taken together they would allow us to Heal Letrizia AND to be a bit more reckless with Hunger even while he's still injured.

It even offers a somewhat dangerous form of self-healing: we can basically kill ourself, and wait a night. Of course we'd be more at risk for that one night, but if we're in a reasonably safe location it's worth considering (even if, with Apocryphal, it's probably better not to risk it most of the time)

The question is, does a 2+2=4 arete plan beat a 0+7=7 arete plan?

Well, it's going to depend on the 7 point options! 7s are usually more efficient, but synergy might very well make the 2+2 better in this case, and it would let us save some arete too instead of wiping out our reserves!
-- 7 Arete Options --

[ ] Forebear's Blade - Echo of the Forebear + Undying Echo + Undying Vanguard - 7 Arete. Taking Echo of the Forebear (1 pick) and Undying Echo (2 Arete) unlocks Undying Vanguard (upgrade to Undying Echo, 5 Arete).

Where tread the Forebear, his men would not fall, for the shadow of his presence could turn even death aside. And for his most stalwart servants, the reach of his shadow spanned continents and worlds.

Choose up to 5 companions whose true Astral Ranks do not exceed your own. They receive bonus Protection, Constitution and regeneration depending on both your relative power levels and their level of loyalty to you. A highly loyal companion would be about as difficult to kill as you yourself are, including the effects of your Artifacts. [+Might, +Agility, +++Constitution]

You personally don't receive any healing from this, though the extra Constitution will increase your effective health. While this offers comprehensive protection to your companions, it is expensive protection that does not really help you scale.

a retinue-lite option. It doesn't make our companions actually stronger, but it makes them much more resistant, which is still good. And this power increase scales with our own strenght.

The extra power is also nice, though still leaves us crippled, while Pristine Star (and possibly second stage too) would give us our limbs back (one slowly over the course of a few days to 2 weeks, the other as soon as we die and respawn).

We could probably get these back later though, so it's still a valid option, even if takes 2 full picks.
[ ] Hunger - Pitiless Maw - 7 Arete. A Conjunctional Advancement that requires the Forebear's Blade. How can hunger perish from this world? So long as there is one hungering thing, it will emerge again and again to feast upon this realm of mere phenomena. Passively restore health equal to 100% of the damage you deal in melee combat, and triples the Power of Ruin associated with melee strikes.

This average rate of healing offered by this effect vastly surpasses that offered by the other effects here. This is compounded by the additional armor-penetrating effect of tripled Ruin. It doesn't help you heal Letrizia, but you'll be able to heal yourself and protect her much more effectively while she's recuperating! Incredible sustain that lets you take on armies of moderately weaker enemies, and even stronger enemies without powerful burst attacks may struggle to fell you. Beware the melee range limitation, however.

good combo with Pristine Star, getting slow full healing for our whole group and the power to buy the time needed for it to complete.

ok, now let's talk plan/combos. I see a few different valid strategies.

We're doing all of this to heal Letrizia, so a selfish plan (like taking only Second Stage) is not an option. If we take a single pick it has to be either

1)Evening sky (Pro: no arete cost. Con: we're still slowed down until she heals, and we're still injured for that time).

2)Shine bright (Pro: heals Letrizia quickly, costs only 2 arete. Con: it doesn't heal US at all!)

This said, I think a single pick plan is suboptimal. This basically forces me to choose the Dire wolf for the 2 picks, as I'm NOT fine with the 10% death risk.

so, with 2 picks and a max of 7 arete we could spend.. IF we got to 7 before the plan is over, which is unlikely unless taken with a +arete option, and as a single pick is not good enough that would be the tyrant beast, which I ALREADY said I'm not willing to risk..

basically 7 arete points are barely possible, and would leave us with nothing stored. I think the best choice is to limit ourselves to a 4 arete expenditure max, maybe even 2.

so, what are the best combination under 4 arete (ignoring the single picks I discussed before?)

well, there are only two that achieve all our goals

PLAN A) Pristine Star + Shine Bright. Healing for our companions immediately, slow healing for our limbs in a couple of weeks. costs only 2 arete.

PLAN B) Shine Bright + Second Stage. Healing for our companions immediately, a renewable second life for us that comes with full healing AND that we could theoretically use to heal ourselves immediately if we're willing to risk being without that extra life for a whole night, which I personally am. Still a much lower risk than taking a 10% death chance after all, and we'd actually be in a better situation than we're in right now against a sudden ambush anyway. And after this night we'd STILL have our secret form second life anyway.

so, with this said... I think

Mire Wolf (2 picks)
Shine Bright (heal others)
Second Stage (second life with health restored to max)

is the best plan. IF Second Stage comes with regrown limbs that's even better. I'm sure someone asked if it works like this after the update, so I'm going to get some clarification soon enough.

well, I can see that the quest is still going on, so I at least know that even if Tyrant Beast won we missed the 10% chance :D.

(not that it would suddenly make it a good decision, mind you!)

