[X] You're going to find Theodore, so he can tell you exactly what sort of Personas you're capable of safely using. (Learn everyone's Arcana affinities.)
[X] You're going to find Theodore, so he can tell you exactly what sort of Personas you're capable of safely using.

I'm guessing that Ken might be able to safely use Personas of at least some of these Arcana: Magician, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Strength, Hanged Man, Tower, Star, Moon.
[X] You're going to find Theodore, so he can tell you exactly what sort of Personas you're capable of safely using. (Learn everyone's Arcana affinities.)
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Oct 3, 2020 at 2:13 PM, finished with 10 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] You're going to find Theodore, so he can tell you exactly what sort of Personas you're capable of safely using. (Learn everyone's Arcana affinities.)
    [x] You're just going to pick up a Persona and see where it gets you. (+Courage. Acquire a random sub-Persona.)
    [X] You're going to find Theodore, so he can tell you exactly what sort of Personas you're capable of safely using.
[X] You're going to find Theodore, so he can tell you exactly what sort of Personas you're capable of safely using. (Learn everyone's Arcana affinities.)
[X] You're just going to pick up a Persona and see where it gets you. (+Courage. Acquire a random sub-Persona.)
All right, let's go find Theo!

-Vote Closed!-

I may end up putting the affinities in a separate threadmark, but this is how Ken's officially going to learn about them.
Gaining Access to A Way to Not Mess Up
Tracking down Theodore is fairly easy- he hasn't gone very far from the Velvet Room at all, instead seemingly indulging in his sense of taste. You almost feel bad for interrupting him, but when it comes to matters of personal safety, there's no reason not to take every precaution.

It's Makoto-san who waves him over. "Hey, Theo. We need to ask you something?"

"Yes, Master Makoto?" He turns, and attempts to hide his ice cream behind his back. "I-I promise I'm not slacking off in my duties, it's just that-"
That you're a bundle of nerves? We know.
"It's fine. We just have something to ask you. See, the Wild Card's being a bit odd right now, and..." He doesn't seem to know how to continue this.

"We need to know what Arcanas would be safe for us to use," Yukari-san sighs. "This isn't hard. Though, I'm... not sure why we have to ask him."

Theodore sighs. "My sisters are all... very accomplished, in their own ways, but as the only active Attendant, I have a few more powers afforded to myself than they do, particularly when... Never mind. Anyway, Master Makoto retains his ability to use all Arcanas, and everyone is capable of using Personas of the Fool Arcana. And I probably don't have to tell you what your own Arcanas are, or at least the ones that come with your Personas."

Of course not. As little as your Arcana has done for you before, it's not exactly hard to remember. There are, after all, only so many things it can be, and given the whole thing you'd been dealing with for well over a year, it would be very strange if you'd forgotten.

"I'm... not sure why anyone would have to worry about that," Fuuka-san admitts. "I mean, it... goes on our official charts and everything."

Right. And of course there's the fact that getting your Persona examined is really easy to do when there's four people living in the same building as you who have the capability to do so, if all in different ways.

"Right. So. Some of you have more Arcanas available to you than others. For example..." He glances around for a moment, his gaze eventually settling on Aigis-san. "Besides the Fool and the Chariot, you also have access to the Death and Aeon Arcanas, as well as Judgement, because it is a reflection of the Aeon. While you..." He moves his focus over to Junpei-san, "Have access to Fool, Magician, Lovers, Strength, Hanged Man, Death, and Star."

That's... a lot. "Couldn't you just write that down or something?" Junpei-san complains. "That's so many, I think I'm going to forget."

"Oh, you could put a list at the entrance to the Velvet Room," Makoto-san agrees. "Let us read it while we're trying to figure out who gets what for the moment. Make sure we don't mess up."

You find yourself agreeing with him. This really isn't the time to be picking up the wrong Persona and dealing with whatever consequences come from that. It just seems like a bad idea.

Theodore vanishes into the Velvet Room to get started on that list, and that leaves all of you to wait for him. There's a lot about the subject of secondary Personas that interests you, and you think that now's a good time to start looking into that interest.

You can start by...

[ ] Asking Makoto-san about the Wild Card.

[ ] Asking Elizabeth about the Wild Card.

[ ] Asking Mitsuru-san about the Persona that Elizabeth tossed at her.

[ ] Morgana and Chidori-san both seem interested in something...

[ ] Talking to Aigis about her small selection of Arcanas.
[X] Asking Elizabeth about the Wild Card.
I'm sorta hoping we have access to a wide variety of arcana's since we've been going around befriending people like the wild card.
Arcana Affinities
This is probably a good thing to have all in one place. This will probably be adjusted as certain characters get closer to each other, and of course it's only going to be useful during very specific parts of the story, but... here we go. These are all of the Arcanas that these characters are capable of wielding.


