Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.

an cultists simulator mlp crossover is a pretty fun idea. The only thing that could make this better is if they mixed in Fallen London Lore somehow.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
I don't really like playing villains but I came here for a cultist quest and all the other cultist quests aren't very villainous.

Also one thing no one has asked since the beginning unless I missed a post:

WHO IS the cult leader? We don't even know his name if I remember correctly. If any one remembers Terry Pratchett's(RIP) Guards Guards (RIP the Tv Show) the cult leader who summoned a dragon into the city was the secretary to the Patrician. So Throughout this quest I've been wondering if he works in Canterlot and thats how he came to figure out something was wrong with Celestia and Luna and also be in the correct position to take advantage.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
I don't really like playing villains but I came here for a cultist quest and all the other cultist quests aren't very villainous.

Also one thing no one has asked since the beginning unless I missed a post:

WHO IS the cult leader? We don't even know his name if I remember correctly. If any one remembers Terry Pratchett's(RIP) Guards Guards (RIP the Tv Show) the cult leader who summoned a dragon into the city was the secretary to the Patrician. So Throughout this quest I've been wondering if he works in Canterlot and thats how he came to figure out something was wrong with Celestia and Luna and also be in the correct position to take advantage.
we talked about it a bit in the beginning, but we never really reached a conclusion.

The best we can tell is that he's likely an OC, possibly someone who left his body behind to live in the mansus. It's certainly possible that he's not quite alive anymore, not in the conventional sense. He doesn't really seem to have a body.

From what little I remember the ones who leave their body behind to live in the Mansus are usually called Long. He might very well be one of them.

Maybe we'll learn more about him if we get him/her to trust us more. Maybe we won't.
Alright, so several things happened.

First of all, we got a... worryingly enormous amount of voters. Not at all nerve-wracking for a first-quester! Not. At. All!
But whatever may be, I hope we can all have fun.

Secondly, someone gilded the last threadmark! I'm not even SV-savvy enough to know how much that means, but thank you so much!!!

And now, to business.

Adhoc vote count started by BirdBodhisattva on Sep 28, 2020 at 4:23 PM, finished with 158 posts and 72 votes.

There will be at least 48 hours of voting, with an additional 24 extension planned unless there is a clear majority established.
Since I must impartially abide to what was stated, and since a clear majority has not been established,


starting now. Keep to your votes as you wish, but know that once the voting closes tomorrow, the result will be declared regardless of margin (even if it is a single vote of difference).
Ties will be decided by a roll of the dice.

However, Cautious Betrayal and Grim Neutrality both share several traits, foremost among them the fact that you will not defect from the cult. So I'll let you all know that parts of the next update will be prepared, so the continuation is up as soon as possible once voting is closed.
Next turn will also see some mechanical updates. Overwork Professional Neglect (and yes, there is a difference) will be introduced so you can bargain familial suspicion in exchange for more actions, and you now have a Two Aspect Ritual Circle at your (cult's) disposal, so you will also be introduced to a grimoire.
I will update the Informational subsection, since known rituals go there, so you can all start thinking about what you might want to do next. But this current voting will be all that will be focused on currently.

But for now, allow me to make my rounds on the last... several (nervous sweating) pages on the thread.
Hey people who are on Choice 3 and Choice 4, you guys are roughly in the same area as Choice 2. If you guys change votes we can beat Choice 1 as we are now neck and neck. Choice 3 and 4 have 19 people in total vs the other 3 choices that have 8.

So if all of the Pro-Cult team joins under one vote we can do this.
True, but well. Many switched simply to avoid a tie. I imagine the current front runners will see some desertion.
[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
Secondly, someone gilded the last threadmark! I'm not even SV-savvy enough to know how much that means, but thank you so much!!!
I'm not 100% sure how it works, but at the very least the post is shown in the homepage on the right, in a "Recent gilded posts" column.

You're basically getting some more free advertisement. That might explain at least some of the new voters actually.

That, and seeing the quest still being around, and the long wordcount, and some word of mouth...