1276 words
Remember that killing Bonesaw will likely cause some significant dead man's switches to trigger, so non-lethal take-downs may be preferred.
I'm not sure how much I credit that, actually. They have rules against epidemics, and I don't quite think they'd relax those just because a member died.
On the other hand, she might need to be alive in order to keep their implants working, meaning the Nine die unless they recruit another biotinker in really short order. Or Mannequin can do the job. I could see it in that case.
Also also, they may have been assumed to have them because Thinkers said so. In that case, it's also quite possible.
If not, encourage the other tinker's to limit their ability to communicate with Jack. If they have headphones that can scramble human speech that might work.
Jack's UMI isn't speech-based or even necessarily conscious - see the time Skitter didn't drown him in bugs when she totally could've. I'd assume there's a range limit, but it is likely quite long. City-width, maybe.

Things that I need to work into this update:
*Showing what the local tactical network looks like. There are organizations in play here, and I haven't been doing a great job of visualizing them.
*Working out the setup so that we actually get an interesting superhero fight, instead of staying inside the train and hoping it wins. (This is mostly done.)
*Showing you enough of that setup that you know what the stakes are.

Of course, I just spent an hour on DSB's CYOA, so I'm going to be posting my build for that before I go back to writing...
Well, this was interesting.
Initial Build:
Myself (I was curious, so this became my initial choice)
Combat Type (because I think people seriously underestimate Indenture, initially)
Explosive Affliction (because I'm willing to walk around mostly-dead in order to keep it inactive)
Sign of the Crab (this seemed survivable, although it's probably the least pleasant if I'm still at home)
Sign of the Twins (a version of the Rival curse that doesn't seem to scale to lethally dangerous levels? Actually kind of fun!)
Swords (this is what solidified me as Combat Type, because it means I can safely take two Crowning Curses)
Curse of the Jester (my guaranteed not-terribly-uncomfy life is now a slapstick comedy at my expense - and I'm okay with that)
Curse of Hubris (as the latest update has confirmed, this is a Crowning Curse - and it seems really thematically appropriate to combo with Jester)
High Priestess (because this is actually really solid Crab mitigation)
Empress (because she seems like the best way of keeping the Explosive Affliction controlled)
Justice (because I like it, and it looks suspiciously like +Progression from curse mitigation)
Hanged Man (because this is +Progression! Unbounded! Possibly even better than the default Progression-type package, even!)
Judgement 1 (because I had a point left and I like Accursed Favor)
(At this point in my writeup I realize that it's broken because Curse Points don't immediately convert to Remittance Value, so I go add Plenary Brand since it doesn't really seem to have an angle for making my life worse, and grab Hierophant so I can turn my family into Disciples and thereby solve Crab. Except I don't have enough Disciple slots for that. Hm. Maybe I can buy it twice, to double the number of 'mutual curse immunity' slots? I also grab Tower, because it's not an awful Progression source, and I think I'll really want the regen.)

Final build: I'm regarded as a natural disaster by practically anyone aside from a vampire lady and a weird largish cult with obvious magic powers, I'm hilariously inept at judging my actual capabilities, and I have completely impenetrable plot armor. I also have a particularly slapstick variant of the Apocryphal, an irrepressible will to advance through challenge, and a chance of 'randomly' (i.e. whenever Jester thinks it will be funny) chance of exploding. Challenge will be somewhat reliably available, because I get a rival pretty much every time I try something important.
Finally, I have the Sign of the Accursed, and a +Progression artifact that procs every month. I expect to get fairly decent mitigation, and possibly even reach High Cursebearer. Of course that'll rely on never losing it forever, but. Swords+Tower might manage that.

I'm quite satisfied with this build! Initial quest is getting my family immune to my Curses, then figure out what's going on with Camilla's backstory. Initial tragicomedy is trying to convince my family to let me make them Disciples despite the fact that I'm a randomly-exploding, basically-incomprehensible regenerator wearing a deeply concerning rope on my arm.
Pity it's not a great build for actually, y'know, reading about.

(Oh, a side note: I'm not super comfortable with the naked art, even if it is Classical. Not a huge deal, but it might be nice to add a warning?)
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@DarkSideBard, weirdly specific question about your CYOA: Ascendence gives +400% advancement and the capability to break conceptual limits to a character's Inherent Ability. Is that literally To Shatter Heaven, or can you ALSO take To Shatter Heaven as a Lesser Remittance and stack the effects? Or to two instances of To Shatter Heaven stack anyway?
[X] The Seraph of Heroism, Haeliel [Basic, 50 Arete]

I'm now more confident this amount of arete is doable, so I'll vote for it.
I have a major question. There's an option that, if I'm right, makes a One True Build, and that seems to not be something you would want.

Does seting Crown and Thorns to feed on your Mind allow you to feed it Intelligence Pluses only? If it does, doesn't that mean setting it to use Corsage on Constitution, and then taking Infected With Nanomachines from Pestilence result in a truly infinite recursive loop? I know Progression Type Cursebearers are supposed to surpass infinity eventually, but a Combat type's planet busting capabilities are far short of that.

