You figure that, now that you have a second Persona, you should take the chance to familiarize yourself with how it works.
The first, biggest thing you pick up on is that, when a new set of Shadows appears, you temporarily gain a burst of strength, like when your friends use certain kinds of magic. You don't have to do anything to trigger it, and it usually goes away before the battle is over, but this is useful, and does a lot to make up for how you still don't have a reliable weapon.
Another thing that makes up for it is the Persona himself. With Rakshasa, it's easier to draw upon the powers of lightning, but only so far as it doesn't leave your fingertips. He's capable of slashing at your foes with blades coated in lightning, however, and that's a lot more fun than anything you can do yourself.
...Actually, you think that, when you do that, Akihiko-san tends to watch closely, so maybe he's going to try and copy you? If he weren't shockproof, you'd be vaguely worried by that, but as it is, he's far more qualified to experiment than you are.
You'll just have to hope he doesn't break anything important.
Another interesting thing is that, at one point, a lion Shadow appears and jumps at you, only for its claws not to do anything whatsoever. It's not quite is entertaining as that time a table tried to attack Shinjiro-san and exploded, but there is something to be said for how the look of pure confusion is universal.
Still... this is the third fight that has happened, and you're nowhere near to the end of this long hallway. Why is this hallway so long? You've never seen such long uninterrupted hallways in Tartarus, and Tartarus is all hallways!
You wouldn't say you're tired, really- somehow, leaning on Rakshasa has left you not depleting your energy at all, for some reason- but... it's boring. It was fun while you were testing out this new Persona, but now... now it's just a slog.
At the very least, it's taken longer for it to happen here than it did in Tartarus.
Eventually, you come to a stop in a room full of cardboard props that look like fruit, candy, and pastries.
"Now that's just not fair!" Junpei-san complains. "I start thinking about food, the Labyrinth gives it to me, and it's all pulp!?"
Even if we don't get hungry here, it's hard to blame him for being upset. Those look like some very juicy orange slices...
Morgana blinks at him. "Why would you eat something you found in a place full of Shadows? In a place like this, the risk of a stomachache is the least of your problems."
You recall that this has not stopped him from enjoying the food at the festival... but you suppose there weren't exactly any Shadows there, either.
Not unless you're using the broader definitions...
Rei produces some bits of chocolate and orange slices. You aren't sure where she gets them from, but they look like actual food. You aren't hungry, but that still doesn't stop you from being a bit jealous.
"It looks realistic, but it doesn't smell all that great..." Makoto-san comments.
Yukari-san glares at him. "Stop sniffing it!'
Suddenly, you find yourself missing the barren halls of Tartarus. It made more sense, and when you were there, so did your friends.
Still, everyone seems to be using this room full of fake food as their chance to relax. Chidori-san has naturally started drawing it- if the rest of the place is like this, she'll probably have a full gallery's worth of sketches by the time you get home!- while everyone else is just moving into their own conversations.
You end up deciding to join in on a conversation as well, out of boredom if nothing else. You end up tuning in to...
[ ] Junpei-san and Morgana wondering just where Rei gets all of her food from.
[ ] Yukari-san and Aigis-san trying to prevent Makoto-san from breathing in what may or may not be supernatural paint fumes.
[ ] Akihiko-san and Mitsuru-sanKen has a working sense of self-preservation.
[ ] Shinjiro-san and Zen appear to have come to a disagreement of some kind...
[ ] Fuuka-san is trying to show affection to Koromaru from a distance. It isn't going all that well.