This might very well be the fastest growing quest I've ever seen in terms of voting users actually (as long as we limit ourselves to first quests at least. Authors like PoptartProdigy and Rihaku might get more votes more quickly, but they also have quite the nice following by now).
ok my vote is:

[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.
[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.
Now, to address other, equally important things:

By the way, if you choose this one silky stream will retraoctively be changed to this one

in case you don't know, she's Cozy Glow, the worst Villain Equestria has ever faced. and She's a pegasus child/filly.

No, I'm not kidding. She nearly removed all magic from existence
"Go Go Sociopath Velvet" seems to be sufficiently low in the tally. I was going to wait until the voting was over to say this, but I don't believe there will be a tideturner if I say this right now.
And anyways, if there IS a tideturner that's just the will of the voters, no? (but really, if someone thinks that saying this right now is a bad practice please let me know, I'd rather not foster bad habits if being patient instead of talking should be the better option.)

If the "No Love" option was picked, I would call for a subvote, together with the following turn. The Turn Vote would be one plan, and this subvote would be another, for the following matter:
But is there really no love at all? Not even for...

Your husband:
[] Your marriage with him was a deal, you were coin on a political move and your daughter is but another shackle for whoever cares. He is yours, you can see it in his eyes, but as much as you keep appearances, you are not his.
[] You have spent enough time with him, you have a daughter with him. If you care about anypony, then surely it is about him.

Your daughter:
[] Heirs are needed for nobles, and you are a prim and proper noble, even if a lesser one. She has potential, you will groom her, and you even might say you enjoy her company, but deep down you see her the same way as your father sees you. She, like you were before, is an asset.
[] Blood of your blood and flesh of your flesh. She will outlast you, and if there is anything good in you then you hope that it was passed down to her. If nothing else in all of Equestria, at least she is precious to you.
[] Why, of course you do! And in fact, you can see it, in her demeanor and her habits, in her interests and manners... the fruit never falls down from the tree. (Silky Stream will be... like you are)

That said, I urge everyone to seek for Heart lore. Most principles quickly drift from common morality into uncomfortable places. Heart is the aspect most rooted in mortal society in a constructive way, and with Winter, Grail and Moth we need it dearly.
Well, Heart has the habit of drifting the practitioner from his or her own skin, so there's that. But in all else I can see your point.

Hey @BirdBodhisattva something I wanted to ask, but if we do choose the "subtle betrayal option", would we be pretending we didn't? Like how the loyalty option mentions us showing it in every small action, and us growing quicker as a result. Could we still act like that, still get that benefit? I ask because usually if you're planning to betray someone it's best to make them think you're loyal as possible all the way up till you finally strike, and we would want to be as strong as possible besides. It also seemed less of a mechanical benefit and more of a narrative reaction to a "loyal" pony, so if we acted the same would it still work?
Yes-yes, we shall be loyal-faithful. No better servant than we-we for the Master. He can trust us, and give us all the spoils-secrets, for we have no aspirations of our own.

God damned skavens made their way into this thread...

But jokes aside (sorry, I simply had to react to that) chocolate12 put it perfectly:
The point of the actual loyalty vote is a billion little things that communicate that we're extra devoted. If we aren't actually loyal then we probably aren't even going to think about them.

'The master gives you more neat things and favor' also seems pretty mechanical, in the sense that those neat things and favor are likely to increase our lore and add to our artifact pile. I don't think we should get the rewards without the downsides.

The only thing that could make this better is if they mixed in Fallen London Lore somehow.
I regret to inform you that I don't know the first thing about Fallen London. Well, that I don't know it as intimately as I'd like in order to write about it, at least. But aye for that, the lore from FL is also great.

Hey people who are on Choice 3 and Choice 4, you guys are roughly in the same area as Choice 2. If you guys change votes we can beat Choice 1 as we are now neck and neck. Choice 3 and 4 have 19 people in total vs the other 3 choices that have 8.

So if all of the Pro-Cult team joins under one vote we can do this.
(Laughs in political campaign)
Everything goes I guess. Conversation is the basis of everything.