Even worse, however, is that Sable could simply use her innate ability with Corsage towards Willpower to start with an infinite loop without needing that Combat type only condition, allowing her to begin with some baseline infinite stats the moment she starts as a Progression type.

I have to do a Phoenix build, of course.

Rules: No non-canon Curses or Remittances beyond the ones native to this CYOA.

Player (Myself)
Break Containment (Combat-Class) (-17, +3)
Curses (Crowning): The Curse of Hubris (+6)
Curses (Major): The Sign of the Crab, The Brand of Illwinter, The Geas of the Sanctum, The Doom of the Tyrant, The Plenary Brand (+15)
Curses (Lesser): The Doom of the Sailor, The Doom of the Addict, the Sign of the Twins, the Doom of the Prick (+4)
Remaining Remittance Value: +28 - 17 = (+11 RV)

Primary Remittances: Wands, Cups

Wands: Ferocity, Crown-and-Thorns

Intersubject (Primary)
Scrimshaw (Secondary)
Horse - 1-3 Advancements focused on +Might
Phoenix - 12-14 Advancements, a few for Stat +s and the remainder all focused on raising the speed and potency of the Cursebearer's Regeneration and Rebirth effects. As a starting Combat-class, comprehensive existential restoration is feasible at a modest rate; death by mundane means is nothing more than an annoyance.

Crown and Thorns
Spirit - Alongside Phoenix, the core engine of the build. The immense restorative power of the Phoenix is converted directly and efficiently into versatile abilities.
Bouquet - Theme: 'The Overlord' - The purpose of the build, the core engine's actual output.

Thematically, the character is a malevolent presence (Doom of the Prick, Plenary Brand) that resides atop a forbidding tower (Cups Remittance, Geas of the Sanctum), as a sigil of lidless fire (Phoenix), at the center of a world-spanning fimbulwinter (Brand of Illwinter). They are Sauron and Jadis, Yawgmoth and Melkor: the archetypical overlord, more force of nature than man (Sign of the Crab), whose power is eclipsed only by their arrogance (Doom of the Tyrant, Curse of Hubris).

Mechnically, following the MOBA-theme of Bouquet, the character's role would be that of a hard Carry - requiring immense investment but paying out incredible power in turn.

Active: Overlord's Craft - A highly-limited form of Artifice. At baseline, caps the maximum % of essence invested into Artifacts and suffers greatly reduced efficiency compared to (Binary Magic) Elvish Artifice. As essence is invested into the ability itself, both efficiency and maximum essence % improve, potentially exceeding Elvish limits with the Wands +Progression, or if bolstered by the Steeple. The Cursebearer must still additionally pay the essence cost per Artifact.

If the character makes a Magnum Opus with all their essence, this will not kill them but instead creates a powerful phylactery atop the Artifact's baseline effect. They lose this entire ability thereafter. Once you have forged the Ruling Ring, there can be no space for replacements.

Additionally, once the character reaches the maximum essence % that would permit the use of this final ability, they start to feel a slight but slowly increasing compulsion to employ it. However, the maximum essence % is not necessarily 100% - cost-reducing effects such as Justice or the Mirellyian bloodline could raise the Magnum Opus threshold to 200%, 800%, or more.

Passive: Overlord's Grandeur - Grants Astral Rank scaling with the amount of essence invested. Very slow, without the Spirit feeding method getting to high Ranks would be completely impractical.
Passive: Overlord's Might - Grants +All Stats scaling with the amount of essence invested. Very slow without the Spirit feeding method. Ex. for each +10 to a stat that Corsage would grant, this might grant +1 to All Stats.
Passive: Contagion of Greatness - The character's loyal allies receive the benefits of Overlord's Might and Grandeur at a reduced rate; closer allies receive greater benefits, but even foot soldiers will experience some gains. The character cannot revoke such benefits, nor can they control the spread; Overlords should take care lest once-loyal Lackeys turn on them.

Cups Remittance
The Monastery provides significant additional mitigation for those who serve the Overlord, or seek to petition him.
The Steeple is a powerful all-purpose force multiplier for magic, boosting both the speed of the character's recursive essence-engine (Phoenix essence regen -> Bouquet grants +Rank and All Stats to help advance Phoenix -> Phoenix grants further essence regen) and the strength of the powers manifest thereby. As the Cups Remittance self-augments over time, the character benefits from several compounding multipliers with which to overcome his lack of true Progression.

Lesser Remittances:

Item: Justice (-1 RV) - Halves essence costs, thus doubling growth rate & crafting strength of the character. The Accursed's disapproval of certain actions may reign in the Curse of Hubris slightly.

Refinement: Strength (-7 RV) - Cups Remittance.

Companion: The High Priestess (-1 RV) - An Overlord's armies.