Makoto Yuki- Wild Card, can use everything.

Junpei Iori- Fool, Magician, Lovers, Strength (VIII), Hanged Man, Death, Star

Fuuka Yamagishi- Fool, Priestess, Empress, Hanged Man, Death, Devil, Star, Moon

Mitsuru Kirijo- Fool, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Lovers, Justice (VIII), Justice (XI), Star, Moon

Akihiko Sanada- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Justice (VIII), Strength (VIII), Temperance, Star, Moon

Shinjiro Aragaki- Fool, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Justice (VIII), Strength (VIII), Temperance, Devil, Star, Moon

Yukari Takeba- Fool, Magician, Empress, Lovers, Chariot, Justice (VIII), Strength (VIII), Death

Ken Amada- Fool, Magician, Empress, Lovers, Justice(VIII), Strength (VIII), Hermit, Strength (XI), Hanged Man, Star, Moon

Koromaru- Fool, Magician, Hierophant, Lovers, Justice (VIII), Strength (VIII), Star, Moon

Aigis- Fool, Chariot, Death, Judgement, Aeon

Chidori Yoshino- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Hierophant, Justice (VIII), Hermit, Fortune, Hanged Man

The Investigation Team​

Yu Narukami- Wild Card, can use everything.

Yosuke Hanamura- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Chariot, Star

Yukiko Amagi- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Emperor, Lovers, Chariot, Star

Kanji Tatsumi- Fool, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Justice (VIII), Fortune, Star

Rise Kujikawa- Fool, Priestess, Justice (VIII), Fortune, Hermit, Star, Aeon

Chie Satonaka- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Hermit, Star

Naoto Shirogane- Fool, Jester, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Fortune, Star

Teddie- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Emperor, Lovers, Chariot, Justice (VIII), Fortune, Star, Moon

Phantom Thieves​

Akira Kurusu- Wild Card, can use everything.

Morgana- Fool, Magician, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Justice (VIII), Strength (VIII), Hermit, Hanged Man
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[x] Morgana and Chidori-san both seem interested in something...

Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought it back! :)
It probably says something that half of Chidori's bonds come from people that are no longer actually available to her...

-Vote Closed!-

But, hey, at least it's still a longer list than Aigis!
Where to Look For Inspiration
You find yourself standing next to Chidori-san and Morgana. Chidori-san currently has her sketchbook open, and is doodling one of the Card Soldiers you passed while in the Labyrinth.

"You know, Chidori-san, you're really good at drawing," You find yourself saying.

"I... had a lot of practice," She says. "Before everything... it was all that I was able to do." You aren't entirely sure what she's referring to, and you aren't sure that you want to know. "And it's... relaxing."
As it turns out, if people don't know about Personas, it's very difficult to find a Persona User without a dark and troubled past.
"I dunno if there's anyone else who's tried drawing Shadows or Personas before," Morgana remarks. "I mean, I haven't really been looking for it, but..."

"If you want to see that sort of thing, you should probably look at artists from the Mikage-Cho area," You recommend. "Or maybe Sumaru City. We went to visit last summer, and there were a lot of Persona Users there. Enough that... people actually knew about them."

Morgana tilts his head to the side. "Really? But why...?"

"...I'm not sure. No one really writes about Personas or anything, they just... don't work to keep it a secret, either." At least, not as far as you can tell. "But apparently they like things that are written about Personas, so... I don't know."
Sure, it's a niche topic, but there's certainly a lot of room for exploration.
"That's strange," Chidori-san remarks. "You would think that those who search for inspiration would be better suited to this power."

"I mean, there's no easy way to figure out who might be able to use a Persona," Morgana points out. "Less you stalk them in the Dark Hour, anyway, and that could... that'd get weird."

"...Have you been stalking people in the Dark Hour?" It sounds more like the sort of thing Elizabeth would do, but it's probably better to be safe.

"Wha- of course not! What do you take me for!?" Given how quick you remember him once being to latch on to anyone who could potentially understand him, you think you can say that this is a clearly justified worry. "Weren't we talking about something else?"

"You're the one who took the subject that way..."

Chidori-san sets about to sketching something else, though you can't see what it is from the angle. "I wonder if the reason people don't search for inspiration in the Dark Hour is because no one will believe them. We're separate from regular people, and even other Persona Users... might not see the point behind such creations." Well, that's depressing...

[ ] Then why does she keep drawing them?

[ ] Is there anything else she likes to draw?

[ ] So, what do these two think about the whole sub-Persona thing?