And now let me address the...
Denial is cool as cool is cool guys!

I promise you can trust me. I am a friendly anthromorphic hyena who has your best interests at heart.

Specifically within my heart.

You'll have to get them yourself.

Its what's good for you.

Here's the knife.
I found the narrative implications of the Villain vote here fascinating. If everything we saw saw far was just a mask... then what is the real Velvet? What kind of person would she have to be, for her to lust after Luna's power, for her to ignore Luna's worth as a person, but simultaneously for her to have lived the life she has, making the choices she has, and made her manifest the cutie-mark she has? What sort of motivation would produce these at the same time?

Judging by the current vote, I don't think that vote is going to win, but nevertheless, nevertheless, I want to see it. So I decided to figure something out - and then write it.

And so, an omake - my take on an "origin story" that would explain Velvet's cutie-mark and her reaction to Luna, at least.
(I might write a followup, if there is interest. We'll see.)

Velvet Covers used to hate stories, back before she knew what they really were.

As a young filly, stories didn't make any sense. Sometimes, they'd say one thing; other times another, with little sense or reason. And then when Velvet repeated what she heard in stories, her parents would laugh and correct her. It was infuriating! How was she supposed to understand anything when it kept changing? When none of it lined up?

One day, she was so frustrated by her bedtime story that it brought her to tears. After a regimen of hugs and quietly whispered reassurances from her mother, Velvet calmed down enough to explain why she was crying - and her mother finally deigned to explain the nature of what she had been reading her filly every night. "Oh, sweetie. You don't need to try to make the stories line up. They aren't meant to be taken that seriously! They are just... stories. Make-believe. Fun to read and think about, and maybe with a lesson to teach, but they don't have to be true. Stories are filled with unbelievable wonders so you can enjoy them, not worry over them!"

Velvet was relieved, because she finally understood what was going on. Velvet was annoyed, because apparently a bunch of what she had been told was "make-believe", and now she needed to sort through her head and make sure she didn't mix it up with the other knowledge. Velvet was angry, because why didn't anypony tell her earlier if they were making things up for fun? And Velvet was scared, because she thought only "bad ponies" could tell lies, but apparently that was also a lie, since nopony seemed to have trouble telling stories.

…And Velvet was intrigued, because she had worked really hard on trying to keep everything straight so she wouldn't tell lies, but if "make-believe" was allowed, didn't that mean she didn't have to worry? After all, it didn't matter if stories were true.


It didn't mattered if stories were true, but it mattered if ponies thought they were true, Velvet soon learned. Her parents frequently scolded her for lying over the last few days, but only if she tried to pass of a story as real but they didn't believe her.

It was okay to listen to stories, apparently, even when they were clearly made up - but when you told stories, you needed to make sure they were believable.


It frusturated Velvet, how often her stories got seen through. Apparently telling believable stories was hard. Adults already knew a lot; it was easy to accidentally say something contradicting what they expected, and then the game was up! Worse, fillies weren't expected to know much either, so a lot of times her stories wouldn't be believed because they didn't make sense coming from her. A double bind; the only story that would work would be something that a filly would know, but adults wouldn't.

The best idea that Velvet could think of within these constraints was telling stories about herself - her thoughts, her feelings, that sort of stuff. Nobody could expect to know that better than her, right? So any story she told would be believable!

Conveniently, she was grounded until she "sincerely apologized" for her behavior as of late. She didn't much mind the grounding, but this would be a good way to test out how well these sort of identity stories worked out.


Identity stories made for good stories. Really good. You could make up whatever you wanted, as long as you didn't say something too unusual and stayed consistent. Even if someone doubted you, as long as you stuck to what you were saying, you could usually make your stories stick too.

Velvet was feeling good. For once in her admittedly-short filly life, Velvet got to exert direct control over the ponies around her, and it was surprisingly gratifying. Of course, the scope of what she could affect with her stories wasn't extensive - but so what? Velvet wasn't greedy. Being able to shape a corner of their minds was enough. And if it wasn't, well, all she'd needed to do was expand that corner. That couldn't be so hard, could it? Even if the only reliable tool she had was stories about who she was, making herself important enough to someone would do the trick.