Companion: Adorie Mirellyian (-2 RV) - Adorie is way too powerful for a Progression-type Companion, but as a Combat-type her Rank does not provide an undue degree of safety. The Mirellyian bloodline has obvious synergy with the core engine of the build, though this version could not have encountered Hunger or awakened the Tears of Winter. Poor Adorie, a princess trapped in one Overlord's tower only to be spirited away to another's! But what is there to do but make the best of her circumstances - after all, there are very few with the experience to be qualified for such a position!

Given his versatile and potential-focused abilities, this build would start with considerably less combat strength than the typical Cursebearer of his type, but benefits from rapid growth. Stage I-I.5 Mitigation should be swift, and Stage II entirely within reach.
@DarkSideBard, weirdly specific question about your CYOA: Ascendence gives +400% advancement and the capability to break conceptual limits to a character's Inherent Ability. Is that literally To Shatter Heaven, or can you ALSO take To Shatter Heaven as a Lesser Remittance and stack the effects? Or to two instances of To Shatter Heaven stack anyway?
You're reading it wrong. Ascendence is a Primary Remittance, and To Shatter Heaven applies to Primary Remittances. Ascendence is most similar to King's Scepter, because Hunger's inherent ability was his magic system.
DAFUQ - I just wanted to look if there is an update and I am currently in absolute awe
[ ] The Seraph of Heroism, Haeliel [Basic, 50 Arete] / [ ] The Seraph of Heroism, Haeliel [Committed, 200 Arete]
WTF, it is impossible to gather so much Arete and it is wastefu...
...holy shit. @DarkSideBard summoned the power of the old Arete Miners and showed his BDE (big dick energy). I will support such passion
[X] DarkSideBard

I will try to post two newspapers today and a diagram of how each gang sees the other gangs.
(Oh, a side note: I'm not super comfortable with the naked art, even if it is Classical. Not a huge deal, but it might be nice to add a warning?)
Oops, that's my bad. I've edited a warning in.

weirdly specific question about your CYOA:
Yes, that's TSH. I wanted to include TSH in Ascendence to mimic the way that King's Scepter/Game of the Year Edition gives it to you, but I didn't like it (or Intensify) as Upgrade Lesser Remittances and tossed them out. The Lovers/Beloved offers you basically any item/character you want as a Lesser Remittance if it's not too OP, but the only Upgrades you can get are the listed ones.

I have a major question. There's an option that, if I'm right, makes a One True Build, and that seems to not be something you would want.

On a meta level, you can assume that nothing the Accursed offers you directly will be a trap option, but also that any instant win combinations are illusory.

More specifically, for Corsage + Nanomachines doesn't work for a number of reasons, the most immediate being that the conversion ratio is simply not that impressive? Ignoring the difficulty of perfectly controlling two magics to work together exactly the way that you would want by essentially having your Crown Flower continuously devouring your Pestilence constructs, and also assuming the quadruple (!!!) stat return ratio necessary for a true loop, it's not like the ratio of sacrifice/return is going to stay the same; the bigger a plant gets, the more resources it needs to sustain itself and grow more, yeah? Plus, rapid looping is impossible due to the mechanism of Crown Flower growth, which requires natural energy. Maybe the sudden drastic increase in density of magical field pops you like microwaving a hardboiled egg too long, or you're likely to slip in your control and lobotomize yourself the larger your Crown Flower, or the bonus INT is a field of magical nanobots from your magic and Crown Flower won't accept them as a "mental" capability instead of a "magical" one, etc. etc.

As far as Sable goes, the stats that her IA adds aren't "real", in that they're effects of a stat instead of stats themselves; they're improvements to her functional condition caused by the potency of her Willpower stat rather than actual positive changes to those other base parts of her mind and body that could be sacrificed. It's the strength of her "Will to Live" improving her functional CON/INT/WITS score. Sable + Willpower Corsage is straightforwardly strong, though.

If you really want to play the CYOA with loophole brain on, you can, but it's probably more interesting to think about why apparent cheese wouldn't work instead, like with seemingly incompatible Curses resolving themselves in funny ways.
Yes, that's TSH. I wanted to include TSH in Ascendence to mimic the way that King's Scepter/Game of the Year Edition gives it to you, but I didn't like it (or Intensify) as Upgrade Lesser Remittances and tossed them out. The Lovers/Beloved offers you basically any item/character you want as a Lesser Remittance if it's not too OP, but the only Upgrades you can get are the listed ones.

Thanks for clarifying. I guess going TSH Ascendence Sable to turn Willpower into an improved +All Stats isn't as viable as I thought :V

One other weirdly specific question: Does the proximity to the Magnificent Sea granted by The Flow count as proximity to a "sea" for the purposes of The Doom of the Sailor?

If you are angry at the newspaper article you are against FREE SPEECH and the American way. 🏈
EDIT: Voyaging news next - at least there is some juicy gossip there
EDIT2: The typo is totally intentional.
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Aight, I'm mostly interested in seeing builds that would be fun to read/follow, so here's my personal preference:

Player: The Orphan
Type: Progression
Major Curses: The Geas of Indenture, The Doom of the Tyrant
Minor Curses: None
Primary Remittance: Ascendance (+20 Willpower, +10 Agility, +Theft, +Survival (Urban))
Lesser Remittances: Moondrop, Saltbrume, Grace

Piling on lots of curses might be powerful, but IMO the really high-curse builds would be a little boring to read, so I've gone a lot more conservative here, mostly just focusing on early survivability in the Lesser Remittances to give the inherent power of TSH Pandyssian Blood a chance to get off the ground and start elevating most of Sable's stats to solidly superhuman at first, and beyond as her Willpower increases. Grace here is selected because it seems to offer situational Willpower boosts, which have an obvious synergistic effect with Pandyssian Blood.

Probably the biggest shortfall here is a lack of very-long term potential, but I think it's safe to assume that, if Sable is able to access additional magic systems, her superhuman Int, Willpower, and Wits will give her significant bonuses to advancement in that system.
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Another one:

Persona (Edda)
Major Curses: Geas of Indenture, Doom of the Tyrant, Brand of the Champion
Remittances: Praxis, Pay to Win
Lesser Remittances: Binary System, Intensify (Praxis), To Shatter Heaven (Praxis)

Fulfill the true desire of the thread, and go full Praxis with no consequences whatsoever! Pay to Win grants survival, plot armor and power, and then you can go full all in on the Praxis at mazimum possible speed. Brand of thr Champion + Doom of the Tyrant ensures there will be no distractions towards mainlining the Praxis at an extreme speed.
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So here's another theory on how to create money:

Elixirdross is Heroic Legend

Elixirdross is "not for shining paragons" but is "for heroes of legend". It can be used to induce the Fairbright bloodline.

[ ] Elixir (all picks, 20 Arete) - Feat: Reckoner, adding .375 Rank and upgrades Edeldross to 25-point version. A rare Advancement. Sufficient refinement of Edeldross can create a substance ontologically equivalent to findross in potency but different in character: fairer, nobler and brighter, a power not for shining paragons but for heroes of legend; not the pristine beauty of the stars, but the blinding incandescence of the Sun itself!

*In conjunction with the Ring of Blood, allows Hunger to induce the Fairbright Bloodline in himself once his effective Blood Rank exceeds 8.0. If successful, mitigates the Apocryphal Curse by one half-stage.
*Vastly expands the space of possible Graces and enormously expands their potency.
*Does not disqualify Hunger for Trinity later, as Arete spend towards his Element is not classified as belonging to any one Artifact.
*Edeldross can now heal Hunger's eye, liver, and lung. Discounts Final Form by 7 (!) Arete.
*Hunger will learn what the Fairbright Bloodline actually does. --Heartlessness.
*Lucenthorne shall seek you as an ally, for any who wields the Fairbright Essence cannot be its enemy. You need not wield it personally; it has resided in the hands of ruler and champion both.

We've met someone who almost certianly has the Fairbright bloodline. Her vote option is called "The Shining Paragon".

[ ] The Shining Paragon [2 Arete] - Dame Gabrielle Fairbright is a living exemplar of the Noble Truth. Blessed with extraordinary beauty, grace, quickness of mind and the beneficence of fortune, she wields her ancestral blade in service to Truth and Justice wheresoever they may take her. Today they have taken her to the Temple of the False Moon, and to Hunger, who is beset by a monster out of legend. Worry not, fair wanderer and Lady Sorceress, this shining knight shall dispatch your interloper forthwith!

*Requires The Dreadbeast or The Magus
*Her assistance grants a +19 bonus to the above combat roll, all but guaranteeing survival against foes of this caliber
*Considerably more powerful than the two of you, and self-righteous, though not annoyingly so. Unlikely to attack if unprovoked.
*Has a nuanced, balanced, and compassionate view of the good that neither makes undue allowances for petty evil nor descends into sanctimonious self-rationalizing.
*Commands a number of powerful magical systems in unison, blessed by good fortune, willing to join you for the duration of the Temple.
*The power of her bloodline, the Fairbright Legacy, drives darkness, illness, and foulness from the world.
*There is something distinctly... odd about her. Something is afoot here. Whether it portends good or ill, you are not certain.
*Doom risk: Medium to High depending on strategy

She is also definitely a hero of legend. Elixirdross is for "heroes of legend"; Gabrielle has heroic blood, and both her and Aristeia Fairbright have legends.

Gabrielle Fairbright fell without incident. The blood of ten thousand heroes sang in her veins, choirs of the Astral had descended to shield her, her blade of legend had blazed like a second sun, plain become glass before its incandescence
Lady Aristeia Fairbright, whose might even contained was the stuff of legend.

So I'd say Miss Shining Paragon has two colors in her voting option because she has two major magics.
Golden Findross is the "shining paragon" power. We can get it via Total Eclipse. It's associated with the stars.
Blue/Azure Elixirdross is the "heroes of legend" power. The Fairbright bloodline isn't Elixirdross itself, but they seem extremely closely associated. We can get it via Elixir. It's associated with the sun.