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Velvet wondered sometimes... would someone who truly knew her consider her a virtuous person? It didn't really matter, since that hypothetical was absurd - but still, she sometimes wondered.

They had been going over the various virtues in school recently, which were supposed to be the marks of being good - honesty, loyalty, generosity, laughter, and kindness. And Velvet understood them, she really did. She even practiced most of them! But, well, the others talked about virtues as if the were something you were, not something you did.

Velvet knew how to act virtuous, and she did; it made life easier and more convenient, usually. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, as the saying goes. But to be virtuous seemed somehow different. What would that be like, really?

Such were the idle daydreams of Velvet, on those occasions when she mused upon virtue.

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Velvet tried writing fiction in class this week. It was the first time in a while that she had done such a thing; she'd long since abandoned telling stories about things she couldn't convincingly fake, and the practice left her feeling nostalgic.

In truth, despite the nostalgia, the task wasn't especially appealing. Velvet knew her own skill - or lack thereof, as the case may be. She wasn't a talented enough writer to truly influence ponies through text; and certainly not through something clearly labeled "fiction".

Whatever the initial spark for her picking up storytelling had been, Velvet decided that her path was set. Maybe in another life, Velvet might have had a passion for writing stories, or reading them. But in this life? She'd be more likely to convince a crowd that she'd written a best-selling book than to actually put ink to paper.


Velvet got her cutie-mark that evening - a blank book, being attended to by an audience of attentive butterflies.

Everyone seemed to misunderstand the metaphor. But that was okay. Velvet preferred it that way.
Actually, would folks mind offering a bit of feedback about this? Writing this was a challenge for me, and I'm not sure how well I pulled off what I was going for. If you read this, I would appreciate if you answered some questions.

Mainly, I'm wondering if I managed to portray Storyteller!Velvet's character/personality properly. There are certain traits that I had in mind when writing:
  • Velvet is not exactly neurotypical. She is a lot more intentional about how she reasons about the world and acts towards it than is normal. She also has an unusual sense of priorities; when she picks something to work on she tends to intensely focus on pursuing it, to an obsessive degree.
  • Velvet isn't empathetic. She doesn't feel for other ponies, at all. When considering courses of action, she doesn't intuitively get a sense for "how others would feel about it". Basically, she has no emotional response to other ponies being happy, or hurt, or in pain; those things entirely lack impact for her. She still considers the feelings of others intellectually, because that affects how they act; but inside her head it is more "push a button, get a response; if you want the right response, push the right button"; not "if I push this button, I'd make Mom sad, and I don't want her to be sad because that feels bad".
  • Velvet really likes exerting control over other ponies. It is an almost competitive feeling, the sort of satisfaction you might get after winning a game or surpassing a challenge - only multiplied tenfold. The type of control she ended up settling on as "her thing" was controlling what other ponies believe, and how they see the world. Basically, the idea that her choices got to shape ponies - that, if she had but desired it, the way the ponies around her view the world would have been noticeably different - that fills Velvet with a sort of savage glee. Normally, Velvet only indulges a little, content with shaping how others see her. A small slice of their inner world, but a slice nevertheless. Sometimes, when occasion allows, she goes further - but you don't see that in the post I wrote. The opportunity hasn't come up just yet. But, the idea of being able to claim more - well, it is certainly appealing.
So, the last point is something that I didn't have room to really expand on, but I hoped that the first two points came through enough to be noticeable. So my question is: did they? What sort of impression did my Velvet originally convey? And how well does it match the characteristics/motivations outlined above?

Other things I'd love comments on, if you are willing to provide them:
  1. Does the explanation of the cutie-mark make sense? Is it satisfying?
  2. Can you see this character having the reaction that we see in the "smile" Villain vote?
  3. Any other comments? Stuff you liked/disliked? Lines that worked/whiffed?
Anyways, major thanks to anyone who offers their input, good or bad. I massively appreciate it.