All in all, I'm pretty confident that Elixirdross is heroic legend. That's similar to myth, but not quite the same. And then there's Lazulite, which is stone infused with powers from "immortal myth", which sounds like an upgrade from regular myth.

Edeldross Links Concepts (like Myth) to Reality

Edeldross is a precursor component of findross, and also an unrefined version of Elixirdross. One possibility is that Edeldross is myth, and that myth can be refined into legend. It does kinda make sense, in that Edeldross dissolves in reality just like myth does.

But on the other hand, Edeldross isn't azure, the voting option for it is white and the substance itself is translucent. It isn't associated with the moon, the Azure moon, or any other celestial feature. It's not on the level of anything mythic we've seen. And in video games legendary tier is always below mythic tier.

So I'm going to say that Edeldross isn't myth or legend, it's more like the method or means by which myths and legends propagate. It is "the liminal gloss between real and ideal". It's not anything in and of itself, it's just a medium that transmits and amplifies more ideal concepts like myth. Or in other words: if Myth is a beam of light, then Edeldross is a lens that focuses and intensifies that light.

How to Make $$$

1: Find a pure source of myth. Adorie's blood is possible. Alternatively, we could produce pure Myth from Edeldross. This would require refining Edeldross at least once in order to become Elixirdross, and possibly a second time if Elixirdross's "heroic legend" is separate from "myth". Or maybe they have a pure enough sample for our purposes sitting in a vault somewhere.

2: Find some ordinary platinum.

3: Build an Edeldross lens, with the Edeldross acting as the liminal gloss between the "ideal" of pure myth and the "real" of the platinum money. The Edeldross should transmit the mythic qualities into the platinum, creating mythic platinum. This will degrade the conceptual power of the pure myth sample since the connection goes both ways, but we can reinforce the myth sample with Adorie's blood.

Studying the runes, like the runes in the walls, is probably neccessary to get our lens to work.


To update a previous theory of mine: The Elixir nation hotsprings is located above a Findross pipeline leakage. The Rotbeast and it's champions had golden eyes because they absorbed lots of leaked findross, it may also have been acting as a clot on the pipe leak, which explains why spring activity picked up once it died.
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Thanks for clarifying. I guess going TSH Ascendence Sable to turn Willpower into an improved +All Stats isn't as viable as I thought :V

One other weirdly specific question: Does the proximity to the Magnificent Sea granted by The Flow count as proximity to a "sea" for the purposes of The Doom of the Sailor?
We've talked about it on the discord, but that is an intended loophole, yes. Though it would require dedicated indirect mitigation as well as a more and more advancement in The Flow over time to stay good.

I really like some of the builds I've seen posted so far, so here's one of my favorites:

SUN VS. SUN (Majesty vs. The Unending)

-The Bureaucrat
-Spite (Combat-Type) (-3 RV, +1 Primary, +3 Lesser)
+Major: The Geas of Indenture, Affliction of Slumber (+6 RV)
+Lesser: Doom of the Sailor, Sign of the Twins, Brand of the Childish, Brand of the Chaste (+4 RV) (7 RV->7LR)
-Primary Remittance: Wands: The Power of Love (Accretion) (-1 Primary)
-Lesser Remittances: The High Priestess, The Emperor, The Hermit, The Sun, The Hanged Man, Temperance, The Hierophant, Death (-9LR)
-Location: Coda Sola (-1LR)

Yes, that's right, we're changing from Mythic Hero Simulator into a different genre.

The actual joke here is that neither you nor the assassination target are never, ever going to 1v1 each other.

The idea is to lean on Serring's Core stats and Skills to keep him in the role of social specialist by compounding advantages. First, Combat-Type Accretion likely gives some excellent Rank, which is effective for basically all purposes. This only gets more useful once The Sun and The Hanged Man are taken as Panoply items, since that would give Majesty and Rule domains to gather advancements in, plus strong conjunctional magic advancements. Temperance might give something like Mastermind Points, or maybe Glory points; just some way to do social manipulation even more effectively. The Hanged Man is great synergy with everything else, since it forbids you from moving but not from speaking, which allows active exertion of social abilities. Thus, rapid Rank growth is available via the mechanism of Fame (which access to the Majesty domain is great for), especially since Death respawns you in an "advantageous" position which you can hopefully leverage hard out of the gate.

If Serring ever really needs combat prowess, he has high Rank and access to the "Sun" domain, plus can use the Coronal Ejection special ability of the Ring of Majesty in case he finds himself in a tough spot early on, Cursebearer-Seram-style. He isn't likely to be doing much fighting alone, however.