I love it. No other way to say it.
I personally don't think I am well educated enough to comment on certain aspects, but I think you nailed it when it came to the first two points, I think those two were clear from just. The third one not so much, but it obviously was a developed trait as filly Velvet grew up.

And personally, I took it as being Velvet's background if one day she realized she is a "blank slate". I won't get into the nomenclature of "sociopath" or what exactly that would entail, since I'm not a trained professional and I (personally) don't like taking educated guesses about said topic. But I simply adored how she "evolved" with each following paragraph, with some small timeskips visible in subtexts, to the point where "her first real lie about herself" was of how "honestly" she was apologizing.
I figure, as well, that said way of thinking and instantly reacting became second nature as time went by.

And that marries perfectly with how we see current Velvet. She cannot feel love, but she can make others feel loved. She raises her daughter with care, she comforts those in need (not just in Soft Sweep's case, but as a norm since we see how caring she is), she knows what sort of actions will be "do this, receive that result" and is smart enough to apply it on the complex web that is social interaction.
She make others believe that she loves them, but deep down she does not.

She would have been a fascinating Winter focus, as she slowly became more hollow as her knowledge deepened.

Also, thank you for the wonderful omake, and congratulation on starting a new threadmark subsect!

"Citizen, you are being threadmarked. Please do not resist."
So just a thought, as we are at some point going to lose some markable amounts of our humanity(I actually have no idea what the pony word would be here) we should maybe set aside some time to write out who we are and what we strive for and why, both to allow us better keep track of personality drift and because at some point our family probably needs to know and I don't really trust a heavily moth or winter aspected character to actually tell them this.

Its going to break Silky Streams heart either way but at least she know we did it because we loved her and not because we forgot her.
The Burned-down Library
"How is it, truly, that Histories work? How do they interact among themselves? How do they tangle, entwine and separate?

And most importantly, how can that single, brilliant line of gold that is the Future be woven from such a coiled mess, from such a labyrinthic web?

The answer, perhaps, is that there is no single Future at all, much like how there will never be a single Past.

Herein through these pages we will attempt to gaze upon the horizon of the Histories. Herein I shall record the instructions so that you might see those many other paths. Or at least attempt to.

But fool yourself not about their nature, for they are not paths that "were not taken", they were not "discarded" and they most certainly were not "destroyed" as some are tempted to believe.

No. If you look closely enough (or, perhaps, from sufficiently far away) you will realize that the SECRET HISTORIES form a tapestry.

And these visions you are about to have, these glimpses that will follow, are merely sights of those Histories that form the core of said tapestry, those that had others woven over itself, who have not been selected by the powers that be to be seen on its surface, and to be a visible part of the grand design woven on its surface.

But ask yourself this, if not for these countless other paths and strands of fate forming its deeper layers, if not for their unseen (but not unfelt) presence, would the tapestry that is the world not be so thin that it could be easily ripped?"

-Gazing at the World through a Keyhole, by T. G. Baldomare

[Side-stories, omakes and outright theorycrafts will follow, haphazardly and out of order. Here you will see anything that has been made with love and dedication, and that someone, somewhere, deemed precious enough to commit into eternity.]

[CANON stories will have their titles starting with "What of..."]

[NON-CANON stories will have their titles starting with "In which..."]

Some might say that it is an august club, whose members have all tasted of the particular delight that is to keep a secret. Others might say it is a group of misguided individuals who are being deceived by a Thief-God.
Regardless of what one might think, herein are those who have joined into the company of the Beachcomber.

Three things are required to be counted among them:

1: One must be the FIRST to produce an Omake suggesting an idea or theory. (Specifically an Omake. Those who "come up" with said theory via regular comments unfortunately do not count.)
2: Said theory must NOT be a confirmed In-Character knowledge for Velvet Covers. However, it must be true for the story as a whole. (The Omake must be based on said theory, but there cannot be any glaring or absolute evidence that it is confirmable.)
3: Upon receiving the Beachcomber's visit, one must ACCEPT his offer to mark said Omake as non-canon, even though the Beachcomber will confirm it is canon. (Details will be hashed out in private messages. But the options will be to tag the Omake as canon in order to confirm said theory to readers at large, or to tag it as non-canon for maximum Beach-Crow brownie points.)