This build also focuses on the benefits of dedicated allies, which is why you're taking so many of them. The High Priestess, the Emperor, and the Hermit work pretty well together. First, The High Priestess ensures a large body of people to interact with and rule for social advancements, creates a solid base of people to deal with Brand of the Childish and protect you during your Slumber, and might give you an in to their system of Faith-based Fate magic, which could be good with your social spec and The Hanged Man. Second, the Emperor can use the resources that The High Priestess has to offer to advance his own abilities safely, with support to help him cultivate plants as well as hunt for ingredients in aquatic and other threatening environments, creating a loop of making food that empowers everyone and going hunting for better ingredients. Third, The Hermit would be in much the same situation, but with improving technomagical artifice instead of improving food. Both of these cycles feed (ha) into one another.

The Hierophant lets you safely pick out member of The High Priestess to act as Disciples for the purpose of immediately lowering Curse burdens, and thematically might combine with The Hanged Man as a Panoply Item to let you find easier ways to awaken active Rank/Accretion in allies, which is obviously incredibly valuable in an environment where you have a constant flow of empowering consumables and artifacts. Actually, despite not having The Forebear's Blade, I wouldn't be surprised if Serring could produce something like the "Companions of the King" EFB, since it seems within the "Rule" domain. Anyways, The Hierophant also allows you to get in general Curse Mitigation beyond your means while you focus the most important Curse to mitigate: The Geas of Indenture. You need to take companions along with you to other tasks, so mitigating any other Curses can wait. It might actually be necessary to take another Lesser Curse in order to take The Fool and mitigate Indenture indirectly in order to be able to travel to past Geas tasks and pick your people up, though there'll be more on that later. Also, allies can keep working even while you sleep, so Slumber makes their efforts proportionally more valuable because you have less ability to get shit done personally.

I think that people are sleeping on Death in general. Death is a strong choice here because it allows you time at the start of many Geas tasks to build another Fame/Rank engine and ignore the main restriction on your progress, which is Slumber. It's really good with taking several lesser Curses, since that provides more times you can use it while causing less of a pain in your ass. Death much worse in overall time off from your Curses than a Progression Type's Relinquishment when taking into account the length of The Geas of Indenture, but the specific form which the time off takes is actually well-suited for this build since it gives you a way to obtain a position of social and material advantage at the beginning of many of your early Geas tasks, which alleviates the pressure caused by not being a Progression-Type (despite Wands's limited +Progression and The Hanged Man).

Curse choices are also pretty easy to understand.

Indenture is inexpensive as far as pain caused by Curses goes, and is necessary to make the most of Serring's new power by displacing him into a new and simpler social context. Coda Sola is the chosen Geas task because it's suitable in length and resources for building up the kinds of advantage that you want to have, while remaining fairly safe from Immediate Loss conditions that one could trigger as a Combat-type. Actually, this build excels at Conquer and Rule tasks and is much more suited for them than it is for Assassination, but none of the other buyable Locations really hit that balance of safety/productivity/timespan which is important for a first Geas task. Also, obviously, Coda Sola allows Serring to take Doom of the Sailor without having to worry much about the consequences for the next few hundred years.

Slumber is costly in terms of how much time a Cursebearer can be personally active and in how it makes them vulnerable, but both of those are well-addressed by this build because Serring will have people to do things for him and protect him while he's asleep, which allows his waking hours to be optimized. Might also synergize with the Majesty domain to promote a sort of "don't tickle a sleeping dragon" advancement, which is an extra layer of protection via reputation.

Sign of the Twins basically just feeds Serring opportunities in the form of opponents, especially if a variant of this build with The Devil or The Tower is taken. Even if it would be extremely annoying to deal with near the start of a Geas task when the effectiveness and number of Twins procs is highest, Serring has indirect mitigation in the form of Death, which will let him avoid it for early Geas tasks. Being reborn in an advantageous position and having 21 years to enter new theaters in that reality without Twins being active takes a lot of the spice out of the Curse. Once he's past the first few Geas tasks he'll probably have be strong and well-rounded enough that a stacking series of Twin procs aren't a fatal risk.

Childish is trivial to someone who always has dependable allies for assistance and is usually very, very rich. With some targeted mitigation, the negative perception aspect to the Brand will be really reduced, which is the only significant detriment. Childish is much riskier for builds that go for a Crowning Curse because it becomes a vector for them to fuck you over pretty hard, but without them pushing you into bad situations you're probably not losing that much by taking it, most of the time.

Brand of the Chaste isn't really an issue. Serring isn't historically interested in romance, and if he was he could just avoid the inevitable bad end by cutting things off early like other Cursebearers do, or even duck it altogether with clever and sparing use of The Hierophant's mutual Curse Immunity, though that is a risk in itself given how Curse blowback + emotional pain can hit at a bad time if they're killed.

This build generally wins tasks by aggressively accumulating and compounding material and social advantage, then directing it effectively with Serring's ability to rule, which is always increasing due to Accretion or exploitation of other magic. Laterally, eventually, considering that he doesn't have TSH to break Accretion's limits, even if having The Hanged Man as a Panoply item might allow some metagaming via Evening-Sky-like metamagic advancements or magic acquisition advancements.

There are good versions of this build that take more Curses, though I think someone prudent should know where to stop, especially as a Combat-Type. Past a certain threshold, you don't actually need more power to get what you want, and taking more Curses than you need is a losing proposition. However, Hierophant + Death + The High Priestess does give a lot of immediate and some good long-term Curse forgiveness if you're careful, so taking more Curses is not necessarily the worst thing you can do with this set up. This build is the opposite of most greed builds in that it can't go all-in on being antisocial Wolber-style because it derives its power from being social, so you have to pick other things...mostly.

For example, taking Sign of the Crab/Doom of the Occultist and using it to grab Gisena + Ring of Time + The Devil/The World is extremely synergistic, even if it goes more in on consolidation of resources and either sacrifices the Fame/Rank engine and the bludgeon of turning Serring's CHA on non-companions or sacrifices the smoothness of the process of exploiting his personal magic and his general force multiplication mechanisms for those he rules. Affliction of the Carnivore is a pain due to it limiting the scope of The Emperor's usefulness, but it's not a big issue if you're using The High Priestess to deal with Brand of the Childish anyways. Affliction of the Weary isn't as bad if you're already taking Affliction of Slumber + can get restorative draughts from The Emperor's ability. Extra Lesser Curses like these are valuable because there are so many useful possible Lesser Remittances, like taking The Fool in order to get cheaper indirect Indenture Mitigation so you can bring along companions, or taking The Star because of its synergy with The High Priestess, or grabbing Gisena because of her optimization for mitigation and synergistic genius, etc. Sadly, the social focus of this build means that most Brands and Dooms are a no-go, though Plenary would be extremely appropriate from a thematic point of view even if it's terrible and nobody should take it.

You could even take a Crowning Curse despite the lack of requirement (so, the Curse of Hubris, then : P) and sacrifice a non-essential Lesser Remittance in order to take Cups or The Joker, both of which only feed your methods of improvement, or taking Blank Card(/another Wands?) and going straight for The Praxis, which itself is really synergistic with our other choices. I think that taking an unnecessary Crowning Curse in order to grab a Primary Remittance Like Pay to Win/Three Wishes or New Game Plus is deeply stupid. Those are things to take to protect you from a Crowning Curse that you have to take in order to be a Cursebearer, and in my opinion do not match the increased difficulty.

I think that this would actually be a fun build to play! It doesn't get drowned under the unfortunate nature of excessive Curses, it has clear goals and means, it comes with a bunch of social interaction built-in, has lots of possible references to general Rihaku lore, and would be a much different playstyle than the other two Cursebearers that we've been, especially as we would be a Combat Type.

Some challenges I think he would face:

At first, he'll just be spinning his wheels. Choosing Spite over Justice but still ducking out of his origin universe seems like an unlikely combination of choices. Maybe he accepts the necessity of saving others, but would rather not risk a period of personal weakness? At the very least this build is Combat-Type only, and is extremely suited for "getting it right" the way that the Galactic Empire failed utterly at doing. But transitioning away from the mode of a bitter, mostly helpless saboteur into being a savior who navigates realpolitik as an active head of state might be confusing, especially since it's supposed to happen overnight. Though getting a new family and some time before the Curses set in would certainly help. I bet that Serring would pick Death just for the new family alone!

Overall, Serring is really, really not adapted to being a very significant person rather than a somewhat meaningful cog in a machine, so there's a lot of personal growth available for him there and a lot of interesting and genuine social possibilities to explore with companions, though Brand of the Chaste might stopper them from going too far into new territory. Brand of the Chaste is absolutely something that Serring would be okay with, since it's really just extending his avoidance of meaningful relationships in pursuit of his goal, though I bet he would regret it in the long term and use Hierophant's mutual Curse immunity to try to get around the restriction.

Serring is also switching mindsets due to coming from an all-tech universe and becoming someone who is really heavily specced into magic. Doom of the Occultist builds are especially funny here, as the required bullshit would just even further obfuscate things and remove magic from his ability to understand it as a sensible thing with internally consistent rules.
Fulfill the true desire of the thread, and go full Praxis with no consequences whatsoever! Pay to Win grants survival, plot armor and power, and then you can go full all in on the Praxis at mazimum possible speed. Brand of thr Champion + Doom of the Tyrant ensures there will be no distractions towards mainlining the Praxis at an extreme speed.

Brand of the Champion is risky, however, since it means the Accursed will ask for a task before granting a Wish, making Defensive Wish timing extremely awkward...
Brand of the Champion is risky, however, since it means the Accursed will ask for a task before granting a Wish, making Defensive Wish timing extremely awkward...
Hmm. I thought Defensive Wishes worked 'past' the Brand of the Champion.

The most convenient replacement would probably be Sign of the Crab. Plenary would be good if it had any synergies at all with Pay to Win (it doesn't), while Geas of the Sanctum should probably work.
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Adhoc vote count started by runeblue360 on Oct 14, 2020 at 10:57 AM, finished with 269 posts and 47 votes.