Omake: In which Kindness Comforts an Edge

(Official art, by "Adrian Smith")
Omake: "Through Private Audience" (he has become privy of a great secret, in September 21, 2021)

Most important, however, is to remember not to take this seriously!

And under the soot and ash, you find an address card directing you to another Library. One that, hopefully, will not be burned down.
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So just a thought, as we are at some point going to lose some markable amounts of our humanity(I actually have no idea what the pony word would be here) we should maybe set aside some time to write out who we are and what we strive for and why, both to allow us better keep track of personality drift and because at some point our family probably needs to know and I don't really trust a heavily moth or winter aspected character to actually tell them this.

Its going to break Silky Streams heart either way but at least she know we did it because we loved her and not because we forgot her.
Insightful... and potentially very, very sad.

And @PrimalShadow, please present your story title. The one I put is merely a suggestion. Just start it with "In which" to keep to the theme, it being another History.
[X] You shake your head in denial. This, just now, was wrong: There are better ways to do this. YOU know better ways to do it. But it is undeniable that you do know no a lot, about almost everything else. Your cult has an established structure and is growing, and you have a position of power within in, but after tonight, you do not intent to stay forever.
[] Why, of course you do! And in fact, you can see it, in her demeanor and her habits, in her interests and manners... the fruit never falls down from the tree. (Silky Stream will be... like you are)
I knew it! Cozy Glow 2.0!

but yeah, maybe it would have been better if you waited until the end of the vote.

Alternatively you could have made a threadmark and said that you were restarting the vote with only the two leading options as possible choices, so that you could start writing the shared parts of the update knowing for sure it's not wasted work.

So just a thought, as we are at some point going to lose some markable amounts of our humanity(I actually have no idea what the pony word would be here) we should maybe set aside some time to write out who we are and what we strive for and why, both to allow us better keep track of personality drift and because at some point our family probably needs to know and I don't really trust a heavily moth or winter aspected character to actually tell them this.

Its going to break Silky Streams heart either way but at least she know we did it because we loved her and not because we forgot her.
Personally I'm hoping that raising the lores more or less evenly will allow us to balance them against each other.

It would really work with the whole HARMONY concept, don't you think?
Hey people who are on Choice 3 and Choice 4, you guys are roughly in the same area as Choice 2. If you guys change votes we can beat Choice 1 as we are now neck and neck. Choice 3 and 4 have 19 people in total vs the other 3 choices that have 8.

So if all of the Pro-Cult team joins under one vote we can do this.
Then I guess I switch my vote, sadly, from
[X] You realize that you had a smile on your face: Princess Luna is weak, but she still bears immense power. She is like a spoiled child, unaware of what she could do if she had the will to, so perhaps the term "Princess" really is fitting, after all. You will take her power, or you will take her, and then you will take what comes next. Everything between here and there will become means to those ends.

[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
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[X] You nod, a grim understanding coming to you: Equestria is in danger, and something must be done about it. You have not reached the point where you think a line has been crossed, not when considering what you have just seen. But you will keep that line close to your heart, for you know that you will lose something the day you cross it, and it is not something you wish to lose if you can avoid.
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Personally I'm hoping that raising the lores more or less evenly will allow us to balance them against each other.

It would really work with the whole HARMONY concept, don't you think?
It will probably help a bit, but Lore still changes people on a fundamental level, better write some down to be safe, and to have a reminder about why we started all this.
It will probably help a bit, but Lore still changes people on a fundamental level, better write some down to be safe, and to have a reminder about why we started all this.
kinda by definition if we change enough we just won't care about our previous writing. We'll simply think of them as something the old, soft Velvet thought when she still didn't truly understand the world.

Also it's risky. What if a maid or our family finds the journal?

Other than that, do remember that this isn't only a cultist simulator quest, but a mlp one too. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way to access the lores without being consumed by them, and thematically speaking the idea of raising them in harmony makes a lot of sense